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@NathanOsman we can also make dynamic links that either open a specific section of the app or open a web page if the app isn't installed
Deep links or something, right?
Maybe if we can chip in with a few downvotes, we can help Rinz.
@NathanOsman Dynamic Deep Links yes
Firebase is really cool
I don't think that's terribly useful in our case.
There isn't really anything to link to...
but it reminded me to look into making chat links open in our app
@jokerdino now you are talking
plus we also have U+L. That rep is useless anyways so can be used for dv;s too
hmm can't waste too much on U&L, don't want to lose edit privs
@Rinzwind Oh yeah?
Just because you have no breadth of knowledge is no reason to brag! :P
@Zanna heh, true. I have 2,242 on U&L though.
And (egad!) 1028 on Super User.
should be 1024
Damn. If only I'd stopped 4 answers ago.
@terdon so I could lose all my rep downvoting them!
@TheWanderer Yeah :)
@Zanna Ha! Yes. Try it! Then we can find out if vote reversal also restores the rep of the downvoter!
@NathanOsman darn it, we'd need SE to add a file to the chat hosts to intercept the links
@Seth Awwww :( But they're good ones!
@TheWanderer links to what?
@terdon haha is that unknown?
@NathanOsman chat.stackoverflow.com for example
@Zanna I'm sure it's known, I just don't know off the top of my head.
like if someone tapped a chat link in Chrome
I'm always willing to participate in research
Of course.
We don't control the domain.
@Zanna Careful. I'm a biologist currently working on genomic variants in humans. Don't tempt me :P
hahaha I don't think serial downvoting a mod for science would work out all that well for me either
@NathanOsman did you install the latest version of the app?
Not yet!
you should
so I can spam you with notifications
@terdon I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, I'm not that worried about it ;p
I need 4 more points on SF&F to get it to appear on my flair... need to think of a question!
@Seth I'm sure you're not! :)
@Zanna I don't have an account there.
On the other hand, one of those 294 has a score of 411 which is pretty impressive!
@terdon haha, yeah, that one blew up xD
it's still getting upvotes..
I updated it and got this: `Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'.
> File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it.`
uh lemme push that
@TheWanderer Mmmkay, I don't really see any new features
hang on
close the app
you get the notification?
that's the new feature
Neat! How did you implement it?
what's your Gmail? I should probably add you to the Play Console and Firebase
@AndroidDev it's Firebase. Pretty great
@TheWanderer But we still need a server to monitor the chat room, no?
Nathan has plans
So the server monitors when the phone is off?
But the phone will monitor when the app is open?
oh, yeah
FCM only shows the notification when the app is in the background
@TheWanderer Here's my question though. Nathan wants to precompile the go binary and communicate with it through an HTTP interface. I currently have it working just using the API directly. Either way, we'll need native code. So what benefit do we get from an HTTP interface?
@AndroidDev I don't know lol
Wanna give my APK a quick try?
yeah sure
Ok one sec let me upload it
Hurry up Gradle :D
After you hit the HUETOYOU button, it will freeze for like 1.5 seconds
(I am running too much on the UI thread)
Shame on me, I know lol
Make sure you get your login credentials right, it will fail silently
What are you guys making?
@terdon Well, it will hopefully be an Android client for SE chat at some point
@TheWanderer You might want to have logcat open to troubleshoot if it doesn't work
Where'd you go? :P
getting distracted with intents
@TheWanderer I see you sent me a test push notification :D
And you just send another...
yeah I'm testing making it open the chat with the specified URL
if it exists (which it should)
yawns loudly . . . hi guys !
whoa long time no see
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Hi, it's been a while!
Looks like ya'll missed me and my fish puns :p
@TheWanderer So did it work?
@AndroidDev still workin on it
will push and try your app when I get it
Yeah, been like a week, I was mostly trying to figure out relationship stuff and getting blacklisted by people. I was answering here and there though
@TheWanderer I now have 5 "test" notifications :P
BTW my app is getting all of these messages :)
Maybe I should upload a screenshot
Hmm, it doesn't seem to like apostrophes.
@TheWanderer Have a look --^
nice UI :p
looks cool though
@NathanOsman Have you noticed that the stackoverflow tag for golang has the gopher on it ?
They (the Golang people) sponsored the tag.
@NathanOsman You are an expert lurker!
Fancy. I wish there was one like that for Python
Lol, @TheWanderer it has captured so many messages now that I have to scroll down to see the new ones :D
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy ^ python tag
I wonder if there's a way to implement automatic scrolling
@TheWanderer Should we steal some of the UI code from an open-source messaging app so we don't have to write it ourselves?
uh idk
ask @NathanOsman
So . . . I'm going to be working 1 PM to 9 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer. There's gonna be plenty of time for procrastination , lel
or for answering stuff. I still want my gold badge
@TheWanderer Interesting, I just got your push notification even though the device was asleep
that's how they work
@TheWanderer But does that mean the CPU will always be on?
@TheWanderer So did my app work?
still not done
gtg; I'll check back in bit
Anybody has an idea for some sort of statistics project for Linux ? Like . . .what can I compute for a system
Annoying thing #194: projects with inconsistent indentation.
I like that IntelliJ does auto indent for pasted code
So does Qt Creator.
and in other news @NathanOsman the version I just pushed to GH will open the corresponding chat on notification tap if the chat exists in the app (which it should)
so if you build and install the latest version, and I send out a test notification with the AUGR URL, it should select the AUGR tab if you have it added
you'll only get the notification with the tab closed though
app closed
u want to try app
ugh we're gonna have to make an actual notification area too
@TheWanderer what app ? I already have System UI Tuner installed.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy @NathanOsman, @AndroidDev and I are working on an SEChat app
doesn't really do much atm
It will soon make breakfast in bed tho.
As long as it let's me ping @TheWanderer with random pictures, that's all I care for
lol pls
sergo wat is email
@TheWanderer Speaking of which, have you tried my APK yet? :P
oh there it is
oh my god
that alert sound is startling
it won't send messages for me @AndroidDev
I think my credentials are right
I had the weirdest dream last night involving Comcast. (Which is strange because I live in Canada...)
There was this stage and they were trying to promote some new cellular service.
It was weird.
@NathanOsman .. they just got a new cellular service o_O
@TheWanderer That version doesn't send. It only receives. I accidentally broke the send functionally :D
@Seth Now this dream is creepy.
@NathanOsman I hate comcast....
@AndroidDev scrub
@AndroidDev I'm sure I would too if I lived in the US.
Everything I've heard about them is terrible.
@NathanOsman Their speedtest shows 200Mbps. Google's speedtest shows 30Mbps. See any problems there?
I bet they cheat by detecting when you're running a speedtest
And then boost that traffic to the highest priority level
The VW emissions trick? :P
@TheWanderer My question though: do you still hear the chime when you're looking at another app? (Assuming that you don't swipe it from the recent drawer)
@AndroidDev didn't test
@TheWanderer I put it into a background service, and it seemed to work for me.
wait do I need to lg in to get messages?
@TheWanderer Yeah
yup ding
So it works?
jarring but yes
You don't like the alert sound?
We can fix that easily enough :)
@TheWanderer Ahem... --^
@NathanOsman so here's a question
if the user doesn't have that chat added when the notification comes in, should we add the tab?
@TheWanderer Wait, we're going to have the server monitor every single room for pings?
it seems so
I mean, can't @NathanOsman's API do that?
I'd suggest only monitoring the ones that the user has set up tabs for
@TheWanderer I don't think so?
Gah! More push notifications! :P
was testing bundled notifications which we don't have
AU General Room
Okay, so terrible UI and non-existent error handling, but a good start @TheWanderer, no?
but how do we combine
Well, it would be easier if I knew how to replicate the module setup in the example project... I can't figure out how they did.... the documentation is terrible...

But anyways, if I can figure out how they did it, then the merge should be trivial
@AndroidDev Please don't tell me you just created Windows!
sick burn terdon
@NathanOsman is it legal to make people pay for this service though?
since it's not our IP?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy pls email
can i delete ?
Aaaand gone. Not like I'm too bothered having my email out, but still. I already have plenty of spam there
oke u be added
@TheWanderer It's a service - they're paying us for using our server resources.
@NathanOsman did you get my Fabric invite?
@TheWanderer added where ? spam list ?
Wat is it?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy yehs
hang on @SergiyKolodyazhnyy
@NathanOsman crash analytics
but we can add the other types too if we want
Google Play already feeds us those.
it also has something called Stripe which can manage payments
@NathanOsman I know, but these I think are more detailed
I am familiar with Stripe :P
well good
@TheWanderer More detailed than a stack trace...?
@NathanOsman I think it tells us more detailed demographics
idk that's why I'm trying it
We don't want to spy on users.
Do we really need all that?
I think that's going to reflect negatively on our app...
it's Google's stuff
The fact that I sleep basically nothing and the fact that the lab is kinda cool and quiet, with only air conditioning and 60Hz hum, makes me really really wanna pass out right now
we could remove the analytics, but I think we should try Stripe
@NathanOsman it looks like it's basically the same as the Play Console, but with a better IAP method
also virtual device tests
@TheWanderer ...are included in the Google Play Console.
@NathanOsman but they're pretty useless there
most of the virtual devices they gave me for SystemUI Tuner aren't even compatible
and never were
sorry sergo
there was an NPE in the app
rolling out fix
No ide what is NPE . . .also i did pass out
Ah . . . Also, I find it funny that Java, the language that doesn't have pointers as datatypes, throws Null Pointer Extension
everything is pointers on the backend
you're a pointer on the backend
@NathanOsman BAN @Seth PLS
Bans Seth.
Q: Ubuntu all vhosts in one file

n.osennijIn all instructions I found to setup vhost on ubuntu lamp you need to create new vhost conf file for each vhost. Can I declare all my vhosts in one single file and what I need to do for it?

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