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posted on July 23, 2012 by NeeksNaman

Greetings Summoners! Here are this week's free champions: Week 35 (this week): ...

2 hours later…
posted on July 24, 2012 by Phreak

Welcome to the Zyra Champion Spotlight, summoners! As the very ground beneath you roars with wild ferocity, Zyra is ready to spring traps, plant...

Unlocked both Tristana & Alistar; hotmail, fb, youtube all got +1 user for their statistics :P
Any ideas whom to start with in the free rotation? I'm thinking of Lulu first; and I want to try Jayce but he seems higher difficulty (switching roles)
3 hours later…
@Alok Jayce is super awesome if you learn to play him. Lulu is also pretty good but not as fun. Enjoy the Rift
@Alok Depends on what you want to play. But I would not recommend Jayce to begin with you have to press a lot of buttons at the same time to make his combos work IMO.
3 hours later…
Q: Staying alive with Heimerdinger

Bomberlt What is a best way to get many CS and staying alive with Heimer? I allways defend (not heimer) turret but I got killed a lot when I overextend.. And if I dont place both turrets in lane I don't get any minions.. And is it better to buy AP or cooldown reduction for Heimer? Because I allways buy a...

Played a coop with Graves, was terrible - like, lowest level on the team :p Atleast we still won vs the AI lol
Then I played 2 games with bots; and both cases ... stupid net conn. had to cut right near the end
But Lulu is nice; I had something like 2 deaths 2 assists ... let's just say, my deaths in the other games aren't meant for the public to know about :(
Opposing team had Annie bot; we exchanged polymorph & stun like 3+ times XD
@Alok One thing to remember that's important when you're learning is when not to overextend, especially under a tower.
If you've gotten the enemy low enough so that they need to go back to base to heal, you don't always have to go for the kill, especially if you're going to die getting it.
In laning phase, it's better to let them head back while you stay in lane so you can get ahead in farm.
2 hours later…
+Need a duo queue partner to help get my smurf out of elo hell..prefer 1400 ELO and below for the easy win :D - Eggrolled NA server
@Alok. Try out fiddlesticks. Extremely high sustain with drain, as well as strong cc and an ult that can change teamfights that's also a hell of a lot of fun to use.
@Ezreal yes ALWAYS go for the kill always. Be greedier than a pirate! And i would duo but i'm euw :( (im 1.4k elo too)
5 hours later…
Q: Should supports get any boot besides Ninja Tabi?

ExcelBeyondJust wondering if supports should get any other boot besides Ninja Tabi? It seems like the best boot for them by a mile (it's cheap and they don't have that much money to begin with, plus it lets them survive better in an AD lane).

Q: Making the most of Glitterlance (Lulu Q)

AlokGlitterlance is a nice piercing spell that is fired by both Lulu and Pix, but a potential target can only be damaged by one. Problem is, most of the time Pix is close by and the two paths have a great degree of overlap (except when he is on enemies or allies using Help, Pix!) I've tried to move ...

2 hours later…
@FAE Haha already had several deaths vs bots before I learnt that lesson. 'Death Recap: ... assist by turret' was a very common sight in the few games I've played
I misread skill descriptions too; e.g. Lulu's ultimate - read about boosting allies, never tried it my self (could've avoided a death too :( )
@Ezreal Will do, thanks - I'd like to try all the champs for each free rotation for a while; but depends on how much time I get to play (and its split with D3)
So its good to have recommendations on whom to prioritize
3 hours later…
posted on July 24, 2012 by Average Gatsby

Summoners! The Season Two Challenger Circuit is winding down, but the battle to clinch first place going into the Regional Championship is far...

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