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3:06 AM
@totallyhuman :O @ASCII-only we should do something like this for VSL
@Downgoat won't work well with command chain
ono why not?
wait how will not work with command chain???
@Downgoat like (x) (x) but i guess isn't really needed
Oh I mean like let a: Expression = @x ** 2; print(Plot(a, range: [9, -9]).text())
@Downgoat but shouldn't it be closure
3:11 AM
@Downgoat also we need do decide on what seems conventional
Sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about >_< :P
@Downgoat the expression
what are coneventional expressions
@Downgoat no as in conventional ASCII art plot
3:13 AM
what is conventional ascii art plot
@totallyhuman 0/10 this is OOC, are you like Fox news
wat's OOC
@totallyhuman lmgtfy.com/?q=ooc
well... I don't really feel like learning js or whatever, so could you guys possibly help me with that part?
3:15 AM
@Downgoat fox news > sheep news?
@DestructibleLemon with what part?
@DestructibleLemon fox news = sheep news
the part where the js canvas thing
or processing
both are 0/10 very bias and discriminative
remember that time when one of the people said that black people were a different species?
in fact maybe this isn't tnb topic ehh
3:18 AM
@DestructibleLemon no but I have 0 trouble believing it which says something... >_<
I saw it on youtube
@DestructibleLemon what part about canvas
canvas is very lot of part
well, I'm making a raster graphics thing, right
but I don't want to program anti-aliasing
does js canvas have polygons builtin?
1) you should use SVG
1) maybe
3:19 AM
@DestructibleLemon 2) yse with paths
I don't know how that works
@Downgoat yeah and apparently it does autoantialiasing
@DestructibleLemon oh
nah I should probably figure out good anti aliasing
that is a pain to address
owait what is problem
is it the antialias?
that it is hard to program antialiasing
is the problem
3:21 AM
JS canavs already does antialias?
are you trying to antialias an existing image by loading it into canvas?
no as in I made a graphics in python
but the antialias is annoying
so I'm sad now
you can use custom scaling which is little bit hard to setup but then you have nice crisp line
So use Processing(JS) or canvas :P
This conversation confuses me
but I sort of already made raster graphics in python ;_;
antialiasing ;_;
3:23 AM
@DestructibleLemon Not exactly, you need to draw the edges one by one :P
@ASCII-only wat no
you just specify vertecies
@Downgoat yes you do, and then context.fillPath() :P
wait there's a polygon function?
ok but how do antialiasing again?
@DestructibleLemon It's automatic
3:24 AM
@DestructibleLemon I'm confused, do you want antialias or not
And really hard to disable lol
you say you don't like antialias so you're using JS but you want antialias?
No comma Lemon wants antialias
@Downgoat I want to program antialiasing in my python program but it is hard to make
@ASCII-only comma?
@DestructibleLemon oooh
why don't you output SVG
3:25 AM
I was thinking for a single triangle maybe the easiest way would be to do the outside separate, but I want multiple triangles and stuff
@DestructibleLemon just output a SVG
;_; what
with print
that would require a new module
@ASCII-only ????
@DestructibleLemon what
3:27 AM
how output svg
write to file?
this has not helped me at all
like: write("<svg>"); write(svg_polygon(*sides)); write("</svg>")
how to get svg_polygon
write it yourself
btw that isn't exactly how to do it
3:31 AM
@ASCII-only thank you that is not helpful at all
yeah svg is probably best option though...
write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<svg width="%spx" height="%s"px" viewBox="0 0 2679 676" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">' % (width, height))
there we go
@ASCII-only >_>
the end one is the same
>_> what
end is still write("</svg>")
3:35 AM
>_> how do I make svg file
write to foo.svg
how else
open("foo.svg", "w+")
but what goes in the darn svg file
oh those two are the start and end
then all you need are the polygons
😤 but how to make polygons
😤 what is going on
3:38 AM
😎 I find consolation in the uselessness of my raster output in that I still need it to make my genetic algorithm
ok ok ok geez
😕 🔫😤
ok this probably needs to be trashed
3:40 AM
def svg_polygon(*points):
    s = '<path fill="black" d="M %s %s' % (points[0][0], points[0][1])
    for point in points[1:]:
        s += ' L %s %s' % (point[0], point[1])
    return s + '""/>'
IDK whatever
uh so if I use your previous code pythonised with that it will work?
It is python
oh right
All snek
3:41 AM
but f.write instead of write
^ was about to say
ok this does filled polygons right?
also colour needs to be specified
def svg_polygon(*points, fill):
    s = '<path fill="%s" d="M %s %s' % (fill, points[0][0], points[0][1])
    for point in points[1:]:
        s += ' L %s %s' % (point[0], point[1])
    return s + '""/>'
there we go
3:43 AM
I have only a few colours btw
the genetic algorithm will work by having <100 polygons, and the fitness will be similarity to this image:
@DestructibleLemon using what
black will be ignored, because black is too small and finicky in this image
@DestructibleLemon pls paint over with white then
no, I will not
3:45 AM
any pixel where black would be will not be counted
simply because the newspaper and text would stuff up stuff
I will normalise the image into 6 or 7 colours
any pixel that is the same colour as the pixel on that image is counted as correct
fitness is the number of correct pixels
okay, fair enough
I'm calling it:
Garfield Charles Garfield
because Charles sort of sounds like minus
Lines counts, why not Charles
maybe I should use species
or on the evolution of species
or Garfield Evolves Garfield
why do you have nothing more to say?
3:55 AM
What on earth are you guys talking about?
and genetic algorithms
and sromg
7k! yay
also exactly 7k
@totallyhuman brb downvoting
4:46 AM
Q: Chain of command

GravitonThe challenge: Create a program in any language, that when executed will return the program for a different language. When that program is run in it's designated language, it may continue to return another program in a different language or simply return Hello, World!. This is your chain. And i...

5:17 AM
the svger program did not work!!!
@DestructibleLemon :/ oh no
pls send resultant svg
I tried fixing some errors but now it just looks blank
D: what did you do
hang on
no, by default it got mad because of stuff like quotes where there should not be quotes
write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<svg width="%spx" height="%spx" viewBox="0 0 %s %s" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">' % (width, height, width, height))
:/ what.
5:19 AM
nah the issue was with the polygon I think too
def svg_polygon(*points, fill):
    s = '<path fill="%s" d="M %s %s' % (fill, points[0][0], points[0][1])
    for point in points[1:]:
        s += ' L %s %s' % (point[0], point[1])
    return s + '"/>'
There, removed the extra quote
I did that too
it was still borked
but it didn't error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg width="50px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 2679 676" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path fill="(255, 0, 0)" d="M 2 2 L 10 20 L 30 30"/></svg>
what did I do wrong
... wth is with your fill
what is fill supposed to be?
it's supposed to be #ff0000 not a tuple
or just red
5:22 AM
jees you didn't tell me
you gotta tell me these things
@DestructibleLemon ... SVG = HTML in terms of 99% of things
I don't know html
you can even have inline SVG in HTML
still not working even after doing that
points are supposed to be tuples right?
;_; how am I supposed to use it
@ASCII-only help me
@DestructibleLemon what :/
5:26 AM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg width="50px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 2679 676" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path fill="#ff0000" d="M 2 2 L 10 20 L 30 30"/>
@DestructibleLemon change the starting write to the one i gave you first to fix the viewbox
wowee sort of working now
ok so all I have to do now is make it a function
and use it in my main program
5:31 AM
@ASCII-only btw for some reason the .position on Errors in VSL are being converted into strings (they are "[Object object]1" which is super weird) if u have time can u halp debug. I have to go to sleep now because test tomorrow >_<
@Downgoat :/ ok
ok so I can also add a loop for additional polygons?
or something
@DestructibleLemon yes
that will be helpful
@DJMcMayhem I'm sure you could make them smarter by selectively disabling voice recognition for other AIs
new thing to golf: parenthetic hello world
not sure how hard it is to write a bruteforcer for this
nvm, found SP's but apparently it can still be golfed
hey, another language to learn!
6:57 AM
anyone pls check i didn't stuff up here
also if anyone has time check all programs against the catalogue from 20-150 bytes
that is, the catalogue ones are 20-150 bytes long, just check the leaderboard
"walks in" PPCG - sees they have 2 more tag badges :o
@Mr.Xcoder what
I think that was a failed attempt at a humblebrag about getting two new bronze tag badges
7:22 AM
@Mego Bah, humbrag
@ASCII-only I have earned two bronze badges while I was sleeping
@ASCII-only meanwhile the standard hello world is 2554 bytes
My badge has been at 99 for at least 2 months :P
7:41 AM
the interpreter is only 307 lines of python :o
I think i have a good idea for a language - a cleaner, more readable and better version of Peolog
@LeakyNun that's a lot
@LeakyNun ?
@Qwerp-Derp how would you make it more readable
that's hardly a lot
@ASCII-only press hello world in tio
7:47 AM
@ASCII-only IDK, this is just a really basic idea so far
@LeakyNun it's a lot more than enough for a language of this complexity
@Qwerp-Derp okay, rephrase: how is it not readable
@ASCII-only lemme golf it down then
Well it's pretty readable, but there are so nuances such as the slash thing
@LeakyNun yeah, it's like the ++++++++++++++++. one in Brainfuck
And the plan is to also make the language more powerful
7:48 AM
@Qwerp-Derp slash thing?
@Qwerp-Derp why Prolog
append/2, you know that thing
@ASCII-only I see
@Qwerp-Derp oh then good luck
I mostly mean logic programming in general, but Prolog is the most recognisable lang that fits into this category
Is thinking about syntax as the main part that "makes or breaks" a language a good way to think about a language?
@Qwerp-Derp I guess
7:53 AM
@Qwerp-Derp As someone unfamiliar with Prolog, what is logic programming exactly?
My main reasoning is that the syntax of a language of the thing you have to interact with the most and also the first thing a programmee encounters
is the thing*, programmer*
@Sherlock9 it's pretty much stating conditions and letting the language solve them
Ok so how can VSL's syntax be improved :P
@ASCII-only So like a logic puzzle
Lots of statements and then let the program parse them all?
Mercury is a functional logic programming language made for real-world uses. The first version was developed at the University of Melbourne, Computer Science department, by Fergus Henderson, Thomas Conway, and Zoltan Somogyi, under Somogyi's supervision, and released on April 8, 1995. Mercury is a purely declarative logic programming language. It is related to both Prolog and Haskell. It features a strong, static, polymorphic type system, and a strong mode and determinism system. The official implementation, the Melbourne Mercury Compiler, is available for most Unix and Unix-like platforms, including...
Wouldn't it be cool if TIO had more category check boxes, so one could filter language e.g. by "Stack-based" or "Tacit"?
8:01 AM
Is there a combinator based language?
Hmm, maybe
Where to use recursion, you have to use a fixed-point combinator
Then I could probably find that other 2d golflang
@Sherlock9 I don't think so
Unlambda is a minimal, "nearly pure" functional programming language invented by David Madore. It is based on combinatory logic, a version of the lambda calculus that omits the lambda operator. It relies mainly on two built-in functions (s and k) and an apply operator (written `, the backquote character). These alone make it Turing-complete, but there are also some input/output (I/O) functions to enable interacting with the user, some shortcut functions, and a lazy evaluation function. Variables are unsupported. Unlambda is free and open-source software distributed under a GNU General Public License...
Huh, turns out there is
Ah right!
Should have remembered that from my combinatory logic research
@Adám Maybe, but trying to fit esolangs into categories can be difficult
8:05 AM
@Sherlock9 In addition to Unlambda, there's also Iota and Jot
@Fatalize Eww Mercury looks ugly
I'm saddened by the University of Melbourne :(
@Mego Why? If there is just an underlying Boolean table, then if a language isn't that then it is False.
Is C stack-based?
It may be internally but from the programmer's perspective it isn't so I would say no
@Mego No.
8:14 AM
@Mego That looks weird as heck
is tio down?
@LeakyNun not for me
@Mayube try to run any program
nvm it works now
8:23 AM
Works here
I see TiO is used on Puzzling.SE now :)
@Mr.Xcoder link?
Just a sec
@LeakyNun No onebox
@Mr.Xcoder wow
@ASCII-only why does parenthetic use python 2 ;_;
so it isn't turing complete?
8:39 AM
fib(n) :-
  if n < 2 :- 1,
  else     :- fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2).
It looks like the 630-byte hello world uses some kind of base to encode the characters
base 13
@Qwerp-Derp I wrote a O(log n) fibonacci used by Actually and Cthulhu
[['define', 'lambda', ['lambda', ['define', 'if'], ['char', ['plus', ['mult', 'define', 13], ['mult', 6, 5], 'if']]]], ['plus', ['lambda', 3, 3], ['lambda', 5, 6], ['lambda', 6, 0], ['lambda', 6, 0], ['lambda', 6, 3], ['lambda', 1, 1], ['lambda', 0, 2], ['lambda', 4, 5], ['lambda', 6, 3], ['lambda', 6, 6], ['lambda', 6, 0], ['lambda', 5, 5], ['lambda', 0, 3]]]
@LeakyNun idk, seems like it may be?
@LeakyNun char?
@LeakyNun also pls use Charcoal tree thing :P
@ASCII-only convert from charcode to char
Uh I mean PrintTree from Charcoal
You should be able to call it directly with that
ugh, I've got a Moo lexer set up that works fine, but when I set it up in Nearley it fails right away
8:55 AM
@Mayube how are you setting it up with nearley
@ASCII-only it's parenthetic, not charcoal
@LeakyNun yeah I meant printing the array as a tree
Actually hang on
Damir Charcoal doesn't have Python eval yet
I think
f=lambda a,b:chr(a*13+6*5+b)
this is basically the 630-byte hello world
which is quite clever

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