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happy valentine's day fellas, unless it's not, because UTC is funny
Call me Taylor Swift the way I've got a long list of ex-louvers
3 hours later…
CMC Draw an ASCII art heart for valentine's day
1 hour later…
11 bytes
Calling that shape a heart is a bit of a stretch but I'll accept it
Looks more like a face
i tried thhe heart emoji but it renndered it as â¥
because god forbid tools are unicode-aware in $currentyear
1 hour later…
@Themoonisacheese \<3 saves a byte, no?
@mousetail wdym looks like a real human heart to me
Let me define what a heart should look like, a square with two circles on adjacent edges
@Neil yeah, wasn't serious to begin with
Why must llama be so bad at doing ascii art hearts?
@lyxal because the tokenisation of ascii art is horrendous?
I wonder if any fonts have <3 as a ligature
1 hour later…
Q: Can you beat numpy convolve?

SimdThe task is to compute the convolution of an array with itself as quickly as possible. The array will contain 80-bit extended precision long doubles and I will specify how the array is to be created. In order to get a good range, the values will be sampled on a log scale and then scaled back up ...

@Redz and to you!
realted to a convo in #Vyxal but i though y'all would enjoy this too paulbutler.org/2025/smuggling-arbitrary-data-through-an-emoji
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i think this is genuinely useful for when you want to add arbitrary data to a format that doesn't let you (discord messages, usernames, user bios). it's not exactly useful for humans, but it's great for machines
I'm guessing it's not very dense, so if there is a character limit you'll not be able to store much (depending on how characters are counted)
I remember like a decade ago someone crashed twitter by fitting an extreme number of emojis in a tweet, but I don't think many sites are vulnerable like that anymore
@mousetail it transforms u8 into u32, so it's 4 times less dense than the data
actually maybe not
446-char long text gets encoded to 1784 bytes, so yeah it's exactly *4
A bio page typically allows around 1000
still quite useful for, say, storing userscript preferences in a way that syncs across clients
there's a betterdiscord plugin that uses something like this to emulate the nitro feature that allows you to pick your profile background color
i don't know how it stores it but i know it stores it in your bio, and it reads the bio of others to figure out how to color their profile
(it also depends on how the platform counts what counts as a single, or multiple characters but let's not go there)
5 hours later…
is there a challenge for just determining if a bytestring is valid utf-8 or not?
1 hour later…

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