A lot of my commands are heavily overloaded, so there aren't even any functions that work on numbers but aren't overloaded to do something with arrays.
(anyone know what is the technique in https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/204896/69850 (prime checker with C preprocessor)?)
On an unrelated note, is there anything I can do to get this answer undeleted? It's pretty interesting (see, I can't find the technique explained anywhere else)
(this chat room is surprisingly active lately, isn't it?)
One more problem is that they didn't prove that it can take input, or it doesn't have any kind of nondeterminism (both of which are requirements in the challenge)
I mean, it's used in C++ compilation, therefore if the whole build is deterministic then the preprocessing step must be deterministic too
For taking input: Most other submissions are a lambda. For this program appending (()()()...()()()) to the program would probably count as input too (take both the program and the input on stdin?)
The goal is to return a boolean after checking if two numbers are equal.
Let's give some samples :
If I give 10 and 2 then it will return True as 10 in binary is 2 in base 10.
The most would be to give the base used.
Input :
(10, 2)
Output :
Optionnal :
(2, 10)
Input :
(64, 400)
Output :
zipwith is a functional construct that takes three arguments: one binary function and two lists of the same length, and returns a single list where each element is constructed by applying the binary function to each pair of elements from the two lists:
zipwith (a+b) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]
This challenge was originally the "Among Us" challenge in the "Misc" category of YASCON CTF 2020. (The link includes an answer to that challenge. Click at your own risk.)
You're given a lot of files, only 1 of which is different from every other files. Your job is to find that 1 diff...
Input: 10 random, unique, integer coordinates between (0,0) and (100,100) given in a random order.
Output: The coordinates arranged in the order/an order such that a line drawn between the coordinates in that order is the shortest line possible.
This is code golf so the shortest code wins!
There is a company that has a stock price of $100,000. Each bot starts with $500.
Each round, your bot will be updated on the stock price. your bot will then output a whole number. If the number is positive, that number corresponds to how much money worth of stocks your bot is buying. If is it ne...
@Lyxal I really only use Java because I have to (I'm trying to get the people I work with to switch Scala or at least Kotlin), but I think I have Stockholm Syndrome by now.
@user mainly C and Python at work, Python, JS, APL, some Dockerfile (because I like to use cloud environment to code anything for hobby), and practicing Factor and Rust right now
I actually think I'll keep the name Ash, the other language isn't exactly well known (three watchers on GitHub), it's entirely unrelated to mine, and it doesn't appear to be under very heavy development