its only very recently come into the server side programming (to my knowledge) via node.js... so there is still hope :D
@GeorgeEdison the second link says that Ruby more popular than Javascript? I don't think so... JS has been around longer and plus almost all client side stuff has js in it...
In my GTK+2/3 theme I am making for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, there's a very noticeable problem when it comes to the Sound Menu buttons - they are completely black with white icons:
Obviously, this does not fit in at all. But where do these buttons get their theming from in my theme files? What sectio...
Only Root can reboot - too bad when two users are logged in, none of them having admin rights. "Daddy - I can't switch off the computer, please help me"
I installed Ubuntu through the Wubi via Windows. Now it's time to upgrade, however, I'm uncertain that I can.
My question is: Since I did an installation through Wubi, while I'm in the Ubuntu OS and the updater kicks off to try to upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu, will it harm my Vist...
I don't understand the qusetion. Are you asking about alternative of Turbo C++ or trying to know about languages which can be used to develop program in Ubuntu — Olive Twist7 secs ago
hello Ubuntu xperts. I have a query. My system keyboard keeps doing things on its own. Keeps opening the launcher, keeps pressing random keys of its own will. I need to confirm if this is a software issue or hardware.
It's really convenient to use the moderator-ping (@@<userid>@<sitename> to summon users into a chat room.
Unfortunately, this tends to create duplicate chat users if they happen to have an existing chat account associated with another site. Which is a problem if the...
Im running Kubuntu 12.04 on my lenovo y410 laptop, and recently my sound started coming from both headphones and speakers at the same time. I compiled and installed the realtek driver and now the automute works but the headphone volume is very low, and in alsa mixer the headphone slider is disabl...
This question on Ask Ubuntu has already reached the required 3 delete votes (and gone way past it) and still haven't been removed.
Not just that one. The next two are bugged as well. (Deleted now)...
I think the new review system can lead to more erroneously closed question. We have to comment in case we think there's sth wrong. And we need to read these comments.
I wonder if fossfreedom deliberately closed it and then reopened it to cancel out the four close votes... (I'm not asserting that, nor do I think that would be wrong, just wondering.)