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trying to find if there's a bug # I can poke
Why does deleting a file on a USB stick not free up space? http://bit.ly/fQnD0b #usb
@StefanoPalazzo: Are you still around?
@GeorgeEdison so it looks like the problem was fixed in the buildd code, but I don't know if that fix was deployed to all the ppa buildds or not - I don't work on LP at all so I'm guessing :)
Ah, okay.
@StefanoPalazzo: I give up on the UDP stuff. I think I'll stick with TCP for now :P
@StefanoPalazzo: Okay, I've got code that does something in the database.
To test it out, connect to the server with telnet:
> telnet 12345
It will echo whatever you type and tell you how many question records it processed.
Note also that the server needs to be invoked with one command line parameter:
- the location of the file posts.xml from the data dump.
1 hour later…
is being a good little rolandixor and suggesting people come here
Battery recognized and 100% charged but not working http://bit.ly/eT9Fo8 #battery
@Stefano: It's working!
Here's how it works:
- The server is started. It loads the data dump and parses the contents.
- A client makes a TCP connection to the server.
- The client writes the search terms it's looking for (separated by spaces) and terminates with a newline.
- The server will then reply with JSON data with one field (ids) which is an array of question IDs.
- The server will then close the connection.
Heh! I discovered something!
why do I get the feeling he used hax?
@RolandTaylor because he IS hax
23:30 -!- underwearsniff [[email protected]] has
left #dubstep ["Leaving"] <-- the handles used these day's disturb me sometimes...
that was on ubuntu irc?
no, #dubstep (on freenode)
oh I missed that :P
silly me
New issue tracker got launched on github today \o/
Wow... I'm really impressed with ctypes.
@GeorgeEdison ctypes is a casting method for C++ right?
It's a Python module that allows access to C libraries.
oh, noice
It turns this into this.
Very nice
Eventually I'll have to look at python and dive into ironPython since I have a ton of mono/.net crap lying around.
Seems like everybody and their cousin knows and loves python
I kind-of like it myself... of course, C++ can't be beat for performance.
DId you see the C++ CMS i posted forever ago in here? i cant find the link right off hand, but a group of individuals out there is writing a web-cms in C++
I don't think so.
I smell pain
good evening, gents
Evening @AlexBliskovsky
Ubuntu has really improved since the last time I used it
setting up dual monitors took like 3 clicks this time
as opposed to a million config files
It just keeps getting better and better :)
This is why ubuntu is miles ahead of the other's in useability. I said that once or twice at the #SOMeetup
Granted there is a certain sense of pride in knowing how to do it manually, like you would have to do in gentoo. But over-all, the ubuntu convenience wins in every scenerio that I dont have to spend three days reconfiguring a box after a hdd fail (with no backups) compared to the half hour i can have a ubuntu box installed and configged.
any cool customizations I should know about?
Depends on what you're into
Toy around with compiz and you'll be surprised at how versatile you can make your desktop.
I run a pretty vanilla installation with some compiz mods and about a ton of shellscripts considering most of my day is spent between browsers, terminals, and Banshee
hi @lazyPower
Good morning @karthick87
mornin' \o
have you met @AlexBliskovsky?
I have :-)
ah ok :) I figured marco would have you two introduced rather quickly :P
considering you both are python cowboys
wait, that I didn't know
salutations @AlexBliskovsky
not sure if alex is watching right now or not. But he's a python cowboy as well. You two should mingle.
was getting emacs set up
Filthy editor
</end flame>
emacs, eh -_-
I was the only pythoner at the DC SOMeetup
@AlexBliskovsky dont you find it interesting most of the cats there were PHP devs?
I was the only .Net developer there :P that i'm aware of. and thats not by choice... even tho i was once tempted by the dark side... I've since seen the error of my ways.
@lazyPower Conspiracy.
What's the dark side? PHP?
dot Net development without the use of MONO
I see
I make my living writing ASP.net
university-bound.com <-- making that happen (And about 12 other networked in sites/domains on the same codebase) its a nightmare
I should check out if there are any python meetups in DC
meetup.com is a most excellent place to do so. I'm attending a PHP and server admin meeting later this month.
Hoping the next jquery group meetup will finaly get away from the topic of node.js too.
@StefanoPalazzo hi5 on all the work to the AU lens
thank you :-)
oh hey there is a monthly python meetup
it's nearly ready for prime time
grokks the au lens
cant wait for unity to get stable enough for prime time as well. Once everything falls into place, its going to be ill
and you have a launch-ready application. One of the first.
jealous ;)
@GeorgeEdison made some serious headway on the cache'ing server lastnight.
I need to get going on the App Review Board business, but yeah, I'll have some exposure
@MarcoCeppi what does that mean?
@StefanoPalazzo the quality of the app will speak for itself. and hte topic that we dont talk about will make it all the more sweeter.
what topic is that?
the one thats held up due to red tape, and if you dont know what it is, i'm not gong to be the idiot that lets the cat out of the bag on open chat :P
but you can get at me on twitter (since i dont have you on my list anyhow) and i'll be more than happy to spill the beans in a DM
morning @StefanoPalazzo :)
morning @karthick87 :-)
morning errrbody!
I'm just about to go to bed
see ya @AlexBliskovsky
ahoi @dustyprogrammer :)
whats going on guys?
reading up on symfony and posting inappropriate web comics in chat
you @dustyprogrammer?
@Stefano: Are you around now?
I have great, no scratch that... wonderful news.
@GeorgeEdison yeah, it's about half eight and I'm buzzing with caffeine, finishing up the final chapter of K&R
What's the news?
Get ready for it...
You're reading the De-Facto C++ manual, nice.
nothing work on my application for github
I got the C++ app working, got the library working, and created the C API.
you saved 15% on your car insurance by switching to geico
That's not all... I wrote a demo Python app that uses it.
It's all in the repository.
@dustyprogrammer did you see the new issue tracker revision that got pushed yesterday? its freaking sick.
@dustyprogrammer its now made with 100% more unicorn awesomeness
@lazyPower pardon me, it's a C book :P
yeah it might even stop me from using jira
its all django?
@StefanoPalazzo ah sorry :)
@dustyprogrammer no, github is written in rails i do believe.
@GeorgeEdison oh man!
So I can start trying out different search algorithms now?
You can start using it right away!
how much disk do I need, and how long does it take to start it up?
You'll need three things though.
1) libqt4-dev
2) the AU data dump
3) the code from the repos.
do you have a link to the AU data dump?
look at me know
I download just the AU one, right?
looks at @dustyprogrammer.
@StefanoPalazzo Right.
24 megs that's nothing
haha hi5 @GeorgeEdison
I'll be using a binary search tree :P
it's nice to just waste bits sometimes
@StefanoPalazzo I used brute force... us C++ programmers can do that 'cuz we got CPU cycles to spare :P
No seriously, I will fix it up later.
sorry i am writing code and listening to music
that happens sometimes
# Free the data (don't forget this!)
heh, that's what we call un-pythonic :P
Well, feel free to create a wrapper for it.
But seriously... don't forget it.
and I mean of course the use of camel-case in the method name :P
You'll leak MB's of memory if you do.
@GeorgeEdison so, how do I make it?
@StefanoPalazzo Learned that one from Windows :)
@dustyprogrammer listen to dubstep, it makes you a better programmer
@StefanoPalazzo So, you should just be able to go to the root dir of the source tree and run 'qmake AUDataServer.pro'
i listen to stuff like this
@GeorgeEdison I ran qmake && make, it seems to have worked
Then you can just run the python script.
duly noted
@StefanoPalazzo How to remove change background option in ubuntu
I distinctly remember there being a way to lock down gnome really tightly
that's about all I remember though :\
@StefanoPalazzo So did it work?
@karthick87 The program that does it is /usr/bin/gnome-appearance-properties you can try to replace it with something that throws an error message?
@dustyprogrammer i already own this jam :P
(by the way, I opened it up, checked ps aux for what's new, saw gnome-appearance-properties, typed whereis gnome-appearance-properties to find this out)
@GeorgeEdison just a minute
@GeorgeEdison yeah it works
Could you please do me a small favor...?
I didn't get a chance to benchmark it.
How many MS does the search command take?
that's real time, not user
(user time [time.clock()] doesn't really work with shared libraries)
Wow... not too bad for brute force :P
@GeorgeEdison Did you check if the results are good?
I did a sample query and checked the IDs online.
where can I hack the search?
Hack the search?
right, where is that brute force bit of code
Oh, CDataManager.cpp:72
It loops through every question and compares it to every search term.
Oops wrong line. I fixed it.
righto :-)
Oh... and... more good news.
@Stefano: I think I may have found a host for the app!
This is really taking off now!
Thats what happens when you have the cats pajamas
@GeorgeEdison who is it, how did you do it?
One thing though.... it's a Windows server.
But since this is a Qt app, that's no problem.
Night all... I better get some sleep.
@StefanoPalazzo i was thinking of the book written by Bjarn Stoustroup
the C++ book....
where is inittab file? http://bit.ly/eDuseZ #init
sorted(self.index, key=lambda q: sum(
            len(x) if x.lower() == y.lower() else 0 for x in q.split()
                for y in query.split()), reverse=True)[:maxsize]
generator expression anyone? :P
1 hour later…
Q: Resume writing.

Kaustubh PI wish to convey to prospective employers, that I not only want to use my skills, but hone and sharpen them as well. Does the below paragraph do justice to it? Do you have any suggestions? Does the paragraph sound boastful? To obtain a position and work environment, that will not only ...

Morning @KaustubhP
@lazyPower howdy! @htorque guten morgen ;)
hello everyone!
@StefanoPalazzo: for x in q.split() shouldn't that be for x in queue.split()?
NameError: name 'queue' is not defined
you should see the search method now, it's so highly optimised, you can barely understand it :P
still it's 100 milliseconds :-(
@StefanoPalazzo hello!
hey :)
I think this for i in query.split() is what ruins the performance, means performance as a function of the number of words in the query is n squared
I'll try to use the levenshtein algorithm
ah, query :D
@StefanoPalazzo Just because you mention Levenshtein, you should check this site out.
@KaustubhP oh wow, nice!
oh no, this is full of things i know - and it's sunday: GO AWAY! :D
(oops :D)
@StefanoPalazzo what do you say about the weather? pure awesomeness. 8-)
Yeah, I had to turn my display away from the window :P
approved nerd :D
@GeorgeEdison so, I got as far as a server that simulates the /similar functonality, with the only available argument being ?title. A search for How%20do%20I%20install%20Firefox%204 takes on average 64ms (as reported by chromium). When you have some performance figures, let me know if that's any good or not. Due to the way I search (which isn't good enough atm), a search for "Chromium" only takes 23ms
maybe I should just try to find the two most important words in every query
@StefanoPalazzo how are you ranking the words?
@lazyPower I just lowercase and match them, each match increments the score by the length of the matched word
thats not a bad algorythm. are you using a stored hash of keywords used for matching?
I'm using a binary search tree, but that's not a concious decision, I haven't yet gotten around to choosing my data structure
ah right, you made mention of that earlier.
It's incredible though, I rolled my own BST, and it's not rubbish
@StefanoPalazzo -- if you decide against the BST, this looks promising sunrisetel.net/software/devtools/sunrise-data-dictionary.shtml
normally, re-inventing the wheel only leads to trouble, but it's never any slower than the (awesome) list
hah :D
I'll try a huge hash-table now, splitting the search terms on init rather than search, see if it fits in memory, I should get O(1) performance
to super charge your already super-human coding abilities
  'anyway': ('7519', '12135', '12308', '29604'),
  'anywhere': ('158', '2033', '5087', '20402'),
  'aoa': ('14407',),
  'apache': ( '3126',
this is what my index looks like now
I can make a better lexer, but it fits in memory easily
Hello all
got it down to 10 milliseconds, result still good
all is well in python land (:
Q: error while configuring python in apache2 in ubuntu

experimentXHi, I was trying to configure python to apache2 as suggested by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91101 First downloaded and installed and enabled mod_python module Changed /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as specified <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ...

@StefanoPalazzo whoa, nice.
I guess there is no way around for i in lex(query)
@StefanoPalazzo do you have mobile internet? i'm looking for a solution but i'm a total noob when it comes to this topic. guess a 1gb day flatrate would be ideal.
@htorque yeah, I do - but I don't use it that much
there's vodafone with 24h á 1GB but they will end the session if you reach the data limit, t-mobile only slows down the connection after reaching 1GB, but their day is a calendar day. i think it would be great to sit in a park, answering ubuntu questions :P
@htorque my contract is a t-mobile business complete M (or something), it's unlimited data volume, but they throttle it to EDGE speed after 300 megabytes, it's 50€ a month
naaaa, i definitely don't want a contract
I got it when I was (briefly) self-employed, thought it was fitting, and never thought to cancel it :P
I know it's much to expensive, you get the same thing for half the price now
i'd use it 1-3 times a months, so prepaid solutions would be better i think
did you start an Ich-AG? :D
as you can probably tell, I'm the wrong person to take advice from (:
@htorque not it was a 'gbr'
it's only 20 euros per associate to found one of those you know (:
no rain in sepang -> boring f1 grand prix
Oh man, I think I've come up with something really good
it's still 10 milliseconds, but the search results are now awesome
@htorque aargh shut it!
I haven't watched it yet :D
don't worry, i think most of the races are boring, so i haven't really spoilt anything :D
no rain in malaysia = disappointment :P
I always have to be careful on race weekends, since I watch the race on monday usually
it's horrible (:
no radio, no papers, no vaguely sports related websites
i know that feeling :D
sunday late night events = record and watch on monday
su command + authentication failure http://bit.ly/fjzy3H #gnometerminal
okay, my example search query is "python 3",
the top result is Q: "How do I make the terminal run python 3.1?"
user: 0.00 ms
real: 2.07 ms
If ever anyone says that python is slow, I shall set them straight using this code
victory dance
I even solve the longest common subsequence for every result
python is slow :D
Oh yeah!
        return {'questions':
            list({'question_id': i[0], 'title': self.title[i[0]]}
                for i in sorted(result.most_common(maxsize),
                    key=lambda x: lcs_len(self.title[x[0]], query)))[::-1]}
in your face :P
looks so fine, the equivalent java code would make me want to puke
you should see the crazy types of those objects
self.index[word] |= {int(i['Id'])} ← I just love this line
x |= y means x ← {x ∪ y}
so index is a hash-table of sets
that's O(1) looking up the set, and O(1) checking if an item is in it
[::-1] <-- whats that do?
optimizing code is fun
i noted a stupid mistake in my code and went from O(n²) to O(n) :D
@lazyPower it reverses the order of a mutable iterable. slices are like [start:end:step], so we start at nothing (=beginning), end at nothing (=end), and our step is -1, so that's -1, -2, -3 ... for len(iterable)
ah ok, makes sense
It's known as the Martian Smiley :)
do martians have four eyes?
Depends on the planet of origin i suppose
this is amazing
I ran my algorithm agains the Superuser database, and it's just as fast
memory usage is is approximately O(n) too
when can we install all that awesome stuff? ;-)
As soon as I'm happy with it :-)
memory is (still) cheap, so what? >:)
release soon, release often! :D
memory usage is almost impossible to profile, so I'm just immensely glad it's so good
If it were a problem, I'd be hunting it down for hours
finally got my home desktop upgraded to natty
taken about 3 minutes to find something that crashes unity, sadly
@ajmitch what was it?
just clicking on 'applications' on the launcher caused it to crash
oh, that's not a nice welcome
can anyone help me with this
Q: error while configuring python in apache2 in ubuntu

experimentXHi, I was trying to configure python to apache2 as suggested by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91101 First downloaded and installed and enabled mod_python module Changed /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as specified <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ...

@JorgeCastro we should start thinking about this idea again, probably :-)
@StefanoPalazzo stop teasing us :D
time to expose that pale nerd skin to the sun, have a nice day!
@htorque I've subsequently noticed that cherrypy for python 3 isn't available (at least not in ubuntu?), so I'm using a reinventthewheel'd webserver now (:
see you :-)
@StefanoPalazzo haven't yet used cherrypy so that doesn't tell me much ;)
def index(self):
    return "<h1>Welcome to my website</h1>"
↑ that's what cherrypy does
nothing fancy
if I don't want to have to type Alt F2 and enter emerald --replace every time I start up do I have to make a bashrc and put it in my home folder or something?
Hi @all
or is there some preference I'm missing somewhere>?
@JoshuaRobison how come you're running emerald?
stefano, cause I'm running a theme
@JoshuaRobison I'm a little busy so forgive me for being terse, check out System→ Preferences → Startup Applications, you should be able to put your command there
nasty hack though ;-)
Stefano, great. I've been using that and I pressed the button "remember current running application" but for some reason it never remembers emerald. But I will try to punch it in manually this time. Thanks
@JoshuaRobison that's not what I meant though
I thought you might want to add a Startup Program, since you're manually running "emerald --replace" every time you boot up, just put it there and let gnome do it for you
Steafano, right. You want me to put the command there right? Yea, I know . I just did it. I didn't know I could do that before. Thanks a lot
Not a problem, I hope it works
Steafano, exactly. right on. I will try it out when I reboot next time : D
Why do I have to unlock my private key to perform a download operation? http://bit.ly/ep3MUs #launchpad
2 hours later…
hello @JorgeCastro :)
check this out
this is via HTTP (albeit from the local host)
it's two orders of magnitude faster than the SE API (:
and I believe George's program is making progress too
hah, awesome!
@StefanoPalazzo whoa at that time difference!
We have to find a way to use this
it's seriously the most beautiful code I've ever written :)
the image upload button is still broken :(
@Jorge this is searching the Super User database
no difference
waves his magic wand of random access
we pulled head of gaming in traffic like by 1000 now
no way to beat server
@StefanoPalazzo i have a configuration file in one machine say i get this file from another machine say using wget??
eventually we will crush them all!

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