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Three approaches, three answers. :P
Pretty much everything I like in one youtube video: youtu.be/OCYZTg3jahU
@Justin 4 is my favorite
@Dennis Looks like TI-BASIC beats CJam again :P
Minkolang is about to lose horribly. But it's gonna be AWESOME.
@ThomasKwa Considering that 43% of my code is used to convert from radians to degrees, I'm not surprised...
That's probably 1 byte in TI-BASIC, no?
2 bytes: Degree and a newline.
There's no operation to convert radians to degrees when in radian mode.
So I just switch to degree mode.
Oh, OK.
Wait a minute, does Pyth not have an atan2?
Looks like it doesn't.
A couple of years ago I didn't know about atan2.
It was horrible.
@AlexA. You would think so.
APL doesn't seem to have it either.
Nor degree conversion.
@Dennis If JavaScript/CoffeeScript has it then ngn/apl has it. ;P
(You can call JS/CS)
@Justin This is true, I would.
Math.atan2 is already 10 bytes...
@ThomasKwa So that vectorized atan2, increments, then minimum, right?
Longest Minkolang program yet? Absolutely.
Presumably with minimum converting a one element list to its only element.
DeltaList takes the differences.
well, difference
and min( does extract the element from the list.
I could also use max( or mean( or median( or sum( or prod(.
Q: Help! My calculator broke! (Turn integer expression into calculator keystrokes)

GamrCorpsIntroduction Help! I accidentally dropped my TI-84 calculator out my window (don't ask how) and it broke. I have a math test tomorrow and the only calculator I can find is one with these buttons: 7 8 9 + 4 5 6 - 1 2 3 * 0 = / My math test is a review test on evaluating expressions. I need a...

I really want to answer ^ in TI-BASIC.
It's so hard to do any string manipulation through.
@GamrCorps I think you'd have to take the input like bx by ax ay or the sign will be wrong.
Am I the only who, despite knowing the correct pronunciation of "corps," always reads it sounding like "corpse"?
You are not.
I read lots of words before I hear them, and most of the time I end up mispronouncing and making a fool of myself.
That reminds me of my girlfriend in a Greek restaurant pronouncing "minestrone" as "mine strone."
@ThomasKwa Same. Although I don't consider it "making a fool of myself". :)
I'm always a fool.
I pronounced "painstakingly" as "pain-stakingly" for a long time.
Is that not how you're supposed to say it?
No, it's "pains-takingly".
Pains are being taken, not pain staked.
I don't see how anyone could tell the difference between these two supposedly different pronunciations.
@AlexA. One time I had a youth activity where they split us into groups. I was in group 4. Having just realized that I could count in binary on my fingers, I decided I was going to show people what group I was by holding up my number in binary. I quickly decided against it, but not before one leader noticed. Luckily, that was the one leader who would find it funny.
Is that an eggplant??? @AlexA.
@Justin 132 is similar.
Unsanitized binaries are dangerous.
Yes!!! @Justin
@Dennis One must always wash them thoroughly with soap and hot water.
How do I tell APL to do something other than scan/reduce along a certain axis?
@AlexA. Why an eggplant?
Of course! My phone displays eggplants just fine. But APL symbols? Nooo...
@Justin Because eggplants are amazing.
@ThomasKwa Use any of the other operators except scan and reduce?
@ThomasKwa What else, exactly?
wait, that's a thing?
It's reverse
@feersum I can tell the difference; it's whether or not the "t" is pronounced. It's one of the big differences between British and American English. American's use glottal stops, which makes it near impossible to tell the difference. We'd say "moun'nn" whereas the Brits say "mountain"
I don't say "moun'nn"...
Oh, I was being stupid; it was right next to ⌽
@AlexA. How do you say it, then?
I knew you would say that.
I understand about glottal stops, but wouldn't use one either way when saying "painstaking".
Do you really say it with a "t"?
@El'endiaStarman I'm not trolling, it's how I say it.
@Justin Yeah
@feersum True. But the difference is noticeable.
When I say it, it sounds like "mountin"
@AlexA. Okay... I guess that's also a way I've heard. But "glottal stop"; you probably don't say the "t"s in "glottal"
One of my favorite British/American word pronunciation differences is "singing"
The British use a hard "g" sound.
I think I pronounce the "t"s in "glottal"...
You would be really weird if you did.
I second @feersum's statement.
@MartinBüttner no, do you have some ideas?
I want to learn British English so I can just start speaking in it at any random time.
@undergroundmonorail good one :)
@feersum I just said it a bunch of times, which confused my girlfriend because she's never heard the word before. The way I say it, it sounds like "glod'l."
That's how I say it too. It's a glottal stop, or at least a corrupted glottal stop
@AlexA. That means you're saying it with a glottal stop.
Oh, okay.
So you didn't use the hard 't' sound. Apparently you still managed to seem really weird though.
So I don't pronounce the "t"s.
@feersum ಠ_ಠ
@feersum How do you say it then? It seems to me that @AlexA.'s way was the normal way
I would pronounce 'glottal' the same way. The word I disagreed about was 'painstaking'.
Okay, heading to bed now. G'night all!
💪 nite
I don't think 'glottal' has a glottal stop. Seems like something else.
@feersum I call it a glottal stop because that's the closest I've found
I found emojipedia.org today.
So far not as useful as disapprovallook.com.
@ThomasKwa Nice work on the bounded cumsum. I'm not sure if it counts as a full program though. (To be fair, I don't know how to write full programs in Dyalog.)
I think it requires ⎕← on the left but I really don't know.
{1↓(⎕⌈⎕⌊+)/¨⌽¨,\0,⍵} would be a valid function submission.
@AlexA. That should take care of printing, but I don't know how to read a script from a file...
"cumsum" sounds dirty
In ngn, you need this for "cat":
@aditsu Mop it up
@Dennis orly
I'm not familiar with ⎕OFF.
It's to exit the interpreter. Without it, the correct output is displayed and the interpreter just hangs.
@Dennis I have a bunch of fonts that say they support that character, and they all render it as a square or rectangle, is that right?
Yes, it's called a Quad.
it looks a lot like an unrecognized character :p
damn you APL
It does indeed.
Good night, everybody!
Good night!
I prefer to think of as tofu.
ah, so tofu is soy cheese.. haven't thought of it that way
Typically "soy cheese" refers to cheese substitutes made from tofu.
But in terms of how it's made, it is like cheese made from soybeans.
That makes it sound gross when in fact it's bomb as fuck.
there's good tofu and yucky tofu..
What constitutes yucky tofu in your opinion (aside from spoiled tofu)?
tofu that feels and tastes yucky.. I'm not sure how to describe it; it's usually whiter and softer
Ah, silken tofu?
It's almost like jello.
maybe, I don't know a whole lot about tofu :p I've just had different kinds
I see there are different ways of cooking it, I guess I like the fried tofu
Mm yeah, fried tofu is great. :)
Anyway, bed for me. Good night, all.
@aditsu I was think that <block>:<number><variable> could sort of store the block as a closure in the variable where the next <number> elements on the stack are remembered and pushed each time the function is called.
that sounds very convoluted
It's something you can't easily emulate at the moment though.
I'm not sure I even understand what you're trying to do
and how it is useful
I'll write up an example later when I'm not on mobile.
@AlexA. of course, there's also the stinky tofu, but I never tried it because the smell kept me many meters away from it
@aditsu You say "cumulative sum" sounds dirty, but there's also "cumulative minimum"
It's official.
@aditsu Okay, say you've got a task similar to this but where you need to clamp numbers to a certain range in more than one place. Then with the proposed feature, you could define a clamping function like {+$1=}:1F (when the array with min and max is on the stack).
Currently, to do something like that you'd need :R;{R+$1=}:F; and it gets worse if there are several fixed values that the function needs.
it would basically be like a generalisation of f which doesn't automatically map the function.
(but stores it instead)
@Calvin'sHobbies bloody hell :D ... you're the third person to make BE --> AE edits to that question (and that same edit has been done before, and I rolled it back)...
(there's even a comment by Chris about that)
@Dennis I've got a different CJam solution for 2D Inequalities at 49 bytes, but I stole some of your ideas for it. Do you want to use it? qN%::~{z{"=<>""^v"`er[{_A,&2$2$-g'=+S?\}*]}%}2*N*
(this is probably golfable some more)
alternatively, without evaluating the digits (same byte count): qS-N%{z{"=<>""^v"`er[{_A,s&2$2$-g'=+S?\}*]}%}2*N*
So I'm working on these tutorial sessions for an "Introduction to Programming" lecture... and I'm mostly reusing exercise sheets from the previous year...
someone was having a field day with C block comments:
// The file usually begins with a section consisting of the libraries
// we need to include in our program. Libraries provide functionality
// that the C language doesn't provide by itself. In this case, we
// include stdio.h, which provides basic input/output functions for
// C (like printf and gets), which you'll use in your assignment.

#include <stdio.h>
(and yes, the misalignment in some places is due to mixed tabs and spaces).
Red Rover, Red Rover send @Martin right over ;)
I may soon post 'Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable'. Any last objections?
@feersum Not sure about the rule change with disallowing pre-existing languages. a) How do you prove it hasn't existed before? b) How much of a derivative of an existing languages is different enough to be considered a new language?
(And I'm not exactly sure what it achieves.)
@MartinBüttner The goals are to prevent someone from claiming credit for someone else's languages without doing any work, or to use it as an advertisement for one's own language which is not actually difficult to crack.
The sort of things it aims to prevent are not ones I expect to be rule-lawyered around.
@feersum you still have to "crack" the existing language yourself as a cop
@randomra True. Do you think this rule causes much to be missed out?
@feersum I dunno, Sp3000 is the expert I think
there are languages which are hard to use, but don't need novel ideas
Actually Sp3000 suggested to ban existing languages, iirc.
e.g. Pada
do you think that "tricky"/novel languages should be written or ones where it is simply hard to write code?
makes sense :D
@feersum I suppose the main problem of disallowing existing languages is that you'll lose out on some of the attention a good CnR needs because designing and implementing a language takes some time.
At least they had a week to pre-answer it in the sandbox, hehe
true, but did anyone actually do that? ;)
@quartata at least talked about it
Here it goes
you might want to link from the cops thread to the robbers as well
(unless I'm just blind and you already did)
Ah yes, forgot about that.
^ Vote for spaces!
Q: Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable

feersumCops' challenge: Design a programming language that appears to be unusable for programming, but admits computation (or at least completion of the task) through some non-obvious mechanism. You should design a simple programming language that reads code from an input file and then does ... somethi...

Q: Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable (Robbers' thread)

feersumSee the cop thread for more information. Each answer to this question should crack an answer there. That is to say, it should be code to find the third-largest integer in the input when run in the interpreter given in that answer. If you post a crack that turns out to be invalid, you should dele...

Q: Lossy Sorting (Implement Dropsort)

SuperJedi224Dropsort, designed by David Morgan-Mar, is an example of a linear-time "sorting algorithm" that produces a list that is, in fact, sorted, but contains only some of the original elements. Any element that is not at least as large as the maximum of the elements preceding it is simply removed from t...

Woo, a comparative sorting algorithm that takes only linear time! >_>
yay, a downvote
Oh nice, I haven't gotten around to downvoting yet today. What's it on?
@NewMainPosts ...
Ah. I think most CnR attract one or two. Usually it's vastly outweighed by the upvotes in time, though.
A: Create output twice the length of the code

VTCAKAVSMoACEVitsy, 14 11 - 25 = -14 Bytes Note: This language was made after this question was asked, but it was not created for this task. 2a{b*\[DO]; I'm pretty sure this can be golfed down a little more, but here you go: 2a{b*\[DO]; 2 Push 2 to the stack as the backup value - if input is ...

Look ma! A competitive Vitsy answer!
Q: Fifth Grade Math Problem for the Week: Automated Decryption of Caesar Ciphers

Michael SternMy fifth-grade daughter is learning about codes and ciphers. She has reached the point of decoding a ciphertext that has been encoded with the Caesar cipher where the offset is not provided in advance. Without computers this can be time-consuming, especially for long blocks of text. Luckily, we ...

I know a constant time sorting algorithm : "DropAllSort"
It achieves a true constant time by dropping even the "reading of input" part.
Someone please tell me that the python answer for dropsort can be shortened. It'd be a shame if Java beat it by a couple bytes.
It just doesn't seem right.
@Geobits I have 49 so far.
@feersum Ok, that sounds more reasonable ;)
@Dennis Oh shoot you are right. Let me fix that.
@feersum Alrighty. Just got to put the finishing touches and then I can get to work on the solution program
Why did you do the I/O like this btw?
It seemed like a lot of existing low-level esolangs could not handle decimal integers well, so I thought it might be easier to do.
If you don't want to read unary one by one, you can make nteger I/O instructions in your language that do it automatically.
It's not an issue.
My language can do anything giggles manically if you know how.
It's actually Turing Complete.
@Dennis do you happen to know how to get the unique elements of a list in J?
Just get rid of the duplicates ;)
I'm pretty sure there's a built-in, but I find J's built-ins have really odd names which makes them pretty hard to find
malpractice lawsuit
Huh. There's a Hardware Recommendations stack now.
guys what do you think is the correct spelling: 'googlable' or 'googleable'
@Geobits it's called "Nub". obviously.
@feersum seconde one
The latter looks better to me, but either would be legible.
You didn't know that? What a nub.
The first one looks more like 'goog-la-ble', and the second 'goo-gle-a-ble'.
wtf is askjeeves
i think it became "ask" eventually
U no know jeeves?
Kids these days...
used to be fairly popular, now is just a toolbar you accidentally install when you're not paying attention
iirc the gimmick was that it did natural language parsing, and its downfall was that it did natural language parsing really poorly
Pretty much this, yea ^
you would ask it a question you want to know the answer to and it gave you mostly useless results
@undergroundmonorail I've been wondering for the past half hour why your comment got 14 stars. Only now do I get it. Have a star :)
Just a star? ;)
I seriously considered putting some italics in there but I couldn't settle on how
that is not the link i meant to paste
Glaceon is always welcome either way.
usually this glaceon is up instead of left but this picture is rotated wrong
@Geobits Hang on, does your multivote loophole apply to stars too??
No comment.
@feersum I feel like your python answer to dropsort could be improved
But I can't quite figure out how
By making it not python? Some would say that's an improvement.
flags as offensive
True, it doesn't look great.
Recursion shouldn't be the best tool for the job
False. Recursion is always the best tool in Python golf.
lambda a:[a[0]]+[a[i]for i in range(1,len(a))if a[i]>a[i-1]] preliminary non-recursive solution
for i in range(len( is why recursion is always the best tool.
There's probably a better way to do the iteration
Even enumerate beats range + len.
for i,e in enumerate(a):print(i,e)
for i in range(len(a)):print(i,a[i])
I guess I should learn how to enumerate
The best way is still
for e in a:print(i,e);i+=1
lambda a:[a[0]]+[x for i,x in enumerate(x[1:])if x>a[i-1]] 58
A: Fifth Grade Math Problem for the Week: Automated Decryption of Caesar Ciphers

TheDoctorPython 2, 384 a=raw_input() def e(v,b): if v.isupper():return (ord(v)-65+b)%26+65 else:return (ord(v)-97+b)%26+97 c=lambda v,b:''.join(chr(e(f,b))if f.isalpha() else f for f in v) p=[c(a,d)for d in range(26)] w=[g.strip() for g in open('w','r').readlines()] l=[0]*26 for k,i in enumerate(...

Now to golf it
now i have to go to class :< no golfing allowed
e=lambda v,b:ord(v)+b-[97,65][v==v.upper()]
e=lambda v,b:ord(v)+b-65-32*(v==v.upper())
e=lambda v,b:ord(v)+b-65-32*(v.isupper())
Is there any reason you all are calling upper instead of using < ?
We're dumb?
e=lambda v,b:ord(v)+b-65-32*(ord(v)>96)
e=lambda v,b:ord(v)+b-65-32*(v>"`")
Even better
w=[g.strip() for g in open('w','r')]
.readlines() is unnecessary, iter(file) iterates over the lines anyway
Also we missed a bit on the e
e=lambda v,b:(ord(v)+b-65-32*(v>"``"))%26+65+32*(v>"``")
close enough
w=[g.strip() for g in open(*'wr')]
lol nice
c=lambda b:''.join(chr(e(f,b))if f.isalpha() else f for f in a) use those global vars
Should be using map there.
No asterisk.
@feersum 'w' is the name of the file
oh yeah, it opens in 'r' mode by default
@Mego oic
does anyone know of a more or less common ASCII character to represent NAND?
apparently not.
A NAND B -> !(AB) is the only way I can think of
I like !& for semantic reasons, but...
N& :P
p=map(c,range(26)) doesn't work
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because implementing a PanicSort is destructive and can't be reliably tested without a throwaway Linux computer/VM. Not to mention all of these are useless as actual sorting algorithms. — TheDoctor 18 secs ago
Is everyone dead
uh oh
because dead == zombies
Is there any way I can keep APL from thinking that / is an operator in a fork in one byte?
@ThomasKwa I haven't found one. It's one of the most annoying features of APL when golfing.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayBeta's Fractal code-golf ascii-art Challenge Given a integer n via STDIN, output an ASCII represebtation Beta's fractal (as described below) at level n. Beta's Fractal The fractal starts off at level 0 with a single x: x Then, on each corner you add one of these shapes: x xx You add th...

Anyone else still confused confuzzled?
I don't understand it at the moment.
@TheDoctor Aren't there builtins for that?
Beta's sandboxed challenge.
> Whatever programming language is used, only low-level socket interfaces are allowed (except netcat)
Hmm, I don't know enough about that to know if it's a good restriction, but I'll assume it is.
@ThomasKwa What about it do you not understand?
I don't even know what a socket interface is, and I don't know what a low-level one would be.
import socket vs. import requests
one takes care of all the HTTP for you
Q: The World's Smallest Web Browser

TheDoctorBackstory: You enjoy your new programming job at a mega-multi-corporation. However, you aren't allowed to browse the web since your computer only has a CLI. They also run sweeps of all employees' hard drives, so you can't simply download a large CLI web browser. You decide to make a simple te...

So, 7 minutes
@NewMainPosts you were 7.5 minutes too late
@ThomasKwa I was talking about my challenge XD
Oh, I should actually click on the arrow next time
I think I get it now
It's alright :D
What about you Doc?
To get level N+1, you generate all the level 1s of every x in level N, and then overlap them, right?
(I'm not sure, but I think it technically isn't a fractal, since it isn't self-similar)
Every x which has more than one exposed size
(unless you have some way of showing the overlapping parts, that is)
/me looks at the diagram again

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