The Caesar cypher is a very simple substitution cypher where each letter is shifted by a fixed offset (looping around Z to A). We can also define a Caesar cypher for the set of printable ASCII characters. These are the 95 characters from code poi...
As I understand it, comments should be used to ask questions about the puzzle or the solutions, but not for a "Thank You" note. Sometimes people are very responsive and provide extensive information. There is no information or question I could add, but I would like to thank that person for their ...
The goal of atomic-code-golf was to "level the playing field". However, languages with built-in bigints, symbols/atoms, regex literals etc can easily encode arbitrary programs into a few tokens.
For example, in Python 3 any program can be encoded in 14 tokens using big-int + exec
Tell the computer to do the math
This challenge is partly an algorithms challenge, involves some math and is partly simply a fastest code challenge.
For some positive integer n, consider a uniformly random string of 1s and 0s of length n and call it A. Now also consider a second uniformly cho...
Tell the computer to do the math
This challenge is partly an algorithms challenge, involves some math and is partly simply a fastest code challenge.
For some positive integer n, consider a uniformly random string of 1s and 0s of length n and call it A. Now also consider a second uniformly cho...
"what makes you think that you can take it down to 6 tokens?" "oh, but i already have!" "haha, but it didn't work, remember?" "but i can fix it without adding any more tokens! YOU'RE TOO LATE!"
@user2179021 you can check how many users got more then X rep in the last week/month/quarter
@Sp3000 yeah... your PbN submission really deserves more attention... I shared it on reddit two days ago... that got the question a lot of views, but no upvotes for the answers unfortunately :/
I just used one of ReSharper's solution wide cleanup features, and ended up with a file that looks like var var var var v for (int i = ar 0; i < va 100; i+var var+) r var var var var var
It was supposed to replace explicit types with var, but instead it replaced everything with var.