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One of the "complaints" about this room is that very few users come here. I'll just point out that some users might only peek into that chat room, without saying something. So if there are no new names in the transcript that does not necessarily mean that no users visited the room.
For example, I count 11 users which are "pingable" (offered in the auto-complete), meaning that they were in this room in the past few days. (amWhy, AJHenderson, aminliverpool, Caleb, DanielFischer, EricStucky, MetaEd, RobertFrost, SimplyBeautifulArt, Typhon, user21820 )
Clearly, now the number is higher that usual - possibly because heated discussion a few days later which also raise a few flags.
or This answer has some delete votes: [Definite integral $\int_2^{343} ({x-[x]})^2 dx $](math.stackexchange.com/q/2388824#2390823). I have at least edited WA links into the post, perhaps some further improvements can be done...?
Personally I don't think that the answer of the type: "Look at the graph, then you can immediately see that ..." is terrible answer for this question. OTOH I agree that the graph can be drawn by hand - without using CAS. And also that if the answer relies on the graph, it would probably be nice to include it.
I think that if an answer relies heavily on the graph, perhaps it would be good to include graph into the post. (I have at least added link to WA, but including a picture would probably be nicer.) Of course, I cannot say whether this is the main reason why this answer was downvoted. — Martin Sleziak 4 mins ago
@MartinSleziak The answer was deleted: revisions/timeline.
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak I did take a look at those posts but didn't have anything much to say; I'd not delete it based on the tone of the question and history of the asker. But I won't reopen it because it's borderline lacking effort.
And what do you think about merging? Do you have some other possible merge-target at hand?
Here is one more question about the same thing - 1690797 How to show that $(W^\bot)^\bot=W $
Perhaps this one could be a reasonable target for merging.
@MartinSleziak Hmmm... I consider this one to be a better question than both the other two. But I admit that there's a conflict between the stated goals of SE to be a Q&A repository and the good requirement of showing effort.
Wasn't this discussed ad nauseam on meta. For example, arjafi's answer here: Can we stop the “Show your work craze”?
Clearly, if Q&A is the objective then the most terrible of the three (the one with least effort) is the best poster for the answer. I don't like that. So I'd just leave them all alone.
Yes I read that and disagreed with arjafi.
Well, I think that good answers will be a bit more visible if they are posted under a question which is not closed.
But the problem is those people who answer lousy questions.
I'll wait a bit whether I'll get feedback from some other users, but I'll take into consideration that you're against merging.
Two of the answers are reasonable, because they just hint/sketch the idea.
Anyway doesn't merging require moderator action? I don't really care if someone decides to do it. I just wouldn't bother even if I had the privileges.
I've edited the question which is closed a bit. Can you suggest some further improvements to that post?
Yes, merging is done by moderators.
@MartinSleziak I don't have any further suggestions.
Thanks for taking your time to look at that one.
Merging is done by moderators. Usually when I flag for merging, if the merging has been discussed in chat, I also add link to the chat in my flag. I do not know to which extent moderators check the transcript.
It's also difficult to say how high is my success rate with requests for merging.
Here's a nonsense post that needs deletion.
To summarize, we have three questions about $U^{\bot\bot}=U$ in finite-dimensional space and I asked whether some of them could be merged. See above for some discussion - namely here and here. (Originally I only found two question - maybe there are several other posts about this.)
Sorry, I wanted to include here at least short summary (with addition of the newly found question), so that if somebody else wants to look at this, it's easier for them to check what this was about.
@user21820 Maybe if you want your delete request to be more visible, you can pin it or repost it once again - as the last message in this exchange, it will be more visible. (Or perhaps adding or at the beginning could also make the post visually distinguishable from the other discussion.)
@MartinSleziak I'd do it, but I don't want to hog the pinned messages. I believe there's a limit?
I don't want whether there is a limit. In any case, maybe tags might also be useful to make some message stand out a bit.
Okay I'll just pin it and wait for helpers. =)
"Star limit is 20 stars per room, per day for each user." See: The Complete Rate-Limiting Guide. This feature request is related: Can we increase the limit of chat stars available per day?.
Ah okay thanks for finding that!
This nonsense post says that infinity minus infinity can be anything, and should be deleted.
So we have 4 now. Let's see how it goes.
4 hours later…
Perhaps this one should be closed:
Q: How can I solve this

Kingsley Please can some help explain to me this concept I have done this before but going back to it again after a long time is proving a bit difficult especially when finding ge lower boundary... The question is |x + 3| < 7 is true if and only if?

Perhaps we should invite Alex M.
2 hours later…
@user21820 @amWhy If you get to it in time, perhaps this question should be deleted?
@SimplyBeautifulArt: Why not invite Did too?
@amWhy @user21820 And another? math.stackexchange.com/questions/2390914/…
@user21820 Sure I suppose
@SimplyBeautifulArt Already voted to close and voted to delete.
@SimplyBeautifulArt One more delete vote to go.
Oh it's gone. =)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yup... gone.
@user21820 yup ... gone
Well, I invited Did and Alex M.
@amWhy @user21820 And perhaps another? math.stackexchange.com/questions/2391464/…
@SimplyBeautifulArt @user2182, and @all This question has received four upvotes?!?! It's nothing but a problem statement question (three downvotes) and needs to more votes to close. math.stackexchange.com/questions/2373273/…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Two more close votes to go...
"I invited Did and Alex M." OK. What for?
Just to say "Hi" of course. And to suggest you to some posts that we think are of low quality, if you'd like to take a look at them @Did
@SimplyBeautifulArt Already had downvoted; just commented, too.
OK. So you suggest that I pass regularly by this chat and check the posts mentioned here to see if I want to vote to close them? (FYI, I feel that I meet enough of them on my own already... but why not.)
@Did If you wish :-) Occasionally we may propose deletion as well.
@Did: The reason for us inviting you is that we always ping each other when we come across bad posts. We used to do it in another chat-room, but since this is supposed to be the room for such things, we could do it transparently here. The biggest need for collaborative curating is when a bad post has upvotes and can't be deleted without multiple people contributing downvotes.
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @user21820 Do either of you make use of the moderator tools? Click on the link to "review" in the uppermost tab on some main mse page. There are then two tabs: It opens to the review tab; but to the left of that is the "tools" page where you can find posts with delete votes, and posts with close votes...
@amWhy Occasionally yes
@Did: I suggested that outstanding issues such as these could be pinned until settled, and Martin told me that this was how it was done last time. If you could take a look at those I've pinned and help to delete them, I'd be grateful. Anyone else here can do the same with pinning.
@amWhy I do that yes, but it's slow and totally fails for bad posts currently with non-negative score.
@user21820 OK for the general strategy. Regarding its details, "pinned" = mentioned in one of your posts in this chat? (Pardon my illiteracy about the workings of the site...)
@SimplyBeautifulArt @user21820 I didn't mean the tools available are the greatest. Usually each day I catch three posts each (questions needing only one more closevote, and deletetion candidates needing needing another delete vote.)
@Did Pinned posts are starred posts that not only appear at the right side but also stay on top. Owners (of which you are now a member) can pin and unpin chat messages any time. They stay pinned for 2 weeks apparently.
Once an issue is dealt with, any owner can unpin the message.
@user21820 except old pins.
@user21820 So, at present, the list of pinned posts reads: "This nonsense post says that infinity minus infinity can be anything, and should be deleted. - 6h ago by user21820" / "Here's a nonsense post that needs deletion. - 7h ago by user21820" / "chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/39029807#39029807 - 1d ago by user21820", right?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yes it seems they get demoted to regular starred posts after 2 weeks.
@Did Yeap.
@amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt @Did: For example, the first pinned post now needs 2 more downvotes then we can vote to delete it.
@user21820 Cool. Then indeed, I might consult this list from time to time... :-)
@user21820 I addressed all the pinned posts;
@amWhy Thanks! We just need a couple more people to help. =)
Good day @MartinSleziak
hello friends! Why am i getting so many -2 points in one day?
@akhmeteni You probably had a lot of downvoted answers
@Did You can see all starred (this includes pinned) posts here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/2165/c-r-u-d-e?tab=stars (Sometimes the starboard might be full. And the size of the starboard is smaller when you have multiple rooms open. So if there are many starred/pinned post, this link might be better.)
You can get to that link also from room info - one of the tabs there is called stars.
@akhmeteni You may want to remove any "Please help!" from your questions. Indeed, many find the use of imperative to be rude and a sign that you may be abusing the site to do your homework.
@SimplyBeautifulArt No i dont have any homework i am self studying these days
@MartinSleziak Thanks. And I even found the path to go there from here using two clicks... All hope is not lost regarding my ignorance. :-)
@akhmeteni Readers can't determine that. So I simply recommend removing any "Please help!" type stuff from your questions.
@Did lol
I definitely do not think you're ignorant - I just did not see you much in chat, so I thought some of the stuff might be new to you.
@akhmeteni I can't really explain why you've been downvoted quite severely. I've upvoted one of your questions that is perfectly fine to me.
Looking at your profile I see that you have over 700 chat messages, so probably you're not that new here.
OK thank you @SimplyBeautifulArt Ill note that!
@MartinSleziak And you were exactly right.
Well, I attempted to answer the meta post, if anyone wants to take a look: math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26787/…
@akhmeteni: Of course, you can try Simply's suggestion, but if it happens every day then you can ask the moderators to investigate.
@user21820 thank you too!
Huh, it is always strange when I find users suspended. :-/ In my opinion, it is almost difficult to get suspended.
Good day @Danu
:39383733 No one of concern, a rather low rep user (<5000?) that I don't see often.
@amWhy @user21820 @Did Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this one? math.stackexchange.com/questions/2391528/…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body: Gone, yeah this question was deleted, bye by dfs5 on math.SE
Yeah... seems like it
@SmokeDetector As another note, it appears to be a female profile pic.
yesterday, by user21820
Here is a recent example that needs downvotes and deletion.
^ This one needs 2 more downvotes. =)
@amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt: And this one is up for deletion. =)
@user21820 Already did mine
@user21820 Done!
1 hour later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt math.stackexchange.com/questions/2391587/…, @user21820, @Did, etc. The question should be closed IMHO; take a look at it, if you have the time!
Also looking for a couple of delete vote on this: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2389907/when-is-mmt-invertible
@amWhy thanks for linking those.
@Typhon My pleasure!
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @Did, @user21820, math.stackexchange.com/questions/2391587/… is now up for deletion (I gave my vote; please return to it, and delete (nor not). Just wanted to point it's been closed.

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