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10k'ers, could use some delete votes.
@MichaelT Achievement unlocked.
@RobertHarvey I think two other 20Kers would appreciate if you also take a look at some answers over here
Yahoo keeps emailing me about that job.
"Take our test. You have two weeks."
"OK, we'll give you two more weeks."
"OK, forget about the test. When can we call you to do a phone interview?"
@RobertHarvey Yahoo doesn't get your Answers
My mistake though. It's not Yahoo, it's Amazon.
Amazon has booked you
Well, maybe they're figuring out that you can't attract talented people by giving them puzzle tests.
(and its reception on reddit and quora)
github.com/fabianm/brainfuck/blob/master/src/… these two lines... isn't next == iter ?
Hey @Yannis - you like implementing BF interpreters... right?
I just typed sudo shutdown -r now in a putty terminal, then turned 90 degrees to watch that system reboot and do its fscks on reboot. I would call that the epitome of laziness, but it was actually more work to do it that way.
@MichaelT Is that a euphemism for doing consecutive shots of some cheap Russian vodka?
What is the name of the programming principle where you have object.a().b().c().d() my brain cannot function after midnight.
I think it was someone's name
not Liskov
Law of Demeter.
Or Fluent Interface.
that's it, thanks
Now I need sleep so I may finish the wake -> caffeine -> crash -> sleep -> wake ... cycle.
Mmm... Caffeine. I mean, coffee.
github.com/fabianm/brainfuck/blob/master/src/… in here, is next == iter ? if not then why. I actually can't understand the significance of the lines 185 and 186
5 hours later…
@blackbee this may be coming waaaaaay too late, but I believe the function you're looking at is performing what's commonly called a "splice" operation (here's an illustration of a simple case: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/…)
using that illustration as an example, lines 185-186 would be the part that makes the 37 node point to the 99 node (and vice versa, since the interpreter's using a doubly-linked list)
incidentally, since you asked the other day why use a linked list at all: iirc only a linked list can do a splice operation in constant time, so that might have something to do with it
happy coffee day?
happy pizza day
pizza day is awesome
1 hour later…
@Ixrec ok .. thanks.. twice
The odd thing is the next initialization at line 176. Unless that happens before line 173, next == instruction, and you wind up with a circular data structure and a memory leak. Thing is, I don't see anything that would cause the compiler to initialize next before line 173.
yeah, I am also confused about that part too...
that might be why I only came up with an answer after the 3rd or 5th time I clicked on blackbee's link
I'd assumed I was just too tired to read pointer-heavy C code
this would be so much simpler with std::list
I pulled out the function to test it, and I get a memory error when run (codepad.org/wBbHpyaA).
something tells me we'd have to run the full interpreter and see what kind of arguments it gets called with in practice
today's aesop: write unit tests
In the while loop they are going to the last instruction node to be inserted, and then (assuming the 'after' instruction is the second last instruction node, such that after->next is not NULL) .. then they do after->next which is the first instruction to insert .. so first_instruction->previous = last_instruction .. isn't that circular ?
no I am wrong
I think it's meant to be first_new_instruction->previous = last_old_instruction, but yeah, I'm not sure either
fuck pointers
yeah you are right
seriously, the STL saves so much headache
I have to learn C++ then... :P
As-is, next == instruction. However, if next gets initialized before after->next = instruction, then next holds the original tail, and the next->previous = iter; iter->next = next; appends the original tail to the newly inserted list.
ok ok..
Codepad.com doesn't like it, but the modified version runs fine on other codepads, such as: ideone.com/nCryWl
brainfuck_insert_before isn't referenced anywhere internally, so I assume it's a part of the API, and the implementation is buggy. Someone should tell the maintainers.
Happy coffee day
@Petoj you're right. All three are using DataTime. — mydogisbox Feb 8 '14 at 20:50
DataTime - my favorite object type. Is it Data? Is it Time? Nobody knows; DataTime!
Hmm, code-review tag explicitely says : DO NOT USE THIS TAG. Code reviews are off-topic on Stack Overflow... May be this should be better on programmer, but unsure ... — Serge Ballesta 31 secs ago
@abrahamnavas This site is for programming questions, not all subjects that might interest programmers. — trojanfoe 16 secs ago
@JimmyHoffa STOP! DataTime!
@SergeBallesta In this case, this question would fit neither on Code Review or Programmers. Please read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users and What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack OverflowSimon André Forsberg 5 mins ago
Please correct me if I'm wrong about that ^^
It could be made to fit on Programmers.
> I would appreciate your comments on what option is best and why; other options and advice are welcome.
That's kind of problematic. The "best" option may depend. Polling for other opinions isn't going to get you far, either.
yeah, it seems a bit opinion based.
and also, neither option seems to be very good. Loading coordinates from a file from a constructor? Doesn't seem right to me.
I don't think it's off-topic for Programmers, though. It just needs to be improved.
@ThomasOwens feel free to add a comment to it and correct me. Too late to edit my comment.
there's way too many //some constructors and stuff for me to be able to say anything useful about the code.
If he reads your links, he should learn how to fix it for Programmers.
Otherwise, eh.
it's probably close enough, most people who post iffy questions can't seem to understand the difference between a bad question and an off-topic question
Alright, thanks.
@ThomasOwens I have a feeling the answer is "No" but I am asking anyway: Would this question be on-topic on programmers?
Q: Dilemma Cash Flow Modeling

KrismorteI'm studying a modeling form to be the most generic and reusable I can with the cash flow design, but there's many variables in the model. So the fir question I'm on the right way? My model It is too fragmented? Is sometih missed? Just an observation, this model does not have all the attributes...

@SimonAndréForsberg Design reviews are on-topic, but we need more detail.
I don't even know what "cash flow modeling" is. There should be a better description of what this is modeling and perhaps specific questions about the design.
Q: Does Akka obsolesce JMS/AMQP message brokers?

smeebI spent the last week deep diving into the Akka docs and finally understand what actor systems are, and the problems that they solve. My understanding (and experience with) traditional JMS/AMQP message brokers is that they exist to provide the following: Asynchronous processing between produce...

Can someone read the comments? Am I totally misunderstanding the question?
@gnat "There are days when there are more suggestions to migrate or repost to Programmers.SE than there are questions posted here." ... My apologies for contributing to that problem. :) Thanks for the guide, interesting to see the P.SE side of things. — SpaceSteak 36 secs ago
@ThomasOwens "Doesn't Akka provide this, without all the required infrastructure and operational overhead?"
I'm guessing it probably does, though I don't know much about Akka or message brokering.
@RobertHarvey Yes, but only between other Akka components.
Of course.
For everything else, there's Protocol Buffers.
In my example of a distributed system that uses multiple languages or software built by multiple vendors, you may need to design a broker that everyone can communicate with to give more freedom to the developers.
Protocol Buffers is just a serialization method. ProtoBuf over JMS isn't bad.
Where are my distributed system peeps?
I've always been a bit homogeneous, myself.
hey answer from @ThomasOwens from 2009 is still useful!
What answer?
"It's 2009."
Oh, wait.
But yeah. My answers are timeless.
BTW, itn's @JimmyHoffa a distributed guy?
A: Text Editor which shows \r\n?

Thomas OwensWith Notepad++, you can show end-of-line characters. It shows CR and LF, instead of "\r" and "\n", but it gets the point across. However, it will still insert the line breaks. But you do get to see the line-ending characters. To use Notepad++ for this, open the View menu, open the Show Symbols s...

Jimmy Hoffa is a Renaissance Man™ .
Isn't some kind of broker the only way to achieve a loosely coupled distributed system? If you have a direct connection between clients, then each client has a direct dependency. I would rather have the clients all depend on some other component that is always there.
And then clients and come and go.
Makes sense to me.
@MichaelT @GlenH7 @gnat Can someone help me find a reference on why "tell me if I'm correct" questions are not good questions for the SE format
@ThomasOwens Can we close this question asked by a SO question-blocked account? programmers.stackexchange.com/q/290713/1204
@durron597 I think meta.programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/6502/… might cover that?
@Ixrec This is actually an SO question, I was hoping for an MSE reference
ah, woops
@Skynet Composition over inheritance is a solution to a problem, not a problem. What problem is he trying to solve here? "Tell me if I'm right" questions are not good questions for this format. — durron597 5 mins ago
probably the same reasoning applies everywhere but I can't recall a thread specifically on MSE about it
If anything the question would be on topic here, but it's crap so I'm not flagging to migrate.
Three reopen votes. Gorram bikesheds
finally read it, wtf does OP think "composition" means
I guess there's a debate over what to do with a question whose premise is completely wrong, since an answer saying "that Q doesn't even make sense because..." is probably still useful to OP
but for that question I'm not sure I know enough about what he's misunderstanding to solve it with an answer rather than a discussion
@ThomasOwens it/in/is/it's/in's/its ?
@ThomasOwens ProtoBuff is nice - I like MessagePack for the more configurationless approach if I'm going to use a serialization that requires extension, or more often JSON when performance isn't critical since it's so obscenely standardized now as well as being very human readable/workable
MessagePack is good if it's ok to tell all the consumers "You must go grab a 3rd party library to interact with this system"
@ThomasOwens ...does he not realize camel == ActiveMQ/JMS/whatever? "I will never need an MQ broker if I use Akka, I might just need Akka+MQ Broker!" ???
whatever. His logic is missing out on one important point anyway
@JimmyHoffa I don't know. Camel is just an interface. It doesn't replace the broker.
@ThomasOwens last I heard Camel was just another of the names/variants of "JMS" / "ActiveMQ" which I've been told are the same thing
Akka appears to have its own distributed message passing framework.
@ThomasOwens ....then it is an MQ broker.
No. It doesn't provide a broker.
You still need to be running ActiveMQ or OpenMQ or RabbitMQ or an XMPP server somewhere for Camel to connect to.
It's really more like an integration framework. If you have multiple communication methods, Camel makes it easy to work with all of them.
So you can interact with FTP, XMPP, OpenMQ, and raw sockets in a consistent manner.
An MQ broker provides important pub-sub architecture facilities for distributed systems. These are important because they allow you to write applications that notify the overarching system of things, while being totally unconcerned with the acting-upon-those-things. This way you can write applications with single concerns: I process <bla>, someone else can log it, someone else can notify IT of failures, someone else can update <bla> accounts to tell them their <bla> was processed
Yes. I believe if you are using Akka across all components, Akka has that architecture built in.
...then it's an MQ broker.
But if you can't use Akka across all components, you need a broker. Camel isn't a broker.
A: Question closed because yes/no answer

ServyWhen asking a yes/no question there are one of two possibilities: You really want a yes/no answer. If this is the case, and you don't need anything else to answer your question then it means the answers will be inherently low quality. An answer that only says "Yes" or "No" (in addition to not...

....what I just described above is an MQ broker. Are there clients in every language? Perhaps not, but there's network IPC occurring of the pub-sub variety - ergo, MQ broker.
(What is camel if it's not ActiveMQ/JMS?)
"service bus" - now that's another fancy story which is more buzzword than substance. It's like MQ Broker with ETL built in - I think of service buses like FileMaker Pro - great for people who want everything they do to be done all by one single bizarro process, shit for any of us who want to actually maintain software systems rather than becoming expert users of a single application.
I don't know if Akka has all of the requirements for a broker. Maybe?
@gnat Thanks
Looks like the new nav is live across the board
I liked the old nav better, sigh.
@ThomasOwens brokers is a vague term. It's better to think in terms of facilities than some buzzword. Distributed pub-sub? Distributed fifo queue? These are really the only two pieces I think necessary to call something a "broker" - persistence guarantees are great but optional (most brokers let you turn this on/off). Everything else is gravy. Distributed transactions, guaranteed delivery (a shit concept because everybody fucks it up and confuses it with transactions 'n such)
I guess the only other thing I'd say that's required to call it a broker is that it's a standalone running process, so I guess Akka doesn't qualify (ZeroMQ doesn't qualify for this reason). Perhaps that's what the guys question is? Does he need a separate standalone process?
> Camel's exhaustive, almost infinite list of integration capabilities (TCP, FTP, ZeroMQ, the list goes on and on...)
what is camel? O_o
@JimmyHoffa It's a wrapper.
...for what?
oh so he means he can use it to integrate with a broker or other interoperable IPC service
Communication protocols.
> Apache Camel lets you work with the same API regardless which kind of Transport is used - so learn the API once and you can interact with all the Components provided out-of-box.
whatever. One way or another he needs another IPC service running somewhere if he wants to interop beyond Java. If he doesn't want to, then sounds like Akka will do it all for him.
@ThomasOwens transport is pointless if there's no service to talk to on the other end. And if it also acts as a listener it's no longer just "transport"
@JimmyHoffa That's kind of my point. Camel is an interface that abstracts the transport away. You don't care if you're using JMS, TCP, UDP, HTTP, raw sockets anymore.
yeah. Just read your comments
that's the way I see it
The last comment is kind of weird, too. You don't just magically distribute a system. It's something that you plan to do.
You either have a distributed system that somehow communicates or you don't have a distributed system.
You mention Camel's infinite integration capabilities but it can't integrate with Nothing. There needs to be something for it to integrate with, otherwise you're just enjoying the support for a bunch of services that you aren't running. Kick up JMS, or an HTTP or FTP server or something if you want to use Camel to integrate with something. Otherwise it's just blissfully providing infinite integration capabilities while integrating with nothing. — Jimmy Hoffa 19 secs ago
meh, doesn't much matter
either way his question is vague at best, and a discussion request possibly
I'll ponder a CV for a while..
I don't think it's a discussion request.
But I don't have enough for a full-fledged answer.
any 3Kers over here willing to test if this asker is trying to circumvent a question block? Their SO profile shows visited about an hour prior to asking here - someone paranoid would say they probably tried there and were blocked and decided to try their luck at Programmers. But we aren't paranoid, are we?
> Does Akka obsolesce JMS/AMQP message brokers?
> if my app uses Akka, do I ever have a need to bring JMS/AMQP brokers (e.g. ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka) into the picture? In other words, is there ever a use case where a new Akka-based app would then also warrant the introduction of a new JMS/AMQP broker cluster? Why or why not?
Yes. One example would be a heterogeneous system where all components don't have access to Akka. Depending on your broker implementation, there may be bindings for other languages. You also allow clients to be written without a dependency on Akka.
@ThomasOwens "not all"
Should I expand on that a little and make it an answer?
And fix that error, of course.
It doesn't particularly need expansion, and yes. Gods I'm tired of people learning "actor"s from these shitty libraries that just made up some bullshit and said "Look, it's the actor model!" Blech.
Akka != Actors
That you'll need to explain to me. Clearly, Akka is not the be-all-end-all of the actor model. But it is an implementation of the actor model, yes?
Frankly, I've failed to find any real Actor model implementations in what I've looked at, closest is Erlang
@ThomasOwens not even remotely
@JimmyHoffa Is there a post that explains the difference?
stupid file line endings, srsly
Between the real Actor model and Akka, that is.
I wonder how much time has been wasted because of different file ending
@enderland not much really. One only needs to break their nose on wrong file endings a handful of times and it becomes a habit to check
@gnat hah, that's a fair point
The Actor Model is an exceedingly simplistic computational model, all the implementations out there toss a bunch of extra shit on top of it and say "See, it's the actor model!" which is like saying "dynamic typing is strong typing without all the constraints! We improved it!"
The Actor Model is simple: You only have local state. You may not respond to calls. Nothing you call will respond to you. You may create things. You may send messages to things. You may decide to respond to the next call that comes to you differently.
That's all of it. All the libraries add facilities that make actors actually respond to things, or give them state beyond local, etc. It's all crap. They're just turned The Actor Model into a buzzword while actually not following it.
If you want to know more - watch this: channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/…
^-- Best lecture/explanation of the actor model ever - by the guy who invented it.
@durron597 Hmm. It may be too broad.
It's asking for a lot of information.
@ThomasOwens It has like 4 STCI tags.
Honestly, all 5 tags ought to be burned, but apart from "too broad" (which I'm not even sure I agree with) I couldn't think of a close reason.
I fixed the tags.
@ThomasOwens That just leaves three questions with , one open that I've voted to close
Hmm. I'm torn about professional society.
Let me look at the questions.
@ThomasOwens Me too, I burned it from this question but maybe it should be put back
To be fair, Facebook isn't exactly known for their clean, usable UX. — enderland 10 mins ago
I'm always surprised how popular facebook is giving it's terrible UX
> It is better to get half of the right thing available so that it spreads like a virus. Once people are hooked on it, take the time to improve it to 90% of the right thing
I can appreciate the comparison of fbook as a virus
This question belongs on meta. Here is a post on your question: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/254570/…abaldwin99 17 secs ago
@enderland And Windows
and C
@enderland that was written in 1991 I believe.
I was... well I was young then, let's just say
@enderland Yet it's still true today. Reddit still looks like crap
s/crap/utter crap/
Yeah, I'm an advocate of function over form (even though my background is UX, I care more about the functional aspect - not the beauty aspect)
I'm not an expert on this, but it seems like your question might be better suited for programmers.stackexchange.com which is more about concepts than solutions. — Robert Rose 55 secs ago
Q: Optimising nested for loops Java

g0c00l.g33kI am having a code that does scheduling of a days events based on the exact fit basis, I am kind of having three nested for loops and I love to hear thoughts on how to optimise it. The for loop algorithm is as follows, for each schedule in List<Schedule> for each session in schedule.getSessio...

Is this something for you folks? ^^
ugh, code was just added... nevermind
> he thinks this wall of psych 101 mba mind control bullshit is going to motivate us
Happy Coffee Day.
@blackbee pointers are your friends! They let you do all sorts of stuff like iterate through arrays, or make linked lists!
he's the anti-gnat
if they shake hands they annihilate eachother and turn into pure energy.
@Ampt or get undefined behaviour! The best kind!
@JimmyHoffa if you try to cut a board with an augur you'll probably get undefined behavior too, but one tends to side with the augur in such disagreements.
How do you guys feel about if (condition) statement;
all on one line?
I don't like them
braces on all the things
So if (condition) { statement } works for you?
All on one line?
I don't mind it as long as indentation is correct
Indentation? You mean of the entire line?
granted I'd prefer the statement indented on the next line
@RobertHarvey depends on how short it is, but I generally prefer the statement on a new line
never without braces
Mmmm.... Braces.
but if it's a series of statements like
if (red) {color = red;}
if (blue) {color = blue;}
then I guess I could see it
@Ampt uh, color = true ?
color = red?red:(blue?blue:color);
that's effectively color = (red || blue) ? true : color;
which is color |= (red || blue)
or you could just use a switch statement, but that's besides the point. the point is that if you're doing a ton of short operations that you can't easily reduce down, I could see the use for having the condition and statement on the same line
but discussing the actual point isn't fun.
hmmm... fair point, continue.
OK, here's another fun one:
Isn't every day coffee day?
@Ampt really? I would side with the board - the augur is going to make that board fly, and ten times out of ten flying boards hit people. So to summarize, in Augur vs. Board competitions, people always lose.
@RobertHarvey My trading model just made more money today than in the rest of July combined so I am celebrating!
You're doing computer trading, and actually making it work?
How much of that goes into your own personal banking account?
@RobertHarvey it varies. I almost never same-line it- but I don't brace a lot of stuff that doesn't need it
@RobertHarvey Yes, actually making it work. None, because we're reinvesting the money so the bank lets us trade more size.
@GlenH7 you want to tell this guy he's trying something really hard, or me? :P
Q: Simulating fluid transfer in a pipe

PiTheMathemagicianI know this is a fairly large/broad category, but I've been racking my brain over the last few weeks on how to simulate fluid flowing through pipes. In the environment I'm working, I can have a single pipe segment connect in any of the six directions (the four cardinal directions plus up/down) an...

@durron597 oh commodities trading
my personal investments did very well today with Visa and Amazon up big.
@enderland he's totally playing minecraft
all in one line is fine if braced.
Hm, brace fetishes.
@Telastyn O_O
@Telastyn What was that? You're going into a tunnel, I think we've lost you...
@JimmyHoffa I used to dismiss the "all braces, all the time" crowd, until someone broke a program at NASA because they added a line to a single-line if without also including the necessary braces.
@RobertHarvey sorry, all in one line is fine if braced.
And when you break a C program that way, it breaks in style. No warnings, just CRASH.
@RobertHarvey I used to be a member of that crowd, but I've just never made that mistake, and if someone else does, it's probably the type of person who's making mistakes everywhere else too, so this isn't really protecting you from the harm they're committing...
@Telastyn I'm all about index funds. boring boring boring...
I probably should be more boring.
vanguard ftw.
I just always use braces so I don't need to think about if I need braces.
@Telastyn you're breaking up, you must be in a solar flare, perhaps you're having a stroke or hit your head and began speaking german. Either way, there is no sense to be made from your words...
    if braced
        all in one line is fine;
now it's in your messed up style. SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE BY LEAVING OUT THE BRACES?!
@Telastyn чтo яазик?
translate: чтo яазик
(from Portuguese) чтo яазик
portuguese? lolz
I... don't have Japanese installed on this machine, and I'm too lazy to google then copy/paste it.
oh, market is down nearly 1% today
my holdings are up 4.84% muhahahah
@enderland O_o where did it get Portuguese for that?
@JimmyHoffa If you're asking about language, and using Russian, I think you've misspelled it.
(I went based on sounding it out, so if you're talking about something else, carry on)
:22993369 Also the и should be ы, I think.
(Sorry, being a pedantic nerdball)
Hi @AshleyNunn - Just-sayin-hi!
@JimmyHoffa laughs
@rolfl Hello! :) How goes life as a normal stack citizen?
Well, I just realized that I can no longer see the history of messages removed in here.... drat
Missing the TL folk mostly, though. Say HI!.
@rolfl Will do :)
@rolfl this channel has a very disproportionate number of moderators I think, so it's a good place to be
@JimmyHoffa someone ought to make an extension to cache all chat messages and then show them even when deleted ;)
Drat, boss, look back here... and gone ;-)
I have to run, install some electrical at my folks, Have a good w/end all.
don't miss
@enderland Maybe I should run for workplace mod. I can get 80 rep real quick
How much rep do you need to run?
(Not that I should consider another site right now, Arqade kinda eats my life)
@AshleyNunn 300. I have 220 on workplace
@AshleyNunn If you couldn't stay mod on Pets you probably shouldn't run on workplace
I'm still trying to get @Telastyn to run for workplace mod but every time I say it he ignores me
that is true.
@durron597 Completely different life situations, etc.
@Telastyn Well I guess you didn't ignore me this time :-P
It was more idle curiosity than serious intent - I kinda want to be more involved in sites that I intend to poke at possibly moderating.
I feel as though doing moderation well would take more time and attention than I can provide.
@Telastyn I think you would do a better job than the guy who only has 500 rep
@durron597 your margin is shrinking, unless you make money simply when things change significantly
@AshleyNunn ich dachte sie universitate fur englischen waren gegangen - sind sie rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften auch? très bien пожалуйста!
@enderland What do you mean?
@durron597 does your company make money purely based on number of transactions? or actual commodity price?
@enderland trade secrets
What I can tell you is that more money in the account allows us to trade more size (using whatever metric we use). So if we have $100 we can trade 1 unit but if we have $1000 we can trade 10. Those numbers are not correct obviously but they are illustrative
@durron597 oh fine you dont have to give away all your company IP imiediately :P
@durron597 Does your company actually use the software? I thought you worked on sold-software; but you work on internal LoB software used by a trading desk in your company? So you work in a bank?
@JimmyHoffa Everything we do is internal.
@durron597 So you work in a bank?
I don't know what to call us, bank is definitely wrong, hedge fund is closer but still wrong
Hedge fund with a single investor is pretty close.
@durron597 private equity investors
Which is still technically a bank. A bank that stores, maintains, and invests a single persons money is still technically a bank I think?
The biggest difference between us and a hedge fund is that we only have one investor.
@JimmyHoffa My brain hurts now.
But we don't keep track of all that investor's money, only the amount they've chosen to invest with us
basically you guys all work for one rich dude making his money grow by algorithms. Not a bad position to be in
@JimmyHoffa Well, that's half of what we do
the one rich dude is a commodity producer and we also hedge his work product
But I don't personally do that part of it
@durron597 - yeah, I have high standards for myself though.
@durron597 huh, sounds like one smart rich dude.
I've only heard horror stories of working at trading desks, sounds like perhaps the one-investor approach makes it a good bit less shitty
it certainly makes it simpler
we have a few hundred thousand clients so we get a lot of tickets that end in "user error" or "cannot reproduce"
@JimmyHoffa He is very smart. He's perhaps the smartest person I know, Ivy League education not withstanding.
@Ixrec "program doesn't work right, plz fix"
@enderland my personal favorite is "it keeps beeping randomly, please make it stop"
"you have audio alerts enabled on X, Y, Z, just turn them off"
"Program crashed. Please fix it"
where I last worked people disconnected the speakers since a lot of testing triggered them and due to safety reasons you cannot actually disable some alerts from the UI
the things you find when searching The Whiteboard's log...
Nov 22 '13 at 20:54, by Jimmy Hoffa
@MichaelT actual facts, known in modern parlance as factuals, the Oxford English dictionary of 2050 retains synonyms to Factual as Farktual, Fractional, and Fax Machine.
that sounds like one of the inheritance hierarchies that was driving @RobertHarvey mad until he drank the koolaid
ah yes, 20:54, welcome to the modern age, where statements made after a couple drinks are a matter of record.
a friday, too
@enderland what're you, one of those freaky street barkers? What city is in zip code 23242? What day of the week will Christmas be on in 1900-42 * 3? What page in the yellow pages does the letter U start on in 1993 for the township of Muddy Rock, AR?
@JimmyHoffa far less clever... google.com/…
I think that this question might be better suited for programmers.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.com. — Chris Sinclair 14 secs ago
@Juxhin If you have a new question, you should ask a new question. See Exit strategies for “chameleon questions”. Edits should not invalidate existing answers. Also, be careful not to ask a yes/no question (e.g. Is this approach okay?) I'm sure your approach is fine. If you try it, and it's not fine, then feel free to ask a new question. — durron597 1 min ago
bought a can of Illy the other day - I rather like it; it's very finely ground so with my french press a lot of it get's into my cup, but it's so finely ground it's not gritty - it's thick and sludgey like turkish coffee
Bottom of my cup is like a kick in the coffee with the sludge down there. Nums.
There are some weeks when Friday and the end of the day cannot come faster, this is one of those weeks...
@enderland Half my company is already gone
@durron597 I'm WFH and my entire team is at least 2 hours (or more) ahead ofme. they are all gone :P
@enderland I still have 3 hours today and then 7 tomorrow before I get my weekend
Although Saturdays are usually super quiet and chill and I mostly just read whatever book I have with me
@AshleyNunn heh, I just read a star trek voyager episode after reading a scifi.se question... doh
@enderland "read"? not "Watched"?
I am not going to click that because Memory Alpha is a worse time and attention sink for me than TV Tropes :P
I've heard of TV tropes... I am terrible at staying modern, never been there
It's one of those sites where you go looking for one thing and then just go "oh that looks shiny" and then you have like ten links to ten different unrelated things open and just go "how did that even"
@AshleyNunn which is weird, because with an English degree you wouldn't think you'd be found committing such grammatical atrocities...
@JimmyHoffa I spend too much time on Tumblr.
It does weird things to your perception of language.
And really, I am a terrible English major.
ich am heute gelernt, Я kann eздить Ashley Nunn loco bei по русски и otro gesprachen
I am amazed at how much of that I managed to understand.
sony documentation is wretched
@enderland i have a couple of recent scifi questions about voyager. not about that episode though.
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