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Q: Ask and answering your own question

Loki AstariI have a whole bunch of questions that I asked when I first started using vim. So I have an answer for them now. So I can keep asking and answering my own questions like: How do I use vim as a diff tool vimdiff and merge conflicts But is there some guidelines on doing this.

2 hours later…
Wow! A SE site for Vi and Vim! What can be better? :-)
A pizza and a site for Vi and Vim! :D
2 hours later…
Wait, what? No beer? :-(
2 hours later…
Private beta for one more day? :)
beta started at tuesday evening (UTC-ish time), IIRC
1 hour later…
I must say it's quite nice to see a great repository of vi information. :)
5 hours later…
Hopefully it will survive.
OK. I've been attacked by the common cold. Combined with long work hours It has been all work and no play. Anyhow; regarding my question about swap files and raise, I was/am a bit reluctant posting my current script as an answer as it is rather hackish.
Q: Raise window holding swap file

SukminderFrom time to time while working on multiple projects, and / or what ever, it leaves me with (too) many Vim instances open – as happens, I open a file which already is opened elsewhere, leaving me with the option of: [O]pen Read-only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort Is there some buil...

Post with some info: pastebin.com/raw.php?i=efqSfuYk
Bash script with syntax: pastebin.com/7nht7UBA
@hildred --^
@200_success --^
@Sukminder just FYI, you can ping more than one person in a single chat message. :-) Hope you get well soon, btw!
Thanks ;)
@Sukminder You can post it anywya, maybe someone can use it as inspiration for a better solution, or perhaps it's not as bad as you think
I answered 2 or 3 of my own questions on vi.SE where someone else posted a better solution!

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