Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 are both past end of life.
This means they are not supported. It is highly inadvisable to install them (if not already installed), and is even more inadvisable to continue to use them because of the lack of updates and security patches. Use 10.04 or 12.04 if you want stabi...
@Flabricorn A TARDIS is a time ship which can adapt its external dimensions and appearance to be whatever helps it best blend in with the environment. My TARDIS is actually part of my warship, which is about 75 thousand times bigger than a police box, and carries time weaponry.
considering that all i really need to do is remove the time lock that holds the Time War in its own locked area, then the Daleks kill everything, well...
I made a massive mistake by recursively changing the user of every file under /usr . I can't boot my laptop by any normal means following this mistake, and I'm looking for a way to revert the effects of it.
In order to tackle this problem I started my computer on recovery mode and switched to co...
I'm trying to get Java to run in Chrome 21.0.1180.57 to no avail. I've installed everything with the word Java from the Software Center and even the restricted-extras package. Chrome keeps saying IcedTea is out of date and I should update it (chrome://plugins reports a critical security update). ...
this is the image showing partitions on my hard drive. I am reading linux from scratch and so i need to create a dedicated partition to make my machine. sda1 is alloted to root but it uses only 3.45 GB of about 15 GB. Rest ~ 11GB is free. So, I need to shrink sda1 and make a dedicated partition...
not yet. i kind of choked and speed-talked so i ran short
that and in talking with people when i talked about making ubuntu/canonical better they were a bit dismissive...like i had somehow betrayed the massive hardware compatibility that is BSD sarcasm
@jrg yeah, they want lock-in on devtools though, so while it is interesting for me less interesting than embedding a python interpreter and libraries or blendergame binaries
@jrg "your my documents folder has been encrypted...send $20 USD to this western union to get it decrypted" - oddly, reports indicate they actually respond if you send the money
@jrg btw, you can. in the case of ruby, it's more like a portable ruby installation iirc. where with python it's more a static compile of the interpreter as an object and loading a py/pyc from memory
There are actually tons of dupes of that, which is why I told @Flabricorn I'd give him a bounty for a clear solution...let me look real quick....
@jrg: All current dupes point to this -- can that be merged into Flab's Q so that the dupes redirect to Flab's Q (it's more canonical than any of the existing ones)
Also, I answered this Q on how to extract the Oracle license agreement cookie to download Java 6 with wget; surprisingly, couldn't find any dupes, but if anyone here remembers any, please flag for merge/close.
haven't touched it recently, but it should just be a post request to a specific port. there was some dirty JS floating around at one point that implemented it
Bounty offered: How to have two different shortcut keys for grid compiz config "put left" and "put right"? http://askubuntu.com/questions/167800/how-to-have-two-different-shortcut-keys-for-grid-compiz-config-put-left-and-p?atw=1 #compiz
yeah, there was some indication that the lib they were trying to get shoved in relied on GObject, so there had to be some other little lib linked in. i've only ever done it in python...that's all from scanning google-results
you don't really need a full upnp implementation though do you? just the post that gets the port open and a "some error happened...sorry" handler
Alright, here's a PPA unity mod for the "remove show desktop in switcher" question many have had. The bottom of the answer explains the tiny change in source to accomplish this -- anyone have any quick suggestions on how to make this a configurable gsettings option?
It can be done!
I've uploaded a Unity build for 12.04 that fixes this (no Show Desktop in the Alt-Tab switcher).
To install, open a terminal and:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:izx/askubuntu -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity
You can enable the "Show Desktop Icon" setting in...
I would imagine it should be a several line edit instead of a comment out that queries gsettings. I don't know the API though. There's a python wrapper for it, so it shouldn't be that complicated to peel out...there is a C API doc. I would think error handling on finding the key or adding an empty one would be the longest code blurb