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@vidarlo ouch i can tell you storys about that, i suffer from PTSD, Insomnia, depressions and agoraphobia
not to speak of nightmares
early pensioned because of that
so imagine what it means alone to get a SSD more or drives
next week a friend of mine sends me some ram sticks he has spare so i get to 16 Gb on my machine, which is in most parts a gift from him too
would not be able to afford a machine on my own from that little pension
have ~24GB of DDR3-1800 here as well that I can include :)
yes ddr3
aight, will include :)
actually having 12 GB in 2 times 4 and two times 2
one of the sticks is bad, I don't know which one
turns out the motherboard did not support 8GB sticks
my fiend gives me next wekk 2 times 4 he has spare, but the board can utilize up to 32
ok, I will include that when I send the ssd :)
as long the stick does not fry my board im happy
it does not
but I know it's bad
so do a memtest before using it
ok i will find it for sure
not sure if th e board can support that quick ram i know it can 1600
downclocking RAM generally works
but sticks shoudl be fine running at lower frequencies anyways
I just happen to have a board that doesn't like 8GB sticks
well i only have 4 slots, but the board can support up to 32
so i guess it can handle 8 gb sticks
yeah, I have a board with 4 slots.
Turns out it's max 16GB
but hey, that's luck for you ;)
and my mac mini takes SO-DIMM
Intel i5-4690 (4) @ 3.600GHz :) happy to own since about two months now
ah, hehe. Have a i5-650
asrock z-81 extreme board
it works, is ten years old, and was on low end when I bought it
plays 1080p without any problems
yeah well i used a asus rampage formula I board and a q9550 until 2 months ago
15 yr old board
threw away my first real computer a few months ago.
Dual Athlon MP2400
back when single core was the norm, that box rocked
yes this borad actully is in another case right now i want to use as a NAS
MP2400 with 8GiB of RAM in 2004 kinda blew everything else away
yes indeed
next week i will get me a spare part for one of my broken monitors then i will have three
no ned to throw them away
its just the controler board burned out
power supply works and the tft display is fine too
just ended a teamviewer session with one OP here from AU, fixing his ubuntu
have still to write an answer tho
dont know what he did but the system needed some heavy convincing to get back in shape
as of deleting stuff directly from boot directory and such
but i fixed it :D
gives me always that warm fuzzy feeling
Hows you day / night going?
good so far, but I don't think I will last much longer now that i have taken a sleeping pill ;)
@Videonauth I would never remotely access a system in a Q&A session...
just... nope
@vidarlo well it was painfully slow to communicate over comments
it is, but accessing other peoples systems is just a big fucking no-no for me
took me about 15 minutes in teamviewer and beforehand nearly 2 hours of comment ping pong
I will only ever work on boxen I'm hired to work on, or own.
well, i fix my friends server and i get hardware from him, and this was simply faster, to see the terminal nin front of me
telling someone how to clean out package archives, partial installed packages, messed up files in /boot and so on via comments is pain, pure pain
and then always guessing around whats wrong and why it does not work as intended
and at least i can write a really explizit answer to that mystery
but will do that after i had some sleep
im awake now since about 4 days
@vidarlo sleep well im off now, before i have to crawl to bed
the meds are kicking in
linked a wiki entry above of what i took
night night
2 hours later…
Q: Cannot launch Chrome on Ubuntu-14

TheGrapeBeyondI am trying to install google chrome (latest stable), onto my Ubuntu (Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS), and whichever which way I try to install it, it does not launch. What I did here was follow the first answer's instructions here, and then run the google-chrome-stable command from the command prompt. I...

2 hours later…
Dat OCD tho
3 hours later…
good morning
Q: Ubuntu won't login after disk migration

GenomI have a weird problem here. I migrated my GF's drive from HDD to SSD. I had to shrink windows partition and move partitions around to fit 750GB HDD to 512GB SSD. I think I did everything fine. Windows and Ubuntu both boot to the login screens. Only Ubuntu doesn't let her log in (both with screen...

3 hours later…
Q: I need Help How to decode This File

Turgut EPlease help me , How can I decode this code 7f45 4c46 0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 3e00 0100 0000 700b 4000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000 0033 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4000 3800 0900 4000 1c00 1b00 0600 0000 0500 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000 4000 4000 0000 0000 4000 4000 0000 0000 f801 0000 ...

^- What can be done with this?
@dessert Ah! I was going to post something about that as well! VTC "cannot be reproduced"
@Fabby sounds reasonable
@dessert oh fun
@dessert To [my comment](https://askubuntu.com/questions/1040856/i-need-help-how-to-decode-this-file#comment1695337_1040858) on that "decode" question you wrote _"I think that’s fine, questions are not only for OP after all."_
I don't get that. I read the OP's comment as "can you upload the result to dropbox?" or "can I upload a file to dropbox and you decode it for me?". Both are not appropriate, I'd say.
Huh? Where's my formatting gone?
@PerlDuck doesn’t work with (askubuntu.com…), needs to be (https://askubuntu.com…) I suppose
@PerlDuck I misunderstood your comment, simply :)
@dessert Ah, ok. I hoped so. Or maybe I misunderstood the OP's question in the preceeding comment. It's not easy to decipher after all.
I think I'll just remove my comment. It's not worth it.
@ParanoidPanda Powerwolf are releasing a new album! The Sacrament Of Sin
The first single video on YouTube got out yesterday:
@Videonauth Yes, LOL.
fun how they really want to make people klick their links
good afternoon @Zanna
1 hour later…
Q: After upgrading to 18.04 Ubuntu monitor is unknown

eco_bachHave been running Ubuntu Mate 17.10 and just upgraded to 18.04 LTS. But after upgrading my monitor settings are all wrong and can't set the proper resolution. How can I resolve this?

😒 I'm past 200 rep cap already, which means the upvotes won't count for anything today.
@KazWolfe That picture, tho. +1, liked, shared, and subscribed. No seriously, i like it
@ByteCommander Great! That took them a while! I'll have a look later when I have some free time! :D
@KazWolfe Nice. So are you the left or the right one? ;D
too hot to do anything
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I mean...
it's probably worse than the fall of BlackBerry
or HTC's stagnation
What the hell happened to AU meta?
@Fabby why what should be up with it?
@Videonauth That's how it looks to me now.
weird that looks like mobile view
lemme try again.
this is how it looks to me
@Fabby you must have clicked the "Mobile" link in the footer somehow
scroll down and use "full site"
@TheWanderer thanks.
@Fabby while you’re on it, check this out: meta.askubuntu.com/q/17948/507051 ;P
@dessert You have my upvote already.
that's probably why I clicked "mobile"
:D your fault ;-) @dessert
yay, my fault! :>
you might wanna bookmark those :)
Fabby is a noob
shoo @TheWanderer
no u
start that GoFundMe boi
if you won't, I'm going to start it for you
well, feel free
@Videonauth I was just reading them4
last one on the main site ist the best one
the TL;DR is very good kali questions might get migrated, but they have to be really good and in depth researched beforehand
what do you use your phone for? @Videonauth
@TheWanderer oh i wrote in length about that in discord :) being reachable on my landline, being rechable on mobile line, 2FA, and occasionally wathing youtubes in bed :D
would you be willing to send me a photo of yourself for the page?
@dessert did you actually dare to run the decode file? (I stopped when I saw it had an ELF header)
@TheWanderer check your inbox
@SebastianStark no chance
Gmail hates you @Videonauth
always marks your stuff as spam lol
yeah i know
@Videonauth do it in front of a computer or something, with a thumbs up
i have nothing to take a photo with right now o_o
alright no photo then :p
i sent you link to a photo
that one looks a little weird
oh ok, its how i look
maybe im just a weirdo :D
well yes
but it's also the angle :p
@TheWanderer Vorlon true form
kevin !!!!!!
I just watched depictable me 1
@TheWanderer ok let me have a look through my actual pictures i have on my machine
@Fabby can you do that with thumbs up?
@Fabby that’s a weird angel
@dessert even weirder angle CC@TheWanderer
nice, how did you get that one Fabby? :D
and good evening!
@ByteCommander look at lower left corner
is it entirely drawn, or photoshopped?
ah, I see
Heh, remember your "Diving License" typo I spotted? :D
good old times
@ByteCommander :D :D :D
Isnt Ubuntu one dead already since a longer time?
@TheWanderer Do you know about the screens?
the screens?
Does anyone know how to get the tilde character on the UK Dvorak layout? It's shown as a second alternate key, but I've tried all the obvious combinations (ctrl, alt, shift, etc.) to no avail.
@ByteCommander What was that software we installed so we could talk OOB right before my previous machine died?
@Videonauth no, Ubuntu One is still used for signing up with Canonical
@user1502040 Ubuntu version?
@ByteCommander ah ok
I just recently used it to activate and play around with kernel hot-patching on one of my machines
@Fabby 18.04
I think Launchpad uses it as login too
I use it to login to askubuntu
@ByteCommander errr yes it does kinda, you're right
@user1502040 I'm still on 16.04. Have you ever used that before?
@Fabby OOB?
@ByteCommander Out of Band.
prorocol normally used to control KVM of servers
In this context it means "not in this chatroom"
Q: how to optimize Ubuntu for older hardware

ThufirPartly to go with the herd, partly to be more towards the cutting edge, I'd prefer Ubuntu 18.04 over Bodhi Linux. Bodhi boots reasonably quickly, logs in well, etc -- everything it's intended for. Clearly, out of the box Ubuntu bogs down this old MacBook. Having installed Ubuntu, can I perhaps...

Oh, there used to be Skype (shudders), then later Tox (which somehow died too) and the last attempt was Discord.
@ByteCommander well discord seems to do pretty well
tox i still have installed but yes it is really more or the less dead
skype i use regularly too
@ByteCommander Discord! that was it!
lemme install.
I still have both installed, but didn't open either more than once a year, I think
@ByteCommander Skype is still on my phone.
@Fabby it works well just in browser too
no need to install
going to try that first then
@ByteCommander I installed just because one reason, the website tab in firefox takes around 300 MB memory and the discord ap is happy with about 80 MB
Dunno bout that
but ok i use it daily and frequently
I just like to keep everything in my browser if possible, and just have few applications open
although in browser sometimes server reordering and voice don't work
the upper is discord running in a browser tab just for testing right now and the discord ap is running now as long the machine is up
$ uptime
23:06:31 up 18 days, 6:47, 1 user, load average: 0,50, 0,34, 0,29
@user1502040 So? If I give you 16.04 instructions, can you follow them on 18.04?
@TheWanderer check discord :)
#Google Translate has a hidden joke about flat earthers 😂😅 https://t.co/z8FFoZNqel
Hey guys, is anyone familiar with polari here?
2 hours later…
@TheWanderer check discord

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