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Ah, Clojure can't directly do (#%1 2 3 4) apparently
(#(identity %1) 2 3 4) is a little too clunky
also, MalbolgeLisp has a brace syntax, where i.e. if [w = 0] <=> if (= w 0)
[x f y z..] <=> (f x y z..), basically
[] or the "funny brackets", are used to make lispers seethe.
Did you know SVG (the image format) once had a proposal to add socket networking? w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20040510/#rawsocket
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm just surprised there's an answer with over 1000 score that doesn't involve implementing something in Game of Life
@KamilaSzewczyk Nice, like Racket?
Wait, so it's if cond and not (if cond)?
@DLosc It's kinda the opposite, though, it's really, really trivial and it doesn't even bother golfing it a bit
... Which is why I'm surprised.
@pxeger Why, no, I did not, I shall do my best to forget this now :P
I just fixed a bug in Pip that has been in the interpreter since the very first commit in 2015 and never got noticed until this weekend. 0_0
This is one of my favorite answers on the site :p
It's not super impressive and probably invalid, but it's the exact sort of trick that I love :p
I don't care if its valid or not, it's pretty awesome. — Browncat Programs May 5 '19 at 2:01
Evidently ;)
I mean if that answer were valid it'd ruin the challenge (not that there's much to ruin), but it's such a fun solution :p
@DLosc I really dislike that answer
Maybe if it was original, I could overlook the lack of golfing, but it's a rip off of another answer that was actually golfed
I don't dislike it per se, but I don't think it deserves more than, oh, 20 upvotes. :P
Oh no, I just broke a really cool magnet I found D:
I figured out it stuck to the metal supports on corners of my walls, so I threw it at a corner but aparently it didn't have a support on it so the magnet fell to the ground and shattered
And it was one of those really powerful neodymium ones
@DLosc This was posted 2 hours before it, and doesn't even have 100 votes against that one's 1300
That's what annoys me the most about it
@BrowncatPrograms We all go through this once in our lifetime
I remember my first good magnet. Found it on the floor at my school. I had some good times with it, but alas, all good things must come to an end
I suppose everyone has their price, because I lent the magnet to a friend and they, corrupted by the power they now wielded, decided to betray me in the most humiliating way possible and never give it back to me
The magnets we used for security tags at work were so strong that once we attached them, and I spent the next 3 hours trying to separate them :P
Wait, why did you need such strong magnets?
Don't they mess up pacemakers lol
Idk, but I don't think they were that strong :P
That said, I don't know how strong a magnet has to be to mess with a pacemaker
I'd imagine they'd be designed to resist interference
@cairdcoinheringaahing There goes my new plan to get revenge on my friend in like 60 years
My great-uncle has a pacemaker and apparently can't use electric cars because of it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing My grandpa has one, time to send him a "magnetic pocket good luck charm" >;)
@Mithical Huh, the field's that strong?
@user (/s he doesn't have a pacemaker, please don't report me)
if answers could have a score attribute like
so many things about our site could be solved
of course this isn't one of those "changes that doesn't really affect other sites but CGCC" it's "a feature that literally is probably worse than useless everywhere else" lol
Clearly we just need to be able to fork SE code, have a challenge about adding features to our "new site", then just PR it :P
<insert plug for CD here>
axtell had a really nice interface but unfortunately it is completely dead and also i think still had way too many bugs when it was archived/stopped development
Apparently, it wasn't too bad bug-wise, but neither Mego nor Downgoat had the motivation to work on anything
I do remember them having big issues with logging in/user accounts tho
Not sure if they ever resolved that
2 hours later…
Gotta love incorrect information being edited into a perfectly fine answer by someone, getting OP lots of downvotes while they're asleep
Oh it just got fixed by OP lol
Wow, that's an awful edit
It must've been my comment that alerted them it'd happened
I'm glad I noticed something was off :p
Also I hate my apostrophe key so much
I;ve always just used ;
I'll either hit enter by accident, or overcompensate and hit ;
i'll sometimes just move my finger over until it's on the enter key and then move it left until it's crossed the gap and push down lol
this wouldn't be a problem if my finger positioning made any sense but uh
i press the apostrophe with my right index finger for some reason...
okay no sometimes i use my right index for enter i don
;t get to criticize you
I just use my index and middle fingers for typing
actually no it's my right middle finger because usually it's for shift-enter
so i hit right shift with my index and enter with my right middle
I can get 80-90 wpm with just my index and middle fingers, it seems
learning vyxal :p
(Vyxal's fine just don't use flags :p)
@Niko very good
Use as many flags as you like
@lyxal You're encouraging cheating, you know
@Niko Redwolf's just that one grumpy old guy who always complains :p
@Niko Good. The catgirl invasion of Vyxal begins
@lyxal No, you're just the sketchy guy behind the school selling questionable golfs :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...
You realise that's already happened right?
I'm a lot less against (but still very much against) Japt's flags, and other similar languages, but Vyxal's the only language other than MGS I know which has flags (or, in MGS's case, parts of the language name, but those are basically flags) specifically for the purpose of being edgy/cheaty
And unrelated string
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
@BrowncatPrograms I only got the idea for flags from japt
So if you're against vyxal you should be equally as much against japt
I do need to update my flags.md though, because I thought of a third class of flags
Ones that make the language sufficiently different that it actually should be considered a different language for scoring purposes
Not just ones that make some trivial modification
2 days ago, by Browncat Programs
They're about like Vyxal's, but my opinions on Japt's flags are slightly less negative since its creator didn't do it purely for the sake of doing something borderline cheaty
@lyxal Not saying anything about flags themselves, just that that's an awful comparison
Just because you got the idea of flags from Japt doesn't mean you did it for the same reason
And what reason did japt do it for then?
I can't use "I got the idea from someone who killed their neighbor in self defense" as a legal justification for murdering my neighbor :p
@lyxal Purely a byte save
And it wasn't as opposed at the time
@BrowncatPrograms so I can't use flags for the same reason?
If you did then I'd dislike Vyxal's flags to an equal degree as Japt's
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