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posted on July 26, 2012 by Shaco

Get out! Can�t you see there�s no room? What do you mean there�s nobody here? Of course not! My tea parties have been so very empty and droll...

posted on July 26, 2012 by NeeksNaman

news/July_2012/2012_07_26_Diana_Reveal/Diana_Splash_thumb.jpg The tide of battle is turning, summoners. With ceaseless aggression, powered and...

2 hours later…
Q: Does a kill within 10 seconds of a Twisted Fate ultimate give him an assist?

Jon BAn assisted is scored "by hitting the champion in the last 10 seconds before his death, or by contributing passively during this period of time." Now I know that things like shield or heals put on someone else that hit the champion will result in an exist, but does the vision grant by his ult, or...

2 hours later…
< 10 games and I'm no longer worst player on the team hehe :)
But I manage to end up being assist even with heroes who're supposed to be attacking (like Nocturne) - wondering if that is normal. Last game was 6/5/10, and this is with Noct who does really well on chasing down enemies
The guy who had tons of kills was Vayne, so basically ranged offense
@Alok Assists are inevitable. Especially if playing with other people. Lots of people will go for KSes. (Kill shots) Because they equate being good at the game with the highest number of kills.
Well, tbh I just go to kill enemy champions whether its KS or letting ally have the last shot
So I may be KSing too w/o knowing it :p
@Alok Usually, KSing is when you're alone in your lane with the enemy, and at the last second, a teammate runs in and finishes them off.
How do you hit towers as melee hero when ur minions are stupid casters (who are further from tower than you) - I had to hang back a few times due to that :(
When you're all bunched up (at their Nexus for example), it doesnt' really matter much.
ah - I don't do that
@Alok Tower targetting is... Iffy. If it is attacking minions, it will only attack minions until you attack an enemy champion, or your friendly minions are dead. If it starts attacking you it will not stop until you are out of range.
Anyway, need to get some sleep. If you have more questions, feel free to ping me with them and I will check them tomorrow. =D
Yeah I'm used to it normally - but what happens is, caster minions sit back and throw their magic balls
and I have to go closer to melee the tower; and it switches to me
Hehe np; at this point I'm just using this board for all my subjective not-for-site questions ;).
2 hours later…
@Fluttershy How many "games played" do you have?
3 hours later…
Q: What item is more preferable as Katarina: Hextech Gunblade or Will of the Ancients?

WarbaI have been thinking about this for quite some time now. When I have my Ionian Boots of Lucidity and I got "Hextech Revolver" as well as "Rylai's Crystal Scepter" and Rabadon's Deathcap what path should I take with the "Hextech Revolver" and why? Is it situational or is one choice better than the...

2 hours later…
@PatrickStalder Not entirely sure. I have over 200 at least. <_< Not many against actual players.
@Fluttershy Ok. Just wanted to check how much experience you already got. I still give you my seal of approval for answering beginner questions. :P
4 hours later…
Haha! I am at work and in your Summoner's Rift chat! MUAHAHAHA!
@FAE @Fluttershy @OrigamiRobot HIYA! :D
@DoomyGSE Hullo.
@DoomyGSE j0
Hurray! :D
Sorry, in a silly mood. ^_^
What exciting things are you crazy kids up to? :)
@DoomyGSE Being horribly pissed off at certain users on this site again.
@Fluttershy :(
I didn't mean to do it I swear!
@DoomyGSE Wasn't you. =P
@Fluttershy Oh...well why not? :P
@DoomyGSE Because you hardly use the site at all. <_< You're not the stupid person in question.
@Fluttershy Well, it isn't by choice. :P
Wait...I think your previous statement may isinuate that I am a stupid person...
And my spelling there may prove that theory. :P
@DoomyGSE =D
Why you gotta hurt me? :P
@FAE Did I spell isinuate right?
@DoomyGSE You did.
Wow, really?!
Woohoo! ^_^
@OrigamiRobot WHERE ARE YOU?!
Hi! ^_^
@OrigamiRobot How you doin'? :)
Just got home
I want to be home.
I have the urge to travel, anyone wanna go to Nilbog with me? :3
@DoomyPie I don't even know what that means....
@Fluttershy It means I am feeling silly. ^_^
Ah. Gotcha. <_<
Also, I changed my name. :)
Not sure if you noticed. :)
I did.
Like it? :)
Yep! =D
Hurray! ^_^
1 hour later…
posted on July 27, 2012 by NeeksNaman

Dr. Mundo�s known for many things: unwavering lunacy, going where he pleases and tossing cleavers at enemies� backsides. Now, we�re ratcheting up...

Doomy Pie, sounds like a good name.
1 hour later…
@DoomyPie CONGRATULATIONS! slowly claps impressed
@PatrickStalder Thank you! ^_^
@DoomyPie What are you going to do now?
@PatrickStalder Get skins! :P
I must have one for each champion! :P
Sounds like a plan. How many games played do you have?
Quite a lot, 30 or so PvP, way too many bot and customs.
30? ... HOW did you get all champions?
Custom games got me a few, mainly waited for sales.
Cool. What server are you on?
@DoomyPie I'm jealous, I still need 6
@DoomyPie insinuate (missing 'n')
Can you get skins using IP, or have to spend cash for them (or is there some way to get RP as well ingame)
@Alok Oh wow. I totally missed that. O.o
@Alok Have to use RP/cash.
Well, I'm not a PITA about spelling in general; just answering him as he specifically asked about it
@FAE Heh I will shortly be posting a question on how much RP u can get for free; as well as another about IP (in a few hours) - I only have 400 RP from leveling past lvl 3 :p
@Alok You can't really get RP for free...
RP is what you have to pay for. Do you mean you only have 400 IP?
No, I mean I have 400 RP: for reaching level 3
I have around 2k IP now
You can win RP in contest though. :P
2 hours later…
Q: How much RP can I get at no cost

AlokAt level 3, new summoners get a 400 RP bonus. Are there other ways to earn RP using such bonuses or promotions like the Tristana and Alistar free promos?

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