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@Gendarme I read your question and have to say that everything is well explained in the vmware documentation you provided ... but if you don't have much experience with virtualization technology, you might better start with ORACLE VirtualBox, which is a more easy and user friendly application to start with ... an alternative would be to use KVM / qemu, which is a bit more professional orientated solution. :)
@terdon a colleague sent me another command that works, I just wanted to find out why the one I used didnt work since it is supposed to be correct. but time is almost over so I need to hurry, so I will skip this
@terdon thanks a lot for your help anyway
@Alex It didn't work because your file isn't as you say it is. What was the command that worked?
cat file | awk -F";" '{printf"%s V.Sob.=%s\n",$4,$9}'| grep 'V.Sob.=0'
basically it printed the values from the 9th column and then used grep to get just the ones that were zero
Um. That does something completely different from what you asked.
And you still don't need the cat, but never mind.
And it's looking for cases where the 9th field is 0, not the 2nd.
But OK.
anyone know of a way to export markdown as a PDF that actually supports horizontally scrolled text? So far every converter I've tried just cuts the text off if it goes beyond the page limits.
well, yes, but you just have to replace $2 with $9
when I asked initially, I wanted to make it simplier so I used just two columns
in the real case, the column one is actually the forth and the column 2 is the nineth
OK, free tip. Next time, when you ask for help don't "simplify" in such a way that makes the help irrelevant.
but the result is the same, except that in this one it shows the values from the nineth column as well
Your simplification completely changed what you were asking so you wasted your time (and mine) trying to get the wrong command to work.
but it doesn't work by just changing "$2" for "$9"? would it be the same command?
@KazWolfe I'm here now \o/
and i just got back.
import java.io.File;

public class StrangeError {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File workingDirectory = new File("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC");
            File batchFile = new File(workingDirectory + "vcvarsall.bat");
            ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(
                    "cmd", "/c", batchFile.toString(), "amd64", "&& set"
            System.out.println("Command:" + processBuilder.command() + "\nDirectory: " + processBu
just curious, what happens if you do that?
Gimme a sec. to try it.
Why is process.waitFor() commented out?
So.. I've got homework that contains code, quotes, and several different headings. The instructor kinda wants it in a word document but that's just disgusting for anything with code. I was using markdown but converting it to a nice looking PDF is a huge pain. Does this seem like a problem for LaTeX? I don't really know anything about it..
replace the commented with this.
hands @NathanOsman a link
Process process = processBuilder.start()
I think there's an error...
>java HelloWorld
Command:[cmd, /c, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VCvcvarsall.bat, amd64, && set]
Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC
Maybe '+' should be ','
Then it appears to work.
But I will need to confirm.
Then we'll need to see what made the difference.
also, you'll need to add a slash in between VC and vcvarsall
so new File(workingDirectory + File.separator + "vcvarsall.bat")
I just did new File(workingDirectory, "vcvarsall.bat");
However, once I capture the output, I get this printed to stderr:
  'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
  operable program or batch file.
Maybe it needs quoting...
Nope - even quoting it didn't work.
This is so strangely peculiar.
I'll see if Go exhibits this behavior on the same machine.
sorry Nathan but you do need quoting. or escaping the space
@Rinzwind Still doesn't work with quoting though...
then maybe you need something in front of the c:\,,,,, a command?
nobody move
rolandixor has frozen the room
it is highly effective, apparently
Even Git hates me.
What did it do?
Never mind - I haz a typo.
@NathanOsman any opinions about my python-only package?
@KazWolfe I think Java is at fault somewhere here. It works in Go.
@ThomasWard Right. I'll take a look.
@NathanOsman You're doing something completely different there.
Try separating out each argument in your Java code and see what it does.
Or just use Go because you can't stop finding excuses to hate on Java.
@NathanOsman No rush. Documentation is missing right now but i'm lazy :)
@KazWolfe I must use Java - this is for a Jenkins plugin.
@KazWolfe I didn't do that?
@NathanOsman No.
How do I do that then?
same way you did it in Go.
		"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat",
@KazWolfe Java deserves all the hate it can get though...
@RolandiXor Nobody hates on Objectiv-C and that is objectively a worse language.
@KazWolfe I do...
Java is fine if you know what you're doing and don't follow the idiotic agile design principles of making literally everything into interfaces.
            "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat",
Like so?
I'll give 'er a shot.
if that doesn't work, add escaped quotes to the beginning and end
...of just the .bat file path?
Wth reddit?
Clearly, I'm not cut out for the place where all the cool kids are.
I literally posted just one comment before this.
post more or not fast.
Does Java really hate me that much?
@NathanOsman You using an IDE or no? (I'm willing to run this in my IntellIJ IDEA IDE)
It must be run on Windows and you need VS2015 installed.
But I am sure it runs in IntelliJ.
I am just doing javac/java from the terminal / command line.
@NathanOsman error?
@KazWolfe No error. It just hangs.
what does your debugger say?
Lemme find out...
Also, it actually seems to work without the waitFor()... but... I'm not sure how that works with the output...
@NathanOsman unrelated to your thing, I've got my own little script I can run to upload my package to PyPI heh
@ThomasWard one thing I noticed, since this is for imaplib, shouldn't it be in requirements.txt?
@NathanOsman probably, but imaplib is part of the standard Python libraries
it doesn't exist in PyPI
Never mind, carry on :P
as I understand the requirements files, if it's in the standard libraries, it doesn't need to go into the requirements doc.
It needs the typing module because of Python 2/3 Type checking compat.
but that's it.
fixed in VCS.
So the Python looks good, but you don't need these lines in the _imaplibext.py file since they are already in __init__.py.
indeed. at one point i didn't have an init :P
also fixed in VCS.
@NathanOsman anything else I've missed?
Not that I see offhand.
Unit tests will help though :D
At the very least, they can catch typos preventing the module from importing.
True, got a suggestion for how I should write the testsuite? Actually testing the module would require an external mail server.
@KazWolfe So I fired up WinDbg and I... er... can't figure out how to make it tell me where the process is stuck. I do have this process tree though:
@NathanOsman that suggests that batch script is hung
and you've confirmed the .bat works on its own?
A hundred times.
I can run the exact same invocation of "cmd /c ..." in Go.
Java is evil isn't it :P
But Java starts coughing, begins choking, and dies in a dramatic fireball.
@NathanOsman so what do you suggest I do for a test suite, basically try the import statement if it succeeds, then great, otherwise fail hard?
That would be a good start.
Let me check my modules...
Yeah, tests.py with just the import would work.
Then add test_suite='tests', to the setup.py file.
tests.py in the VCS root, or in the package's folder?
VCS root.
i can probably write a unittest to confirm SSL IMAP and non-SSL IMAP both work...
@NathanOsman what do you think about this? gist.github.com/teward/79dcdac64a950ffda8feecc4132ff1e6
Assuming that I point at a valid 'test' mail server
(not my actual one heh)
Looks good but I wouldn't even bother with the try since the test suite should catch it anyway.
so any exception will trigger a testsuite failure?
the reason I want the 'try' is I want a 'clean' failure not traceback from a connection failure :P
Can't remember what the default tester does for exceptions.
But IIRC, it is designed to handle exceptions as failures.
yeah it did
so i'll pull out the trys, though now I need to write testsuites for the other cases. So I'll need a test mailserver lol
I think the Python standard library has one..
the other cases being the commands themselves. Though, I know they work because I've hand-tested.
@NathanOsman complete with message sets?
When did Google start doing this?
@NathanOsman Eternity
Long time now.
Breadcrumbs for searches?
First time I've seen it.
Oh the breadcrumbs - that's recent.
If I click "windows" it switches the search to "list of windows debugger".
@ThomasWard Lemme check.
@NathanOsman I'm 100% certain the answer there is 'no', so it may just be prudent for me to spin up an IMAP server that goes nowhere here at my location, forward ports, and then have fun lol.
@ThomasWard Sorry, I was wrong. Python has an SMTP server, not IMAP.
yeah that's what i thought
There are third-party packages that have one though.
yeah, well, i'd rather just setup a test server. But eh.
@NathanOsman I'd be happy with it just erroring TBH lol
I created a docker droplet - and it won't allow any connections.
It's not even loading if I use the IP address.
though I've got fail2ban on that mailserver so if they actually try to auth and fail, that's a problem heh
@RolandiXor NAT.
docker bridge.
chaos incarnate.
PITA to get working right. Is your docker 'droplet' binding the docker containers to ports on localhost like it should be?
It's digital ocean, preconfigured, etc... It should be working
does the docker droplet have SSH :P
or anything listening, rather?
Firewall's not blocking conns?
No firewall enabled
Only thing I did since setting up was to install collabora office
I'll try setting up from scratch
I must have made a mistake along the way.
So... how many engineers does it take to stock a fridge?
@KazWolfe none
@RolandiXor Wrong. Three: One to open the Jira and do work, another to help with the JIRA subtask, and one to manage scrum and mark the Jira as resolved.
@KazWolfe lol
None: because they create a robot to do it for them :)
@KazWolfe depends on what kind of beer they are stocking it with...could range from 0 to infinite...
@TheXed is this cold beer?
@RolandiXor who buys warm beer?
Then the fridge will never be stocked :>
@RolandiXor What happened with Docker?
@NathanOsman it didn't work :(
What did you do?
@RolandiXor @NathanOsman what kind of phone should I buy?
@TheXed OnePlus
@KazWolfe already have one.
I set up a droplet running docker on Ubuntu 16.04, installed the letsencrypt certificate (or so I thought), and then installed Collabora Office. Then, when trying to set up the reverse proxy, I realized I couldn't find the letsencrypt cert! So, I tried seeing if I could fix that by installing the cert again, only to realize that it couldn't connect to the server at all!
@TheXed what do you want to do with it and what price range are you looking at?
@TheXed Yeah, wait for the OP5.
@Zanna I'll take it, I think I have an idea. :)
@KazWolfe awesome
@RolandiXor well if I could find one that had a comparable camera lens as my Lumia 950 I would pay a $1k for it...but probably 3-400
@RolandiXor Yikes.
@TheXed *cough* DSLR *cough*
@RolandiXor and it should do all the normal things that a smart phone does, and make phone calls..
@TheXed OP5 will make your breakfast for you.
@NathanOsman I have a DSLR, but it is a bit big to fit in my pocket..
@TheXed Get a bigger pocket >:)
"I'm moving the go repos" "Be sure to change the source code, since the URLs are in there!" "…" Go packing sucks. It's so, so far behind.
@NathanOsman "bigger" seems to be your solution to everything :-P
@TheXed lol there are some pretty good options out there tbh
I thought about the Galaxy S8...at&t is doing a buy one get one free deal right now...
for when they come out...
@TheXed If you want a releatively good camera, don't care about OS updates, and still want a good price, then BLU has got you covered.
@RolandiXor I had a Blu...wasn't overly impressed...
Unlocked, dual SIM, and some good specs, for a low price - and lots of options.
@TheXed lol well, you are in America ;)
But maybe they have gotten better...
Here, we don't get the sea of (inexpensive, but good) options.
But, in my experience, their recent phones are pretty solid.
Almost all the pics on my instagram are from my BLU Vivo 5r, which is not even the top of the range.
Nope, can't get the free S8, you have to sign up for direct tv too...
@RolandiXor which do look amazing BTW.
Moto also has some good stuff at a low price.
@TheXed takes a bow
Maybe I want a red iphone 7, in case I ever get lost I can be like "look for the red iphone!"
The problem is, I don't want to get a slower phone then my Lumia...other wise I will be disappointed and just go back to it...
Do I sound like a spoiled American or what?
Lol yeah :D
Well trust me, my phone is pretty, pretty fast.... Yet cheap
If you go with a BLU or something similar from one of the up and coming companies (such as one of the Chinese phones), you won't be disappointed.
Yeah I was looking at the specs...doesn't liik to bad actually...
You'd be surprised how good some of the less well known brands are these days.
I've had about 15 apps open without noticing any lag.
I just love everything about my Lumia, but the OS...
Only time I run into lag is if I'm taking pictures in the noon-day sun - it doesn't like that (at all!)
If I could flash Marshmellow to my Lumia would keep it lol
@TheXed I could never understand why Nokia allowed Elop(-sided) to do that to them.
Meego was a game changer!
And then they just... killed it!
@RolandiXor worse time of the day to take a picture anyways...
@TheXed Not when you're doing macro shots :P
Best time of day :> (except for early evening when the sun is at just the right angle)
@RolandiXor perhaps...
If you catch the noon-day sun, you can get good macro shots without any extra light - but your phone will begin to choke and eventually need a reboot (because the camera app decides to quit and won't take severance pay).
hey, @Zanna. Cool trick you might be interested in.
oh yes?
sudo apt install --print-uris <package> - gives you the path to a package for manual downloads if you need to. (sudo is optional)
Thanks fam!
what did i post that got removed?
The second part of your message :)
I combined your messages into one so I could star them.
You're famous now.
Who wants to go to the dentist for me?
^--- that guy.
@Seth Except URLs aren't supposed to change.
@KazWolfe that one doesn't need sudo (but is indeed an awesome command - I <3 APT)
Wait, you can't redirect my question back to me, and make me the answer! that wasn't fair!
@TheXed I have god-powers! I can do whatever I want! (Within the confines of the law, God, and my fellow man, of course).
bbl, ping if you need me
@Anwar what problems have you encountered?
@NathanOsman yeah well that seems like a bad design choice.
I gotta admit.
@Seth If you don't have the URLs in the import, then you end up with the need for project files.
This is why you need a Makefile for C/C++.
And things like Maven for Java.
And requirements.txt for Python....
I guess that's true.
Go doesn't need any of that.
Everything you need is in the source file.
welll okay I guess since their are no volunteers so I will go.
@Seth here's what W3C has to say: w3.org/Provider/Style/URI
Am I missing something? How is this on-topic? askubuntu.com/q/901418/72216
@JacobVlijm Same way general questions about Chrome or Firefox or LibreOffice are on-topic, I'd think.
If I remember right, we support software running on Ubuntu.
Huh? That is about software running on Ubuntu, this is just general stuff.
This is one of those fringe cases where it's both on and off-topic depending on your personal view on the situation. It's not actually off-topic going by our help-center.
@NathanOsman well, CI tests succeeding are also a good thing.
it's not bad to include CI tests right?
@TheWanderer - Another Ubantu sighting!
I can probably configure the CI on one of them to upload to PyPI but eh.
@NathanOsman - Which version of Android do you have on your phone?
@AndroidDev your answer to that PHP question was obsoleted by mine. Sorry I stole your thunder :P
@AndroidDev 7.1.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body: Problem With Live Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Video Stream by Yadav Shinday on askubuntu.com
such a nice day outside and I'm basically energy-less
@ThomasWard No worries :)
@NathanOsman Would you be willing to test an APK for me?
@AndroidDev Sure, is it that image one?
@ByteCommander So, will you ever write your meta rant?
See the message it's replying to
I found my peace
@NathanOsman Yeah. I'll link you to the APK later this evening. I can see how it looks on my N7 2013, but I wanted to verify that it doesn't become completely screwed up on a small phone screen. Mostly, though, would like to know if it crashes when you try to pick a file on Android 7
@ByteCommander Yes....?
My email provider blocked my IP address from logging in for remaining ~17.5h
@ByteCommander Hmmm... time to fire up a VPN
@ByteCommander they don't like you lolol
Let's see what happens if I tell my router to reconnect...
People really should preview their post before making it live...
I hate DSlite
Ugh, that doesn't get me a new IPv4
Did you enter your password wrong too many times or something?
@ByteCommander hijacked computer maybe?
I just started Thunderbird and it told me that authentication failed, which I retried 3 times maybe
But 17.5h
I guess that started with 24h initially
And 6.5h ago my computer was definitely off.
I guess my ISP's DSlite is to blame, which just gives me a shared IPv4.
you on a carrier-grade nat connection?
not entirely sure what that means?
Okay, I'm forcing myself to get off the computer now... I have other things I need to do :)
@ByteCommander what IP does the router get? Is it in a private IP range or no?
No, I have a personal public IPv6 and a shared public IPv4, I think.
DualStack lite
or... wait
An IPv6 transition mechanism is a technology that facilitates the transitioning of the Internet from the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) infrastructure in use since 1981 to the successor addressing and routing system of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). As IPv4 and IPv6 networks are not directly interoperable, transition technologies are designed to permit hosts on either network type to communicate with any other host. To meet its technical criteria, IPv6 must have a straightforward transition plan from the current IPv4. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) conducts working groups and...
my public IPv4 address is 46.5.xxx.xxx
i didn't ask your public IPs, I asked what IP is assigned to your router. You can't have two devices with the same IPv4 address it breaks things
that's why I asked what ip your router is directly assigned for IPv4
I think I don't see that
CGN then probably for the IPv4, it's how you get the shared IPv4
Carrier-grade NAT (CGN), also known as large-scale NAT (LSN), is an approach to IPv4 network design in which end sites, in particular residential networks, are configured with private network addresses that are translated to public IPv4 addresses by middlebox network address translator devices embedded in the network operator's network, permitting the sharing of small pools of public addresses among many end sites. This shifts the NAT function and configuration thereof from the customer premises to the Internet service provider network. Carrier-grade NAT has been proposed as an approach for...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer: My Kmail does not load mails from gmx.de anymore by Denis Martin on askubuntu.com
I only see an IPv6 address in my router panel, and for IPv4 it say just that Dual Stack lite is used via AFTR Gateway <URL>
@SmokeDetector gone
yeah yeah screw you too bot.
yeah, the article reads like it fits
I am going to lose all my hair before this day is over.
I think I will just hack together a simple Win32 app to do everything in the script and see if that doesn't help.
Removing Windows from your disk would be healthier than removing all your hair from your head - and less painful.
> Who else is afraid that DC will ruin the justice league like they ruined Batman v Superman?
dat burn
designing traffic light state machine is . . . difficult
Hows it going?
The IT is going. I'm not. I'm sitting on bench, smoking.
Gonna go into library soon to work on traffic light state machine design
Cool, your in better shape then me...I can't feel the left side of my face again...
Ouch, what happened ?
Finished getting my dental crown installed...
Finally over, huh ? I hate dental stuff. Even with anaesthetic it's just unpleasant
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy yup
But this should be it for a while...until I get my wisdom teeth pulled, which will be a year from now, becasue I maxed out my insurance with the crown
I had my wisdom teeth pulled separately, left side first, then right side during surgery, because right side was such a mess that my dentist didn't wanna touch none of that and sent me to a dental surgeon
Yeah I am going to a surgeon. but I only have 3 out of 4...
I am going to get them all done at once so I only have to be miserable once...maybe twice as miserable, but just once.
lol...my wife has gone insane...
Usually when I purchase things I run it by my wife first...because she manages the money...
So I am like can I buy this...
and I start explaining it to her with my best sales man pitch...
I didn't even get started and she is like "yes"...
She didn't ask me how much...
lol, she probably doesn't wanna listen to all the tech explanation
Hello all :)
You've good ethics though. +1 for that
@WinEunuuchs2Unix hi there
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Hey Serg how was the exam
@WinEunuuchs2Unix bad, very bad
Awww.... Sorry to hear that :(
I know, but if I would have known, I would have just pulled up an actual macro lens...
Maybe the score will be better than you feel right now.
and been like can I buy one of these?
The type of "I've studied whole day for this, but WTF is this ?"
pretty colors
I always used to study the night before... I was a very bad student until I hit college.
@TheWanderer If you want some ideas check out "ProjectM"
@TheWanderer MY EYES

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