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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, potentially bad keyword in body (56): [PRIZES]Mathimatika^2 Competition-Sign up Now! by phi on math.SE
One more vote needed: D1, D2, D3, D4
For closure: C1, C2, C3, C4
For deletion: D5, D6, D7, D8,
1 hour later…
2 weeks ago, I voted to close Sum of terms in a reduced residue system as a duplicate. There were no more close votes of any sort when I checked several times, with my vote now gone (the timeline says the "close" was "invalidated", but with no names associated, so I'm almost certain it timed out with either no or insufficient reviews). As I have to wait about 16 days, I'd appreciate somebody voting to close this, such as with my suggested duplicate.
@JohnOmielan I voted to close. As a side note, would perhaps both questions (this one and the duplicate target) fit the tag a bit better than ?
@JohnOmielan I did not voted to close for duplicate but did flagged for duplicate because I don't have enough rep
@MartinSleziak @JitendraSingh Thanks for the feedback. Martin, also thanks for the vote. I agree both questions should use the tag elementary-number-theory instead of number-theory. As such, I've just made those changes.
Why is “this is super fun” deemed enough contexts by some for this PSQ?
1 hour later…
Strange behavior on this question here. Some user kindly replaced the linked image of some theorem with the text of the theorem in MathJax, and the asker has the gall to rollback the edit to be a linked image again and disparage the user in the comments for doing so.
I don’t know what the right course of action is here?
@shoteyes Looks like a OP find a bit annoyed by the comment there. Look more like a miscommunication. I rolled back the edit. Unless they keep rolling back, I guess it is fine.
Please close this question upvoted PSQ, urgency requested
1 hour later…
@Peter Open for deletion

ecm: 135/10000 curves on C147, B1=6M, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 57.66 hrs
@TeresaLisbon your predictions have come true. Italy but im not interested in football My real heart is in pure math, in its beauty
@jasmine Of course, my heart is in pure math as well. But let's say, my feet are in football!
@jasmine Good choice :) Sometimes it is entertaining to watch soccer games, but this sport has been destroyed with money in such a way that I cannot say I like it anymore. If you happen to be interested in number theory projects, we have plenty of them.
Does anyone understand why this (the question) is neither closed nor has a negative score ?
@Peter Sure, I will inform you when i will need
1 hour later…
Please see this meta question and debate the on-topic nature of the question present there, which is here. I have left comments on the main question to avoid skewed voting and let potential answerers contribute to the discussion without feeling overruled.
My bountied question is being downvoted
Q: Define few basic special functions in python

huzaifa abedeenI would like to have the Python code of the function definition for the Absolute Value Function, Signum Function, Floor and Ceiling Functions, Fractional Part Function and Integer Function. I had attempted to write the code myself, but the code gave syntax errors (I'm a Non Programmer and finding...

I have bountied the question
Why is it downvoted
Nobody wants to answer a downvoted question. My +100 reputation points will get wasted and I will not get any answer
@huzaifaabedeen I think the comment there already explained why this question is not suitable here.
But what about the bounty?
And it's 'mathematical programming'
Why does 'pragramming' and 'python' tag exist in math SE?
I don't think it is off topic
I will ask the the in meta
@huzaifaabedeen Note that both the tag wiki of and set restrictions on when a programming question is on topic here. Also, there's a lot of posts on meta discussing whether some programming question is on topic here. this is one answer which concluded quite nicely IMO.
I posted a link to an explanation of the policy under Huzaifa's question as well.
I strongly assume that this question about estimating an integral from below is a duplicate but I haven't found a suitable target yet. Any suggestion? – There is also one answer which is just a reformulation of the question.
@TeresaLisbon Again, many upvotes that have no rational reason (just excitement about fake-proofs that are morevoer not useful in any sense)
When was the bounty offered in the python-question above ? Before or after the comments and the downvotes ?
"I don't have any questions for the forum.I just say to you that i publish on Vixra.org an article << Values of Barnes function >> in Category Theory number." math.stackexchange.com/q/4196553/29335. Still needs one vote. plus then delete votes
Even a question like this receives answers :(
and also upvotes
four answers now even
@rschwieb One more delete-vote needed.
@Peter All wrapped up. thank you
1 hour later…
@jasmine It is really beneficial for well-being, and maintaining one's love for math, by maintaining recreational interests, etc. But I do relate to what you identify as your passion.
@Peter I find the question fine, though all the answers except at most one are terrible and should be deleted. The reason is that the concept of "ratio" is actually truly different from division. This also shows up in geometry (e.g. homogeneous coordinates, projective space).
Incidentally, the wikipedia page on homogeneous coordinates explicitly mentions this:
> Some authors use different notations for homogeneous coordinates which help distinguish them from Cartesian coordinates. The use of colons instead of commas, for example (x:y:z) instead of (x, y, z), emphasizes that the coordinates are to be considered ratios.
o/ Hello, @ParamanandSingh, and @user21820 !
@amWhy Hi!
@amWhy, @user21820: hello!
@ParamanandSingh Hi to you too!
Frustrated with this meta post and the OP denying that his question was precisely a question about implementation. Question.
@amWhy: that is not even a fit for stack overflow because it just asks to write code for some functions. No one would like that demanding style.
If someone has answer your question in comment and it has answered your question and till then you received no answer is it good to delete that question? I mean it is kind of insult to the person writing the comment to read through the full question and giving hint in comment and then OP deleting them question. I am saying it with reference to this a deleted post
@ParamanandSingh I agree. I would not migrate, or recommend another site.
@amWhy: the meta post is also a direct request to mod Asaf. That's really strange.
@JitendraSingh You could delete, but you could also answer the question, quoting the comment, who wrote it, and how it helped. When answering, one has the option to click in the right-bottom of the answer field, [Community Wiki]. Checking the box signals you are asnwering only to give credit where credit is due, and are not answering to receive rep. That comment may very well help future users, so I would encourage you not to delete.
@ParamanandSingh While I did delete some emoticons, I did not delete that. It is actually inappropriate.
Okay thanks for that information @amWhy
@JitendraSingh I agree with amWhy for the general case. Though in this special case I think it's fine either way (self-deleted or CW answered) because the question is such a standard textbook question that nothing is lost from a deletion.
Lol something funny just happened. The author deleted almost at the same time as another user posted a non-CW answer haha..
@user21820 Hah!
@JitendraSingh For useful comments, you can also check if the comment author is active and ping to ask him/her to post an answer, and after that post a CW answer if there is no response.
@JitendraSingh The question you linked is not deleted; perhaps you failed to copy what you sought to copy and paste?
@user21820 I'm confused. Where? Which post?
@amWhy Actually it was deleted but then undeleted. You can check the post history
@JitendraSingh Okay, that helps! I thought that might have been the case. Thanks for clarification!
@amWhy Now I'm confused too, since I don't know why the author would delete and undelete so many times.
@user21820 I suspect something fishy going on. Asker/answerer same owner?? If anything on this site is ever going to burn me out, it will be due those who play games with the rules, and more accurately, this site's failure to to take such nefarious actions seriously.
Great: Asaf gave the administrative vote to close that formerly bountied question on main, relating to the OP's post on meta, seeking Asaf's "help".
Crazy Day thus far, and I've just reached noon!!
@amWhy Nice. They got the attention they wanted from the moderator they wanted.
Hello, @vitamind !
We seem to be playing "message tag" lately!
Hi @amWhy! @curedmembers Sorry for not being so active on CURED lately, I was/am quite busy. I hope that I'll find more time in the near future.
@vitamind No problem! I've seen you around. Mose of us merely look out for one another, so it's great you are fine, but busy. No apology necessary!
Hi, @hardmath. Glad to see you stop in! You might laugh at this, but unless I click on your chat or math.se profile, your avatar/identicon, for some reason, reminds me of the lower part of my cat's two level perch, with rectangular base!
It is entirely clear, in your chat and math.se profile.... but still. ;D
^^^ Now that's an even shorter question =P
@amWhy You posted the same link haha.
But, indeed, you're right!
Or are you joking with your question here? =)
I agree with you, I was trying to play with an even shorter question. But Why? provokes "Why what?" (Or my favorite reply to Why?: "Why not?"
@amWhy I guessed you were, after a while. Hence the inserted smiley.
Alright, I'm off now! =)
@user21820 Only one more delete vote needed!
1 hour later…
PSQ, probably a dupe anyway: math.stackexchange.com/q/4196763/29335
3 hours later…
Hi, Teresa!
@amWhy Morning!
I read the story you'd sent me, about Omelas.
@TeresaLisbon Morning for you! How did you like the story? It kinds of presents a dilemma for readers. But I'd be one leaving Omelas, in search of a place to live, and a life which is not made possible with the suffering of one a a few, or a minority.
@amWhy I actually could not believe it. It was superbly written. The story kind of skewer-lures you, in the sense that it seems to lead to a situation where everything is rosy and dandy in Omelas, and then the description of the child, oh dear. It was painful, and the writing was amazing. I would leave, wouldn't I? But for certain, I wouldn't know where to go.
I also relate this to the talk we had earlier, about being utalitarian, and the oppression of a few for the benefit of all.
I think you would leave. Ursala LeGuin, the author, was Brilliant. She passed away just a few years ago, but almost until the end, she kept writing.
@TeresaLisbon Indeed. I think what startled me was that after visiting the child as a teen, and realizing the world you know requires that child remain, how most went on, perhaps after silence, moping, and such, to embrace their joy. But, as Ursula so finely writes, it was no naive or innocent joy they returned to.
@amWhy Definitely. In fact, was it even joy that they returned to? I think of myself returning from such an experience as if I've hit by a bus. Dazed and confused. It's like slipping into an emotional coma of sorts.
@TeresaLisbon Indeed. That's how I've sometimes felt in our world, in the US. But looking around seeing some folks with no sense of compassion, focusing on power, wealth, or fame, oblivious to all they've learned to ignore, I wonder.
@amWhy I wonder too. I've heard pretty bad things about the US as well, particularly from watching news channels that covered the US (during the first wave of the pandemic, and in general). So yes, people are happy to ignore, if it means they are happy.
@TeresaLisbon But as you asked earlier, is that even joy or happiness, when it takes turning a blind eye to inequities?
"Definitely. In fact, was it even joy that they returned to?" Spot on.
@amWhy It's certainly not joy or happiness! I think people go on with their lives without thinking about what that feeling really is, or what it's done to them. That's very similar to how social media and other platforms play with our emotions and we are completely unaware of them. I suppose you could say that too many people ignore the problem because they do not introspect about how they reacted to it, and also because they are not ready to be uncomfortable.
@TeresaLisbon I agree. I think a majority of people find it easier to blame others for all that's wrong, and worse, to blame the suppressed, the impoverished, etc. I see that all the time in the US GOP. But it happens everywhere, where there are those that suffer because the sought life-styles and power of some cannot leave enough for all.
@amWhy Too much power in the hands of too few people is a good spot. Perhaps this is , in fact, the only way for such people to survive in society, by letting the blame trickle down the power ladder, till it hits the edge, the precipice, where one helpless person is standing to be shoved down a cliff.
@TeresaLisbon Indeed. It is rather haunting. But I don't think it as to be that way, that it ought to be that way. I think it is possible to share a world with people "living in harmony..." (John Lennon's Imagine).
@amWhy Exactly! There are times when I feel that "a little white line" is the difference between harmony and chaos, though. It's often the difference between winning and losing in sport, hence the metaphor. I do not know how easy it is in India, but I think we must look at a society like Denmark or Finland or Slovenia and think : what are they doing right?
@TeresaLisbon Indeed.
I think, for example, about what my father said about Slovenia. Every evening, whether it's a holiday or not, a lot of people, from a taxi driver to a shop owner to a restauranteur to an office going person , come to the main hall square in Ljubljana. Over there, they share a drink. The one common thing uniting many a person from many a background. What a community.

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