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@darijgrinberg Can you show me an example? Now, when I click the "flag" button on an answer (for instance this), I only see "spam" / "rude or abusive" / "not an answer" / "in need of mod intervention". I know that long time ago there was also "very low quality", but it seems to have disappeared.
Which is silly really. A very low quality post (no matter one's definition of "quality") does not magically stop being low quality after 7 days...
2 hours later…
@BillDubuque @XanderHenderson @RRL @JoséCarlosSantos: What do you think of this post? I think it is so severely misleading as to be terrible...
@user21820 Yes, it is terrible. I have downvoted it.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@user21820 now needs a couple delete votes
2 hours later…
DA - DD, DG - DL, DO need some votes
1 hour later…
not sure anymore @user21820 , but i see one in my own flag list
-1Why is a substitution like (a+b)(c+d)=k(c+d)where k=a+b valid?answered 2 days ago by C. Ekinci
very low quality – darij grinberg 2 days ago helpful
though it now says "deleted by owner"
same for this math.stackexchange.com/questions/11150/… which has since been undeleted??
Aaargh, by mow you'd think it was impossible, but lo and behold SE is making even poorer design decisions now retroactively changing question upvotes to +10. This means there will be far more less experienced folks "moderating", which will likely make the site much lower quality. Time to start thinking about a new platform....
@BillDubuque I guess order relations multiply with less negating more ;)
This means there will be far more newbies that will fight the activities of this rooim (and others who try to organize the site)
@samerivertwice I tried to fix that but the time window expired (yet another poor design decision). This chat software if by far the worst I've ever had to suffer.
@BillDubuque if the world was perfect there would be nothing to do
Maybe that's what we're here for
@samerivertwice But on this platform you can't even try to fix it if the masses organize against you. And now the masses will have much more global power.
@BillDubuque what idiot thought democray was a good idea?
@samerivertwice The idiot that never dreamed how a "smart" phone could empower "idiots"
@samerivertwice Do smart people think this post regarding Collatz should be edited/improved: math.stackexchange.com/q/3428907
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (50): solution on the time domain becomes "periodic" after the inverse fourier transform by user724947 on math.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (50): Error bound for a PDE with a perturbation term by user724947 on math.SE
@Jack I'm sure some probably do, although they're reluctant so far to explain how, sadly. My policy is never to downvote without an explanatory comment. But I udnerstand how people needing to cover a lot of ground don't have time to comment everywhere. More to the point, I think the question would reveal significantly more merit than is apparent on a cursory look, to anyone thinking about it in a little more depth.
@Jack I have convergence, I can define the open sets but I can't define a metric that achieves the same. I can see that my proposed metric fails symmetry although I can fix that by adding a $\min\{ d(x,y),d(y,x)\}$ or a $\max\{ d(x,y),d(y,x)\}$ but that seems like a cheat somehow. I'm just not experienced enough to confidently know what's a good approach.
@MartinR did you come to see who's calling who an idiot :)

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