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refrigerator, toaster, microwave, washing machine, drier, 1-2 thermostats, AC unit actual, heating unit actual, each light fixture in a house, 2 laptops, 2 tablets, 2 phones, 2 televisions. now take that number and make it one apartment building with pick a number of units. they go quick if you think about everything being internet connected moving forward.
All of that can fit into a /64 with plenty of room to spare.
I know. Just saying. It's only going to keep growing. Totes not arguing that we'll run out.
Assuming we don't give IPv6 addresses out like candy (very few residentials need a /48), we'll be fine.
Well, that is, if ISPs don't act like morons.
This is why the micro-isp model seems to be a good idea. Fit an entire apartment building into a /57... you'll have 128 /64s to play with.
(and room for expansion if you need to)
That would be a good idea.
plus then we break up the massive ISPs into smaller segments who are a lot more grounded.
so, your ISP becomes your tech-savvy neighbor who is in turn feeding from some citywide organization, who links to the state backbone.
who, depending on the size, links to the country backbone (or whatever denomination) or directly to the international network
cities have had problems getting stonewalled trying to even manage at the city level though.
again, big isps.
I agree, that is part of the problem.
just do a representative system. your neighborhood tech guy is part of the "Any City Internet Providers Group", who has a single representative in the "Wyoming Internet Providers Group" or whatever.
pie in the sky i think, but i'm not against it
Wow, 4 million on a kickstarter with a target of 21k hope they don't have death by success. I like the idea/product.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user: Renaming date-stamped files to the previous day by tulpan on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
@NobodyNada NES programming? I'm interested, what exactly do you mean by that?
@NathanOsman so how does one convert Go to Java?
@TheWanderer I don't think you can just "convert" it. I think that's like saying how does one convert C++ to Java
Why do you ask BTW?
I think it's trolling.
@AndroidDev what word would you use? It's manual, but it's conversion
@TheWanderer Port
Personal preference I guess
@TheWanderer i'ld suspect not trolling
@TheWanderer But seriously, why do you ask?
because I'm impatient
I was pointing at you and saying I suspect you're not trolling shortly after someone thought/said they thought you were.
@TheWanderer Later tonight I may have a "TEST PLZ" for you :)
uh it's already pretty "later tonight"
I stayed up late last night getting it to work initially :D
@KazWolfe can you install the beta version of my app and test the QS Header Tile Count slider?
on the S8
not right now
but yes, i can later.
@NobodyNada I should throw sticks at ya
@KazWolfe U have an S8?
@AndroidDev sadly, yes
@ThomasWard wat
@KazWolfe I saw one on display at Target. I didn't like it at all. It just didn't feel right.
I still don't understand why they switched the side of the heartrate sensor/flash to put th fingerprint sensor on the far side of the camera
@TheWanderer because lefthanded people
it's so stupid
Dang. I done goofed. I don't have my LastPass master password with me and can't login to CI.
@TheWanderer he's running Smokey. without SmokeDetector chat account data.
so blarghlargh
@NathanOsman rip
giving something to lefthanded people is stupid? THAT'S HANDIST!
I could log into my desktop at home but it's turned off.
@KazWolfe I'm left handed you dummy
And I could turn it on with WoL but my Pi is also unplugged.
Murphy's Law is mean.
Lefthanded people being handist against left handed people? Just shows how bad our culture is.
@KazWolfe shut your face you... you-- EVANGELIST
So that's what "right" and "left" mean...
@TheWanderer Low blow.
I know
Low, low, blow.
but it was the only way to drive the point home
I should flag you for that.
samsung phones are such awesome hardware things (usually)... it's a shame their software was designed by three year olds.
every time i hear or see how low can you go, i hear ludacris "get low" in my head.
Flag flag flag flag...
@TheWanderer Not lower than calling me an... evangelist of all things.
@KazWolfe that is my exact sentiment
Samsung makes beautiful phones, without the software to match
@TheWanderer and the hardware.
I mean... no Fastboot.
@NathanOsman their hardware on flagships is really good.
@NathanOsman that's software
and when I've asked some longtime Samsung users why they don't go to another phone after they complain about how slow it gets, they cite how they've always used TouchWiz
@KazWolfe couldn't edit fast enough on mobile.
but with the Nougat update, TouchWiz got a pretty drastic change
@NathanOsman still software
@NathanOsman still software
firmware is software.
although the KNOX counter is hardware
Firmware maybe?
and that's a stupid thing
Fastboot runs at a low level.
their hardware could support fastboot instead of odin, but their firmware just uses odin instead.
@NathanOsman firmware instanceof software
knox is hardware, but that doesn't mean it has to be used, either.
ODIN is pretty great tbh
@KazWolfe well you don't have much choice with the counter
it should be you need to manually arm knox in enterprise settings.
@TheWanderer wat
and once you arm it, it can't be disarmed until it's tripped.
Last time I used Odin I soft-bricked.
@NathanOsman it's really powerful. You can recover from anything as long as you can get into Download Mode
Same with Fastboot.
i think there might be a way to hard-brick with either tool
you don't really have the same degree of control though
like overwriting bootloader
Pretty hard to brick Nexus devices. Although they have their own issues.
I think you can still get into DM without a bootloader
@NathanOsman like loose solder
Or stuck buttons.
that you then rip out of their loose solder
either way, yes. fastboot > odin, though iirc odin is lower level.
still both protocol implementations in the firmware
@TheWanderer ...and then can't reattach.
Trust me. I know.
BTW, if anyone wants a replacement screen from a Nexus 5...
@NathanOsman what are you doing atm
@NathanOsman Can a go method have multiple return statements?
@TheWanderer ick
and why isn't it the app? :p
@TheWanderer sitting in a motor vehicle.
@AndroidDev i think any language can?
only one can be "active" though.
Cuz Android programming on an Android is hard?
except for python's yield iirc
@NathanOsman not driving I hope
@KazWolfe iirc iirc iirc iirc
Of course not.
@TheWanderer No useless pings, please. (Unless you're @ThomasWard because I can't stop him)
@KazWolfe mkay
like that one ^?
@TheWanderer Yes.
yawns, then falls over and blorps over @KazWolfe before becoming a shapeless blob on the floor
@NathanOsman not useless, it shows acknowledgement.
@NathanOsman why do you always have such an intense stare in your pictures?
Needs more ketchup.
I'm scared
@TheWanderer in a deep voice: goooooood.
@KazWolfe I am @ThomasWard remember?
okey dokey
@TheWanderer You are not. Unless your username is Thomas Ward, you are not Thomas Ward.
@NathanOsman are you on your way to a Zedd concert or something?
@TheWanderer useless ping alarm goes off.
@KazWolfe well now I know what to do
@TheWanderer nop
wat do
"Dsn pre workout"
are you off to Conquer the World?
@TheWanderer you are a terrible guesser
@KazWolfe sorry Brain
@TheWanderer yes. And I have written a Visual Basic application to track your IP address.
So you better run.
oh so I'm the world to you? <3
You missed the reference!
@TheWanderer Almost time for a PLZ TEST :)
I don't think I've ever heard that reference
all the star @NathanOsman
This is why we can't have technically accurate movies.
I think it was supposed to be a NeoTrace reference. Related and hilarious vbforums.com/showthread.php?262726-Just-a-thought-(IP-Tracing)
@RobotHumans And don't forget Zanna :D
@TheWanderer IT WORKS!
I'm taking a break on that one at the moment.
This is so cool!
@NathanOsman - I'm not sure you even need to mess with making an HTTP interface
@NathanOsman @TheWanderer --^
@RobotHumans Nintendo Entertainment System
@NobodyNada Yes, but programming for NES. An emulator? On the actual hardware? It's just an odd thing to have as a hobby, so I wondered.
@RobotHumans I use an emulator (since I don't have a flashcart)
@NobodyNada Do you have to write all the code in assembly?
@AndroidDev There is a C compiler, but I use assembly
I own a shirt you need.
"Real men do it in ASM"
@AndroidDev cool
@NathanOsman Want to give it a try on your end?
The only downside is that because it isn't running in a service it will die once you task switch.
@AndroidDev when I get home later.
Another test
Yet another test...
@NathanOsman Well, I suppose I could try to put it into a service...
This is so cool :D
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +2 more: t-rexmuscleadvice.com/enduro-force/ by johndugan91 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +2 more: t-rexmuscleadvice.com/enduro-force/ by johndugan91 on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
Is it just me, or have we been getting more spam as of late?
Another test...
And another.
Hrrm, that 1/2 worked
And another test sigh
Nope, still only 1/2 works :(
Please work this time....
It worked!
Okay, let's see if it works from the backgound...
Ookay, let's try this again
Q: Ubuntu/GlusterFS: Unable to create thinly provisioned volume from previously created pool using lvcreate

Print-ABCI'm testing out glusterfs, and was following this guide on creating setting up volumes. I ran into an error when trying to create a thinly provisioned volume. This is the section Create a thinly provisioned volume from the previously created pool using the lvcreate command: For exa...

Another test..
Very nice!
@NathanOsman - I've now got it running in a background service, and I'm hearing the audio cues for new messages while the calculator app is open!
cc @TheWanderer --^
No way, it even ran the UI commands while the app was not in the foreground!
Okay, I'm going to bed now :D
@NathanOsman: oneplus.net/lab
wow, this video sums up American politics
Yeah we still on 66% \o/
Oops, not supposed to say that hides
@Zanna :/
It's been that bad for years. conflicted about how important it is.
Like, we've tried to improve it, but it kinda ended with people getting carrier away closing stuff, which is worse than a bad accept rate..
Yes I agree with you @Seth
I mean, Super User and Stack Overflow don't have great accept rates either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When we started doing cleanup it was 65. So I like to imagine it was our efforts to give some love to old questions making a little difference to it, as a nice side effect
I'm sure it helped a lot :)
To me it's kinda just a number, and I understand pretty well why we can't answer all the questions
I wouldn't do the stuff just for that, I have to believe it makes a better site in terms of how useful and awesome it is for people. But still nice to see it haha
I completely understand.
:) :) :)
Well I should go to bed. Not feeling well again.
Aww take care @Seth
I think I should go back to bed or rather back to sleep since I haven't got out of bed yet
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS from live USB fails by jycemea on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector better?
@jokerdino no?
I don't know what the keyword was.
line four in the original
I see
You are against Right to Speech@!!
yes. I print off copies of the declaration of human rights so I can tear them into small pieces and bake them into brownies and feed them to my enemies
or, in actual fact, not...
Q: When is an usb device mounted as sdb and when as sdc?

HakaishinI had a script last week that expected my usb to be sdc, I was using this command usb_path=`lsblk | grep sdc1 | awk '{print $7}'` but then I came back and saw that the stick was empty, because the stick was named sdb. So what does it depend on what name the stick gets? I had no other disk plug...

Never mind about what I said yesterday night... I've thought about it and decided that it the room, not me.
@ParanoidPanda can I offer you some bamboo? :-)
@Rinzwind: That would great! ;)
There you go :=)
@Rinzwind: Wow! Yum! Thanks! :D
if you ever need more just ask >:-D
They almost look like green carrots! :D
parsnips I was thinking
nope genuine bamboo shoots!
and hands off @Zanna those are Panda's
Q: Where do files rsynced to a host go?

OleI accidentally rsynced .thunderbird to user@host instead of to user@host:/home/user. Where is .thunderbird now? Is there a good way to search for the folder?

oops :D
@Rinzwind lol I'll keep eating this ginger cake with coconut ice cream then ^_^
muru again :*
Sigh. removes answer I was about to postRinzwind 58 secs ago
the other day I had my answer all done and ready to go and the question got deleted :(
That's not as bad as muru being quicker :=)
@Zanna Never mind about this by the way, I ate something that didn't agree with me and took it out on the room. ;)
Or my strange message before that for that matter.
Plotting Pandas! I knew it! :D
Q: AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'plotting'

RikI am using anaconda and I'm unable to import keras, I get a wierd error about pandas not having a plotting attribute, however there is clearly a plotting folder in the pandas folder. please help, I'm confused, stuck and can't do anything else. import os import math import numpy as np import h5py...

@ParanoidPanda ah ok. I hate it when food argues
probably have to import it explicitly now. version mismatch between keras and pandas.
It's funny how that sounds so close to "Kira"... :D
@Zanna looks like there is another answer by the same person?
@Zanna still eating cake?
@jokerdino thanks for that. pasted my edit, with minor grammar fix.
@Rinzwind walking to station to go to work now. trudge trudge
Hope it was actually the same haha
1 hour later…
in The Greenhouse, Apr 7 at 20:35, by Zanna
I feel the same, just give me cake...
Now that my last few installations of Ubuntu always needed 5 minutes only I tend to happily recommend a reinstall on all kinds of weird issues.
<-- remembers Windows booting in 6 minutes or more.
I really love it when it pours down with rain! We had a major rain storm yesterday where for about 10 minutes it was just crashing down on us, we even had a minor flood in our road.
@takkat Yeah me too. Even though my ssd is old re-install is under 20 minutes. Even that is quick enough for me.

Only issue: the questions related to the installation should have a "save" option. "save" all the options I made during this install so I can load them during the next install.
I will I had been in my local woodland when it had all come down, that would be an amazing place to see its effects! :)
@Rinzwind oooh such a save option would be brilliant!
@ParanoidPanda I read that as "I want more bamboo"
It also means that today all the plants will be extra green and probably have grown a lot which is something that makes them and I quite happy.
@Rinzwind: Good deciphering skills. :P
@Takkat maybe with the exception of the password for the 1st user D:
but maybe with all the applications I always install in addition.
@Takkat that could be a scan of the currect cache and some "apt install" commands
@ParanoidPanda here a whole forrest :D
FOOD!!! :D
@SmokeDetector What're you doing D:<
Hello :)
(: Olleh
@Zanna Wow, that's one heck of an editing job :)
@Rinzwind Hi Rinzy ! :) Everything fine for you ?
Yeah almost holiday. And I donated a Bamboo forest to Panda :=D
@Rinzwind Nice ! :) That must have made him extremly happy - right @ParanoidPanda ? :D
@Rinzwind School holidays ? Are you a teacher at a school in the Netherlands ? :)
Nope. Normal holiday for a working person :=)
@cl-netbox yeah he even went for bold and 3 !'s :=D
@Rinzwind ah okay ... anyway : I wish you nice holidays with good weather ! :) Enjoy ! :)
Not going anywhere :=D
Lots of PS4 gaming and AU
@Rinzwind cool ! :D hahaha :D
@Rinzwind better nice holidays at home than bad ones somewhere else - right ? :)
so true
@AndroidDev :D
Mostly trying to fix the formatting
Q: Where to place user created systemd unit files

user3448600As the title says, where should I put systemd file for e.g. Nginx nginx.service or something like that on Ubuntu 16.04 ?

@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L on the hard disk :P
@Rinzwind :D :D :D

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