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As a question: If I see a suggested edit that should be a comment, and it's by an anonymous user, should I make a comment with the content?
Also, there's a user dropping software center links into every apt-get answer; should I accept this, or invite the user to chat to deal with this?
@aking1012 around?
Can you answer this? How do I prevent an external monitor from shutting off when closing my ... http://askubuntu.com/q/152156?atw=1 #powermanagement
@aking1012 just noticed that you made 'Lens Toggle', if I disable a lens, will it still run in the background?
so ubuntu just froze while partitioning, what should i do?
@alme1304 Scream ;p
No. Are you resozong a partition, or are you formatting a new Ext4 partition?
i resized, and with the free space i was making a new one
"0 of 2 operations completed"
If you are resizing, you risk partition damage by pulling the plug. If it's formatting a new partition(see the message it is giving above the progress ar), then you can pull. If it is formatting, pull, since you are only corrupting useless random or zeroed-out data.
Therefore, I think you should pull and try to boot your old OS to assess the damage.
[Just my personal opinion, I take no responsibility]
it was part of the "old os"
Well, try it.
You can't damage a partition you didn't touch...
is that a dare
@alme1304 No, not a dare.
Right now, I am screaming since all of my Primegrid tasks keep erring.
Only Collatx is working right now...
no idea what that all means but i pressume its bad
It means I can;t look for useless prime numbers...
It's on BOINC. Volunteer computing.
@ObsessiveFOSS BONIC is an interesting project
is there a way to pick what kinds of research you help with those projects? ie: cancer only
i don't know, i'd look into it more if i was able to pick what kinds...
always wondered too
(for example, I think the whole SETI@home stuff is pure BS.)
and you can tell me i'm wrong when I shake hands/tentacles/whatever with an alien, but until then... sorry. :)
@jrg: psudopods!
and while aliens are sexy, Its also a large, fairly consistant set of data from a long running radio telescope.
/me used to do folding at home, back in the day
@jrg I have a question about BOINC... do I need to leave the manager open all the time?
@GeorgeEdison no clue.
Me neither.
that is a @ObsessiveFOSS question.
he's into that, i've just read stuff
@ObsessiveFOSS: Do I need to leave the BOINC manager running all the time?
@jrg Me too - I just installed it - up until 5 minutes ago I didn't even know what it was.
i've known about it for years
or at least similar projects
@GeorgeEdison nope
A background process runs
Just realized that in Star Wars, you have a bajillion lost limbs, and all but one film is rated PG - the other is PG-13.
You can also remotely control boinc, boinc manager and boinc communicate over the RPC protocol
@jrg Slave Leia
@lazyPower No. PG-13 one is Ep. III, because vader chokes padme.
@jrg however, there was a solid documentary on how arbitrary film ratings are. You should find and watch "This film has not yet been rated"
and the lava fight. and the youngling murders.
@lazyPower oh, ok. i'll do that tomorrow then.
anyone know how to move my home to a new partition
@alme1304 rsync
rsync is a handy tool
@lazyPower i can't buy the virtual version on amazon? LAME. :\
i use rsync for anything larger than 10MB (generally)
lol Mateo is obsessed with jrg's gravatars.
it's a pastime...
Whoa dude, thats nearly better than the picard
that might be a good one for a clean up week
Its in the stack of stars, back about 2 to 3 months ago
Apr 5 at 20:35, by lazyPower
user image
So longer than 2 to 3 months, but still in there :)
JRG is our local celebrity lookalike
Good Morning Everyone
o/ @AmithKK
@lazyPower Hey
@lazyPower lol
We can swap any face with his. xD
So now I'm Han bloody Solo?!??
your welcome
how about luke?
user image
So I have to be the stuck up, scruffy looking Nerf herder?
I look terrible.
you get a light saber!
I also get my hand cut off!
@mateo_salta that actually looks like a pretty good gimp-ing.
he could have gimped you ontop of chewie....
or wicket for that matter
@mateo_salta if you make a jrg jawa, i'll give you a star :D
@lazyPower lmao
just mad skills for the eraser
i know, i'm cheap
I could live with chewie. Not the jawa though. Disgusting creatures.
Salacious JRG!
boba jrg
aww heck, jrg IS the starwars metaverse
... you don't see the jawa faces, so would I just use the eyes?
@jrg, stop sneaking into the spaartii cloning cylindars. Didn't we tell you to be careful about mixing and matching the helix sequence?!
@alme1304 no, it should not unless they changed the way it works on Q (it was my understanding those dbus services were only launched on probe...with no probe it shouldn't initialize). on the earlier thing ~/, don't softlink mountpoints
@aking1012 ill test it for science
@aking1012 +1 Softlinking like that is a bad idea.
I now have a lovely collection of all the gimped images of my face. I need to make one for Marco, but nobody has made any for him yet... I'm sure he feels left out.
i can tell you some users reported more rapid startup times due to lenses not loading. i can't say definitively that the service doesn't load in the background at a later point, but it seems like it shouldn't
sorry on the slow responses, but i was doing a two hour screencast grab to test some things...it's crushing this little laptop, but it's working
@jrg O.O
Nov 22 '11 at 13:47, by Amith KK
user image
I didn't mind the lighting stuff then
Wow. Yeah, on second thought Marco is a-ok without special images.
I can't find my Hulk image. :-(
@jrg Which one? Mine or @rlemon's?
@AmithKK either one.
chewie isn't that far off from your avatar @jrg
The eyes look... unhuman.
wow my laptop is on FIYA. maybe real-time re-encoding + vbox is a little much for a weak box
So yeah
user image
@aking1012: what's the specs? I do that on my laptop without issues. Most of the time.
Coming back to AU today
@jrg 2.3G dual core, 4G ram, and a weak nvidia
@aking1012 should be OK. I've got 2.1G, 2GB and Intel. Full desktop VM? I normally run server.
i'm convinced that the cisco screencast player is being a pain. also i'm running unity until i'm done with a couple things so i can go lightweight with lxde or xfce
aking1012 be a cowboy, use fvwm95
Its weird. Almost every person who asks me what DE I use is surprised when I say Unity and then tell them my specs. I think having a dedicated GPU slows down Unity for most people... just an impression.
i do have a dedicated gpu...but nvidia+unity is known for heat issues out of the box
@lazyPower yeah, i guess i could use fluxbox. jeebus, this thing is hot enough that my wireless card is transmitting 1 in 5 or so properly
it might be the router though... it wouldn't accept an iphone earlier until i power cycled it. i need new hardware...
@jrg oh....it's an ubuntu-desktop with a windows VM with the cisco webex player thingie
@aking1012 I'll ship you my old router if you want it.
its a pos belkin, but it works
just made a hardlink to a folder in another partition that is mounted on the current OS, anyway to confirm that it worked?
@lazyPower ty, but it's more a matter of reclaiming all the hardware i had in NC
@alme1304 don't do links. use mountpoints like a sane person
@aking1012 thats a testament to how awesome ruby is
nvm it wasnt a hard link, just talking out of my ass
it was rsync
@alme1304 there you go. completely different
def method_missing(*args) ... but if you ever ACTUALLY do this...
attended a great PGH RB talk tonight over Nil, Null, and design patterns
franklinchen.com if you're interested
yeah. oh if you're thinking about messing about with that python snippet i paste-bined i fixed a couple bugs if you want the new version...the UI is designed now too, so it's a couple more methods for final output and connecting a load of signals
@lazyPower did you mean to dump a chess link? i mean i enjoy chess, but i haven't played in a while (partially due to lack of players, or computer player remote folks...although i could beat battle-chess consistently on medium)
Ah, i would have thought he linked to the slides directly off his blog
he has his blog order backwards...oldest posts at the top. i see it now
in python i would just override the Null class to have a .__string__() method that returns ''
maybe that's just too easy...
i see why he thinks monkey-patching it is bad, but in python you can do magic method stuff for each structure type so you return the appropriate type of structure...just an empty one. like .__list__() or whatever
any angry birds players around?
i played for a couple of levels. stopped before it hit double digits
any reason why whenever i reboot with 12.10 the hd fails, then it doesnt find the os then reboots again normally?
did i recommend that to you?
did you recently have a power outage? if so check hard disk pre-delay in bios
i can reboot 12.04 all day with no errors
no outages that i know off
no idea then. it's my go-to for reboot works, but cold-boot fails
disk pre-delay?
yeah. if reboot works, but cold boot fails sometimes your drive just isn't spinning up as fast as the mobo expects it to. so you can sometimes set the pre-delay to say "wait this much extra time for my disk to spin up"
it wouldn't be the case if you're seeing a grub screen though
hmm weird then
@aking1012 what he's saying makes sense in his design patterns, but as we all know, developing in a certain style is not a one size fits all hat to wear.
it has a large dependency on what your polyglot background is. If you come from a static universe, like he does, its one thing to have OO design principals and claim that your static language is ducktyping at its core with stricter intention enforcement.
however to port that into an environment that is loosely typed, or supports as they say "pornographic programming principals" you're more likely to do interesting things with ducktyped objects. You have to be fairly careful with your delegation and defensive nil checking tho.
Can you answer this? Firefox completely consuming the OS http://askubuntu.com/q/179227?atw=1 #firefox
@lazyPower yeah. i can see how it makes sense from both ends. from a C/C++ perspective you can't really say "if i'm inherited by a string type, return a string...etc etc". it makes more sense to do checks in the children then. i suppose doing it at the parent end and returning based on anticipated type does have weaknesses, it just seems cleaner in some cases
Most of his talk tonight was subjective. I personally like the fact that I can monkeypatch things to suit my own taste. Its with that level of capabilty that you can do some really interesting things. I forget who said it, but "In unix, you can do some really stupid things. we assume you know what you're doing if you're root. But with the ability to do those stupid things comes the raw power to do interesting things."
Its all in the neighborhood of design patterns, and gauging your tool with a measured hand.
definitely. i forget who said it, but i see it referenced all over the place. "C++ does a lot of things automatically for you C guys. But the most glorious think about C++ is if you make an error in C, you shoot yourself in the foot. If you make an error in C++ you blow off your leg." or something to that effect
Yeah - too true
I guess foot is a property of leg which inherits from appendage in that case...just saying.
No nil's in this crowd, nope.
good morning
> sorry for my bad English, but I'm italian and my teacher isn't good.
is the ubuntu software center slow for everyone or just me?
it has been slower than it was for me
It was slow, but i heard it is better than before now
in 12.10?
no, just recently
it has gotten slower in 12.04 also
in both 12.04 and 12.10 it crawls
maybe they fixed a bug i tried reporting to sans a while ago that they denied me a cve on
i'll have to check
i just use apt-get ^_^
me too
software-center was terribly slow in 11.10. now it is somewhat better
im using it in an effort to sync app across computers
synaptic was a favorite, but i am not using it lately
software center has some nice bits to it. better descriptions, screen shots, app ranking, related apps, etc ,etc
@alme1304 that is a great feature i found out about a week or so ago
previously you dpkg --get-selections > something.txt and cat something.txt | dpkg --set-selections
can you get the time you favorited a question?
i don't think so
@jokerdino do you use it?
@aking1012 I'm gonna forward you an email thread, would you mind giving it a peek and telling me wha tyou think?
@lazyPower sure...i'll take a look at it - email or g+ priv thread. either way
@alme1304 one-conf?
not really.
@jokerdino yeah; oh ok
Keep in mind i'm talking to desginers that work primarily in photoshop, and business types who 1 - dont care about tech, 2 - dont understand it.
okay. i'll bear it in mind
@lazyPower it hasn't shown up...you sent it already? are you sure you pinged the right email address?
yea, @gmail.com right?
you should have the full thing on your g+ feed
Is a wikipedia link sufficient as a proof that, you can change something?
i went from memory instead of consulting my address book
i've not emailed you from my work address until now
BTW the info in the signature is solid, feel free to use it anytime for references or contact.
@lazyPower heh np and thx. replied, mostly in agreement. i tried to address the agreement/disagreement on particular points
Trying to step up my communication game to the non engineers
i have a communication blocker :| they lack the babelfish
yeah. i have a similar problem. i get what you meant on the UX stuff...i think a concrete "here's all the work that goes in one way. here's the little work the other way" would be more effective.

you KNOW how much work it was the other way, they don't
that means the work of demonstrating both though...
Objective is clear.
Help help help... I've minimized something and it's disappeared from the Unity dock.
Super -W
Wow... I owe you one! Thanks!
also, there is a setting in CCSM that lets you remove items from launcher that are minimized -- nope. that was for alt-tab switcher
Shakes fist at Unity...
eats candy
@RolandTaylor you did not have permission to eat me
@jokerdino there is?
@aking1012 lol :D
@GeorgeEdison Blame Bamf :D
@RolandTaylor nope
Let me guess. It was a terminal window?
@jokerdino does that work for java apps that fail to launch too? if so you might want to make your way through the eclipse tag and add that as a possible solution for all the "ZOMG I lost eclipse and 8 hours of work to a restart b/c java software doesn't always dock right!?!?!?"
lol that is scary
it doesn't happen if you install from repo, but people insist on portable installs...
if repo has the latest version, then maybe not
quickquestion: if i install an app through a install.sh script in my desktop, what happens if i delete the folder
repo is ALWAYS going to be one major revision behind
@alme1304 Why?
^^ that
stupid people should speed up the process with repo being behind
idk, do scripts usually copy the files or just make links to the desktop files?
answer his why. what are you trying to install
it probably copies stuff though at the very least
ok, always wondered if i had to move into /bin before running the scripts
@alme1304 stop. answer the original why question
Heard of XY problem? :D
Nobody move!
This is a stick up!
I feel like doing the snake dance now.
Just let me get my glue out.
@jokerdino what part of the wall should I put you on?
@aking1012 why what
The east side.
@alme1304 quickquestion: if i install an app through a install.sh script in my desktop, what happens if i delete the folder <---why, what are you trying to install
nothing specific right now, but every so often an app comes with a install.sh
should try to install from repo
hi everyone!
@Prasad fly!
@alme1304 vmware has a .sh installer i think...and it drops loads of stuff, compiles a kernel module, etc, etc. some 2 file apps come with an install shell script that handles moving a couple files in to common places. they're completely different cases
he he......little problem here...i'll upload the screenshot...:-)
@aking1012 gotcha!
@Prasad hah nicee.
turn off desktop handling.
i'm on gnome classic and wow....unity also here...but i can see gnome menu and launchers...how
you want to turn off unity?
@jokerdino yes...i'm on gnome classic...but gnome menu is still there (you can see them through the top panel)
killall unity?
yeah maybe
My God...
NM's indicator interface in 10.04 IS designed to have an About with a right click menu which is different from the left click - This begs the question of just what is NM's design specs. since NetworkManager's 10.04 functional precedent precedes that of 12.04 - It is certainly clear that FF IS designed to function with right click bookmarking operations and that Unity crucifies FF in this regard. — Amos Annoy 4 hours ago
trying now
What the hell is wrong with this guy and why hasn't this rant been nuked?
P.S. the user might need a time out, he's here to rant, not ask legitimate questions.
unity: no process found
i love rant :*
I think it is unity-2d
@jokerdino no it is not
the launcher is from unity-2d
Please vote to close that question.
Q: How can menu bars that require a right click be activated like Ubuntu versions <10.10?

Amos AnnoyI've noticed that NetworkManager only has a single, left or right, click menu and no longer has an About menu option to show it's splash screen. In fact all the top bar mini short cut icons have been amputated and crippled leaving them with no rights. This severely impacts on our custom aps., si...

@Prasad killall unity-panel-service
^This question.
@RolandTaylor do not engage the troll. it will only encourage it. just wait for the sun to come up so he turns back to stone. with a name like A Annoy, you have to know that's the purpose of the account
@jokerdino no..if it is unity 2d how can i use effects now?...
@Anwar trying now
@aking1012 lol
@Anwar unity-panel-service: no process found
ps aux | grep unity | pastebinit
did I make everyone MUTE!!!!
@jokerdino thanks :-) lol
i am dumbfound by your discovery.
@jokerdino let me logout and check unity now
@Prasad sorry. sudden shut down. do you have ccsm?
turn off the unity plugin from there.
was answering a question on Super User
oh. are you still looking into the code for krunner?
@Anwar yes..i have
you can get the bounty. i removed my comments on the question.
i only given him a semi-official-ish link
3 mins ago, by Anwar
turn off the unity plugin from there.
try to find from the kde wiki
@Anwar ok...now unity is gone....
@Prasad gnome-classic ?
do you guys know the difference between 'git reset --hard <commit>' and 'git checkout .' ?
<--- stays away from gitting
@Anwar yes...
@Prasad you mean, both gone?
@Anwar thanks...it worked.
What's up with the increased spam?!
@Anwar no no...

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