Oh no, I just broke a really cool magnet I found D:
I figured out it stuck to the metal supports on corners of my walls, so I threw it at a corner but aparently it didn't have a support on it so the magnet fell to the ground and shattered
And it was one of those really powerful neodymium ones
@BrowncatPrograms We all go through this once in our lifetime
I remember my first good magnet. Found it on the floor at my school. I had some good times with it, but alas, all good things must come to an end
I suppose everyone has their price, because I lent the magnet to a friend and they, corrupted by the power they now wielded, decided to betray me in the most humiliating way possible and never give it back to me
of course this isn't one of those "changes that doesn't really affect other sites but CGCC" it's "a feature that literally is probably worse than useless everywhere else" lol
axtell had a really nice interface but unfortunately it is completely dead and also i think still had way too many bugs when it was archived/stopped development
I'm a lot less against (but still very much against) Japt's flags, and other similar languages, but Vyxal's the only language other than MGS I know which has flags (or, in MGS's case, parts of the language name, but those are basically flags) specifically for the purpose of being edgy/cheaty
They're about like Vyxal's, but my opinions on Japt's flags are slightly less negative since its creator didn't do it purely for the sake of doing something borderline cheaty