@OOOVincentOOO This room is typically meant for coordinating specific action on questions which required it. if you are looking for more general feedback or assistance, you might have better luck in the "Constructive Feedback" chatroom.
@ParamanandSingh Whether the trials are correct does not matter. For me, an effort is visible. Not very much, I admit. But enough for me not to delete.
That's what one calls "no clue questions" and they should be closed.
You have to make a try even if you fail and show that attempt in the question. Suppose you can't even try then make your question interesting to others by sharing information like source of problem, some potential ideas / thoughts, some history of the problem or any thing related. Just don't give problem statements like in textbook exercises.
If someone presents a random integral with a supercomplicated expression , I would also close it as "no mathematics within the scope defined in the help center". But this case occurs rarely.
These are not random integrals, but taken from famous source (but information is hidden). Some people apply some crazy substitution to change the integral to even more complicated form. The idea is get reputation just by using toughness factor
In one of the two questions i mentioned, I have given a comment.
But every now and then we see such questions and I lose the incentive to write a comment. Copy pasting comments for me is difficult as my entire activity on mathse is via smartphone
This user is 4 days old and asked 2 nice questions.
People who frequent this chatroom are generally very well behaved if they get even an iota of evidence of sincere effort from asker and depending on their expertise go to great lengths to help the asker.
A good practice is however not to apply rules blindly. Surely, most questions showing no effort (whether this is the case is not always easy to decide) are "do my homework"-questions, but not all ! Experienced users usually can welll distinguish them. I agree that the site should not become a "do my homework" service, but almost every rule should have exceptions.
@Peter: rightly said, there are exceptions to this rule and I have noted several exceptions applied to integral PSQs. But the asker is generally well experienced and gives some more information apart from problem statements. One user (whose posts I have seen) also gives numerical evidence about the integrals.
But one can make mistakes in judgement (regarding closure deletion) and personally I am always willing to rectify my mistakes.
Also in case anyone is wondering I am no expert at integrals and can hopefully (?) solve the integrals from a typical intro calculus course and not beyond. So for me it may be really difficult to figure out whether the integral is a typical homework variety or a research one. So i tend to give some benefit of doubt to the asker occasionally
@GeorgFriedrichBernhardRiema The point of closing a question is to take it off the table so that the asker can improve it before off-topic answers are added. The close text does give advice on improving questions. Of course, close voters are encouraged to add more advice, if time and motivation are sufficient to do so.
@user21820 What does "I will compass here to exemplify a case not yet discussed:" even mean?