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Good Morning everyone! Have a great day! =D
and it is afternoon. just :=)
Q: Switching from Windows to Ubuntu, what is to note?

N3wbieToday I decided to switch my OS from windows 10 to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I started to recover all my documents, pictures, music and software projects. Then, I recognized that some of the files I'd like to recovery will not work in UNIX based OS (i.e. MS word files). To make sure that all my files are...

isn t there an easy and quick way to know which man sections exist about a certain command/function?
for instance, I know write exists in man section 1 and 2. But what about eg setcap? I had to try $man 2 setcap, $man 3 setcap, $man 4 setcap, etc... to find out setcap is only described in man section 1
@WinEunuuchs2Unix there are industrial effluents and sewage to deal with as well.
@vidarlo mind adding the -h = freebsd/openbsd to the answer about the symlink?
@traducerad how about opening a browser to manpages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/…
@DKBose what alternative is there in the terminal?
i don't always have access to the internet
@Rinzwind Not at all :)
@vidarlo copy my command and I'll delete it :=)
@Rinzwind Did more or less that :) And
and? >:)
thanks? :)
Touched an Apple iDevice for first time in my life this week. Oh god. It was horrible, and I abhor the design of iOS already.
it's one of the really few pieces of software that makes me turn away in five minutes :D
@DKBose That actually requires time for analysis and planning
@vidarlo apple has a monitor stand they sell. Costs $999 :D
@Rinzwind I can probably survive fine without it.
me too :=)
Q: Docker only connects to daemon after restart

Lucas BustamanteI'm setting up Docker on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04, but I can't get it to work until I run sudo service docker restart Here's a step-by-step of what happens exactly: Boot computer sudo systemctl is-active docker returns active sudo service docker status returns active (running) At this point, I exp...

Q: Error with grub while installing Ubuntu 16.04

Sebastián Mayorga CastroI had Ubuntu installed but I had to uninstall it and tried to delete the grub, but Ubuntu still appears in Boot Manager.Later I tried to install Ubuntu again and I cant access it now.Grub shows : no device found, press any key to reboot When using a live USB with Ubuntu I tried to install t...

@WinEunuuchs2Unix Absolutely true!
Starred, though @ThomasWard is absolutely evil, so that includes his code too
>:-) ;-)
Hi @Fabby ! :) How are you doing ? Everything okay ? :)
@cl-netbox Grocery shopping until now
CZ earlier today and DE just 20 minutes ago
("Pfand" and all that)
How are you???
@Fabby Fine (and busy), thank you ! :)
@cl-netbox >:-)
Something new regarding job hunting @Fabby ? :)
@cl-netbox Lemme DM you on that...
@Fabby okay :)
Good morning/afternoon @Fabby and @cl-netbox
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Good morning to you!
Look it's the bruin's fan singing the blues @Rinzwind
Quick Fabby delete your comments about @ThomasWard LOL
@Fabby drags out back behind the server racks
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wouldn't help mod diamond lets me read :P
Note to self, delete comments about mods twice
@WinEunuuchs2Unix The sharks bought the referee :P
My Free 15 GB on gmail.com is almost full. So I'm working on project to recycle daily backups into weekly, monthly and yearly backups to regain space. Unfortunately I'm doing it in bash and I'm getting a big big headache :(
@Rinzwind Next year you will have to buy the refs with free man page references :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it will increase to 20 >:) Mine did.
@Rinzwind I thought you had to pay after 15GB? Did you check your bank balance :P
they don't have my cc :=)
haha Google has EVERYTHING
wait. my boss probably pays for it
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I can guarante they don't. I don't use my cc online ;-)
Google knows more about me than I do, because it has recorded what I've knew at one time and then forgot.
in the netherlands we have "ideal". Pay with a debit card ;)
@Rinzwind but your bank is on-line and they know your CC. Because Google knows you, they get 1 + 1 = 2.
@Rinzwind Everything I do is with debit too. I don't carry real money anymore. (handy answer for pan-handlers). But now days my debit card doubles as pre-paid credit card in many respects.
does anyone disagree with me on this ->
A: Thre are a lot of solutions in this forum in order to solve some problems. How we can be safe about all those lines of code that we install?

RinzwindANY code that is going to be doing something you do not want will and must have a big fat warning. Most famous one: Why did the command ":(){ :|: & };:" make my system lag so badly I had to reboot? More because guntbert doubts me :-) Terminal command to remove unknown file What does rm -rf do...

I don't disagree with you but it is the tip of the iceberg and overall the question is too broad. I could be writing an answer for days.
OP's basic worry shouldn't be "evil code" but rather "code with unintended consequences" ie bugs
ao I want to leave product review and they claim 1st name needs to be 4 chars minimum. I am called Wim. wtf.
Q: Ubuntu not accepting some TCP/IP connections

nitrobass24So I am absolutely losing my marbles here. Ubuntu 18.04.2 I have Docker + Portainer installed via a local container. I can access the portainer UI via https://ip-address:9000 However, I also installed napp-it for ZFS management. I am supposed to connect to it on http://ip-address:81, but the co...

Q: I have 16GB RAM. Do I need 32GB swap?

Tamás SzeleiI read many places that the rule of thumb for swap space is to double the amount of physical RAM. However, 32 GB does seem a LOT. Do I need that much? Do I need it at all with this high amount of physical RAM?

is used to close topics with but the q and the a are invalid for new Ubuntu. we use a swapfile.
@Rinzwind ? Not sure I got your point in that last message :)
what message? :P
oh we should stop doing that and close against one that advices a swapfile
can someone proof read this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1151357/cannot-access-to-my-session/1151360#1151360
I believe it looks good but I might have missed something
@Rinzwind Looks good to me, although it should be noted that for more advanced users possibilities of not following that script do excist :)
true :D :D but he does not seem advanced :=)
yeah, true enough :)
I sae many many weird q's today :P
The kind where I go: not touching that :=)
oh and did I tell you I Looooooooooooooooooooooooove my new hp omen :D
sigh just me a vidarlo and he is not in a talkative mood :-P
I feel lonely
Q: Unusually slow response from apps

nz_21I'm on linux ubuntu 18.04 and all of a sudden some of my applications such as IDE, video player etc, are freezing up. I have no idea why everything has gotten so laggy. Is there any to confirm if there is a problem, or if this is just one of those rare moments where everything is actually normal...

@Rinzwind Though life :)
indeed :=
ah well almost time for QI :D
haven't watched after Fry quit
just not the same thing :P
it was a rerun but even those are fun to watch

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