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@TonHospel How do I read the columns of github.com/thospel/personal-propertyX/blob/master/solutions/… ?
Q: Number Chaining Predicate

CarcigenicateNumber Chaining Predicate Your task is to decide if in a sequence of numbers, every number contains at least one of the digits of the number that preceded it. For example, the following should return truthy: [1, 12, 203, 0, 30] ^ ^ Contains a 0 ^ Contains a 2 ^ Con...

@Lembik: It is the internal format the program uses to checkpoint progress. Column 1 is the bit pattern of the first matrix column, column 2 is the lower bound on the number of columns (a value actually accomplished), column 3 is the upper bound (not necessarily accomplished, 255 means this bit pattern hasn't been calculated yet) and column 4 is the program version used to generate that line
@Lembik: Contrary to what the name suggests it doesn't contain the actual solutions. I've been planning to add a line for that but never bothered to actually do that yet.
I wonder if these non-property-X matrices are related to coded apertures: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coded_aperture
@TonHospel ah ok.
@PhiNotPi That would be nice!
I don't think anyone knows much about this problem.. except for Ton Hospel
I know how to calculate them a bit, but don't know much about the actual methematical properties
Specifically, if you look at this as a 1D problem (a 1D array with each substring = 1 column) then I think they are very similar problems.
@TonHospel The main open problem is if columns/rows is any different for T matrices than for general 0/1 matrices.
@TonHospel I think you are showing the answer is no
which is very interesting
@PhiNotPi well anything you can show I would be very interested to hear
The 1D problem looks at [111011] instead of the equivalent [[111][110][101][011]]^T
got you
And the way coded apertures work is that it light is "cast through" the array at a variety of angles, with the array specially constructed so that the shadows are easy to distinguish. For example, a repeating pattern is bad because you can't tell which of the repeating holes the light came through.
A "pinhole" camera is the simplest example of a functional coded aperture, but it's not very good because not much light is let through.
Basically, in this case, sums of columns equates to sums of shadows on top of each other, something that doesn't have duplicate column sums would do a good job of avoiding situations in which shadows are indistinguishable.
And so that's my reasoning as to why these matrices might make really good solutions to the coded aperture problem.... and potentially vice-versa.
@PhiNotPi is there an efficient way to create them?
or any way at all
@Lembik some versions of coded aperture are easy to make: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_Uniformly_Redundant_Array
but those ones might not solve this problem at all
I have +6 on my last answer but only +30 in the collider… slow much
@Fatalize I've got +5 but haven't received any rep
Expecting dead SE in a few minutes…
It's weird that we've all received 3-6 upvotes in less than 10 minutes though...
Maybe the system is detecting serial upvoting
@PhiNotPi :)
The rep tab on the profile show the correct amount though
^ it does, so that's weird
That's maybe because they are in the process of incorporating the new top bar on all sites, so the current one stopped working shudders
^^ No idea if that's correct or not
Just click on post in you rep
(also how can you live properly without checking the juicy points you get daily?)
(You are not addicted enough)
I do, but only from the topbar :P
It does say +50 though
so yeah the top bar is broken
All right, yeah, I've got it solved in 87 bytes! Now, let's compare my answer against ... oh. Oh dear. Oh. They're all like half the size of mine. :-(
Powershell is rarely shorter than other languages, isn't it?
Usually it's pretty competitive with Python or JavaScript, so that's what I tend to compare against.
This kinda tells me I'm using the wrong approach.
Why on earth is every answer earning +4 within 5 minutes of being posted?
Is Powershell good at traversing arrays and things like that?
@ETHproductions I think all answerers are upvoting all other answers
Maybe I should upvote some of them then :P
New challenges usually earn upvotes faster than older ones
Since lots of people look at it when it's new
@Fatalize Yeah, pretty decent. It doesn't have the same shortcuts that Python has (e.g., [::-2] or the like), so it tends to be a bit longer.
mmm leftover pax cookies
i may have just eaten half a dozen
Is the supercollider stuck for anyone else? I haven't been get rep notifications for the last 20 minutes or so, but more importantly I'm not sure that all regular inbox notifications are coming through.
it's stuck yes
I hope it only affects rep. Would be worse if it affects messages as well
@aditsu meta.stackexchange.com/a/66838/201409 (the SE notification bar)
SE in the next hours "The supercollider is strangely broken, therefore we will push the new top bar to all sites"
I can't wait for that... I'm super disoriented each time I have to look to the top right when I'm on SO... if they switched all of them, at least I could get used to it.
The problem is that the new bar is bad…
I still don't get why you would ever expand a search bar to the left in a left to right language
don't worry, we all hate change
maybe one of their magnets failed again :p
anyway, how's everybody? I'm having a lot of "fun" recovering data from my wife's laptop (while my wrist is also recovering slowly)
@aditsu Hopefully those two things are not related.
haha, no, the laptop thing just happened today
busted partition table..
@aditsu I'm preparing to go take an exam :/
@Mego what kind
I'm one of the only people in my grade that took AP Biology last year, not this year, so I'm almost the only one in all of my classes today.
Everyone else is taking the AP Practice Test
TIL what AP means
Q: Strange reputation accounting on Stack Overflow

Tim BiegeleisenI just got two upvotes from this SO question: How to override master I'm seeing really bizarre behavior right now. On the Stack Overflow question page above, my rep level has increased by 20 points .But my achievements do not reflect this at all: Similarly, the Meta site shows my total rep...

@Mego good luck
Ok I don't know what's going on but even headers on github wiki don't work anymore
#test displays as #test… wtf
Yeah ok # test works but #test doesn't
and it now displays differently from how it used to
I have absolutely no idea why they changed that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user66833Llamas are better! Recently I found this really catchy (and insanely annoying) song. This made me realise that, despite the belief on PPCG, llamas are in fact better than goats. I couldn't remember the lyrics a couple of weeks ago and wanted to write a program to tell me whenever I need to reme...

Aww yiss Apple approved gitgoat
Getting back my rep +10 at a time…
Now go and fix the Android incompatibility issue
@JanDvorak please leave issue on GH repo
so that you can close it as "not a bug"?
You were supposed to say "link?" So I could complete joke
In before it's a Zelda joke
@ГригорийПерельман github.com/vihanb/GitGoat
@JanDvorak Zelda jokes are off the chain >_>
GitHub is giving me security errors (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Is she ... an elf? That doesn't bode well for her.
She's a hylian
@ГригорийПерельман exactly :P
@KritixiLithos Well, currently there is no easy way (except for 2^x where one can use the b_shiftl operator). The Calculator.java does nothing in Röda 0.11. It was a part of a removed feature that existed in Röda a long time ago. Since then I haven't actually needed exponentiation or square roots or such, so I have focused on more important features. It wouldn't actually be hard to add exponentiation, though.
@Downgoat So did they approve your empty program or did you fix that.
Oh I took it down and submitted new built
Im not sure why it allowed me to do that must of uploaded wrong bundle
I.e the tests which don't exist
@fergusq Float exponentiation?
@Mego That's cool. Good luck!
flippers crossed
@ГригорийПерельман Unfortunately not possible in the current version (unless you do something like call dc with exec).
I'm saying that when you do add exponentiation, please support float exponentiation. Nothing else seems to.
Certainly the exponentiation will support floats, as every math operation currently does.
@fergusq DC can't do float exponentiation
I didn't know.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can find the subgraph with the most vertices which share no edges?
But even then, how exactly do you call dc with exec? (Exec is apparently sensitive about arguments)
@KritixiLithos if you're talking about calculators use bc. It's like jQuery arithmetic plugin. Great and does all things
@KritixiLithos bufferedExec might be more practical: parseInteger(print("2 2+p") | bufferedExec("dc"))
O_o what language is this?
Cool, syntax seem neat
I added exponentiation.. Now you can do 2^6 or 2.0^0.5.
@fergusq: Does the language name come from the Ruby inspiration?
Maybe a little. I wanted a short name that would sound cool, like Ruby. Then I was listening to a random Swedish song where they sang about red things and I thought: that sounds nice.
Okay, that's why I wondered. As Red is the standard color of Rubies :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Down ChristopherBowl a quine and for some reason it is a rectangle You must bowl a quine following the rules of code bowling and quines. Lotta rules This challenge is using Code-Bowling: Common Rules, Revision 1.0.0; See Meta for details A quine is (and this is the full and only definition for this chall...

@ГригорийПерельман @Mendeleev @KritixiLithos @Riker @ATaco You have been sent an invite email for GitGoat, it'll contain instructions on how to do.
@Riker you might also need to uninstall existing GitGoat version
Lemme check my email, I hope you got it right ;)
And it's there!
So my spam-proof email worked
:D (wait does that mean it marked gitgoat as spam?)
> The TestFlight app must be installed on your iOS device using 9.1 or later
D: are you able to update?
@Downgoat No, it's just that how I gave you my email, you know with all the instructions and things. Afaik computers in this age shouldn't be able to crack it
@Downgoat 2 reasons why I didn't update to iOS 9: storage, and storage
But will the final version on the app store be available to iOS 8 as well?
:/ well problem is < iOS 9 doesn't support UIStackView (i.e dyanmic layouts) and SFSafariViewController (used for handling links)
@KritixiLithos if you connect to computer you can update without using any storage
@Lembik is there a program I can test a matrix with?
I'd like to support iOS 8 but IIRC it's barely like 5% of devices or so, if I did I'd essentially have to maintain two versions of the app
@Downgoat Sure, I'll try
A: "Hello, World!"

legoman5746Shakespearian, 2562 bytes Here is the code, because Shakespearian does not play nice with stackexchange.

Thoughts, specifically in reference to my comment?
For L=13 I get 0101100001101 as my 1D solution that can be turned into a potential 2D solution. There's no indication as to what the proper proportion is for the final matrix, so it could be either a 6x8 or 7x7
In Android Studio, by default, the minimum android version supported is the version from which 100% of all devices will be supported. (right now, the minimum is Gingerbread, which is really old)
@DJMcMayhem how do you know OP may of not written it?
I don't expect the MURA procedure to generate optimal results, but hopefully they are non-trivially good.
@Downgoat Because it's just a link to the language, which contains sample code. And I don't know for sure, that's why I asked
And btw, is the gitgoat repo public yet?
Wait, I'm an idiot
I clicked the wrong link facepalm
@KritixiLithos no, not planning to as it will contain private information (e.g certificates, and PII)
@DJMcMayhem >_< don't worry, I have also done that too many times
@Downgoat Ah ok, wanted to make fun of Apple get tips
@PhiNotPi yes. Look on Ton Hospel's github page linked from his answer
Just saying, if the app is for both android+iOS then it would be super epic. I could help you with the android version (but my skills may not be that great)
@PhiNotPi non trivially good is good :)
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
^ unverified
I haven't tried running his code yet but the readme explicitly tells you how to verify a matrix
have you got the link?
Q: Superior Passtimes

BijanSometimes, when I'm really bored I like to take the sum of an array. I only take the sum of arrays of lengths that are powers of two. Unfortunately I often make mistakes. Fortunately I keep track of my work as I go along in the following way: I add pairs of adjacent numbers until there's only on...

@DJMcMayhem Why the separate link? There are plenty of other answers in Shakespeare with the code directly in the answer ...
Maybe they didn't know about code formatting?
@Downgoat When you click the settings button next to search, it brings up a completely un-exitable panel.
I feel like it would be better to have the loading indicator under the search bar.
The GitGoat logo at the top is cool, but it takes up space, it should slide away when you scroll.
Repository page is unscrollable on iPhone 4S.
The user page's repository list is way too small on iPhone 4S.
You can't click the "Follow" button on users.
the iPhone 4S is way too small
The activity view does nothing.
@Mendeleev can you send feedback through TestFlight app so I can sort all out >_<
Also, still displays ? commits / ? branches / ? contributors
Open TestFlight app -> GitGoat, there'll be a "Send Feedback Button"
@Mendeleev can you send screenshot?
oh, it's just an email
also, try to crash app as much as possible
@Downgoat thx, will tesr latee
@Riker ncie speeling
@Riker are mod allowed to have bad grammar
On tiny mobile keyboard
Yes when accident
Gtg tho o/
@Poke Exam for a certification I've been working on
I passed :D
Yay! \o/
What's the certification?
If you are able to fly as a penguin
Well, Scrum and Agile
@fergusq I don't fully understand the usage of variable() (like in your latest answer). Simply a=5;a()results in an error
@KritixiLithos No that requires years of study and lots of rocket fuel
variable() pushes the values in the list variable to the stream, if variable happens to be a list. Otherwise, if it's a function, it will be called. Everything else is an error.
D: ninja'd to joke
@DJMcMayhem Learn 2 Fly takes just ~2 hours to finish
Sure. I was rounding ;P
@fergusq But [variable] doesn't work (in your answer's TIO link)
Where do I have [variable]?
Learn to Fly 3 did not meet up to the expectations set u by 2
@fergusq No, I just modified it to do that instead to see the results (which was an error)
[variable] pushes the variable variable to the stream. So variable() pushes the values inside the list and [variable] the list itself.
Ah, makes sense now
The code x|{|y| ... }_ which I use sometimes uses the same variable() trick. I have just dropped the parentheses because they are not required.
And where are the parenthesis supposed to be if you didn't drop them?
After the variable name: x()|{|y| ... }_
@Mego neat. good job on passing
@HelkaHomba Usually the mixture is between 1:1 or 1:2 of water:cement, but this usually applies to the weight. I think cement is slightly denser than water, so you might want to go with about a 1:1 mixture in volume. But just never add too much water, slowly increase the amount and keep mixing.
(And if you want to reuse the container wash it out before the cement hardens. It is such a pain in the ass to clean it out after. Trust me, I've tried it... For small quantities I recommend those plastic buckets that can be squished. It is very easy to clean hardened cement out of these, just squish them and it crumbles.)
> Armor Games
omg memories
I think it was first published on Kongregate or something
@Mendeleev Ikr? I played way too much on armor games. And miniclip, kongregate, nitrome, etc.
Good times
Age of War 2 anyone?
@DJMcMayhem Never really liked Miniclip, never heard of nitrome, but armorgames was awesome
I always played all the games by jmtb02. cartoon elephants everywhere
Achievement Unlocked?
@KritixiLithos yessssss
omg i played the shit out of that
I printed out lists of the achievements and their descriptions
I liked the one with the evil hamster
Never ended up finishing it though
@KritixiLithos I think that's the newest one
I always really liked Tony's games
Like Indestructotank and shift
Shift was is the best
I tried playing shift once, I guess the shifting mechanic was cool but it got a bit boring after a while
I also loved Exit Path 1/2
Shift got better with the sequels
The first is pretty short, and the others steadily improved
oh yeah I think I even finished the first one
I liked that you pressed shift to shift
@Mendeleev Holy shit, yeah. That was a good one. Have you played "give up"? A similar feel/same developer
@Mego The humour especially
@DJMcMayhem No
I actually bought the soundtrack to Exit Path 2
Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
John/jmtb02 developed Exit Path too??
How about K.O.L.M.?
That one was fantastic
In other news, they caught the guy who stuck the USB killer into my laptop.
My dad wants to press charges
Apparently, this is what happened to my first laptop as well
I mean... seriously, why would you want to kill someone's laptop? O_o
@Mendeleev What happened? "USB killer"?
Some people just want to watch the world burn
@KritixiLithos It's basically a USB device that repeatedly charges capacitors with high voltages, then discharges them into the USB data lines
Looks exactly like a flash drive
@Mendeleev did this happen at like school
it was recorded on a security camera
@DJMcMayhem epic game
@KritixiLithos yes
@Mendeleev D: that is super evil sheep/10
How much is sheep?
like -infinity
Then how much is goat?
oh, huh I already made sheep joke:
Feb 21 at 5:17, by Downgoat
did you throw sheep at him
@xnor Do you wanna take a look at at my solution for anagol’s digit depth in Haskell? I think I’m missing something obvious!
Haskell golf involving Chars is hard and I keep forgetting what all you can do with ’em…

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