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@Ami yeah, I'm also starting my tiny company
still Moonlighting but hopefully not for long
I written some of my best code listing to "the perfect drug" by "NiN" pounding in my ears. It's ironic really, the perfect drug
the movie motivated me to keep working harder :P
@FranciscoNoriega I'm still in school...that means my grades have dropped
Hmm. That didn't net me too many ideas. ): Hehe.
wasn't that the same guy from Zombieland in the poster?
@FranciscoNoriega it also scared me...money makes assholes of people
I kinda feel bad for the twins in The Social Network
Seemed like nice guys (atleast in the movie)
@JoelSpolsky do you think we'll see mainstream touch applications show up before Apple releases a touch iMac? Or are we going to see the same with the iPhone, people will see the value if Steve holds their hands?
are you kidding? any twin who is still joined at the hip with his brother at that age...
I got into programming because I had ideas that I wanted to implement, not the other way around
@RakshitPai yeah... but still they got their mils over the ones they already owned... not too bad
Was Shawn Parker really a dick?
@Ami I got into programming because I was shown how to format a 3.5 floppy on a Mac LC2 in elementary and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen!
@rchern well web-dev "themed" presents does sound kind of hard...
"Everyone" has ideas. Good design and implementation is worth much much more.
@Ami exactly
@Chris Dude, that WAS cool back in the day.
waay back in the day
@Ryan seriously when I tell the story, I get really excited and chocked up and animated. People think I'm nuts
Any body else got into programming because of wanting to do videogames?
@FranciscoNoriega Doesn't need to be web-dev. Just a group of my co-workers. In the past I've given small individual gifts to each person,, but this year I thought I'd do one gift because they're moving into new office space with a bit more room and the pool table got denied. Thought a fun gift might work. shrugs
@FranciscoNoriega I know tons of people who did it as a way to make a quick buck. They promptly left
@FranciscoNoriega Yep, then I found out how much it paid. :-/
@rchern a build server.. xD jk
@RyanHayes that didnt really stopped I just when I realize I was in love with the idea of programming games but sucked at actually doing them (all the physics, high-level math AI, etc)
I did one of those aptitude tests and I had a large disposition for engineering, my parents encouraged it
anyone own a windows phone 7 in here?
I knew I wanted to be a programmer since I was like 10 or 12 though.. starting learning with a newstand "teach yourself programming" weekly magazine at about 14
I'm a physics major. Physics + programming is a lot of fun.
@FranciscoNoriega Close..I wanted to write a program to manage AD&D games. Thats what nerds did in 1983
@FranciscoNoriega I fell in love with programming as it was something that was intensely personal. I enjoy the process of coming up with a problem and then working on a solution - all in my head
@Chris My favorite part was making banners for EVERYONE's parties...birthdays...superbowls...on those big roller printers where the paper was attached. Good times.
@RyanHayes oh!!! what was that corel software called?
Corel Draw?
@RakshitPai Sounds like you'd like projecteuler.net
@RyanHayes I think so
@RyanHayes or install Office 4.2 from floppies
@JoelSpolsky which version of Excel did you work on?
yeah programming is awesome its kind of addictive, who hasnt cursed at the screen for a while and later raise your arms in the air for success with a "YEAH!"
haha thats an awesome moment
@RakshitPai or chessgames.com
@Chris versions 4 and 5.
"Take that f**king bug!"
@FranciscoNoriega or dereferencing a null pointer when you're drunk and staring at an "access violation" and wondering why you have a Message Box on your screen
I had an old 286 NEC computer when I was about 6 and had to play Wolfenstein off the floppy because there wasn't enough hard drive space to install it. :-/
@FranciscoNoriega love to hear and talk about late night coding war stories
@JoelSpolsky do you think the Office team will ever fully embrace .NET? or is there just too much code?
Thanks to @Joel and Jeff, we now have a place to meet like minded people & talk about it
@Chris I dont think ive actually ever programmed while drunk... haha kind of felt like it after watching the facebook movie xD (i know lame!) xD
My opinion: no way -- too much native code there and it works. They may fire up an appdomain to host plugins but beyond that I doubt office would go .net.
"meet" in the virtual sense
I often wonder why .NET wrappers were never developed by the team for talking to the Compound Document formats without the need for Office. Perhaps they were told not too?
boy, I remember when the MFC team tried to get Excel to switch to C++. It still hasn't happened, of course. (It's all C)
@FranciscoNoriega I was actually a member of EE at one point, then SO started, never looked back
The MFC guys were shocked -- shocked -- that the Excel developers didn't see the value of throwing away all their code and rewriting it in their exciting new C++ framework which they just invented 15 minutes before
Mike Blaszczak failed! Buy me a hockey team, thanks in advance.
@JoelSpolsky really? wow that's incredible, my boss is convinced the Office team has their own compilers. Or rather, they wrote their own stuff. I actually think it's entertaining that MFC got a ribbon by MS licensing a ribbon from a third party (BCGSoft), they don't use the native office ribbon
@JoelSpolsky how much code are we talking?
oh man just accidentally deleted a message when trying to edit... @JoelSpolsky any way to un-delete?
did you try the down arrow menu and choose "history"
@FranciscoNoriega I guess it is one of the features that was not put in, didn't you read "Getting Real" by 37 Signals - Less features is good!! :)
@Chris I also had an account! I wasn't active in the community though.. and I created the account way back when it was free, so I never paid a thing for it and can still log in to see the answers.. not that I would.. not since SO started
@Chris... haha yeah but having a delete that doesnt ask for confirmation or offers an undo right next to an edit button........
oh come on, it's just chat. it's not the congressional record
@FranciscoNoriega me too! I also have a free account
@JoelSpolsky funny
@JoelSpolsky but I did feel a very tiny greef for losing my clever writting haha (hey I put an effort in this, its not my native language! haha)
One more day to go for Tron release
thanks for the tweet re: chat - nite all
Do you really want everything you write to be preserved by Google so that it can be used against you for all time?
@RakshitPai... I still have a few months of waiting left..
Accidental deletes were your subconscious protecting you.
@dan the idea is to write so much you flood the internet with good stuff; nobody can ever FIND any of the stupid things you say or do
@JoelSpolsky well if they are using C for Office, it's quite impressive what they've done with it! Kudos to them
@Dan No, accidental deletes are stiff cold fingers+touchpad :P
it's almost certainly the same code laying out paragraphs in Word that was written by Simonyi in the 1980s
with lots of tweaks, of course
@JoelSpolsky do you think a lot of the original team is there? I wonder how many folks work on it. As you can tell, I deal with Office A LOT in my day to day work
@JoelSpolsky Taking about Simonyi, Your making "wrong code look wrong" was a great post - joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html
It is the first time where i could really see the usefulness of using coding conventions to catch bugs
The day the USDOJ told Microsoft it needed to release interoperability specifications for .doc would be the day I'd leave that team.
@JoelSpolsky When was the last time you actually coded ?
@DanGrossman you know what's even better, seeing the error messages from COM, some of them mention VB6 in their errors
Just realized that youtube hasn't been updating my home page feed and I am way behind on tedtalks.
@yesraaj you will have to read the transcript, i already answered that one
how do we download the transcript?
VB6? That's modern compared to some of the things they do... like C structs dumped straight into the file.
there's a "roomV" menu in the top right
@DanGrossman my absolute favourite part of Office COM interop is when I found methods called "Dummy1" through "Dummy15" in the online documentation. I honestly couldn't believe it
@JoelSpolsky I see thanks!
enough ragging on Office, it's probably the most installed piece of software on Windows besides the browser
But the browser comes with it
@DanGrossman true
Paint, Notepad, Calculator, etc. have more installs since nobody tries to remove them
Solitaire is the most used program on the entire Windows platform
I remember telling my boss that if you had to automate SQL Management Studio to add a table to a SQL Server database, you'd use a different database.. but for some reason, it's the norm with Office
@DanGrossman do you use solitaire every day?
I don't ever use solitaire
Also, I really wonder why Ray Ozzie quit
> But the poor, benighted game is also—according to a Microsoft employee who worked on reprogramming it for Windows Vista—the most-used program in the Windows universe.
nice, quoting the wikipedia?
...no, quoting the Slate article I just linked
was Chris Sells the guy who rewrote it for Vista?
I love the title
I could watch it, but is Solitaire still C++ in Vista and 7? or is it WPF now?
good lord, did I scare everyone away?
@JoelSpolsky what kind of advice, "lets meetup," fan-mail volume do you get?
Is Joel some kind of celebrity?
Do programmers have celebrities?
we're about to find out
I need a snuggie, i've got the keyboard under my blanket with me with the screen sticking out
@JoelSpolsky OOPs I'm not able to find there are too many conversation sounds like you are very right with the following statement;"the idea is to write so much you flood the internet with good stuff; nobody can ever FIND any of the stupid things you say or do"
@JoelSpolsky is like @JonSkeet.... he's a rockstar in his own right. It would be no different it was Scott Hanselman in here in stead of Joel, just different types of questions
@DanGrossman I'm refraining from making fun of you
Good, you should.
@DanGrossman for snuggie comment really... I have one
@DanGrossman what do you mean?
I can easily find professionally embarrassing conversations from chat. Just look through the thousands of starred comments on SO and MSO taverns.
Permanently linked to these peoples identities
very unlike IRC or any other chat where everything is transient
@DanGrossman ACK! you know who I am.... nervous
The web can be kinda creepy.
that was rude, or shall I say shocking
You only saw your own IP
Oh wait
haha I'm kidding, I'm more interesting in how you found out, not that you did
I thought you were saying Chris was in New York.
No, it was just a script that draws your IP on an image, and uses MaxMind's free IP-to-location database to draw your city on it too
the point is he didn't find out. he put up an image
it's kinda like putting a little mirror in the chat room
I don't follow
You're not getting out of walking the dog. (;
so much for this being anonymous
i'm in a relationship thanks
I would walk your dog if you asked... i'm that nice
yes, but where in the window do you find the "location person" link?
Ha got a little WTF because of the IP too, but not too scared.. its not my IP.. the ISP's one
XKCD knows all your IP addresses now! OMG.
and @DanGrossman thanks for the MaxMind's free ip tip, you just saved me an SO question I was about to do :)
I feel like I'm at hypnosis show and I just woke up and say the tape!
Cool. "GeoLite City" is your search term for the free version.
@DanGrossman yes, but that doesn't answer the question, "user name to IP " button
That requires a little social engineering to do, as of yet
"So, where's everyone live?" followed by posting any image hosted on your server. Correlate access log to chat.
maybe i'm just not one of those, "smart and gets things done" people
I'd look it up but I turned off access logs on that server, actually :P
you work at SO?
No, but I posted an image in chat while you were here...
you loaded that image from my server, so your IP would be in my access log
I'm used to thinking about extracting the maximum available information from HTTP requests. I run a large web stats service.
I take it back, it wasn't rude, that was my shock talking.. is this you dangrossman.info
Yes, that's me
you have a nice site
and blog and portfolio, makes me feel unaccomplished
Now I definitely know your IP
you want to go for coffee or something?
Chrome 8, Windows 7
viewed 8 page so far
do you want my blood type too?
No thanks :p
yea, does anyone out there still use IE, or should that team just stop working?
w3counter.com/trends will answer that for you
too late to decide if I want to open that page
anyone else alive???
I may have scared everyone off with the talk of hurting their careers through chat transcripts and IP logging.
anyone who has a FB profile already gave that up
I must say, looking at your site, which is nice, I'm so not a CSS person
It's a really barebones blocky design, I'm not very creative
just squares with some borders
I tried to learn CSS once, I ran screaming from the room (this was back when IE7 was a standard)
reminds me of 37signals
I think it's creative. there are people who get design and people who don't. I'm the guy who tries
actually the one thing I'd love is that dyson bladeless fan dyson.com/fans
@Chris IE9 looks to be on a better track, but it's really only fast because of the hardware acceleration for HTML5 graphics. IE's dev tools just suck though compared to Chrome's.
I am using IE9. It actually seems like a pretty good browser. I would like to see a more modern add-on API (COM is not modern in my opinion).
@Chris I was impressed by those until I actually saw one running
@Chris wow once again, its the same with me.. I suck at CSS and making plain html turn into columns, boxes, etc :(
@RyanHayes it makes me wonder if Silverlight wasn't also created so people would stop writing ActiveX controls
IE has its own separate developer tools download
when I realized it was just a small fan blowing air into the ring, and not something high tech, I was no longer willing to pay some huge amount of money for it
@BrianRBondy the fact you NEED to download it bothers me
actually is there any good tutorials to do that? Teaching html/css for programmers who have been always developing desk/backend apps?
agree I love how good the built in tools are for Chrome
COM is never going away, it's unfortunate really, but it's large part of Windows
it'll go away when Windows development goes away
@BrianRBondy They're integrated into IE9. It's also got a network traffic analyzer like fiddler, but filters out everything else, leaving only the traffic relevant to the page in question. It's pretty nice.
@DanGrossman umm... sure... maybe when they write the OS in Silverlight
No, when people stop caring about desktop apps.
@Ryan ah nice, I have IE9 downloaded, but haven't really used it
@BrianRBondy Yea, Chrome and FF betas feel more polished for sure, but IE9 (from a dev's perspective) has a lot of improvements.
Fewer and fewer people need that kind of power anymore. They just need a browser and a couple widgets.
@Chris well Bugzilla is a seperate download and you cant deny it is pure joy :)
My issue with IE is the way it switches tabs. I use chrome because I'm a perceptual CTRL+Click user. I have tons of tabs open, and Chrome has never let me down
@FranciscoNoriega true, we use OnTime and PlasticSCM where I work
I just purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and asked the sales clerk how WP7 phones were selling, he said they only sold 10 total since they came out.
Chrome fails pretty often. It just doen't make much of an impact because you recover so easily. If a single tab crashes, you just reload to fix it. If a whole process crashes, you restore the whole thing at once.
@BrianRBondy yea, I heard a rogers commercial yesterday that touted the latest phones, not one mention of Windows Phone 7, I called head office and complained
The bad thing is that since ie's dev tools have traditionally been sub-par, most of the dev work is done testing for firefox because it has firebug. Then, IE is tested for last, which is the browser that has to be tailored to the most.
@RyanHayes don't forget, IE was created, then five years past between versions 6 and 7
By the way, making extensions on chrome is so much easier and more friendly than on FF and IE
I wish there were a single chat room for SE geeks. I have to switch between here, the SO tavern, the MSO tavern, and the SO javascript room depending on the hour of day.
@DanGrossman isn't that what twitter is for?
Twitter isn't chat
Twitter is like a million radio broadcast towers... beaming out your signal and hoping someone else might be listening
@Dan sounds like you need a "chat set" like the "tag sets"
@DanGrossman I take it your not a fan?
I use Twitter, but it's no replacement for the interactivity of a chat room
fair enough
I wish they change "ADO.NET Data Services" or is it now "WCF Data Services" back to Astoria
they should leave code names as the product name
They'd have way too many trademarks to enforce, then.
good lord that's a long list
yeah the chat is pretty cool...although to be honest I think I hadn't use chat rooms and actually chat with people for over 10 years, when the whole chat rooms thing boomed (well at least in mexico it was about 10-15 years ago, with "LatinChat") :P
the last time I chatted with humans it was on dualboot.net
In computer networking, specifically Internet Relay Chat (IRC), netsplit is a term used to describe the disconnection of a given node from the previously established network or between two nodes. As an IRC network is an undirected acyclic graph, a split between any two nodes splits the entire network into two pieces. Consider the graphic to the right, which represents the computer network. Each line represents an established connection between the two nodes; each node represents either a server or a user on the network. Therefore, the server C is connected directly to A, which is also ...
nah, to young to use IRC haha I think i've never actually used it.. but I still hear people (on the internet) talking about it :P
It's still the front line support channel for new programming languages, frameworks and platforms. Outside the Microsoft world, at least.
If you haven't used it recently, you're not trying enough bleeding edge stuff ;)
Is anyone here an ASP.NET developer?
Yes if you count MVC
but mostly backend... html/css... not my thing (though i'd like it to be)
@DanGrossman isnt SO the fornt support channel for programming?
Not for new technologies where the developers are the only good source of knowledge other than reading the code
NoSQL engines, node.js, esoteric languages, etc.
you go to the IRC channel the developers use
If SO is helping you with obscure problems, whatever you're asking about is already mainstream
hehe that last remark reminded me of this shirt
it's true though... when I was writing a server on node.js, the APIs were changing while I was programming so I'd have to rewrite by the next day... when I was building an app using MongoDB as its data store, I had to recompile the DB driver for my language myself because I had to fix bugs in it to get it to work
SO wouldn't be any help to me there
in a way its so overwhelming to keep up with so many new things
and I am the kind of guy that really likes to try out new things
but I guess not that new... I wait till there is a .net wrapper or something.. perhaps I am too comfortable with .net/ c#
Where else will you find "Thinking in Clojure for Java Programmers"?
and I use mostly .net techs (try lots of beta/ctp.. but mostly MS's)
you're a microsoft developer, and you'll always be half a decade behind the times by living in their world
great for working at a cost center in a non-software business, or as an expensive consultant... just don't move to california or northwest washington
I did a 6 month internship working as a software developer at Microsoft in Redmond... nope, no thanks :/
I'm from Mexico so no worries about that ;) but yeah.. sometimes I feel like learning new stuff, but man I've grown so used to the great IDE tools (intellisense!) that it feels like a chore to do stuff in notepad-esque/command promp IDEs :/
(and by the way.. thanks for the link! I now have like ten more tabs open with articles that need to be read hahaha)
Believe it or not, the rest of the programming world has IDEs with code completion too.
After looking at your portfolio I do respect you Dan, tons of finished products! So, what languages/projects do you thing are worth looking at/ learning for someone that has been in the MS-sphere for the last 4-5 years?
hello to all from China, I'm new to this place :)
@DanGrossman out of curiosity which team were you on and why did you decide to leave?
I don't know if I can remember all the acronyms...
CXT (Customer Experience Team), part of the RXD (Relationship Experience Division), inside the MSIT division of MS? something like that
they emailed me in 2008 it was very obscure. I went to Van for an interview, they did ask good questions, but it felt more like a psych exam
And I left because 1) I thought the job was uninteresting, 2) I wasn't having fun with the tools, 3) Microsoft does everything so their non-compete agreement pretty much prevents you from working on side businesses, even hobby-size projects
:( 20-32 day shipping costs 50% of the book, 8-16 days costs as much as the book and 2-6 days costs 150% of the cost of the book... I miss when I was in the states and shipping would take a couple of days and costs less than 5 dollars :(
@DanGrossman I C. I always wondered how much middle management ran the place
i read lots online from former employees, and lots of them recent have gone over to facebook, they recant the same thing, frustration
hehe, too much
@DanGrossman in response to your, "rest of the programming world". I've been helping a friend with some Linux C++ programming, he's not a programmer, and I've been really enjoying it.
That reminds me of the first production code I ever wrote. My 16 year old friend got a job at the local newspaper, and told them he knew how to program. They told him to write a program to remove all the phone numbers in one text file from the list of numbers in another text file. He didn't really know how to program, so I wrote it for him, he brought it to work the next day and they used it for years afterwards.
A lot of people have Microsoft blinders on sometimes and they don't realize there are thriving communities outside of that community
its funny I used to remember I used to think how old "Turbo C++" was a lot better than Dev-C++ back back at the start of Uni, and I actually used ubuntu in my lap for a while (my vista got too slow...but then my ubuntu got too slow too and I just reformated to vista again) and I actually used Kate+GCC to create a pretty cool final project....
and then they tried to teach us java and I didnt like it and then I saw C# and really really like it (mainly due to the IDE and to the fact that there was already a class to read and write to console xD)
I found a really cool IDE called Qt from Nokia and I really like it
and from then on I sort of became 100% MS dev...
but yeah, im going to check out that book
I wonder how many programmers wouldn't be able to code if you told them to do it all in notepad
Isn't Qt a UI framework, not an IDE?
yes, it's a UI framework, but they have an IDE that you can write C++ in
@Chris Only the ones that use .NET would have to think twice :p
KDevelop and Anjuta didn't impress me
yeah.. Kate is just a colored notepad...
vim :) Aptana Studio occasionally
@DanGrossman not a fan of .NET?
I think the main problem is that when you are working with the basic STD libraries and stuff like that its easy to remember stuff, but when you start to use more and more and more libraries, I find it almost impossible to remember the names/params of all those methods/classnames and Intellisense is a great way to explore objects/apis
.NET is fine, but I haven't met a .NET developer that doesn't live in Visual Studio
I certainly used VS when I was at MS
@DanGrossman there is SharpDevelop, but yes you are correct
good luck getting the project to compile at a command line...
@DanGrossman ok, which IDE do you use when you client develop?
Most of the time vim, sometimes Aptana Studio
no intellisense/code completion
they have it, but I don't use it
client development as in desktop apps?
desktop apps? haven't written one of those in more than a year
and I used Eclipse
so your mainly web then?
hii everyone, i need a wordpress code help
as much as I can be, I prefer to build services to desktop apps... that's the future
can any one help me out in it?
I agree on Dan on that
I hear ya
Only in compiled, statically typed languages do you get messes like this: (InspectionDetail.ItemConditions)bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(String.Format("Details[{0}].Condition", k)).ConvertTo(typeof(InspectionDetail.ItemConditions)); (from a .NET app)
I used to love desk dev and wasnt really interested in web (thus my lack of html/css skills(
that's why you NEED intellisense... in other languages, you'd NEVER have code that looks like that in the first place
i need help on wordpress code, and there is no one the chat room
post a question on the website, not chat
but I've also realized that web apps are the future, and I started investing in that (asp.net mvc)
or just ask here and stop asking to ask
in The SO Tavern (General) on Stack Overflow Chat, Nov 17 at 18:30, by Lasse V. Karlsen
So the general advice is don't ask to ask, just ask your question
@ntechi ?
Well Dan, I went and got myself the eBook
Awesome :)
@FranciscoNoriega much better choice, and throw it in your DropBox, you'll never loose it, and it will always be with you
gonna be busy the next few weekends
the guy sounds like a pretty strict teacher :P
but that is in a way a good thing
@chris thanks for the reminder! boxing just now!
well guys
its a little bit late now
I'm off to bed, it was really nice chatting with you :) hope to catch you later again
@Dan: There's something seriously wrong with that code. There's a cast and a conversion. Very likely you need only one or the other.
5 hours later…
@Jin, just in case you come here first:
Q: The Ask Question link is wrapped

BenjolCheck out the screen shot: (Apparently Firefox isn't liking House Whiteboard...)

@Jin - another minor issue with the site design:
Q: Favicon has white rather than transparent background

ChrisFA minor point, but the new favicon (coffee cup) has a white rather than transparent background - unlike the other sites: Can we have a nice transparent background please?

@Jin @ChrisF While we're talking about the site design I noticed that the menu links apprear over the drop down alerts when you scroll through them.
that is the

* Questions
* Tags
* Users
* Badges
* Unanswered
* Ask Question
links and the drop down (specificly) that says "there is one more answer for this question"
so thats probably just a z-index thing

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