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I wish i had a tablet or something.
So nothing happened since i last left? Cool!
My webserver is down.
But my website is still up.
Lol @nick
Testing out Varnish gracefully handling the server being down.
Webserver is back up now by the way :p
It's so dead.
Is @kan or @JourneymanGeek still here?
@Mochan: no, its pining for the fjords ;p
@JourneymanGeek You're here.
Ya, I am @Mochan
Good ^o^ -relieved-
lol, for about 10 minutes or so. I have one last stanford networking video to work through ;p
By this *The first parameter is a time in hours, the second parameter is a time in minutes (between 0 and 59, inclusive), and the third parameter is a time in seconds (between 0 and 59, inclusive). Return the combined time as a float value. (Please note: in a1.py, we have provided the completed docstring for this function, including example function calls with the expected return values.) * does that part that says '0 to 59 are inclusive' mean I have to put the 0-59 restrictions in or...
is that already done.
no, It means that they won't give you a value outside that
@JourneymanGeek So Python already knows not to exceed 59 or is it my job to tell it that?
so you can safely assume you will get a number in the range starting at 0 and ending at 59
no, the tests will not exceed that. It means you don't have to worry ;p
Hallelujah! The assignment is easy, but I'm overthinking it.
common mistake, according to the forums
This is going to melt me...!
You're doing fine so far ;p
Thanks ^^;
Which reminds me... I need to copy my idle settings over to my laptop
/me has some theme and font mods that help me with dyslexia
Oh! I didn't even read the preconditions! Haha
@JourneymanGeek You have dyslexia? Huh. I meet a lot of people with it
@Mochan: I do
I manage it pretty well, outside slightly obsessive theme tweaking ;p
@JourneymanGeek How do fonts and stuff help? -curiosity-
@JourneymanGeek :P
wb @jokerdino
Sans serif fonts help. for example
comic sans ftw
(though, thank god, I'm not one of those poor souls who prefers comic sans)
One moment ;p
@JourneymanGeek Because the letters are more distinguishable? -curious, again-
@JourneymanGeek +29023 lol
@JourneymanGeek Hm. That's very interesting.
I find droid sans and Source Code Pro Semi Pro more readable than say Courier
ubuntu mono is nice if you haven't tried it
Yeah. I could read the rest quicker than the first one.
(course code semi pro, is like fricking perfect for anything that needs plain code)
@jokerdino Do you have dyslexia also?
notify-send Fortune "`fortune`"
notify-send -i cookie.png Fortune "`fortune`"
oh, calibri is not bad. Courier is a textbook example or a bad font for dyslexics
@JourneymanGeek Hm. I see.
@Mochan <insert extremely vulgar interjection>
@jokerdino a cron entry with notify-send is the simplest i can think of.
@Mochan: I also like light on dark
@Mahesh that works.
too bad notify-osd doesn't allow me to say fixed fint
use the binary
@JourneymanGeek Really? It doesn't offer any advantage to me, I almost roll my eyes to the back of my head trying to read white-on-black or similar.
bbs... assignment..
@Mochan: My linux cli consoles are classic green on black ;p
@JourneymanGeek OoooOoooOOoooooh!! I used to do that in Command Prompt XD
@Mochan: You're a proper geeky sort then ;p
@Mochan FWIW, ubuntu mono is a font
@JourneymanGeek FTW
@jokerdino I know?
and I'm NOT dyslexic.
now bye
umm... doesn't help.
@jokerdino OK. It was a question. Plus, there's nothing wrong with it.
Jeez! Bye!
@Mahesh i'll write one. hold on
@jokerdino bye
@AmithKK what?
i just came back from dinner. i am not going
what do you think I want? i've been known to be bad at expressing myself
58 secs ago, by jokerdino
now bye
intel atom is not x86 right?
@AmithKK i was saying bye to my bro
I would need ubuntu for arm right
@JoshuaRobison: atom is x86
wow really
@Mahesh you tried notify-send from cron and it didn't work. right?
that changes everything O_o
@jokerdino nope.
@Mahesh ok
@JoshuaRobison: how else would you have so many crappy windows netbooks? ;p
try ascii art in notify-send.
you'll get what i am trying to say.
i see now
@JourneymanGeek, so you think I would not have a hard time putting ubuntu on this amazon.com/ZOTAC-Intel-Barebone-Mini-PC-ZBOX-ID41-U/dp/…
@JoshuaRobison: oh, hell no
these zotac machines come with either atom processors or amd or sometimes intel ... but the atom processor ones often have the best specs
for the money that is
@JoshuaRobison Damn. That's smexy.
my media machine just died and I need to replace it
@Mochan: I love atoms for random low power boxen
the power supply went out O-o
I have an old 1.6 ghz box
I never had that happen to me before
@JoshuaRobison: you could just replace the power supply
unless it uses something particularly exotic
@JourneymanGeek, but it is old.. hard to fine... and the power supplies Ive found were almost half the price I bought the pc for
dell omniplex
160W dell power supply ... ranging from $25 to $50
got an exact model?
I bought the thing for $80
mini/sffish box?
@JourneymanGeek dell optiplex gx520
not even mini
@JourneymanGeek for this:
` def to_float_hours(hours, minutes, seconds):
'''(int, int, int) -> float

Return the total number of hours in the specified number
of hours, minutes, and seconds.`

I did` return (minutes / 60) + (seconds/60) + hours. `
The first example (0, 15, 0) is right, but the others are a bit off. 2, 45, 9 is supposed to be 2.75 but results in 2.9 and 1, 0, 36 is supposed to be 1.01 but I get 1.6. Is my math wrong? I wouldn't be surprised...!
@JourneymanGeek, I bought it used
@JourneymanGeek ty
yes that looks like it @JourneymanGeek
@JoshuaRobison: support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/opgx520/en/ug/… PSU uses a standard input...
so If you feel hacky.. ;p
and ya, PSUs on those arn't worth replacing. System can still be reporposed
wish I could gazelle it but i live in japan
at this rate I will have to pay to trash it
@JoshuaRobison Seriously?! You lucky thing! OMG I'm so jealous! -dies-
@Mochan, huh?
did I miss something O_o
@Mochan he said he can't because he lives in Japan.
@JoshuaRobison conflicts and confusion. no worries
@jokerdino No, I mean the fact he lives in Japan!
@Mochan o.O
What about someone who lives in Korea?
Someone wants to move? ;p
@jokerdino ?
hi all! :D
@JourneymanGeek I hate to be annoying like this, but do you know if my math is OK? I have about 20-40 minutes to finish the assignment (;; )
@Alvar o/
@jokerdino You mean Ga-in?
@Mochan: without looking at your math... ;p
@Mochan I mean Gwon
@jokerdino LOL XD
Does anyone have a link to a tutorial on designing web pages? I really can't design anything. But I know some HTML, CSS and PHP...
@JourneymanGeek Oh man... what did I do wrong?
@Mochan: arn't you supposed to use the % for that?
er no no my bad
@JourneymanGeek What's % again?
@JourneymanGeek Really?
look at your seconds
Q: Question No 207630 replied by Marco Braida

kishorQuestion No 207630 replied by Marco Braid After your reply I could install Synaptic,then AptonCD,Gdebi and some other applications. I had made APTONCD. I was convienced that Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is working well. I had removed everything ( Ubuntu 12.04,Fuduntu,Linix mint 13) from my hard disk and re...

@JourneymanGeek What about them?
weird case scenario
@Mochan 24 % 24 is 0 if it's math or programming you are talking about...
let me look @ my solution ;p
@Mochan: seconds/ 3600
or seconds %60
my bad, not mod
no no
% gives the rest on what you divide by
Q: Question No 207630 replied by Marco Braida

kishorQuestion No 207630 replied by Marco Braid After your reply I could install Synaptic,then AptonCD,Gdebi and some other applications. I had made APTONCD. I was convienced that Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is working well. I had removed everything ( Ubuntu 12.04,Fuduntu,Linix mint 13) from my hard disk and re...

I'm so confusd...
@Alvar: made a mistake ;p
what programming language is it?
what is this even trying to say?? - the question
@Alvar Oh yeah, the remainder
@Mochan: return hours + minutes/60 + seconds/3600
@Alvar Python
yeah that will work too
@JourneymanGeek Why /3600?
i get it. someone said don't post a comment as an answer but start a new question and he did exactly that
@Mochan: 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour. 3600 seconds to an hour
@mochan are you processing time?
@JourneymanGeek Oh! Hahah thx
@jokerdino: ya ;p
I did that a while ago --^
coz i am messy
@jokerdino Yeah. I'm doing an assignment on a course. I have to translate time.
@Mochan some basic stuff you might fins useful! tutorialspoint.com/python/python_basic_operators.htm
@Alvar: her code is fine. Thats what caught me ;p
@Alvar Thanks very very much
@JourneymanGeek lol
@Mochan remember google is your friend. ;)
floor rounds down, mod gives you remainder:
is that how you did it?
I've been helping my dad, his logic is great, his coding, less so ;p
@AbrahamVanHelpsing: I totally misunderstood what she was asking
(story of my life) ;p
oh... end thought
@Alvar Google is always the answer. Always.
42 is the answer.
I just tried to install fonts I already install and use
is hitchiker's guide reference the new unicorn? if so i can break out some towel quotes
@jokerdino divide by zero always gives the solution to every problem.
idk, i don't think google is ALWAYS the answer... i mean the search results for world domination are pretty useless
@AbrahamVanHelpsing but on a programming issue it is...
@JourneymanGeek, Write your get_hours function definition here:means that I should say...?
@Mochan: write the function according to the recipie
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Jokes
@JourneymanGeek So... write it all again?
ok wow, who is that mystery fan of mine?
pretty much
@JourneymanGeek What fun. But without the instructions they supplied, with my own description?
still no RR name?
@htorque nope
@Mochan: 'complete' it - the instructions are the stringdoc, yes?
I am predicting Rowdy Raccoon.
@JourneymanGeek S**T. I put it in the normal bit--! -editing-
Rancid Rat
Here. :)
So this is *exactly* how it should look like?
### Write your get_hours function definition here:

def seconds_difference(time_1, time_2):
'''(float, float) -> float

Return the number of seconds later that a time in seconds
time_2 is than a time in seconds time_1.

>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)
>>> seconds_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)
return time_2 - time_1
Or do it need this?
pretty much
Or this?
### Write your get_hours function definition here:

def seconds_difference(time_1, time_2):
'''(float, float) -> float

Returns the difference in seconds between time_2 and time_1

>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)
>>> seconds_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)
return time_2 - time_1
mine reads return (time_2 - time_1)
you mean you won't get a good grade with a
#TODO - add docstring

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