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Streator /ˈstriːtər/ is a city in LaSalle and partially in Livingston counties in the US state of Illinois. The city is situated on the Vermilion River approximately 81 miles (130 km) southwest of Chicago, Illinois in the prairie and farm land of north-central Illinois. It is the center of the geographic region known as Streatorland. According to the 2010 census, the population of Streator was 13,710 people. == History == Streator was named for Worthy S. Streator, an Ohio industrialist who financed the region's first coal mining operation. It was founded in 1868 and incorporated as a city in 1882...
Clyde William Tombaugh (February 4, 1906 – January 17, 1997) was an American astronomer. He is best known for discovering Pluto—then considered a planet, later reclassified as a dwarf planet—in 1930, the first object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt. Tombaugh discovered many asteroids; and called for the serious scientific research of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. == BiographyEdit == Tombaugh was born in Streator, Illinois. After his family moved to Burdett, Kansas in 1922, Tombaugh's plans for attending college were frustrated when a hailstorm ruined...
so I've tried a few different ones, and now I'm settling it: Angostura's are the best bitters. (Unless you particularly like Anise, but who mixes Anise with other things?)
Angostura's flavor mixes with so many things so well, Anise mixes with only a few things...
though I guess I haven't settled the Orange Bitters debate yet - Angostura's are good, but I've not tried any other orange bitters yet..
@JimmyHoffa me
steamed milk+sugar+cinnamon+anise = cookie in a cup
@WorldEngineer I think I'd go for vanilla and a dab of almond extract instead of the anise for that recipe
@JimmyHoffa I personally like swedish style anise cookies
Anise is terrible and you are wrong.
Moral of the story, Angostura FTW. Much sweeter more spiced and less anise flavor than the others
@JimmyHoffa I have drunk Ouzo straight
I've drank many terrible things straight, including Ouzo. I'm no fan of any of the anise flavors...
@WorldEngineer Like a shot? Or did you just sip it?
@AshleyNunn both
I can shoot just about anything, but eeeergh
because everybody has drank terrible things... just to find out...
@JimmyHoffa Bacardi cooler
orange flavor
@WorldEngineer I like those :P
@AshleyNunn I hate shots... I can drink any of them but it's like being punched in the gut when if you just drank the stuff slower it would likely be far better
No I take that back, I would never sip Jager, and usually refuse shots too- why people think this is a thing worth drinking I haven't a clue...
I dunno, shots to me aren't bad
@JimmyHoffa Jaegar bombs have caused stomach bleeds in friends of mine
Like there are things I defintely prefer not to drink
(I think it is redneck thing again)
@WorldEngineer let's be honest now- it wasn't the Jaeger, if their stomach was bleeding there was something more significant than that one Jaeger bomb going on in their life. Like the many Jaeger bombs nightly; or perhaps the underlying Crohns disease...
@JimmyHoffa Business kid trying to out drink Engineering students
@WorldEngineer that'd do it.
@WorldEngineer Dude that's a losing proposition right there.
Business people are all about quick results; it takes dedication, discipline, and protracted practice to out drink engineers. Three things Business people simply aren't up to the challenge for.
@JimmyHoffa in this case it's beer vs vodka tolerance
Business = frat = beer
engineer = efficiency = vodka
liberal arts = wine
humanities = beers that might as well be wine
fine arts = cheap beer and cheaper cigarettes
That's about right.
In all honesty, I think Engineering aptitude is a great indicator of cognition that's a good few standard deviations from the mean; and aberrant cognition is without a doubt correlated to greater practice in alcohol consumption.
In conclusion, engineers are weird, so we all be get our drink on.
@Dici "Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about programming." I don't see my mistake in this question, as it is in accordance with the principles of this site. — Code123 38 secs ago
[cue cartoon about Ballmer Peak]
@whatsisname Since your Programmers.SE reputation is quite high, I have to point out that your hand-waving about safety of EKG front ends is a bit too broad. ;)
1 hour later…
@NickAlexeev: yeah well I can't just post snippets of IEC 60601-2-25
just this past February we finished work on a new USB ECG so I have a lot of familiarity with it, but no longer have immediate access to all the spec documents
@whatsisname I familiarity with this too. I was involved in a USB EEG in mid 2000s (it went through UL), then designed a wireless EKG in late 2000s.
That original question on EE.SE begs an answer: "If you have to ask this, then you don't have a clue, so it might behoove you to pick a safer project."
While you and I would probably agree with that, I have to say that some of your statements in that thread are too broad and too constraining. Then again, should we keep it that way to keep the uninitiated out of harm's way? ;)
I worked on a board for a battery powered device and there was literally a hole in the circuit board bridged only by transformers and optoisolators to form the isolation boundary, and the whole unit used a lipo battery
I think part of the problem with the ecg question, which isn't so much addressed by the meta question, is the non-obvious danger inherent in a half-baked ECG
it's one thing to be messing around with high voltage where all the dangers are kind of up front and known about
whereas implementing a safe ECG is difficult even for skilled engineers with years of experience
i have just solved a programming but i doubt i used unprofessional way... need help .. here is the question and my program
Given two strings, append them together (known as "concatenation") and return the result. However, if the concatenation creates a double-char, then omit one of the chars, so "abc" and "cat" yields "abcat".

conCat("abc", "cat") → "abcat"
conCat("dog", "cat") → "dogcat"
conCat("abc", "") → "abc"
public String conCat(String a, String b) {
String sonel="null";
String stwof="nulll";
int len = a.length();

int len2 =b.length();

String sk=a+b.substring(1,len2);
return sk;


return a+b;

thanks in advance
5 hours later…
    public String conCat(String leftValue, String rightValue) {

        if (leftValue == null || rightValue == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input can't be null");

        if (leftValue.isEmpty()) {
            return rightValue;
        } else if (rightValue.isEmpty()) {
            return leftValue;

        boolean shouldRemoveRepeated = isLastAndFirstCharacterEqual(leftValue, rightValue);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

@user143252 you should ask such thing at CR.SE, I think would be a better suited
2 hours later…
Happy coffee day.
@MichaelT so just cleaning up my windows and saw mobaXterm and had a thought; I could set that display env variable to my machine, then run a hand full of eterms or other X applications on that machine displayed locally, aye?
@JimmyHoffa Wait, what are you trying to do?
No coffee at workplace
such sad day
@André unacceptable working conditions, go home.
@ThomasOwens nothing in particular, it was just a thought
@JimmyHoffa, I already resigned, will be packing my stuff soon
@JimmyHoffa I guess I don't understand what your thought is.
at any given time I typically have between 15 at a minimum and 40 at most (average ~30) windows open. Every few days I just walk my start bar and start closing things older than a few days that I'm not intending to use soon...
Yeah. I do that every so often.
At least once a week.
@ThomasOwens that mobaXterm provides an X server so I can have UI projected onto my local box by applications I would run on the remote machine from my SSH terminal. So if I set the appropriate display variables in my SSH session, and ran a UI application in my SSH session, it should project that application's UI onto my local machine to be interacted with. This is my understanding of that X Server's purpose in mobaXterm
so I could use my SSH session, to open multiple terminals rather than using multiple SSH sessions if I wanted to do multiple things at once on that boxen for instance
or perhaps I could open up knotes to remotely edit text files using a UI instead of emacs (which makes no sense, I would just use emacs; duh)
was just thinking about how that X server could come in handy... if I'm understanding it correctly?
@JimmyHoffa or bounce the connection over several proxies just to SSH into your local machine to edit the file
@ratchetfreak SSInception?
Anyone ever try to run Apache on Windows through cygwin?
Q: Why doesn't Apache doesn't start up?

durron597I have Apache2 running on Cygwin on my Windows 7 computer. It doesn't do much, it just hosts some HTML documentation for my local (firewalled) LAN. Oddly, it doesn't seem to start automatically even though its Startup type is automatic. However, when I start it manually, it works perfectly. Any ...

@JimmyHoffa sounds like a ship SS inceBWAAAA
@durron597 Anybody ever try to burn Cygwin to the ground? Because honestly; trying to provide POSIX over windows but not but maybe is shat. The whole thing's a mess.
@JimmyHoffa yes, you can do that. The xserver thing.
@JimmyHoffa If I only had time to reformat and put linux on this computer.
@durron597 why? what are you even wanting to do anywho?
why not a VM?
@JimmyHoffa Because cygwin is a huge improvement over no cygwin.
Last time I checked there was an Apache port for windows, and last time I checked Apache was terrible and there are countless better alternatives.
@JimmyHoffa All I'm trying to do is host some random javadocs
@durron597 to be certain- this is absolutely wrong. MinSys is an improvement over no MinSys, Cygwin is an improvement over eating bugs.
@durron597 and you don't just put them in IIS why?
or a simple windows dist of httpd?
Because I have never used IIS before, ever
And because I already use cygwin every day for other reasons
@durron597 well it's certainly easier than what you're trying to do... just go to programs and features->choose the install windows features piece on the top left hand side, and browse around in there to find IIS, and flip all the switches so it does everything you want (don't miss "Static Content" feature or it'll only be an app server and never serve files)
@durron597 you could just download Node.JS, or the windows port of Apache
then when it's done installing, you open the run window and pop in "compmgmt.msc" to get to your computer management, and under services you'll find the UI for managing IIS. Pretty straight forward from there-> Create website, point it at folder...
@JimmyHoffa It can't be easier than what I'm trying to do, because what I'm trying to do already works except I have to remember to start the service when I reboot my computer.
That sounds like a lot of steps.
Unless you're being facetious and that was your entire point?
ah man... this is like if I was in linux and saying "You know, I just run IIS on WINE instead of httpd"
sorry, what you're doing is a lot of extra work to avoid doing something new
no, it's not a lot of steps... it's 2 UIs, I just told you how to find them in windows. (programs and features->Install windows features, and compmgmt.msc->IIS)
@JimmyHoffa WINE is an attempt to run windows programs in emulation. Cygwin is an attempt to make windows suck way, way less.
Jimmy has a point though
@André He does, and if I were doing anything that actually mattered I would agree with him
But given that I already have the current system set up, I'm not going to go to the trouble of redoing it in IIS.
Maybe it wouldn't have been more work to do it the first time, but it's definitely more work now.
@durron597, I relate, is fun to fiddle around like that
@JimmyHoffa Yes. That's what an X server does.
@ThomasOwens well happy coffee day to you too!
@ThomasOwens you would cringe so hard if you knew what I was doing today. I'M WRITING A REQ DOC!
@JimmyHoffa Want me to write it? Don't forget to identify your user classes and use cases.
Not just the what, but the how; I'm not one for giving two craps so it's the classically hated structured sections of "the product will X" and "the product will Y" statements
How is design.
But the line is blurry.
no hows! I don't want any damn reqs doc anywhere that tells how I get to meet the reqs
Honestly, I think we should just call everything from getting the ideas from the user or customer through pushing the build button "design".
kinda happy to be writing this because I get to fill it with what the thing does, and zero details of how so I can change implementation in the future. After the list of "Functional Requirements" comes the "Test Plan" which is just a reference to each numbered point from the functional reqs with steps for testing that req
Don't forget the quality attributes, too!
I don't even know what you're talking about
Non-functional requirements. Security, performance, usability.
The ilities.
I'm just doing functional requirements, and test plan for that functionality- nothing else.
I'm only doing this because I was asked to come up with a test plan for this thing, and they wanted it to retroactively cover the functionality written before I was here; and lacking any list of what that entailed, I figured I should write it down...
How do you build software without both functional and non-functional requirements? We have environmental requirements to interface with certain other hardware and software, performance requirements for memory consumption and timing, and so on.
Oh. If you're doing it retroactive, then yeah. You don't need the quality requirements so much to tie to a test plan.
@ThomasOwens I do actually have compatibility to account for languages because it's globalized, and OS/browsers etc. But that's the long and the short of it. I always think of the integration reqs you referred to as a totally separate piece from the reqs doc known as the SLA
Maybe for you, I don't know. For us, every distributable component has an SRS. It includes the functional requirements, non functional requirements / quality attributes, and design constraints imposed by outside forces.
I always want SLAs to float separately from reqs docs because your ability to meet an SLA can change darastically without the slightest bit of actual product change etc. SLAs are usually a far more technical set of requirements maintained and monitored by more technical users
Besides SLAs are usually renegotiable. They allow you to set pay tiers that cover their maintenance as SLAs can often require maintenance - functional reqs don't, once they're met, the code can rot on the vine.
@ThomasOwens sound more or less like a fine enough approach? Isn't there some reason everyone hates the lists of numbered "The product will Bla", "The product will Foo", ? And then tying test plans to each of those, good idea or outdated terrible idea?
I suppose I could just structure it all as user cases but didn't think much before I just started putting text to editor on this..
@JimmyHoffa and you hope sales doesn't add another 9 to the uptime requirement
@JimmyHoffa If it works for you. But we sign up to meet a set of complete requirements. Easier to manage in one place. Although they live in DOORS, and a document is just a byproduct.
@ratchetfreak or moreover you hope they start getting their shit straight and dropping the damn 9s after all the SLA violations...
@ThomasOwens there's literally like 30 req statements total, it's a very very small product, and that's after existing for 2 years. With luck I won't look back at this and think "Gods I should have started with something more sensible; how did it turn into this mess??"
@ratchetfreak or in front. "What do you mean 999.99% uptime? That's unpossible."
@JimmyHoffa do you have the reqs doc for your req doc?
@Ampt no, I haven't even made my coffee this morning. This is just a despicable state of things.
@JimmyHoffa Did you forget what day it is???
Q: Is this data model a list or tree?

overexchangeUsing python syntax with below environment diagram, teacher taught us that there are 14 trees(dotted boundary) in this diagram, including leaf. It has been taught here, lists are represented as a row of index-labeled adjacent boxes, one per element. Each box either contains a primitive value ...

Lists are degenerate trees.
@durron597 seriously. It's not like we get such a wonderful holiday every day.
@Ampt too busy playing wiki
making my reqs doc a ton of subwiki pages using include()s and links and crap so I can include specific reqs into specific sections 'n such. Kinda neat doing this in a wiki...
however... this is one unbelievably slow wiki... guess it has a laptop disk...
@psr Don't roll when there's no chance of success
I need a ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.
Why does Java not have this built in?
can i ask general career advice questions for programmers here?
Oh. I just wrap it. OK.
@onTheInternet You can ask anything here. As long as it's not rude or offensive.
well, you can still ask those questions, you just might get the boot.
So i've been programming in c# for a few months now. I came from front end web developement.
All the basic classes i've taken i know all the topics.
- declaring variables
- data types
- inheritance
but when i try to dive into my coworkers code, I get lost.
Ahh, that now deleted question.
that was me
i deleted it
im sorry
Q: Why there is no ConcurrentLinkedHashMap class in jdk?

GeekThis question follows directly from my previous question here in SO . I think the answer to my second question is no . So I would like understand why there is no ConcurrentLinkedHashMap in java.util.concurrent package ? I mean there is a ConcurrentHashMap but no ConcurrentLinkedHashMap . Does i...

what can i do to break through my current plateau?
@MichaelT i was unaware and posted that hastily. i deleted it as soon as i realized it was against the rules
@onTheInternet code. Then code some more. Then you throw it all away and code some more.
no, no. this is the right place for that discussion
It's good you deleted it. Helps keep the site cleaner. Thank you.
he's just giving a reference for people
@onTheInternet Write your own code that requires more difficult concepts.
im all about following the rules
for me it helps to look at the problem that the class or module is solving
and try to think about how I would solve that problem
and then compare to what they did
Do something that pushes your limit.
a class full of methods means nothing if you don't know what they're being used for
@ThomasOwens Are you allowed to use Guava at work?
@durron597 I'd need to get it approved.
@ThomasOwens I think it would be worth it, personally
Only kinda related: Are you allowed to use Guice or Spring?
Not approved yet, as far as I know. I'd have to check the approved list.
alright people, place your bets. Comcast guy is supposed to show up between 10 and 12
it's already 11:11
@Ampt Price is right rules?
@ThomasOwens you are way to forgiving
hmmm. yes. Let's do that
price is right
you think they will come in the time they actually planned? yeah righT! :P
he who is closest and under wins
hey, they "guarantee" it
11:40 AM
Thank you for the links @MichaelT
Im going to continue practicing
i was just worried my progression wasnt normal
Progression is a matter of stretching and pushing beyond current comfort.
However, within current comfort some progress can be made with refinement.
thats a good point
Admittedly this is much more relevant on SO than on Progs but I thought you might be interested anyway:
Q: Award accepted answer reputation for finding duplicates

durron597Consider the following theoretical situation: New user asks a question: Why does my program process a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? I see this question, I can: Vote to close as duplicate Answer the question with a link to the duplicate, with possibly a little bit of extra e...

The Java chatroom has their own scheduled google hangouts? whaaat?
@Ampt I'm actually impressed they were able to narrow it down to a 2 hour window before ignoring it.
@ThomasOwens what's a LinkedHashMap? A HashMap which uses LinkedList deduplication?
@psr lol. Any bets? So far we've got 11:40, 11:59 and 3:00pm
@Ampt at what point in ever would I open oracles docs? Blech.
> Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with predictable iteration order. This implementation differs from HashMap in that it maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is normally the order in which keys were inserted into the map (insertion-order)
(ok, actually I was using them recently)
I actually think they're one of Java's strong points
@Ampt I think they know you're home from the network activity, and are watching the door so that the moment you sneak out they can leave a "sorry we missed you" note.
MSDN used to be good... they went down hill pretty bad in the past 5-10 years..
@psr WFH all day, so that shit won't fly. It's whether I decide to let them in after Noon that's the question
@Ampt so it's an Orderd HashMap? Not even a Sorted one though?
everything works, I just need them to rewire it so I get the coax in two rooms instead of one
lemme guess, they implemented SortedHashMap by deriving LinkedHashMap
@JimmyHoffa I believe that's the correct way of looking at it, yes
it maintains the linked list for insertion order, and the hashmap for access speed
> This implementation spares its clients from the unspecified, generally chaotic ordering provided by HashMap (and Hashtable), without incurring the increased cost associated with TreeMap. It can be used to produce a copy of a map that has the same order as the original, regardless of the original map's implementation:
Aye, in .NET we don't have the intermediary - it's Dictionary or SortedDictionary, an insertion-ordered Dictionary doesn't sound particularly useful - and you can generate the keys incrementally for a SortedDictionary if you want insertion ordering...
It's interesting, but I don't think I've ever used it
It's either a hash map or an array of some sort
or it's already defined by the framework
> Note that this implementation is not synchronized.
@JimmyHoffa what do you think of Atom? Used it much yet?
@Ampt no; my new job keeps me surprisingly busy. It's frankly pretty nice.
the job, or atom?
So I've been mulling over this notion of storing xpath strings in a database. Right now, there are many strings that I just didn't bother to put into the database, because they are merely names of nodes (i.e. "name", "description", "somethingelse").
the job. Atom I installed and opened a folder, then went back to real work. It's sitting here... haven't touched it much. I want to do some more reading before I start messing with it to see how to make it behave emacsish
I need to get the keyboard combos for navigating between tabs, and if it let's me use key combos to tile my tabs... Then I'll know it's onto something.
I'm still looking for the "Use Vim Keybindings" box.
It's supposed to have some emacs relationship - which means they never would have put such heresy in it. Yuck. Vim; the m stands for mblech
At the moment, the code is organized into ServiceCall objects, which represent single endpoints, and config records within the Service Call objects that contain xpath strings (among other things). Normally this is used for scraping ordinary web pages; for XML web services my understanding is that it's actually being converted to HTML so that the engine can understand it.
The only thing that prevents us from writing a generalized XML Web Services reader is that you have to coordinate between the services. Typically there is a Search service and a Details Service that you plug a key into from the search.
@onTheInternet something to keep in mind is that a lot of times, when people start new jobs, they expect that they should immediately understand everything (because hey! everyone else does, right) but the reality is that there is always time where you have no idea what you are doing in a new job
So I'm wondering if maybe we could store an XSLT (or perhaps multiple XSLT's, including all the XPaths) in the Service Calls database to get the data from the services and map them to result objects.
And what I would be in for if I attempted that.
11:40 and he's here
Job interviewee?
28 mins ago, by durron597
11:40 AM
Oh. Comcast guy.
(I could do this all day)
No. The Comcast is Right.
[cue game show buzzer]
Durron was right on the money.
And what does he win? A BRAND NEW USED ATT CABLE BOX!!!!!!
@Ampt I think I'll go get myself a cup of coffee to celebrate
and he's gone
that was quick
@Ampt So many Cable issues are "the box was unplugged outside"
My last cable issue was that, my boss's cable issue was that
ours was that I hadn't tried enough of the wall outlets
the one in my office has a connection on the other side of the wall
that one has one right next to it
the wall is actually a straight passthrough, not a splitter
so it goes from the one next to it, into the passthrough and out the other side
@Ampt next time just wear your x-ray goggles
My brain hurts. That means either too much or not enough caffeine.
Not enough
Definitely not enough.
@Ampt not even remotely. None today. Gah, when will this madness end.
I'm tired of wikiing, which means I'm trying to crunch through it to be effing done. Which means not wanting to get up and make coffee... but that could be another hour...urgh...
Ever see Over the Hedge? There was a squirrel or chipmunk that got addicted to caffeine. He OD'd and time literally slowed down. That is my goal every time I drink caffeine.
I take that back. only 5 test cases left to write... wait no, 6... that shouldn't take an hour... I hope...
@Snowman that movie is great.
@JimmyHoffa Yeah it's not as well-known as the typical Pixar film but it is good.
@André thanks you sir ..... for helping me
gads, I was just re-reading my req doc and found this step written in the test plan:
> Commit the action as if you has forgotten you password.
clearly procrastinating the coffee creation is doing me no favors...
Req doc complete. I don't think I will break it up like that next time...
@André sir you code is excellent ,but i was wondering ,How can i minimize the lines of coding because more lines of code means more memory space ,
@user143252 are you coding for a 4kb PIC?
no sir , i was just wondering , what else i could do to make it more simplify
I think it's better to target readability instead of "optimized" code
ok sir :) , again thanks for helping me out.
the compiled form is going to be far more compact anyway
@André You're a good man, sir.
I should pat myself on the back and get a cup of coffee
please help
in Mathematics, 2 hours ago, by wolfboyft
If you had a CPU with a finite number of bits, as much time as you wanted and a special way of making infinitely sized integers (like... 'start integer', byte byte byte... forever until the user decides to stop, then a 'stop integer') could the CPU add them together and finally print the actual integer? And why did that take me so long to write...? :D
@skillpatrol Big Integer libraries.
yes, in Java it's called BigInteger
though the addition has to be implemented in software rather than directly in the ALU in the CPU
Thanks, for the idea :-)
@Ixrec You're a good man, sir.
is this a new meme I missed?
18 mins ago, by user143252
ok sir :) , again thanks for helping me out.
"Sir" is a very common show of respect among Indians
Just saying...
I hear "sir" and I look over my shoulder to see if my dad is standing behind me.
I hear "sir" I get flashbacks of me apologizing to my dad.
Very cool animated gif in your profile @RobertHarvey
I gotta say, I like this idea. Needs a bit of debate, but seems far less awkward than most of the previous suggestions. — Shog9 ♦ 1 hour ago
Alright, done documentationing; dying of caffeine exhaustion, and now I need to go do some analysis of an issue in our Java code; @Ampt think I could get Atom to work with Java nicely?
@JimmyHoffa, don't be silly you can't die from coffee, there isn't such thing as too much coffee
@André too little; i guess i meant starvation...
My vacobunary fails me. Clearly this incaffeinate state is going to dead me.
@gnat You're not using SO correctly if you haven't voted to close your own question as duplicate at least once ;)
Could we get a mod or 20k on the c++ book question? I'm not sure if suggesting a dummies book is offensive or not.
Q: Which Book Should I Start to Learn C++ in a timely manner?

MathWandererS.E advisers, I am a college sophomore in US with a major in mathematics. Starting at the end of August, I will be conducting an undergraduate research in the fields of computer security and computation theory. Beside from the mathematics, my research will also involve an extensive use of C++ ...

I don't think it's offensive by itself.
The question will go away soon enough.
Not by itself. However if I was told to go read a dummies book with no other qualities I would infer the other person thought I was a dummy.
@ThomasOwens I was going to delete that myself and get the peer pressure badge out of that.
> Please no offshore, outsourced, staffers, agencies, recruiters, serial contractors or consultants - your email will be deleted. Yep, deleted.
hahah. best part of a job description EVER
@MichaelT whole today's garbage bin would likely benefit from 20Kers making a little cleanup
^^^ it was as if SE developers were using us to calibrate their Triage detection heuristics today

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