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anyone use MSE (Math Stack Exchange)
Barely, how so?
I don;t know how I didn't realise until today that Pronoun Helper isn't only on chat :/
I have got ~50 upvotes in the last 24 hours.
aw but i'd have to change this ancient description to add pronouns
it's fun to remark on in a weird way
@Ausername CnRs are a good way to do that :P
Yes, plus I had 4 answers between the two, and a couple on unrelated challenges
You got a lot too
Everything has been cracked tho
Yeah, I've recapped today and yesterday :P
+50 because I only made one cop and it had an unintentional solution gang :p
@RedwolfPrograms That was clever, I still don't really understand valueOf hacks.
Might make another cop which exploits obscure JS things
I have no idea how this got 6 upvotes - I literally just lied about what Ø⁷ is :P
Ooh one just apperad
A: It almost works (Cops' Thread)

StardustGogetaPython 3, 116 bytes, Simple cat program while 1: i=input() if 3876611989858167414701597475194846397461811789513398171860991999959%ord((i+'e')[0]):print(i) Try it Online! It's not the prettiest or the shortest, but I'm hoping it at least takes you all a second to figure it out.

Tree sitter?
It's kinda bordering on the hash tring
this feels like it fits under the "don't use crypto/hash functions" loophole
Oh well
there are only 128 possiblilites
They are a new user tho, I doubt they know about that
wait nah this is trivial
@Ausername no, ord can go up to what ever the max unicode codepoint is
the answer is ) though because this number is divisible by 41
You cracked
Cooooooool, I just found something
OP deleted it. And undeleted it with a new number
Cracked lol
I just found something really really cool, time to make a cop based on it
Searches obscure JS features
@Ausername Oh you mean every JS feature
If you want to be evil, pick php
If SQL were a food, it would be socks with sandwiches.
Sock sandwiches
I recognise 䅫, but I don't know why...
in Jelly, May 17 '16 at 14:52, by Dennis
I'm planning to change the code page though. I want 0x00 to be '0'.
I'm so glad this never happened :P
Ascii alignment is a good thing.
@N3buchadnezzar Community management is an industry and certain platforms stand out within the industry as interesting places for community. It makes complete sense that someone in the industry - particularly someone at platforms like reddit and Wikipedia - would be intrigued by the SE format, even if it was an academic/professional interest. It is possible to be interested in a system without participating in it.
Who knows (I don't) he could have had a different account prior to being hired that he just didn't want to use as his professional account - not all CMs are like JNat and I... some people want to start from scratch. :)
Thanks for the clearification!
@Catija Phillipe could be any one of us :P
I am looking forward to the development of SE, and adding more people to serve the community is always a good idea
I'm waiting for a CM who has more than 200 rep on this site to be hired :P
If you want my take on it... I think Philippe is an excellent person for the role. I interviewed him when he was applying for the CM role and I ... well, I literally asked him why, as someone with so much history of leading community departments, he wanted to just be a CM rather than looking for a job (anywhere) in management.
Ooh, interesting question
Especially given that he's just been promoted to management
He has a background in government and systems and seems to really want to learn. One of the reasons he became a CM is to better understand the platform and the people using it. He's really wanted to learn more about how it works and how the community and the company interact and everything he's said as a VP so far has been really hopeful.
He "gets it", if you will. He knows that the community is the heart of what SE is and that the platform is great but the community contributions are what make people come here. It's the same thing at reddit and Wiki - so of course it's obvious to him. He i
Glad to hear. Looking forward to his answer tommorow =)
Sounds like he'll be a valuable person to have on the team :)
@N3buchadnezzar He's writing a question - an open question with two parts to help him understand what community members think about SE. I think it'll either be magical or ... well, he'll get drowned but I think he's a good swimmer. ;)
@Catija Do you know if there's an easy way to find all the staff users (or more specifically, users with the Staff indicator)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's in the API? There's someone who used to hang out in the Tavern who would always know when we added new staff because they were able to query which accounts had the staff indicator and would get a notification when new accounts got it. That said, I have no clue how they did it or even if it's still possible to do so.
@Catija Guess I'll have to do it by hand then :/ Thanks tho
Is there something specific you're looking for? We generally try to keep the staff accounts somewhat private as the bulk of them are not active publicly.
We used to have a page of who works here but when the layoffs in 2017 happened, it became a way for people to see who was laid off - it was a privacy issue, essentially.
@Catija Not really. I have a list of staff who I know and recognise, and I've started noticing a few "new" faces (people I missed more than actual new hires) around meta
Just thought I'd try to refamiliarise myself with the team :)
Ah. Yeah, everyone's got to have an SE account, so you might end up with a bit of noise. If it's helpful, we do track all of the people on the Community Team and the Public Platform team on MSE but not so much other teams like the arch team or Reach and Relevance.
@Catija I still maintain that y'all should have one CM per site :P
I see no problems with this whatsoever :P
Ha. That's... probably overkill, even by my estimation.
I think 10% is fine. :P
And probably more than we'll get.
Posted another JS cop
Hopefully this one doesn't have some weird trivial workaround
The nice thing about being the OP is you get notifications when anyone posts. Can be annoying tho
So you're base256ing it, then evaluating with careful scope...
I think I know, but it's not what you intended
Oh wait no
I just realised I have 10k networkwide now
You can see chat flags now, and your lightsaber will arrive soon
4-6 weeks?
6-8, actually
Having imaginary internet points is still fun tho
Is this some Symbol.iterator hack?
@RedwolfPrograms I hear when you hit 100k network wide, they send you your own personal Death Star
yeah it has to be
[...b] is redundant otherwise
Y'all are overcommitting us to stuff. I don't even have a personal Death Star.
... or a lightsaber for that matter.
Maybe it's at 1M
Cups, shirts and stickers, though... I'm up to my ears in those.
We can go ask Jon Skeet
@Catija You should sort that out, you definitely deserve one :P
Jon just got to be on the podcast.
Has Gordon Linoff got on it yet?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Considering I don't have a burning desire to explode entire planets, I think I'm OK with out.
People will be a lot less tempted to be rude in chat when there's a few dozen death stars in geostationary orbit over them :p
@Catija The logos on the merch are just Se and SO right? You guys no longer do site-specific merch?
@Catija You don't have it to use it, you have it to have it :P
@Ausername There's now four 1m users on SO, I think only Jon has gotten any special treatment.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Essentially, yeah. I think there may still be some stickers back at HQ in a drawer but we haven't printed anything new that's site specific in... at least three or four years.
@Catija Not quite...
... Someone needs four upvotes.
@Catija :(
@Ausername Time to commit voter fraud :P
Not that I want to give false hope but... who knows what will happen when we the sale to Prosus goes through. And maybe our new VP will argue that sites deserve their own branding and swag. We'll have to see what the next 6-8 months hold. ;)
@Ausername Unfortunately, he's already capped today
@Catija IIRC there are still mods waiting on swag from the last giveaway, so even if we do get site-specific swag, I'm expecting a long delay :P
Shame. I want a Code Golf t-shirt.
I'd pay for CGCC branded merch tbh :P
There should be privileges at 1k, 10k, etc. that let you purchase site-specific swag
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's just another couple of hours
Maybe not a t-shirt, our shade of green isn't really my style. I'd have bought the hell out of a mask if SE sold them at the start of the pandemic
> I got to 1 million rep and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
@cairdcoinheringaahing o/ :P
I'd totally pay a bunch of money for a CGCC t-shirt or something
@cairdcoinheringaahing We've talked about it... my understanding is that companies that do have swag shops (like reddit) generally the shop is a neutral cost... so it isn't a source of income... that said, if we can break even and people are happier, maybe it's still worth it. :P
T-shirts are hard because they have to be sized. Stuff that's not sized is often simpler, like socks or coffee cups or even just stickers.
ooh, I'd definitely buy a CGCC coffee mug
The other thing that is a problem is that the company we have for swag is... well... they're not optimized for doing a shop like that, so we're sort of screwed. The costs with this company (as someone who doesn't know what the costs should be) seem really, really high.
We'd probably need to find a company specialized in running swag shops for sites - likely whoever does the swag for GH.
Ahhh, I understand.
@N3buchadnezzar We have a contract with a swag company but the company is more focused on bulk corporate swag like for conferences rather than on sending out swag from shop orders... so we can easily get 40 mugs but not 1.
@Catija The acquisition might help with that - Prosus can probably put you guys in touch with swag companies their other sites have used
@Catija I'd buy 40 CGCC coffee mugs tbh :P
I mean... I could handle 40 mugs. I drink a lot of coffee
@cairdcoinheringaahing Probably, but we still have the contract and my understanding is that it prevents us from using anyone else in the interim. And I have no clue when the contract is up for renewal. I think we've only had them for about two years.
I'd buy a whole crate of CGCC t-shirts or mugs or stickers lol
Actually a whole crate of any kind of shirts would be cool, you'd never have to do laundry
I'd love to sell swag... if only because it means we can also give out discount codes to give it away free (or at shipping costs)... surprisingly, shipping is frequently more expensive than anything else in the container.
I mainly drink iced coffee tbh, so one of those carry-able coffee mug things would probably be a better choice (if I had one) :P
Tom Scott did buy a crate of red t-shirts
@N3buchadnezzar Why? I'm pretty sure that's part of his skin at this point :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't recall all the details. I think he said he was tired of picking clothes and he liked red. So he got a crate at a discount so he would never run out.
@Catija Discount codes being a "privilege" would be cool. Like every 10k you get (to a limit), you get an additional 10% off :P
I think there shouldn't be a limit; why shouldn't we reward 110k rep users by paying them to buy swag? :p
:D Yeah. Or even just a way to say "hey, you did a great thing, thanks for that, here, have a free shirt"
Like the youtube gold and silver buttons
@Catija Tying that to some of the harder to get badges would be cool :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Heh. I feel like we'd more likely say "at n x rep, you get $n to spend in the shop".
@Catija Ooh, I can drop 40k at the shop? I'd definitely do that tbh :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ooh, some gold badges are stickers.
@Catija A 1 to 1 ratio would wreck the company I think :P
Sounds a bit like my joke suggestion to pay users for getting rep :p
:/ har har har. Shows me to not be lazy and use the same variable around y'all.
@Catija I'm (stupidly) proud of getting Socratic and Copy Editor, having a sticker or something to indicate that I got those would be awesome :D
Socratic should 100% be an IRL reward, yeah
Do anyone know how big of a percentage of users reach 10k site wide?
A soapbox sticker
@RedwolfPrograms SE sends a guy dressed as Socrates to your house to congratulate you? :P
@N3buchadnezzar 3% here
(I have a dashboard)
@Catija On SO?
A socratic badge earns you a poisoned wine mug
Huh, my rough calculation was around 0.22%
Based off of the number of pages in the users list :p
I know that SE tracks participation numbers, it could be cool for at Christmas time, they reward the top few users for that year, based on participation, with a few stickers or something small
@Ausername ... amusingly, yes. but that first 3% was for CGCC
Or, slightly more possible, hats during Winder Bash :D
Like IRL hats?
We should get IRL hats for winter bash
I never understood the hats to be honest
The hats looked fun'
Having a hat for "User with the most participation each day" would be cool
Not sure if it could be gamified too much tho
Hmmmm... actually, looking at my chart it seems that that's 3% of people who have at least 150 rep? So... 3% is high.
That'd be hyper all the time tho
Does downvoting caird's questions count as activity? :p
These charts are super confusing sometimes.
Or a welcome back hat, not on site for last 2 months
@Catija Definitely seems off, since there's 2247 pages in the users list and only about 5 with 10k users on them
I'm not getting out SEDE. I'm supposed to be making or finding dinner but I'm in here instead. :P
Let us make the hyper hat
@Catija Psssst. Order some take away
We have 160 10k+ users, and 82,106 users with 1 or more rep
You should be able to query it in SEDE, though.
It should be publicly available info.
The leagues list exact numbers
I get 0.1937% or so with SEDE
And that's inaccurate
Oh, it's because we have a new 10k+ user in the last week
Not sure who specifically, but SEDE gave me 159
@Catija I personally suggest a good curry :P
And I'm aiming for 10k this week
@cairdcoinheringaahing ... do you think we have good curry in Texas?
Don;t know, never been :P
I've heard HEB has some that's good, but not sure how accurate that is
I think every food in Texas is super hot at this time of the year
Everything in Texas is super hot at this time of the year
The answer is "no". Anyway, we don't have curry shops like in the UK.... you're over there, right? Or... I don't actually know.
@Catija Yeah, I'm in the UK :P And I don't mean curry shops, those do not have good curry :P
I mean like an Indian takeout place
We have a saying in Norway: "Thats totally texas", Meaning that is really wild / bonkers / crazy.
That's a totally texas saying :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing OMG. When I lived over there, there was a really nice place - we didn't take it out we ate it there but it was really good. They even had little heaters they put on the table under the bowls to keep them warm while you ate.
@Catija That sounds great :D Good Indian places are really good :P
I don't remember what it was called, though. It was either in or near Bury St.Edmunds
@cairdcoinheringaahing Agreed
Indian take out is the best take out, fight me
@cairdcoinheringaahing \o/ ok i'm mildly surprised tho tbh
@hyper-neutrino It's last 60 days, so meta will still be including all the status edits :P
@N3buchadnezzar Which meaning of "take out" is that?
All of them :P
Apr 27 at 12:59, by Redwolf Programs
Redwolf: What does 'take out' mean?
Lyxal: Food.
Razetime: Dating
caird: Murder
Just don't combine them, it really ruins the mood :P
i won't judge if you're into that though
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah, well that explains
Wow I'm actually unintentionally running out of votes! Luckily UTC tommorow's soon...
but main too?
@hyper-neutrino Shame it doesn't count flags :P
Oh wow, didn't even notice I'm only 15 edits away from #2 top editor
This needs editing if you want to make it 14
I'll let the OP edit :P
Fun fact: JS has at least 4 ways to eval a string (that I can think of off the top of my head)
Quite a few more if you include the DOM, of course :p
Does your thing break iteration protocols somehow?
No spoilers
It has to
Because [...b] is kinda redundant otherwise
Wow. hyper has 306 meta edits, but has only edited 70 posts
uh what
Tag edits don't count as "Posts edited"
@RedwolfPrograms and this is without manually parsing the string or passing it to an external api?
Multiple edits of the same post.
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol tf
@lyxal Correct
@Catija No, I think it's because of the status tag editing me and hyper did a month ago
yeah status tagging brought me from irrelevant to #1 in like 3 days lmao
Writing a JS parser in JS is a very scary thought
Posts edited on your profile is the same number tracked for Copy Editor/Strunk & White, and tag edits don't count towards that. For some reason, the Editor tag does track them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@RedwolfPrograms If you want a nightmare, think about writing it in Coffeescript
Tag wikis do count however :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why not?
Writing a JS parser in JS is a very scary thought
@user So that you can't get Strunk & White by editing tags
Writing a JS parser in JS is a very scary thought
Dammit Markdown
Writing is scary
Writing a JS parser in JS is a very scary thought
Laughs in Factor

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