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4 hours later…
@MartinSleziak The two posts now have been merged: math.stackexchange.com/posts/1569527/revisions math.stackexchange.com/posts/1690797/revisions (Thanks to mixedmath both for merging and also for necessary editing to make the notation the same.)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Now deleted, so unstarring. @Jack: You can do it if you're the last one to finish some starred post (click the down-arrow to the right of the starred post in the side-bar, and "cancel stars").
@user21820 Does somebody have suggestions how Calculate $\frac{1}{\sin(x)} +\frac{1}{\cos(x)}$ if $\sin(x)+\cos(x)=\frac{7}{5}$ could be improved to have sufficient context (so that it could stay on the site)? I did my best to include something reasonable in my recent edit, but I would be grateful for suggestions for further improvements.
I think that answers to that question can be useful to people learning trigonometry, so I would prefer avoid deletion if possible. (Of course, probably not everybody will agree with me.)
@Jack Deleted, unstarring.
@SimplyBeautifulArt This too.
This and this and this are pure PSQs from 1 user in 1 day!
I was not sure whether to star/pin my message about improving a post. (It's a bit different from request to reopen, close, delete - since in those one can clearly see whether the process was finished or not.)
I will leave this for other users of this room to decide.
@MartinSleziak I'll star it for other users to take note of it, though as explained before I disagree with keeping the question just because of good answers. =)
Ok, after your reply I've pinned that message. If somebody disagrees, they can simply remove the pin and just leave the item starred rather then pinned. (By using "unpin this message".)
Actually I only starred it because I didn't want to pin it (since it contradicts my opinion on it), but of course since you've pinned it yourself it's okay with me. =)
If I understand the rules about deleting questions correctly, it seems that this particular question would require 8 votes to be deleted (3 base votes+5 popularity votes).
We will see what actually happens with the question - and then we can proceed accordingly.
@SimplyBeautifulArt This one is deleted - revisions/timeline‌​. It has two undelete votes, but I guess if it pops up on meta again (after undeletion) it will get noticed. So I have unpinned and unstarred your message.
2 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Thanks for the information!
4 hours later…
so what does the ♦ mean? — n00b learner 1 min ago
In fact, I suspect this "new user" might be a troll
@SimplyBeautifulArt I suspect both comments might very well be true!
@SimplyBeautifulArt @amWhy: Actually, it's what I suspected; the asker didn't understand what the 'definition' meant.
Because it didn't explicitly say it was defining "x⧫y" for every number x,y.
So the asker thought x,y were some fixed numbers.
The penny has finally dropped. It's just substituting in the numbers below not finding an identity. — n00b learner 59 mins ago
@SimplyBeautifulArt So do you mind unstarring it?
@user21820 sure
Huh, we don't have a truth table tag
@SimplyBeautifulArt Closed.
Btw, two new meta posts have been posted in the last hour
@amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt: And one more delete vote needed.
@user21820 ....and deleted
@user21820 What post? 8-)
I don't know. It appears to be gone.
welcome @ChaseRyanTaylor
In this chat room, the main users will often link to posts that seem to be of low quality so other users may review them. We also do reopenings, and the sort, though it appears you haven't the reputation to vote to close. Did you know you can flag posts?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yes? I am not exactly sure how this works. @SimplyBeautifulArt invited me. I still need to read up of the FAQs etc. about chats.
@ChaseRyanTaylor Sure. If you look on the starboard (on the right), you'll find posts that may be of low quality, feel free to browse.
This post needs to be closed: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2425459/…. It is a problem statement question, shows no effort, so essentially is a do my homework for me question.
@amWhy I voted to close it. It was my comment on that question that got @SimplyBeautifulArt to invite me here. (Am I doing this right?)
@ChaseRyanTaylor Yes you are doing what you're doing very well! Welcome!
Close PSQ, if you're all up to it.
@amWhy Thank you so much!
Hello again @ChaseRyanTaylor
@amWhy LMAO, I never thought of assume like that
@SimplyBeautifulArt I don't know where I first encountered it, but it's been a favorite of mine for some time now!
:D I can imagine so!
@amWhy well, there's a new meta post
@SimplyBeautifulArt hehehehe! I couldn't resist another opportunity for "assume"!
Up for deletion: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2425581/…, although if you'd prefer, you can revisit it tomorrow to check whether the asker has revised the question at all.
@MartinSleziak Why are you suggesting that we suggest improvements to the linked question. Because of its high vote count? Do you want to salvage the post for the sake of the asker, for MSE, or because you like it, or what? (Note, you may have a very good idea/suggestion, but all I see is your efforts to salvage the question, so it is more palatable without any explanation as to why you think it's worth keeping open (apart from the vote count)).
:39943728: shakes head. At least I got the asker to narrow down the question (after having done so, I deleted the comment). So I have to give the asker credit for obliging. I kind of feel sorry for the guy/gal, who might truly be clueless (likely a misunderstanding of notation?)
I suppose yeah
@SimplyBeautifulArt Not trying to make excuses for the asker. In fact, looking at "his? question from yesterday: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2424376/consider-the-surface-s, this may be a great time to intervene to make it clear that such questions are not appropriate.
@SimplyBeautifulArt And this one by the same OP: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2115525/…
@user3658307 Hello!
@amWhy Hi :) Don't mind me, I wasn't sure what this was and clicked on it randomly :3
@user3658307 That's absolutely fine! I still do that, from time to time. But it's always nice to have a chance to say "hello"!
Seems the OP found an answer and left with it.
@amWhy As I wrote before, to me it seems that this could be useful for people learning trigonometry, because they might often encounter problems which are similar or where similar strategies might help. I don't know hot to pinpoint why exactly it seems useful or interesting to me - it's kind of "I know it when I see it".
High score might be an indicator saying that I am not the only person who like the question. Looking at timeline/revisions we can see that MathJax was introduced in the title almost immediately (some 5 minutes after posting) and before almost all of the upvotes.
So it seems unlikely that the upvotes came because of HNQ. (IIRC exclusion of questions with MathJax in the title from HNQ is older than 2016.)
Of course, I agree that this might be subjective. But if you look at some past questions where I suggested to edit/improve them you can see that I do not choose only questions with high score.
@MartinSleziak That makes some sense. It really isn't a bad question; but it certainly isn't as good a question as the upvotes seem to indicate. I think you did fine with editing. But I have yet to see how, where one can "undelete" a delete vote. (for example, we can retract a flag, we can retract a downvote, but I've never encountered a way to "undo" or "take back" a delete vote?
BTW since the question has been around for quite a long time, the deletion does not influence reputation of several of the answerers. (Reputation changes remain in place after deletion of a post if the post the post has score at least +3 and it has been visible at least for 60 days.) Just in case it seems I am only looking to preserve high reputation gains of some users - whatever the reasons might be for such decision.
@amWhy I am unaware of a possibility to undo delete vote. And delete vote do not age away. (They are removed if a question is reopened.) We will see whether the post is deleted (I believe it needs 3 more deleted votes). If it is, it can be undeleted again - that's the only possibility other than reopening to counter deleted votes that I'm aware of.
@MartinSleziak That's not of concern to me. (Answers and any points they earned. I'm glad to know that such answers are spared). I will ponder any potential further edits. I do think it is worth keeping.
In any case, thanks for taking your time to look at the question and considering whether/how it could be improved.
Somehow this question has stayed open for several hours despite being virtually incomprehensible in my opinion. Anyone care to take a look?
@ChaseRyanTaylor Thanks!
@ChaseRyanTaylor Good call! I've responded to said question.
This answer hasn't improved, so I'm casting my delete vote.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Only one more needed now.
@ChaseRyanTaylor Looking at the timeline, it seems that the post has not been through the close votes review queue yet. Indeed, it is still waiting for the reviewers.
@MartinSleziak O.o did you find the review by chance?
So I guess it would get some attention (and possibly close votes) from the review - although it might take some time, considering that review queue is quite long now (above 50 questions in close votes review queue).
@SimplyBeautifulArt I do not know of a simply way of finding a review, unless somebody reviewed the post already (in which case it can be found in review history). And it seems that even such an experienced user as quid does not know about easy way to do this - meta: Finding a question's “review” page when you're not reviewing close proposals.
In this case I simply tried to go through several consecutive numbers in the links of the form https://math.stackexchange.com/review/close/review-idstarting from some review number that I was not too old.
Can we get a couple more delete votes here
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @user21820, @Did, ^
forget it, (my last link), the OP deleted it.
Deleted by the OP (at the moment) - revisions/timeline.
Yeah, @MartinSleziak That's what I just said; thanks for stopping by to say so, in case I had maybe missed that.
1 hour later…
- -- -
What have I just witnessed
If anyone wishes, only one more close vote: math.stackexchange.com/q/2425337/272831
@SimplyBeautifulArt Absolute nonsense. Just frustrated it wasn't closed (until an hour later), and only two delete votes after closure, and then the asker deleted the question. Sometimes, I just don't get some of the characters that make an appearance on this site! :-/
Me neither lol

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