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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Thanks for the catch ;)
March Madness is the name the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament.
In a few days they will release a 64-team playoff bracket. The goal is to predict the outcomes of as many games as possible.
Math.random() < .5
I would want to factor in the results of all the previous games each team has played so far this year.
mbomb's not very good at bombing :)
Do you know what it would take to fix it?
Is it a broken address?
I posted an explanation for the problem in the comments. I have no idea how to fix it.
It looks like it just copies to the same spot over and over.
Maybe add an extra line?
add #4 3
mov 2 @2
jmp -2 0
dat #0 #4
dat #0 #4
Yeah that fixed it.
I'm talking about BOMBER
He's misinterpreting the # addressing mode
Thinking that add #4 ... adds the number 4 the the target line.
Which is how mainstream Core War handles it, but (in my opinion) doesn't work well when the command set is so limited.
Totally unrelated: I'm sure you've heard of the Blurred Lines music plagiarism trial.
I'm just to take this time to rant that the two songs don't even sound the same, and that the jury is obviously deaf.
Wooo! I just put another question into the Sandbox!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiFractal Points on a Square (better title needed) code-golf Sometime, when I'm really bored (really bored), I like to draw a square and draw points on the edges. First, I draw a square of a certain size, which is 2^N+1 for some value of N. ..... . . . . . . ..... Then, I plot a point ...

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