@GeorgeEdison so it looks like the problem was fixed in the buildd code, but I don't know if that fix was deployed to all the ppa buildds or not - I don't work on LP at all so I'm guessing :)
DId you see the C++ CMS i posted forever ago in here? i cant find the link right off hand, but a group of individuals out there is writing a web-cms in C++
This is why ubuntu is miles ahead of the other's in useability. I said that once or twice at the #SOMeetup
Granted there is a certain sense of pride in knowing how to do it manually, like you would have to do in gentoo. But over-all, the ubuntu convenience wins in every scenerio that I dont have to spend three days reconfiguring a box after a hdd fail (with no backups) compared to the half hour i can have a ubuntu box installed and configged.
Toy around with compiz and you'll be surprised at how versatile you can make your desktop.
I run a pretty vanilla installation with some compiz mods and about a ton of shellscripts considering most of my day is spent between browsers, terminals, and Banshee
@AlexBliskovsky dont you find it interesting most of the cats there were PHP devs?
I was the only .Net developer there :P that i'm aware of. and thats not by choice... even tho i was once tempted by the dark side... I've since seen the error of my ways.
(by the way, I opened it up, checked ps aux for what's new, saw gnome-appearance-properties, typed whereis gnome-appearance-properties to find this out)
I wish to convey to prospective employers, that I not only want to use my skills, but hone and sharpen them as well.
Does the below paragraph do justice to it?
Do you have any suggestions?
Does the paragraph sound boastful?
To obtain a position and work
environment, that will not only ...
@GeorgeEdison so, I got as far as a server that simulates the /similar functonality, with the only available argument being ?title. A search for How%20do%20I%20install%20Firefox%204 takes on average 64ms (as reported by chromium). When you have some performance figures, let me know if that's any good or not. Due to the way I search (which isn't good enough atm), a search for "Chromium" only takes 23ms
maybe I should just try to find the two most important words in every query
I was trying to configure python to apache2 as suggested by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91101
First downloaded and installed and enabled mod_python module
Changed /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as specified
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ...
@StefanoPalazzo do you have mobile internet? i'm looking for a solution but i'm a total noob when it comes to this topic. guess a 1gb day flatrate would be ideal.
there's vodafone with 24h á 1GB but they will end the session if you reach the data limit, t-mobile only slows down the connection after reaching 1GB, but their day is a calendar day. i think it would be great to sit in a park, answering ubuntu questions :P
@htorque my contract is a t-mobile business complete M (or something), it's unlimited data volume, but they throttle it to EDGE speed after 300 megabytes, it's 50€ a month
return {'questions':
list({'question_id': i[0], 'title': self.title[i[0]]}
for i in sorted(result.most_common(maxsize),
key=lambda x: lcs_len(self.title[x[0]], query)))[::-1]}
@lazyPower it reverses the order of a mutable iterable. slices are like [start:end:step], so we start at nothing (=beginning), end at nothing (=end), and our step is -1, so that's -1, -2, -3 ... for len(iterable)
I was trying to configure python to apache2 as suggested by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91101
First downloaded and installed and enabled mod_python module
Changed /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as specified
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ...
@htorque I've subsequently noticed that cherrypy for python 3 isn't available (at least not in ubuntu?), so I'm using a reinventthewheel'd webserver now (:
if I don't want to have to type Alt F2 and enter emerald --replace every time I start up do I have to make a bashrc and put it in my home folder or something?
@JoshuaRobison I'm a little busy so forgive me for being terse, check out System→ Preferences → Startup Applications, you should be able to put your command there
Stefano, great. I've been using that and I pressed the button "remember current running application" but for some reason it never remembers emerald. But I will try to punch it in manually this time. Thanks
I thought you might want to add a Startup Program, since you're manually running "emerald --replace" every time you boot up, just put it there and let gnome do it for you