An assisted is scored "by hitting the champion in the last 10 seconds before his death, or by contributing passively during this period of time." Now I know that things like shield or heals put on someone else that hit the champion will result in an exist, but does the vision grant by his ult, or...
< 10 games and I'm no longer worst player on the team hehe :)
But I manage to end up being assist even with heroes who're supposed to be attacking (like Nocturne) - wondering if that is normal. Last game was 6/5/10, and this is with Noct who does really well on chasing down enemies
The guy who had tons of kills was Vayne, so basically ranged offense
@Alok Assists are inevitable. Especially if playing with other people. Lots of people will go for KSes. (Kill shots) Because they equate being good at the game with the highest number of kills.
How do you hit towers as melee hero when ur minions are stupid casters (who are further from tower than you) - I had to hang back a few times due to that :(
@Alok Tower targetting is... Iffy. If it is attacking minions, it will only attack minions until you attack an enemy champion, or your friendly minions are dead. If it starts attacking you it will not stop until you are out of range.
Anyway, need to get some sleep. If you have more questions, feel free to ping me with them and I will check them tomorrow. =D
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now. When I have my Ionian Boots of Lucidity and I got "Hextech Revolver" as well as "Rylai's Crystal Scepter" and Rabadon's Deathcap what path should I take with the "Hextech Revolver" and why? Is it situational or is one choice better than the...
Well, I'm not a PITA about spelling in general; just answering him as he specifically asked about it
@FAE Heh I will shortly be posting a question on how much RP u can get for free; as well as another about IP (in a few hours) - I only have 400 RP from leveling past lvl 3 :p
At level 3, new summoners get a 400 RP bonus. Are there other ways to earn RP using such bonuses or promotions like the Tristana and Alistar free promos?