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@AndroidDev Well, SE do sometimes come back to old feature requests. For example, last week they implemented this
and this and other old ones.
@TheXed that's a given, of course. I agree. It's however unfair to place all blame and responsibility on drivers, and prefer driver as scapegoat all the time
@TheWanderer The cp should be irrelevant. It's the shell that expands the variables before calling cp.
@terdon well that's the problem
BusyBox uses a different cp binary and shell afaik
But it should still be the shell that expands the variable.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy #driverslivesmatter
That said, I would expect the busybox sh to use the standalone cp binary if one is present. Are you sure it doesn't?
Ah, no, scratch that. On my system, busybox sh uses its own cp, indeed.
But busybox cp has no -v option
~ $ cp --blah
cp: unrecognized option: blah
BusyBox v1.26.2 (2017-01-30 14:41:33 MSK) multi-call binary.


Copy SOURCE(s) to DEST

	-a	Same as -dpR
	-R,-r	Recurse
	-d,-P	Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
	-L	Follow all symlinks
	-H	Follow symlinks on command line
	-p	Preserve file attributes if possible
	-f	Overwrite
	-i	Prompt before overwrite
	-l,-s	Create (sym)links
	-u	Copy only newer files
@TheXed #everybodys_lives_matter_except_for_Hitler_screw_that_guy
@TheWanderer call cp with its full path. Like this:
~ $ cp --version
cp: unrecognized option: version
BusyBox v1.26.2 (2017-01-30 14:41:33 MSK) multi-call binary.


Copy SOURCE(s) to DEST

	-a	Same as -dpR
	-R,-r	Recurse
	-d,-P	Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
	-L	Follow all symlinks
	-H	Follow symlinks on command line
	-p	Preserve file attributes if possible
	-f	Overwrite
	-i	Prompt before overwrite
	-l,-s	Create (sym)links
	-u	Copy only newer files
~ $ /sbin/cp --version
cp (GNU coreutils) 8.26
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
busybox has a -v for cp
On my Arch it's /sbin/cp
and yeah there's a problem
@TheWanderer Are you sure? How are you checking?
What does cp --version print?
'/data/media/0/Zacharee1Mods/LGSystemUI.apk' -> '/system/priv-app//LGSystemUI.apk'
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy No Hitler was important too...evil...but important...we learned a lot of things not to do because of him...like letting one person try to take over the entire world and kill millions of people...
@terdon because it lets me use it
if I do cp /source /dest it doesn't show anything
add the -v it shows the source and dest
@TheWanderer Yes, but how are you checking that it is using busybox cp?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy even though Germany would like to erase him from history...
@terdon because I'm running busybox cp
@TheWanderer How?
in a terminal
@TheXed -___- that's like a thingy that is kinda obvious, we don't need an example to know it's bad
I am at least hopeful humans are not stupid to that degree
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy but yet we ignored him....until he became a problem...and well killed millions of people...
Should I try creating a mirror variable or something @terdon?
I just don't see why it's expanding it everywhere but there
@TheWanderer Yes. But why are you sure that that runs the busybox cp and not another binary?
1|elsa:/ # busybox cp --version
cp: unrecognized option `--version'
BusyBox v1.26.2-Stericson (2017-01-14 16:15:58 PST) multi-call binary.


Copy SOURCE(s) to DEST

        -a      Same as -dpR
        -R,-r   Recurse
        -d,-P   Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
        -L      Follow all symlinks
        -H      Follow symlinks on command line
        -p      Preserve file attributes if possible
        -f      Overwrite
        -i      Prompt before overwrite
@TheXed yeah, that too. Big and bad mistake
also, I don't have any other versions besides the built in one, and that has a completely different UI
@TheWanderer No. Note that there's no -v there.
@terdon let me show you some outputs
I mean we knew he was anti-semantic from the get go...it wasn't something he hid...and we embraced him with open arms...let him have the Olympics even!
1|elsa:/ # busybox cp /sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk /sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk1
elsa:/ #
elsa:/ # busybox cp -v /sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk /sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk1
'/sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk' -> '/sdcard/LGSystemUI.apk1'
elsa:/ #
it's not listed, but it certainly works
@TheWanderer What do you get for busybox cp --version ?
I ran it up there ^^^^
unrecognized option
sigh . . . I don't wanna drive in snow
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy get a snow blower...
@TheWanderer huh, yeah I see. I can reproduce it. So it looks like it might support -v but it's undocumented. Weird
@TheXed and blow it all the way to downtown ? Nah, gonna take to long
I made another variable, but it didn't expand...
@TheXed He was far from alone in that sentiment. Anti-semitism was the norm at the time.
it's like anything after priv-app/ it just gives up
It's not too bad, it's just . . . . bleh
@TheWanderer strange. . .
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy lol, I can just imagine you pushing a snowblower mile after mile to get to where you need to be...
except the APK is still fine
it's just the folder under priv-app
@TheXed well, there's no snow on the road. It's actually all wet so far, but just . . .meh. I wanna stay at home and be cozy
@terdon yes but he seemed to be especially anti-semantic...I mean the guy passed laws against them...and allowed the open and willful abuse against them...but then again I guess the US was doing the same to black people during this time period....
I even added double slashes in to see what would happen
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy have a cup of hot cocoa...
now it's just priv-app////LGSystemUI.apk
@TheXed Precisely.
Oh, and anti-semitic. Anti-semantic would be something very different :)
@terdon @TheXed at that time whole lotta things were wrong. Hitler was just one of them. Especially imperialism and such. Even though I like a lot of Japanese things, Japanese nationalism has led to whole lot of murder in Asia during that time.
@TheWanderer What is? Can you show me a specific example? Including the setting of the variable?
Anywho, let's switch topics . . .
how about my new indicator ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Oh yes. Japan was simply atrocious at the time. No argument there.
IF_G5=$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed 's/G5//g')

echo "$IF_G5"

echo " "
busybox mount -vo rw,remount /
busybox mount -vo rw,remount /system

echo " "
busybox cp -v /data/media/0/Zacharee1Mods/"$1".apk /system/priv-app/$IF_G5/"$IF_G5".apk
busybox chmod -v 0644 /system/priv-app/"$IF_G5"/"$IF_G5".apk
that's the code
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy you are right, we need to stop talking about snow.
$IF_G5 works fine in chmod
@TheWanderer Yes. Can you give a simple example that I can just run? You said you tried with something simple and it didn't expand. I can't test the code you gave since it all depends on what $1 is.
hang on
there's a typo in that copy
Also, who knows here about giving proper attribution in licenses ?
the ironic thing is...we never got rid of Emperor Shōwa...and in his later years he ended up being a pretty decent world leader...
I need halp in that department
@terdon copy the script again
@TheWanderer I don't wanna :) That's what I'm telling you. Forget the script, run something simple directly in the shell.
well I know that works fine
if I run busybox cp -v /data/media/0/Zacharee1Mods/LGSystemUI.apk /system/priv-app/LGSystemUI/LGSystemUI.apk it works fine
@TheWanderer Yes, but if you run it using the variable instead? What happens then?
how do I do that?
@TheWanderer Just run the commands in the command line.
oh really?
one at a time?
Yes, of course. That's all the script does.
how do I set $1 though?
IF_G5=$(printf '%s\n' "$ff" | sed 's/G5//g')
busybox cp -v /data/media/0/Zacharee1Mods/"$1".apk /system/priv-app/$IF_G5/"$IF_G5".apk
Then try a different variable name. One that doesn't contain a _. Just in case.
that worked fine
after replacing $1 with $ff :p
@TheWanderer OK. Add set -x at the beginning of your script and see what that gives you.
@terdon do you know which site would be suitable for asking a question about giving attribution in code ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Open Source ?
hmm, that might do it
@terdon the cp command worked I think
but it's got a lot of verbose info
actually no
Reviews done
@TheWanderer Yes. That shows exactly what is being executed. Very useful tool.
well it works in that context
alrighty then
if I cd to /system/priv-app/"$IF_G5"/ and then copy to "$IF_G5".apk it works
@TheWanderer I am starting to think this is android path weirdness. Maybe / resolves to different locations depending on where you are or something? In any case, it certainly doesn't seem like a general shell issue, so you might want to ask on Android Enthusiasts.
I don't think that belongs there
@TheWanderer Hmm. They do say that development is off topic. Stack Overflow then, I guess.
@userDepth good job. Keep up the good service
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy XD
hack cat gotta netcat
gotta go drive
sigh, how am i late again ? i woke up at 4 am today
Why is that ?
@terdon ahh, I think it does!
I've had weirdness with that before.
Yes, I think I've seen something like that too.
Oh great, yet another "Ubunto"! askubuntu.com/questions/900145/…
It's not even pronounced that way, people!
Potato, Poteyto welll done @KazWolfe
@userDepth @AndroidDev did the editing. I just altered tags and content slightly because KP
Holy crap. Just looked at the forecast. They are calling for 3-6 inches here @SergiyKolodyazhnyy!
Yeah, we're expecting some crappy weather this week too:
That's <20 degrees Celsius tomorrow! In April!
I'll show myself out.
Europeans should ignore images in Fahrenheit. They paint a picture that is incrementally too high in numbers.
@Rinzwind I switched it so I could make the freezing USians jealous.
As a USian, I really want us to get our stuff together and move to the metric system.
not happening
freedom units ftw
freedom units are bad units.
@TheXed they say we're gonna have less than one inch but I've learned not to trust forecasts and expect more
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I am the exact opposite....6 inches but I have learned to expect less...much less...
@terdon @KazWolfe how about we just make Unity units ? something both US and the rest of the world can agree on ?
Because the US is moron.
And such a thing exists in the form of the Metric System.
both freedom units and freedom fries are awesome...
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy why? metric is based on real world facts.
oh well. I am offering a compromise here. I do like metric units as engineering student,tho
England started the imperial system anyways...
The n00bs
itz all ze britiz phault
and it already costs billions of dollars. several projects in space went bust cuz someone used imperial/metric when it was metric/imperial :P
I do like inches, though. Fractional units are kinda nice. Fahrenheit doesn't make sense to me though
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy agreed.
@Rinzwind yeah it's a well known horror story in engineering circles
we should tilt the earth 23 degrees and end all seasons. make every area the same temp all the time :+
this lady in front of my was looking at me somewhat judgmentally
probably didn't have enough coffee
Anybody wanna test drive my new indicator for WiFi bitrate ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I would if I had Ubuntu installed on my chromebook
What is the link? maybe when I get home I will install it.
there's two indicators actually. One is combo of fossfreedom's indicator-sysmonitor , another is mine , custom
Aaand added Instagram link to my profile
Follow me if you want, guys
you have a LOT of posts on instygrammy!
lol much post such story wow
I just started, so . . .yeah
Some weirdo just requested to follow me...what to do...
and i expect to post only "professional" content so yah
@TheXed send him beer. Maybe that'll help lol
Uh sure...does he like light beers or dark beers I wonder...
or maybe he doesn't like beer at all...which I do not know...I see no pictures off beer on his instagram...
he is apathetic to beer actually.
blue moon will do
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I will not buy blue moon, even if it is just to give away...I will not torture another person by making them drink blue moon...
@Rinzwind Poor birds won't know when to fly south for the winter...
@NathanOsman I think they have already given up trying to figure it out this year...
can confirm: my chickens are just staying here
Must. Resist. Political. Joke.
\o/ @ThomasWard
Django 1.11 released today.
@ThomasWard And that, kids, is why you don't give a wolf access to the underlying fabric of spacetime.
On an unrelated note, I now have 17 Chrome tabs open across four screens.
@KazWolfe and this is why ClamAV is evil: > 800MB RAM usage idle, which moves a ton of stuff to swap.
actually killed my server by that oops
clam is annoying.
yes, it is. I'm trial-running Avast Server Security Core for Linux with my amavis setup
and that looks to be working.
would rather ClamAV (free) but... $160/yr isn't bad for avast on a server
@TheXed i like blue moon though
$300 for three years heh
Well in that case...I assert that you have not experienced a quailty beer ever...
@TheXed Oh, not exactly. We have a serious brewery right on our campus. I just don't go there and visited it only twice.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy then I blame that on you :-P
Wait, why would they have a brewery right on campus, should they really be encouraging collage aged kids to be partying all the time?
@TheXed Because one of the buildings on campus used to be a historic brewery, and they refurbished it now. It's not the whole building though. Only like a small portion of it. The building itself serves for various activities, and there's food court too
what is the name of this brewery?
VTC duplicate plz: askubuntu.com/q/900202/295286
@TheXed need a quick advice. So I'm out from lecture now. My new dev board arrived so I'm considering going home for now
should i stay on campus till 7:30 when my next lecture is or go home play with the board ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy sorry (to all reviewers!) just sent it to reopen queue by editing, couldn't leave the misspelling in the title >_<
@Zanna heh, it's ok. Maybe it's not exact duplicate so it could be beneficial to send it into queue. Will see what community decided
OP agreed!
Can a moderator assist with a move to chat trigger for the comments in this question: askubuntu.com/q/900064/29012
thanks :)
@Zanna - Guess what? Not a dupe! askubuntu.com/questions/900180/…
wth? AMD wanted in on the border artifact fun?
cc @Seth, see above.
"AMD: anything NVIDIA can do, we can do better. They got bugs? We got better bugs!"
@L.D.James Done
@jokerdino Thanks!
@KazWolfe looks like the awesome jokerdino got it.
anyway, iz setting up server
I think I can get an IPv6 address from Comcast so I don't need to tunnel.
@Zanna IKR?
@Seth I don't want in IP v6 address, because then I won't be able to memorize it :)
@Seth I thought that was @TheWanderer's line...
I've been saying wat long before Zach joined AU :P
@AndroidDev Hostnames are OP
Q: How to configure vpn ppp client connection with indefinite retries?

pakmanI have configured a client vpn connection on Ubuntu setting persist and maxfail 0 inside /etc/ppp/peers/myvpn file When the vpn server goes down, an ever increasing number of pptp processes start to pile up until they exhaust the ttys. The pppd man page says: persist Do not exit after a...

@AndroidDev it's open source
@TheWanderer open source isn't necessarily free. Is it using the GPL?
although it's a variation
the HuePL
tsk tsk... the GPL doesn't support freedom.
You should be using the MIT license, or the WTFPL
you see, the HuePL removed all the annoying bits
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy sorry man I'm kind of preoccupied driving.
It's OK, i figured it out
finally i find that config file in KDE, but now how to reload it :D askubuntu.com/questions/900227/…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy o/
@tomsk \o
Also, ladies and gentlemen I got my board !!!
great :D
What board is that?
Let me introduce you to DE1-SoC board with Altera's Cyclone V FPGA chip and arm processor
Lovely piece of technology that cost me 200$ and 3 weeks of waiting because i was stupid enough not to read warnings on the site to upload my student id
sabdfl's policy on notifications is stupid.
@KazWolfe notifications?
@NathanOsman yes
those little things in the top right of your screen that pop up and disappear after a while
I am soooo happy
nice :)
now i can work on labs and projects outside of school
@KazWolfe Oh, you mean the fact that you can't dismiss them?
@NathanOsman No, I can't click on them to go to the app that sent them (like Slack)
or quick-reply or whatever like Mac and Windows allow you to.
and that i can't see previous notifications in a bar somewhere
Use KDE :D
@TheWanderer - a new misspelling for you! askubuntu.com/questions/900237/…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Just saw your wifi bitrate indicator.
Nice work, but what exactly does that value tell me now?
For me, it varies in the range of about 10-60 MBit/s for example. And now, what does that mean?
@NathanOsman But KDE sucks.
@ByteCommander so effectively that is supposed to be the "potential" or estimated throughput of your WiFi connection.
It effectively tells you how well your WiFi connection can transmit
I'm going to be working on another indicator for WiFi statistics, and that thing will have more stuff and more useful data
Yay, my 7-seg code almost works, except for number 1 :/
gotta fix that
all other numbers work
Q: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: Value too large for defined data type

Leigh KI am trying to run Partiview software which is a visualization tool for particle data sets. I have run a large simulation that includes millions of particles and the resultant data file that I am attempting to visualize is 4.26 GB. When I attempt to run the software, I get the following error: ....

@WinEunuuchs2Unix @KazWolfe I didn't say "nothing happens" at 25k. If anything, I said that nothing spectacular happens then. Because to be honest, it's the most boring privilege you can get. I visited that statistics page exactly once. I even forgot where I could find it.
On another note, 95 points today without having done anything.
I'm happy.
Yeah, i visited it once as well. But . . . it's actually quite nice one . . .if you know what to do with it
Well this was fun
@TheWanderer I like the colors
ripperoni safetynet
Such neon colorz. Much eye-ouch.
@KazWolfe it passes for me
then safetynet just really hates me.
see, the second i unlock my bootloader, safetynet dies.
Is this an advantage the V20 has over the 3T :O
and refuses to come back until i factory reset the entire phone.
I'm on a N5.
yeshhhhh, my 7-seg works !!! I'm a happy camper. git commit !!!!
Also, I'm excited. They started re-broadcasting the old Doctor Who episodes from 2005 and also put them online for free streaming after they were on air, both in the English original version and as German dub.
Did you turn on Magisk Hide?
I can't.
Why can't
The second I unlock, as in the absolute second, I lose safetynet until full factory reset.
Yeah I do too
Until I turn on Magisk Hide
does android finally have good stock backup/restore?
because i might try this if it actually works.
Christoper Eccleston seems to be funny.
I only ever use manufacturer tools or TiBu
@ByteCommander he was good, but didn't get along with the director or something
Idk, just seen the first two episodes with him today on tv.
You haven't seen those yet?
I can't TiBu because no root
And happily noticed I can now also rewatch them online in case I miss one.
Does Netflix not have Dr Who in Germany?
Idk, I don't have netflix.
@KazWolfe rip
@KazWolfe try DoubleTwist or seomthing
All DW episodes I watched so far were those on that single German tv station. They started last year with Matt Smith, reached the present and now re-started this week with the Chris Eccleston episodes.
I think I finally got broadcasts between Service and Activity working.
It's a painful way to communicate but it works.
Another kernel update? Didn't we just have one yesterday? Or was that longer ago...
i don't see one...
4.8.0-46 and 4.4.0-72 are the latest kernels I have on my Xenial
Q: I can't seem to install Unbuntu 16.04.2

Kevin WilsonI'm trying to install a newer version on a nettop (Acer Aspire Revo) that is running an older version. I have an external DVD drive that appears to be booting up ok, but when I get to the "Instal Ubuntu" page, the display just goes off! The DVD drive still wizzes around for a bit and then nothing...

So now the question is, will the OP come back and accept my answer, or will we never see him again? --^
We'll never see OP again.
@KazWolfe - Have I made the warnings big enough? askubuntu.com/a/900263/518562
You have, but they're not accurate.
Wiping the partition table does not delete data, just records of partitions.
Also, I'm pretty sure this doesn't work if you're using GPT.
@KazWolfe, Well given that OP is talking about MBR, I'm assuming he has an MBR partition table
@KazWolfe Yes, that's true; everything would probably be recoverable with testdisk
OP is not always right, nor is OP guaranteed to know what they're talking about.
I mean, sure.
I wouldn't use two warnings though and... give me a second.
Okay, feel free to edit :)
There you go.
@KazWolfe Except that one thing you put in there is incorrect too. Wiping the first 446 bytes does not nuke the entire MBR, as the entire MBR contains the partition table and is 512 bytes
But the first 446 is what most people think of when you say MBR
feel free to correct :)
The nervous feeling you have when you're downloading a very very large file from a server that doesn't support resume.
appears, unplugs network cable for a second, walks away, innocently whistling
Here's a question: how do you guys learn programming ? What kind of notes you keep ? what's the best strategies that you employ ?
yeah, do you write notes ? keep sample code ? annotate examples?
hahahahaha no
don't take advice from me
^ that
I'm relying on settings keys to know what I've modified
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy are you on your phone?
am i the only one here that keeps notes and plays and breaks sampke code ?
@TheWanderer yas
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy oui
the only one with good habits
I wonder if the mods I've made to my phone will help me get into college...
since I'm looking at software engineering
@TheWanderer my habits are all ova da plaiz

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