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@Jack Now deleted - revisions/timeline. Unstarring.
I am not sure - maybe it can be unstarred, maybe you want to keep it among starred posts while it's discussed on meta....?
@MartinSleziak Yes, it can be unstarred. Thanks. I just unstarred two posts of yours, too, @SimplyBeautifulArt both of which dealt with questions now deleted.
I hate it when I mix up to, two and too!... It's like the homonym gets confused by my fingers, as a type!
Same with your and you're
@amWhy Ok, I've unstarred that one.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yes! @MartinSleziak thanks!
@SimplyBeautifulArt Operations on Differentiable function is now deleted - revisions/timeline. Unstarring.
@SimplyBeautifulArt @Did @Jack @user21820 PSQ with request for a step-by-step solution. math.stackexchange.com/questions/2428605/…
7 hours later…
math.stackexchange.com/questions/2428861/… is a duplicate of math.stackexchange.com/questions/319578/exponential-teaser. (As always, I disagree with Michael Rozenberg about the appropriate action :)
1 hour later…
@MartinR There are lots of times when he answers PSQs. But this time the question you linked seems way better than the earlier duplicate, which I'm sure you'll agree is a clear-cut PSQ. So in fact I'd rather close the other one...
A better duplicate is math.stackexchange.com/questions/482549/…, which wasn't among the two you linked to in your comment.
@user21820 Isn't that the first one in my comment math.stackexchange.com/questions/2428861/…?
And please pardon my ignorance: What stands "PSQ" for?
@MartinR Oops you are right; that's completely my mistake.
@MartinR Please-Solve-Question. I detest them, as they make Math SE become more and more like a homework-factory.
In this case, one might argue that the asker did try to solve the problem partially by confirming that it is trivial when x,y ≥ 1.
4 hours later…
@MartinR @user21820 Common acronyms used on main and meta explains PSQ as "Problem Stament Question".
But I think I've seen several variation of this on meta.
@MartinSleziak Heheh.. a lot of people call it Please-Solve because they often have those exact two words in them.
Should I flag this question? And, if so, what reason should I cite?
@ChaseRyanTaylor If you can't flag as low quality, you can always drop it in here.
IMO I wouldn't flag it as any of the options available (spam, rude, dupe, or moderator)
@ChaseRyanTaylor You could spice up that comment of yours. I usually don't use the same comment on multiple questions, but tailor them with a few small edits for each situation.
@SimplyBeautifulArt @Did @amWhy: This post is now possible to be deleted. Are we allowed to? I want to. =)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Sometimes I do.... Maybe I should do so more often though.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I guess you know that users who do not have enough reputation to cast close votes can still flag questions as off-topic, duplicate, unclear, etc. (IIRC the options are very similar to what you see when you vote to close.)
Now I found out that you should have the option to flag to close, too - but your flag will be converted to a close vote (since you have that privilege).
I am not sure, but my impression was the @ChaseRyanTaylor probably asked about flagging since their intention was to flag to close as off-topic/missing context or something similar.
@MartinSleziak Ah, okay, thnx.
5 hours later…
Not a math question and I vote to close: math.stackexchange.com/q/2429716/9464
Note the other questions by user157308: math.stackexchange.com/users/157308/user157308 (user referred to by Smoke Detector immediately above).
@SmokeDetector Flagged for mod
@SimplyBeautifulArt The post you flagged, and the one above it from Smoke Detector are both deleted questions from the same user. They may get an alarming wake up call after they learn that deleted questions are figured into the determination as to whether a user is banned from asking questions.
1 hour later…
There have been three reopen votes for this question so far: math.stackexchange.com/q/2429716/9464 . I guess I will vote to close it again.
@Jack I'll try to keep a watch on it too. I'll pin your comment to refer to if need be.
Unfortunately, those who have voted to close a question at one point, cannot vote again to close it, if the question is reopened (and same for reopeners, in the event that it is closed after reopening: the initial reopeners cannot vote again to reopen). So I'm glad it's pinned, so other users here can step in to vote to close if needed.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: Even numbers have more factors than odd numbers... by yeboicoolguy on math.SE

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