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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Yay only one error left
but the only one left is the weirdest :|
@Pavel as the tty driver echos as soon as it gets data, the only reason that it looks interleaved in the first place is that the user waits until the program has printed its previous output before typing the next input
you could perhaps emulate that by echoing lines slowly into script <program>.
Does sed has a sleep feature?
@Neil Thanks, that's a great idea! I've come up with cat TestCases | ruby -pe 'sleep 0.3' | tee /dev/tty | prog but haven't tested it yet.
It didn't work
It waited for a while, then did the same output as without the sleep.
Actually, no. First it writes prog's prompt, then the file, then the rest of prog's output.
Apparantly tee collects all of its input first before doing anything.
can't you do a while read -r line; do; echo line; prog < line; done
Q: can someone please help me with stretching a word in python

J. LeeHi I am new to programming and was wonder if anyone could help me stretch a word in python like it would be HEY! and it would have to turn into HEEYYY!!!! thank you.

@NewMainPosts why do people even do this.
@Downgoat I believe that has two errors. First, it starts a new process of prog every iteration, and second, prog < line will try to read from a file called line. The second issue is simple to fix but the first one is harder.
Hmm @Neil what do you think about becoming the StringMap operator
while read -r line
sleep 1
echo $line > /dev/tty
echo $line
done < TestCases | prog
@Downgoat got it! ^
@Downgoat haha +1
CMC: Given a filename, read the file and do nothing
(You have to actually read the file though)
e.g. If the file does not exist, it should error; if the file is too big, it should run out of memory
@Challenger5 cat $0>/dev/null :P wait why not use streams...
what kind of person doesn't use streams for files...
Python, 20: open(input()).read()
@Challenger5 0/10 doesn't read wait fixed already O_o
@Dennis Got it in a rather hacky way (see slightly above)
@ASCII-only I am not Neil but I would say definitely good char for StringMap
@NewMainPosts that could actually be a challenge though I think it might exist already :P
@Pavel That just echoes them one per second, not as they're read.
Hence "rather hacky".
It breaks if my program needs to think for more than a second for any operation, but it's simple enough that this should never happen.
@Neil @Downgoat if the program uses an input variable that is undefined do I prompt for input
@ASCII-only what is undefined input variable. if variable is undefined how do you know it is requesting input
There are five variables that default to the first five inputs
@HyperNeutrino It's a part of this challenge:
Q: Wicka-wub a string

caird coinheringaahingInspired by this. Given a string as input consisting of only upper and lowercase alphabet characters, wicka-wub it. How do I wicka-wub a string? The example text used is "DJMcMayhem". Split the string before each capital letter, so you get ["D", "J", "Mc", "Mayhem"]. Next, take the two halve...

@ASCII-only oh, yeah seems logical
ah ok
...I just killed my (nethack) kitten ._.
why would you do such a thing
'twas an accident
@Pavel so now he can get a dog? :P
I was trying to kill a two jackals with a spell but I forgot that my kitten was between me and the target
and I forgot that in real life you can friendly-fire
@HyperNeutrino saw you :P
stalker /s :P
at least I killed the jackal
no I got a death msg in #hardfought
*status msg
and then I tried to eat a slime blob corpse to see what would happen and I died lol
*acid blob
yep saw that too
@HyperNeutrino Maybe you should just start playing characters named PetMurderer and drop the pretense :-p
@Pavel that's why I suggested using script instead of tee
@Neil I don't seem to have script.
@EricTressler that does work in a variant of nethack
it removes punishment for killing pets
@ASCII-only what if you don't use the variables in order?
@Riker seriously? Is it "PetMurderer" verbatim?
@Neil It will prompt for as many variables as needed e.g. if you use the fifth one it will prompt for the others too
@EricTressler username.lower() == 'pet murderer' iirc
still isn't convinced sorry
@Neil :| who is this replying to
@Neil @Downgoat Hmm should prompt for undefined variable try to cast to int first
@ASCII-only Should do something like Jelly where it attempts an eval.
@Pavel :| you mean ast.literal_eval
@ASCII-only You know what I mean mate.
@Pavel O_o I thought you were washingtonian
@ASCII-only I'm still not convinced you should prompt
let alone cast to int
@Downgoat That is correct, yes.
@Pavel then how do you know how to speak austrlaian
@Neil :/ I guess
But it has no effect on TIO anyway
@Neil Done
@Neil link
@ASCII-only The fact that -v -sl and -vsl are not the same thing bothers me.
My superzoom camera came in the mail today.
But it is a "birthday" present so I don't get to actually use it until the 19th :|
@Dennis You have a magic cane? 10/10
(as in cool name not that you have to have a cane)
@Pavel :O @ASCII-only charcoal is VSL confirm
Q: Lucy Algorithm Puzzle and Golf

T WilliamsThe Lucy algorithm is defined as an algorithm that executes all algorithms over time. I wrote a blog post here. Your challenge is to write your own form of Lucy algorithm. If you write one, try and golf it down. No output is required, but for the observers sake try and add some. An example of a...

@Pavel -sl is a single flag should I change it
@ASCII-only The convention for flags that are more than one character is like --sl
Single character flags prefixed by - can go together, so there shouldn't be a difference between -a -b and -ab, or -a -b -c -ab -c and -abc.
(java uses -verbose with a single dash as a single flag which annoys me)
(windows uses / for flags which I find awkward lol)
@HyperNeutrino Java is wrong. Most windows applications support - or -- these days.
yeah I noticed a trend so I've message that up so many times already because it's weird
also -jar; I use that one more often
mainly because my projects are archived as jars and I don't make many new programs in Java anymore
Q: Make some Alphabet Rain

streetsterAlphabet Rain The Task: The basic premise is to print out the input string and then repeat each character vertically, based on it's (0-indexed) position in the (case-insensitive) alphabet A-Z. A is at location 0 so is not repeated, e is at position 4 so is repeated 4 times, P is at position 15 ...

why is there no jelly answer here?
@ASCII-only :O how does work
btw what does --sl do
@Downgoat hacky implicit input
@Downgoat show length of golfy mode
wait what does do
echo input?
oic it adds first 1 input
sorry mean 2 >_< idk brain isn't working today
@ASCII-only why do this not wokr: [[[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]],2]
@Downgoat your array has too much nesting
@Downgoat here
O_o how does it work
@ASCII-only what does it do then
@Downgoat You were right but 1 input confused me
@Downgoat input magic
it's unintentional :/
This is glorious. Now I can move my own cheese.
@ASCII-only oic so like cheddar
oh crap this new top bar wreaks all the userscripts
Did ETHProductions change his username?
@Dennis Woah.
@Downgoat No?
And it's ETHproductions.
:| he is not pingable
not in chat for too long apparently
@HyperNeutrino huhwhat confusing
ETH hasn't been in chat for too long and is this unpingable
*inactive for too long
same thing :P
Dennis could ping him, if he chose to.
@Dennis I've bountied that question with "reward existing answer" for that userscript :P
oh my github changed
1 hour later…
@Downgoat ???
@HyperNeutrino unprintable
@ASCII-only see github dashboard now
huh the new chrome OS UI update looks interesting
@HyperNeutrino Fuchsia > Chrome OS
What an absolutely terrible new top bar
I finished the prime ant thing in Clojure! It's not short, but it's pretty fast :P
(defn prime? [n]
  (loop [counter 2]
    (if (= counter n) true
      (if (zero? (mod n counter)) false
        (recur (inc counter))))))

(defn lpf [n]
  (loop [counter 2]
    (if (zero? (mod n counter)) counter
      (recur (inc counter)))))

(defn lazy-assoc [lazy & exprs]
  (loop [lazy lazy
         exprs exprs]
    (if (empty? exprs) lazy
        (let [place (first exprs)
              new-item (second exprs)]
                (drop (inc place) lazy)
Conjecture for the prime ant thing: after an infinite number of steps, there will be no numbers above 7.
Ah, wild GitHub redesign
A pretty pointless one too
@Fatalize i wonder what made them want to do this
Q: c programming beginner

Kanchan Poudelinclude int main () { int t,m,a,b,l,ml; printf ("enter the total population,male population,literacy percentage and male literacy percentage "); scanf ("%d%d%d%d",&t,&m,&l,&ml); a=((m/100*t)-(ml/100*t)); b=(t-(l/100*t)-a); printf("total illiterate men are %d\n",a); pr...

2 hours later…
@ASCII-only It's the season of pointless redesigns
@Mego Not the first site like this on SE though. Parenting and the religious ones are like that too
Q: I am greater than you!

0x45Write a function that given a list of non negative integers, arranges them such that they form the largest possible number. INPUT [50, 2, 1, 9] OUTPUT 95021 INPUT 0 OUTPUT 0 RULES standard loopholes apply. Depending on your language you can use int(32) / int(64) or any other nu...

@Mego Is there no "Permutations" built-in in Actually?
@Fatalize There is, but it's specifically k-length permutations. There's not an overload (yet) for max-length permutations.
I see
(same question for "concatenate" :p)
Σ is sum/concatenate. Concatenating integers takes a bit more effort (εj)
@Mego that's a bit frustrating :p I have to do ;l@╨ for that
Q: Siteswap validator

AdamSiteswap is a notation for juggling patterns. The other siteswap puzzle is great and it explains siteswap i ngreater detail than here. This puzzle is meant to be a bit something simpler! Numberphile recently interviewed Colin Wright which helped develop the notation. The part at ~16min will be u...

@EriktheOutgolfer I'm putting a hold on most changes until I finish the large refactoring project. So, patience :P
well, we still have 05ab1e ;p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

agtoeverMaximum most frequent outcome While cracking this cops-and-robbers question, we discovered that there were at least two different ways to use reach the same value by deleting characters from a mathematical expression. Your task Your program or function must take a string as input. For practic...

Note to self -- Pish-Posh should have an easy command to generate all permutations. That seems to come up a lot on list challenges.
My esolang I'm designing.
Is there a link to it?
No, I don't even have a repository yet. It's at the "in my head" stage so far.
Why that name though?
"posh" from an abbreviation of PowerShell, and "pish-posh" as meaning "declaring one's opinions or thoughts absurd, irrelevant or redundant"
So, like a way of saying this is an irrelevant abbreviation of PowerShell
Is there a way to find the nth number that fulfills a condition in Actually?
I know some langs have this as an interpreter option
@NieDzejkob <n>⌠<condition code>⌡╓N
takes f (a function) and n (an integer) and returns the first n values (counting from 0) for which f leaves a truthy value on the top of the stack
N just takes the last value (the nth value)
yeah, I looked at the docs for these commands
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah I agree it's so bad you can't just copy-paste the formula... - We just need to wait for Dennis to post an answer :P
it's another way to say "let's be independent"
@EriktheOutgolfer Haha, what a good joke :P
Q: Sequence of integer square roots

orlpLet's define a sequence of integer square roots. First, a(1) = 1. Then, a(n) is the smallest positive integer not seen before such that sqrt(a(n) + sqrt(a(n-1) + sqrt(... + sqrt(a(1))))) is an integer. Some examples: a(2) is 3 because it's the smallest integer such that sqrt(a(2) + sqrt(a(1)...

@EriktheOutgolfer As you seem to have understood, what does the %1 trick do? Does it get the fractional part of the number (not 100% sure)?
Modulo one seems like the fractional part of a number, yes
CMC: Make a userscript that copies the "<n> new answer[s]" thingy to the bottom of the answer page right above and below the answer textfield so you don't get ninja'd on the OEIS challenge (total should be 3 new answer dialogues)
I might actually do that sometime :P
... position:fixed won't do?
@HyperNeutrino yes please
(came up with this idea after seeing your comment :P)
@HyperNeutrino I can do it, but I need a new answer to happen on something for testing purposes
CMC: Given an integer, check whether all its digits are coprime to each other. Input cannot be taken as a list.
huh good point
struggles to solve in Jelly
Jelly, 9 bytes: spoiler
Hooray, there's a userscript to change the top bar!
Q: Top-navigation choices

Makyen Stack Exchange Top Nav Choices ( install ) ( GitHub ) Top Nav Choices changes the new Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow top navigation based on the preferences you set. The preferences are accessed on your normal Stack Exchange preferences page1. Default changed top navigation on Stack Overflo...

@HyperNeutrino Spoiler pls
unfortunately þ doesn't work here because that would GCD each number with itself too :(
@Mr.Xcoder Actually, 6 bytes: $♂≈g1=
rip jelly got beaten
(waits for Dennis)
@Mego find some newb question on SO
Has anyone used CS2J before? Is it any good?
It sounds awesome but also too good to be true, at least for my current use case.
Q: Detect the Zeroless Numbers

Ian GödelZeroless numbers are numbers that do not contain 0 as one of their decimal digits. Given an integer K, return the Kth zeroless number. K will be non-negative if you choose 0-indexing, or positive if you choose 1-indexing instead. Note that this is OEIS A052382. This is code golf, so the shortes...

@Pavel you know, these are pretty similar languages
So ... much ... Python 2
Yeah, but C# has a lot more features than Java.
for example?
whoa downvote spammer?
(sits here waiting for my undeserved downvote)
seems like
@NieDzejkob Properties, structs, delegates, (sane) async, an entirely different standard library, nullable value types, operator overloading
well Dennis just did a magic thing I am now confused and in awe lol
that is actually so genius tho :D :o
CS2J does not work without .NET Framework 3.5. This brings the number of .NET frameworks on my computer up to 13, not counting .NET Core and Mono.
cool I just made a prime checker in my assembly-style language that I made in like one hour lol
Link to lang?
well it's not on TIO nor github, it's just a python3 program in TIO:
(program is at the very bottom)
I'm not good at python, so I was wondering if you could tell me why https://tio.run/##vVhtU9tGEP6Mf8WOChMJjIPT6RcXJ5OAoZlS3AH3k22Ys3Q2B7KknGSKU/rb6e7dyZYsGTDKNJMxOt3u8@zbnW4vmic3YfDz05OYRqFMQPI6xPO4VnN9FsdwmYSSTXirtuXxMVxfi0Ak19d2zP2xgy@36KHBXHc2nfkMZWNowz//aunLTk8J1iFgU4S9Z/6MKy0xVq@g3QZru/tXz6KXW5EUQWIrqTrwwEMoy3Jwhvs5haPfLrIK7o3USs46rSBMQARQsFWBSCZiDr/zeUfKUNqW8RjUEB7JC/xVODsxiFihoXsi4J4FO2pG08VcARZo@iQyRLuUlSgieTKTQTqkUJ3mQlWM0dfzP7XLRlUE0SyxnVWxk7NeTmzshyyxjbBTBO2tgK6XPfp6npPFEmnEiSeChuTMs5sFhbPzLzkFaxBY8BP0usddmLI7DlRtbOTzTxnNSok6fWWiUg/K06Tzcdw5eaF032wmQufNZD6FcF5m6ltK6bhztq6UKoUXcV8
Oic it's not a python error
wait did you change the program at all?
I made it take code from file/stdin instead of hard-coding it.
And then supplied a hello world program.
oh ok
I don't see a difference in the code though.
Did I link the wrong TIO
Crud one sec
still don't see a difference?
I did it again
did you generate a new permalink with the link button ._.
I did not.
commented prime check program:

oh that would be the problem lol
@NewMainPosts is disappointed at how few bijective base 9 answers there are
uhm. sys.argv[0] is ".code.tio", so you're trying to read the code input field as the program lol
try this:

and it's zero indexed
the first argument ([0]) is the name of the file being run, if it's run from a file
useful for cheating quines: import sys;print(open(sys.argv[0]).read())
or just print(open(__FILE__).read())
Yeah like how Mathematica lists are techincally zero indexed since you can get the list's type by indexing into it with 0
well in this case it is formally zero-indexed because the first argument is the filename lol
anyway I gtg now o/
1 message moved to Trash
@HyperNeutrino can I ask dennis to add it to TIO, and do you have a name?
@Mego sorry
argv in basically every language is 0-indexed, where argv[0] is the name of the executable/script/whatever
I think Java is the weird stupid exception
Isn't C++ also like that?
C# definitely is
C/C++ is 0-indexed with the executable at argv[0]
So .NET, Ruby, and Java are weird
@Mego Lua follows the Python way, but Lua arrays are also one-indexed, so... ._.
@Pavel Still less confusing than VB.NET
In VB.NET, you have some data structures that are 0-indexed (stuff from .NET), and some that are 1-indexed (stuff from VB). Good luck keeping them straight.
@Mego Node.JS has an intresting schme for ARGV indexing...
@Pavel Node is dumb in so many ways, so I'm not surprised at all
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

i cri everytimDupe watch not-a-challenge This is not a challenge, rather a bunch of challenges that I want to check if they've been done so I don't need to put the effort into making it. :P Recognize PPCG users A code-challenge to recognize as many PPCG users as possible in 500 (?) bytes. Visualize lo...

@Neil Bases in PowerShell are 2, 8, 10, 16. That's it. If I want something else, I have to completely roll my own base-handling code. :-/
@AdmBorkBork Python does 2-36 :D Unfortunately, I've needed higher bases frequently on PPCG :(
Q: Honest Rock, Paper, Scissors

GryphonMany people consider RPS to be a game of chance. If both players play unpredictably, the best strategy is to play randomly. However, let's introduce a bit of predictability to it. Each bot will have a chance to tell the other bot what it's going to play simultaneously. Then there is a pause in ...

Oh, I suppose technically PowerShell can handle base64 because it can do encoding/decoding, but that's rarely useful.
It can't do addition or the like
Kinda dissappointed that GNU true doesn't support --version and --help, all other GNU software seems to.
@Pavel it does though
GNU true does. The Bash built-in does not.
That's the Bash built-in.
@Dennis ._. which lied to me
@Pavel no it didn't
which finds executables in your path
In ZSH which true outputs Shell built in command
@Pavel You want type true.
@Pavel that's zsh ;)
@Pavel and if you type which which?
@orlp You get a sandwich
@orlp /usr/bin/which
@Pavel and /usr/bin/which true?
type which is also /usr/bin/which, so I assume the same thing.
/usr/bin/which true
so which which is lying
which which should say Shell built in command
you want `which which` which
I'm not sure /usr/bin/true would work everywhere btw. env true is more portable.
Ok now I want to know why true is version 8.27. Why would you need to update true.
@Pavel update copyright info?
other than that I don't know
Updating copyright doesn't bump the major version number.
@Pavel does true use semantic versioning?
IDK what that means.
And IDK how true does versioning.
@Pavel true is part of coreutils, and coreutils is at version 8.27.
@Pavel semantic versioning is exactly "Updating copyright doesn't bump the major version number."
for example linux doesn't use semantic versioning (anymore)
GCC doesn't either
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisCreate a universal integer sequence code-golf sequence integer math optimized-output Definition Let's call an (infinite) integer sequence universal if it contains every finite integer sequence as a contiguous subsequence. In other words, the integer sequence (a1, a2, …) is universal if and on...

o_0 wait wat
Dennis got downvoted
For a sandbox post
@Pavel that's the wrong mentality
downvotes happen on posts, not on people
Ok, but it's a good post
Anonymous downvotes on a sandbox post are rather pointless though.
Now I'm going to try to think of a universal sequence for the rest of the day... dammit.
@Pavel hint: diagonalization on top of diagonalization
@Dennis just to make sure I'm understanding it properly, [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, ...] isn't a universal sequence because it doesn't contain, among other things, [0, 1, 2]. Correct?
@Dennis is there some sort of universal debruijn sequence?
that not only contains every finite sequence but also does it with optimal density?
Hm, not sure.
@Dennis can we rely on unproven conjectures, such as that pi is a normal number?
What's a normal number?
@orlp No, I'll make that explicit.
@Pavel normal :)
google it !
@Dennis did you see my challenge?
and the graph
I did.
@everyone Tetris GoL is open for more bounties now :) :P
@HyperNeutrino Thanks :D
was that your answer? I forgot to check the recipient, I just looked for the next unawarded one :P impressive though, again, great job :D
Hey guys, I have a question about abusing my language. I've been reading up on where to post which questions, and it seems TNB is probably the place to go. I feel like SO wouldn't like it because it's about dc (not a production language) and it's rather golfy in nature, and I'm getting the impression from comments on our site that PPCG.sx has kind of a rocky relationship with the mother-site. I wrote the question out, and it's kind of long. Should I go ahead and ask it here?
go ahead, long messages are mostly hidden with a (see more) link anyway

In [dc](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Dc), there exists some limited string functionality. A string (text enclosed in brackets) may be executed as a macro, truncated to its first character, printed to stdout, and moved around wherever a number can go. The only operation that returns a string is truncation: `[foo]a` pops `foo` and pushes `f`. Strings may be nested, as in `[[foo] [bar]]`.

I want to be able to push arbitrary strings onto the stack, generated from values within the instance of dc. There are two issues here: (1) how to push a string onto the stack, and (2) how to generate
There's no Markdown in multi-line chat posts.
@Dennis Duly noted, thanks. :S
Also, while it has an esolang article for some reason, dc is absolutely a production language.
@Dennis Huh. Now I gotta go find out what "production language" actually means
Hmm, what do you guys think of a language that transpiles into Jelly?
It had better be named Raspberry
@Joe :) OK, will do (assuming a better name doesn't come up :P)
Peanut Butter
Also, what do you mean "transpiles into Jelly?"
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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