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Great answer: What are the differences between sudo, su, visudo, and chroot? http://askubuntu.com/a/197783?atw=1 #sudo
2 hours later…
Is peppermint within our scope?
No, it's not. AFAIK
that was funny
Very good, @Olive Twist, thanks. I've flagged it for migration. (I wasn't able to get to that page you posted)
I commented : "what are you trying by writing this? is it a self note or blog post?"
> it was written without coffee, updated now – NulledPointer 8 hours ago
his reply^
Happy birthday! Ask Ubuntu
@hakim i see you can't comment on this chat
but you can comment under your question
Very heavy .PDF file. How to handle it? http://askubuntu.com/q/198351?atw=1 #printing
1 hour later…
hey Roland
made any new 3D planes?
yep :)
rendering one as we speak
In the story it's for, it's Indo-Caribbean :)
@RolandTaylor nice...
"Rambo" Mission Fighter... rear facing weaponry... thought of everything haven't you...
The Barbadian Sparakeet <- reminds me of Pterodactyls...
@RolandTaylor: This is heresy!
JavaScript is not the most popular programming language in the world.
Two words: Raw. Facts.
PSA: When reviewing, don't post duplicate (and near-duplicate) comments! http://meta.askubuntu.com/q/4219?atw=1
@GeorgeEdison JavaScript is the most popular web programming language at least, right?
For client side programming, yes.
its only very recently come into the server side programming (to my knowledge) via node.js... so there is still hope :D
@GeorgeEdison the second link says that Ruby more popular than Javascript? I don't think so... JS has been around longer and plus almost all client side stuff has js in it...
yesterday, by jokerdino
the anonymous feedback list
what is that? @Jokerdino
Oh. i understood it now.
thank you for the link
Thank you @Takkat
@OliveTwist pang? What for?
Hi all
Hi @Takkat
Oh - its not yet here...
need some time i guess
My harddisk is aways full... :P
give it to someone else
Q: How do I theme the Sound Menu playback buttons?

WarriorIng64In my GTK+2/3 theme I am making for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, there's a very noticeable problem when it comes to the Sound Menu buttons - they are completely black with white icons: Obviously, this does not fit in at all. But where do these buttons get their theming from in my theme files? What sectio...

If someone told me some years that we will have Terabyte disks and those are full I would have told them words...
I'm afraid, the bounty will go poof again..
Themes are not for me. Too volatile.
Bounties often go poof.
@Takkat I still say words for someone else with terabyte full disks
but not you
@Takkat it had a bounty of 100
Its those HD videos that come in sizes.
Someday the Internet will be jammed by these.
we need some alternative of hard disk
or HD videos
Unlimited until jammed.
Then all is gone.
No backups..
better we replace videos with something else. which is reusable and delete itself after completing it's task
Replace videos by reality? Too bad if its horror movies.
ha ha
can we replace with reusable or deletable videos?
such as i share a video with you, you view it and then it will be deleted
Videos made of chunks of old videos put together to a new one. I call that Hollywood.
Excessive reuse of old materiel - Titanic 3D
@OliveTwist Share your video with the rest of the world to let the rest of the world share theirs with you. Illegal I guess.
But it was such a nice idea - no wonder they made it illegal.
hi @jokerdino
@Takkat i didn't know it was illegal
They are here - no uploads or you pay.
a lot - virtual damage to the media industry.
Brilliant idea - how to make real money from virtual losses.
i forgot how to look for history :( please help me! askubuntu.com/questions/194794/…
thank you
the answer was accepted after bounty i guess
I think the bounty information should be in timeline view, not in revisions
it is obvious he accepted the answer after he started the bounty.
answered yesterday while the bounty only has 2 days remaining.
yes. i wanted to hunt that
have you undeleted your compiz answer? @jokerdino
which one?
i have lots of deleted answers
Oct 3 at 4:49, by Anwar Shah
@jokerdino i think you should undelete the answer
you should i think
it was helpful
and the only way to disable it in Unity at least in my case
@OliveTwist my answer was downvoted because it doesn't work in unity-2d. i don't really want to undelete it.
that was my opinion. @jokerdino
but i would upvote it
honestly, only that option worked for me
thank you
@jokerdino well some time ago it did work in Unity2D did youtry? askubuntu.com/a/77623/3940
how does ccsm affect Unity-2d?? Very confusing.
Keybindings may still be respected. I tried it then!
i see. i don't have unity-2d in 12.10.. :)
Don't believe in people's comments without trying yourself!
that ^
when i first answered the question, there was no other method to disable HUD. and before I could update the answer, someone else added a new answer
Did you test the "new" answer? Just saying...
it does work.
in 12.10 at least
Then add this to your answer and undelete :)
wait.. you should look at the question yourself..
brb, rebooting
Only Root can reboot - too bad when two users are logged in, none of them having admin rights. "Daddy - I can't switch off the computer, please help me"
@Takkat dbus
@OliveTwist Welcome back
@AmithKK hi
I learned a new thing^
is it a dupe?
Q: Will upgrading Wubi installation harm the host Windows system

TonyI installed Ubuntu through the Wubi via Windows. Now it's time to upgrade, however, I'm uncertain that I can. My question is: Since I did an installation through Wubi, while I'm in the Ubuntu OS and the updater kicks off to try to upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu, will it harm my Vist...

I don't understand the qusetion. Are you asking about alternative of Turbo C++ or trying to know about languages which can be used to develop program in Ubuntu — Olive Twist 7 secs ago
ontopic or offtopic? askubuntu.com/questions/198472/… - I know the answer - just want to know if to direct the OP to stackoverflow...
if the answer is a tweak in Ubuntu then ontopic. iMO
agreed - off-topic
Can you answer this? How to disable three finger gestures on touchpad? http://askubuntu.com/q/192959?atw=1 #touchpad
Wordpress is on
Doesn't look particularly useful to me.
@jokerdino cheers
how ya doing?
ah, take rest then.
just got home a few minutes ago
how about you?
just got back from dinner. not terribly bad.
was sleeping before dinner. so not that tired ;p
oh what did you have for dinner?
chicken sauce
just the sauce?
plain rice and the sauce
what happened to the chicken?
i ate it
need to eat now
hello Ubuntu xperts. I have a query. My system keyboard keeps doing things on its own. Keeps opening the launcher, keeps pressing random keys of its own will. I need to confirm if this is a software issue or hardware.
are there any particles stuck in your keyboard?
sounds like a noodle stuck somewhere :P
the keys adsf mostly. and the key ";"
and the sound panel on the top, the volume key works on its own will. and hibernates on its own.
i honestly have no advice for you :(
but it seems like your hardware is messed up
must be keyboard issue
glad its not ubuntu, so I am clear.
thank you
good luck.
@jokerdino seems you had good food, noodle perhaps.
lol not really.
just scroll up a little. i said what i had for dinner.
chicken sauce and rice
I am hungry.
grab something for eating then!
laptop more important.
yep. eat away from laptop
@jokerdino ok. shall consume the delete key. spacebar for desserts.
wow, that's actually not a bad joke
@jokerdino ; - 0
got to go, repair time.
List of all shared folders http://askubuntu.com/q/198501?atw=1 #commandline
@maythux - when editing please keep your edits substantial - adding or removing one character is your Q's or A's is strongly discouraged
Was that a super ping?
a friendly ping
I mean, it won't ping him unless it was a super ping.
Q: Super-pinging users by site account number creates duplicate users, causes confusion and gnashing of teeth

Shog9It's really convenient to use the moderator-ping (@@<userid>@<sitename>stackexchange.com) to summon users into a chat room. Unfortunately, this tends to create duplicate chat users if they happen to have an existing chat account associated with another site. Which is a problem if the...

missed the double @ ...
ok. i was wondering if it was really going to ping him or something. no worries
Normally a @ will appear in their list of notifications.
If they had a chat profile I think.
correct - on the ball as usual.
I am looking through meta.So to know how it actually works.
let me do a test - can you leave the room and I'll super ping you...
@fossfreedom super ping? the normal ping itself comes in the notifications, right?
yep - should do
so what is a super ping? I mean, what is its use?
you could call anybody located on any SE site.
does it work? only SE?
waiting on @jokerdino to come back.
don't think the first one worked.
awh shucks...
I'll ask around for you. No problem.
@jokerdino maybe a number id?
Oh yes.
I think so now.
strange - that seems to have resolved itself back to a single @
i think that's the idea.
... tried again on maythux
thank you~ hopefully he will read your message.
hey - the spammer is back :/
I'll keep an eye on the front page.
@jokerdino \o
that works but you can't superping. It's a mod tool.
@AmithKK o/
got him ... less than 60 secs
missed a flag :(
stop being too fast :P
askubuntu.com/posts/197772/revisions Heh, what's going on in here?
yep - hence the friendly message.
The post is quite close to becoming community wiki.
@fossfreedom Right! Good work.
45 seconds spam
spammers are wasting our time.
and this guy is just too persistent
its across SE - not just us.
we should probably block the ip address or something
difficult - he's changing it all the time.
good evening everyone
good evening
at last i can answer at least one h/w qn :P
Q: Kubuntu 12.04 very low sound from headphones lenovo y410

BenaiahIm running Kubuntu 12.04 on my lenovo y410 laptop, and recently my sound started coming from both headphones and speakers at the same time. I compiled and installed the realtek driver and now the automute works but the headphone volume is very low, and in alsa mixer the headphone slider is disabl...

My laptop^
any rhythmbox users here interested in testing my plugin?
i can try
have you got lots of albums?
Hi guys
Happy Birthday to Ask Ubuntu (a late one possibly:D)
3 more days till my 2-year askubuntu birthday :-D
@Joshua Congrats
@smartboyhw thanks :-D
Anyone has a delete vote around? :D
check now :D
@OliveTwist Oh finally you changed your gravatar congrats
thank you
@jokerdino you voted twice there
Q: How did I cast more than one delete vote?

jokerdinoThis question on Ask Ubuntu has already reached the required 3 delete votes (and gone way past it) and still haven't been removed. Not just that one. The next two are bugged as well. http://askubuntu.com/questions/171046/is-libreoffice-suite-really-as-good-as-openoffice-suite (Deleted now)...

> How did I cast more than one delete vote?
Answer: Supermod?
@OliveTwist I don't think you just can do it:D
@OliveTwist You mean @jokerdino ?
@Takkat here?
No but anyway sup @OliveTwist
^^I can see your Gravatar now \o/
thank you. can you give him some time?
Four people apparently think this question about preventing downgrading is a duplicate of this question about preventing upgrading. Am I missing something? Or are all four of those people missing something?
@OliveTwist reading
prevent update =! block downgrade right?
@EliahKagan O.O - it even has a good answer!
@jokerdino Yeah, they're different. One is about making the version non-decreasing. The other is about making the version non-increasing.
@Takkat Yes, it does have a good answer.
very sad
I think the new review system can lead to more erroneously closed question. We have to comment in case we think there's sth wrong. And we need to read these comments.
^100% agreed
let me see who all agreed to close it ;)
close and reopen FTW
Yep, it's reopened now, no worries.
@OliveTwist he's on KDE = phonon - no idea.. sorry.
I wonder if fossfreedom deliberately closed it and then reopened it to cancel out the four close votes... (I'm not asserting that, nor do I think that would be wrong, just wondering.)
Reopen for the win \o/
@Takkat it might be related with alsa or pulseaudio?
@OliveTwist no pulse in KDE afaik
@EliahKagan i think so
@EliahKagan yes. i sometimes ask mods to do that. The last happened yesterday.
instead of waiting for it to be closed and then having to reopen, this force closure is better IMO.
and ALSA is a beast - I have no experience how the KDE people manage their sound system, but I know its different.
@jokerdino Makes sense to me.
OK wow, we got 5 10k+ users here. Go check /tools/delete queue now :P
<-- remembers that he almost never casts delete votes
Why am I getting a timeout bar?
I have cast 42 delete votes on posts that are waiting to be deleted.

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