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It's the same link.
@QuestionsFeed Can I answer that? No. I find it hard to describe how much I hate printers. They've had decades to unify a simple driver and yet every damned printer wants to work a different way. If I had my way, I'd take all the existing printers in the world and throw them into the sea.
okay this is what happens
and this is happening on two different computers
@Oli What about the new 3D printers?
@TheX Uh-oh...
@GeorgeEdison They can stay (until I get my first ABS RESIN JAM error)
when i go to authorise...
Hrm... that's not good.
Yeah I didn't think so
Sounds like it might be an SSL issue...
@TheX Thanks for testing. I'll get back to you as soon as I have a solution.
@GeorgeEdison how do I make an official bug report so I can be cool like that?
I'v uploaded a possible fix now. Please try it again.
Apparently some DLLs for SSL support were missing.
Downloading now.
If that doesn't fix it, please feel free to file a bug at bugs.launchpad.net/stackapplet
I'm hoping it does though.
new error
Yup, that's a bug because it's still running.
lol yeah...
You can just close the currently running instance in the tray and starrt he installer again.
I figured it out
I'll fix that later.
Well, that's a step in the right direction... I guess...
Yup, now I see some text lol
@ThomasWard hi
@ThomasWard Sup?
well that is pleasant come in, say hi and then run away
@TheX No doubt
Whoops...double reply...my bad
@TheX what's going on with ya?
Just playing with Windows 8
helping @GeorgeEdison do some testing.
How do you like it?
I have been using it since the developers preview
so.. for me it is much improved over that...
Oh yeah? One of my coworkers have too....but I haven't really spoke to him about it...
<---- not a Windows fan since discovering Linux
Well we use windows excusably at work... so I try to keep up with the times...
LOL...very cool....we're running XP Pro at my office
I so wish I could get someone....anyone....looking seriously at Linux
Everyone seems to think that because it is Free....something must be cheap about it....or that it would be disastrous.
Most of our machines are Windows XP Pro, but we just bought 300 laptops this summer that have Windows 7
IMHO, Linux is pretty disastrous right now... between Unity/Gnome Shell/ and KDE I am afraid there isn't much there for me to choose from...
Personal question though....what are your thoughts of an IT professional who has never used Linux (at all)...I ask this because this is what I'm dealing with...I've used Linux for less than 6 months...our main IT admin....never even once...
@TheX interesting
I am a IT pro too, my boss doesn't have much knowledge of Linux either...
So I guess they are out there...
but is is pretty amazing on the Windows side of things... he has taught me a lot of stuff...
So I guess it just depends...
@daslinkard you better get some posts on your blog, I just subscribed to it ;-)
I see...I just thought that all IT professionals would be knowledgeable on Linux
@TheX Thank you...yeah, I set it up....was ready to rock-n-roll and then was hit with extreme work overload
But...I do have a video I am going to post...it is of my 6 year old daughter working the terminal
Oh yeah I saw that :D
She is def hooked on Linux
she likes using Tux typing for 20 minutes every school morning
I think I even gave it a thumbs up.
before we leave to drop her off
I'm really disappointed in my area...I was hoping to have a Linux meetup group locally
but the closest one is over 120 miles away....
have you started a meetup group for Linux....and do you think it would be beneficial?
that is when they would say "start your own"
No I have never started one...
I have considered it though,,,
but I live in a pretty rural area...
Yeah...I'm leaning to it....
Oh yeah? I live near Huntsville, Alabama....what about you?
I live between two cornfields in IL
LOL...I'm originally from Missouri
bout 3.5 hours south west of Chicago...
really where at? my brother in Law lives in Eminence...
What area? Near Centralia, IL?
Cape Girardeau
I am about 45 mins north of Peoria...
Cool....yeah, my favorite MLB team (the Cardinals) have a minor league team in Peoria
so how long have you been using Linux and what got you started?
Had... it is now affiliated with your rival lol
LOL...I did not know they switched....when?
I don't know...
CUBS....stands for Completely Useless By September
must have been a while because they have been affiliated with the Cubs for as long as I have been in IL, 5 years maybe...
that is a good one...I will remember that my wife likes the cubs I don't
You're a good man
I am originally from Indiana
Ah...a hoosier
We've got family that live near Terre Haute
Yeah I probably do too, but I grew up just north of Ft. Wayne
so how long have you been using Linux and what got you started?
Oh sorry you asked me that once...
I have been using linux for about 10 years (?)
I don't know what really got me started
Well, I've got to help a friend out....go figure....continuous boot loop on a Windows machine.
Nice chatting with you....have a good night.
thanks you too good luck
whats happened in the hour or so i've been disappeared
@ThomasWard not much @daslinkard and I had a full and good conversation about nothing much at all.
Qt and SSL - avoid combining them if possible :P
(I say that in jest of course, but I am a little frustrated with the aforementioned.)
I see... that is as clear as mud...
@GeorgeEdison whats wrong with Qt + SSL?
implosions of evilness?
I can't get it working on Windows.
did I mention windows is evil?
QWebView refuses to display pages over HTTPS.
@ThomasWard Many times...
@ThomasWard yes we know... but it is still important to develop software for considering it has some 90(?)% of the OS market share.
I'm trying to run the app in Wine now to see if I can reproduce the error.
@TheX oh i agree
I'm also talking to someone on #qt.
@GeorgeEdison whats it coded in on Windows? C-based stuffs?
It's written in C++.
GNU C++, or Visual C++?
(Windows is picky)
Everything is compiled with Mingw32.
My app, Qt, the OpenSSL libs...
Fires up Wine...
What kind? @GeorgeEdison White or Red?
^--- That Wine.
I know I was just joshin' ya :-D
But I forgot your Vulcan and have no sense of humor.
Sorry :P
It gets points for being ugly:
it looks better on Windows
I shoudl eat some supper
but I am feeling extra lazy tonight...
I've been downloading Windows 8 Consumer Preview since I talked to you this morning :)
It's 91% complete now.
OMG... I had it downloaded in less then an hour, the 64bit version
Well, my 1Mbps connection isn't exactly the fastest thing they ever built :)
yeah that probably sucks.... I do have 10Mbps connection
So it's 10x as fast.
Yeah something like that...
Okay, so after some testing - the latest installer contains everything StackApplet needs to connect via HTTPS.
Can you verify that libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are installed in C:\Program Files\StackApplet?
yeah they are both there
I don;t know if it matters or not, but I ma running 64bit.
That might explain it.
I'm not sure though.
Sorry... maybe I should have said so before
It's okay.
Allright, installing Windows 8 CP now...
@GeorgeEdison did you download the ISO? or the installer tool?
The installer tool.
^--- Lol...?
I started with the installer said it was going to take 11 hours, so I checked the ISO, said 1 hr...
I was like okay...
How to see specific information from the Motherboard http://askubuntu.com/questions/108954/how-to-see-specific-information-from-the-motherboard #hardware
anybody online? I need help either mounting an external harddrive on ubuntu server or getting permission to edit files on ssh
but cant help you
its ok
feels better
1 hour later…
@ccrama command to mount, sudo mount
@Oli : You have hit the limit for open allocations (20). Get some of your allocations closed off and check back soon. ??? Changed from 30?
5 hours ago, by Oli
Few changes to the Cleanup...
- Batch size (how many you get at once) is now 5, (was 10)
- Max-open is now 20, (was 30)
- Max-per-day is still 50
- And allocations expire after 3 days (was 7 days)
@nitstorm ^^
@jokerdino o..O
Thanks :)
Jump on to Ubuntu Regulators, need your help with closing a few questions :)
Ubuntu one dev confirms that my proposed workaround for a question should work. askubuntu.com/questions/103252/…
hello wisemonkey and abhi
@jokerdino hi, i am new to here, can you tell me for what this is meant?
which one are you referring to?
@jokerdino this room :)
This chat room is for general discussion about Ubuntu and Ask Ubuntu.
ok thanks
@Abhi or just chat, people (me) generally ask subjective questions over here
@wisemonkey android questions also?
@abhi go to android.SE for android.
@Abhi u can always ask depending on if people know they would answer else u may need to go to android se
@wisemonkey @jokerdino ok thank you for responses :)
btw I wanted to check if anyone is aware of better documentation (deployment guide) for kolab
or comparison between citadel and kolab and which is better and why?
i have no idea what these are.
basically to setup mail server
kolab seems to have pretty good reviews but I couldn't find really good documentation or deployment guide
i lack expertise in that field, your best bet would be to wait for someone who knows the answer.
sure np generally @StefanoPalazzo answers these kinda questions pretty good but right now I can't be online when he is
A: Nicer FTP client than FileZilla?

WilliamFilezilla is the de facto standard when it comes to an FTP client. It is extremely powerful while remaining very easy to use. You mentioned the user interface, and your'e really not going to find much better then Filezilla as far as that. However, here are the top ten most popular alternatives: ...

Can someone please help me get the pictures to show up right on this?
fixed it
please approve my edit
Can you answer this? How do I unblacklist the proprietary drivers In Casper? http://askubuntu.com/questions/100297/how-do-i-unblacklist-the-proprietary-drivers-in-casper #driver
Could someone please look something over for me?
for stupid grammar and spelling mistakes
gnight all
'night @William
Beta 1 today!
1 hour later…
@jorgeCastro maybe could interest you: askubuntu.com/q/109042/10698
Can you answer this? How do I start x11vnc via bash script on startup, not login? http://askubuntu.com/questions/99558/how-do-i-start-x11vnc-via-bash-script-on-startup-not-login #bash
1 hour later…
Q: Uninstall the Encrypted LVM function to remove the prompted password entry during Ubuntu Boot

XianlinWhen I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I was offered the option of enabling "encrypted LVM" for my hard drive. After choosing that option, I am prompted for my password during boot to decrypt the LVM. Now, I am thinking about cancell/uninstall/remove "encrypted LVM' function as I don't want to input ...

2 hours later…
Bounty offered: Command last does not show logins through sFTP, is there something similar or any logs? http://askubuntu.com/questions/107602/command-last-does-not-show-logins-through-sftp-is-there-something-similar-or-an #sftp
1 hour later…
A: Why is Ubuntu not publicized in big conferences?

jokerdinoWhile the points brought up by Jo-Erlend Schinstand largely stands, there is also the issue of not having enough monetary funds and other resources to promote Ubuntu for every release. Imagine conducting large publicity-oriented keynotes every six months. It will be definitely take quite a bit of...

I had a good chat with the Ubuntu community fellas and made an answer. :)
> Moreover, publicizing releases that aren't fully bug free (honestly, no Ubuntu release has been 100% bug free) is doing more harm than good. It will create a very poor impression about Ubuntu and the rest of the Linux community.
That statement holds true for Apple and Microsoft as well (maybe especially Microsoft).
I don't disagree.
But, I was summing up the chat convo.
Yup, just sayin'. :)
Every two years Ubuntu should hit the ground running for the LTS
6 months is impractical
With the exception of the last release, Apple has been doing two years, or more, releases for Mac OSX
Only Ubuntu releases twice every year.
Not a LTS version.
These people are posting a lot of non-answers. ^
@jokerdino Not sure if two is a lot of not :)
OK. May be I am a bit biased.
On first look, it looked like it is the same person.
Can't wait to post my Beta announcement message. :D
@jokerdino Checked IPs and emails, they're pretty different from what I can tell
You sure that they don't try to trick you? :D
I know they are different persons. The gravatars are different.
Gravatar is based on Email
That is not true @jokerdino.
Ah, me = fail.
@OctavianDamiean check em out
They are so awesome! You can even click them! :D
My productivity just reached a new low.
Even with a nice Circle of Friends!
Wait, the <kbd> tag actually exists!? Didn't know that.
Here is an idea.
Have the entire keyboard, write some JS to capture all key events and toggle the CSS classes on the appropriate kbd element.
That is a version without text selection.
Makes the clicking more fun.
Where's the rest of the keyboard?
Soz, I was hungry and munched them.
I was looking for the pull request feature until I realized that it is jsfiddle. :P
didn't think it warrented a new repo
maybe a gist
maybe i'll just blog about it :P
This is how far I got
need to do super and sub script now
A: Nicer FTP client than FileZilla?

WilliamFilezilla is the de facto standard when it comes to an FTP client. It is extremely powerful while remaining very easy to use. You mentioned the user interface, and your'e really not going to find much better then Filezilla as far as that. However, here are the top ten most popular alternatives: ...

This is how it always works.
I write a really long answer and get a few upvotes,
...and then I spend 5 minutes on an answer and get 20 upvotes.
well you kind of threw in way too many pieces of software at once
IU did
but it is a good list.
@rlemon I see your new row and raise you full keys :)
why is the home row split in two?
25 mins ago, by Marco Ceppi
^MicroLove, only from Marco Ceppi.
@RolandTaylor stop erasing my memory!
Who me? :)
I don't know... I don't remember...
what are we talking about again???
@MarcoCeppi that is better :-D
me likey
I am going to go play the Simpsons now, and go get fired....
(under @RolandTaylor mind control powers)
@TheX shhh!
I'm innocent! (sorta)
Now I just need sub and super like marco pointed out
@MarcoCeppi even better :D
@rlemon whoa
I got bored... decided I needed a slick kbd tag and it got out of hand.
I'm out :D
back later :P
writing time, plus have to transfer some photoseseses
Booya!!! Click Shift
I could remove the jQuery, but would need to add another tag in the markup per each key with an alternate function. and a wrapper to the keyboard.
Nice! :D
@OctavianDamiean gist.github.com/1950126 maybe you can use this in your mobile stuff.
You got the shift function wrong.
What you have is capslock.
Happy Birthday Justin Bieber!
@OctavianDamiean when was the last time capslock gave you !
Keeping the key 'toggled' would be congruent with online/touch keyboards with no multi-functionality
Just sayin'. :D
what are you saying though? the key being toggled on click and not on press?
Exactly... he's a Belieber
@rlemon Yes.
@OctavianDamiean Look at your phone / tablet - that is how these keys function when you must assume the user has only one touch point at a time (mouse does not offer much multi-touch functionality)
Guys, guys. That flag button is a great responsibility. I realise it's a lot of fun to hate on/love Justin Bieber, but that doesn't mean you have to pull guys like me off of my cozy star ship and to here just to make sure nobody gets banned. :)
@TheX lol
@ArdaXi What he said xD
Its just not fair...
yeah, guys, please, lets not go back to 7 months ago, back when we had more moderators in the room than normal users because people wouldn't stop flagging stupid stuff. :)
@jrg that really happened?
@TheX Yes. Well, pretty close to it.
Yeah, it happens a lot around the network, definitely not just here. I'm just trying to make sure it doesn't happen too often.
wait what...
7 mins ago, by TheX
Happy Birthday Justin Bieber!
I apologize for my transgressions, but I won't apologize for saying happy birthday to Justin Bieber.
As Marco would say: ಠ_ಠ
:'( why are you doing this to me?
What have I done?
@RolandTaylor because you are my master and won't stop controlling my mind...
I'm sorry, @TheX, but we can't be friends.
@TheX my daughters agree with your birthday wishes smh
That is just... sick.
Happy birthday to... ugh...
@RolandTaylor agreed
@RolandTaylor you made me do it though!
So, Flagging 101: Flagging is srs bsns. If a flag passes, it suspends the flagged for at least 30 minutes. Not only that, but it pulls every active 10ker/mod into the room. Try to talk to the person before flagging, and only use that flag button if something needs to be removed NOW and the user can't be reasoned with. With that, I am off. Enjoy yourselves. :)
just sayin
once again a 404 for me @rlemon.
@jrg better?
Much better. heh
@rlemon lol
Can you answer this? Get album with covers when syncronizing with iPod http://askubuntu.com/questions/97908/get-album-with-covers-when-syncronizing-with-ipod #ipod
Is that the Hispanic version of Bieber?
@TheX your wife called. She said your motel tickets are in the backyard.
@RolandTaylor get out of my basement!
@TheX no that's a picture... because I don't have enough words to describe how I feel :D
@RolandTaylor I see...
and last one to show my hatred for the biebs.
Ohh wooaah
Ohh wooaah
Ohh wooaah

You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You want my love, you want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart
@rlemon LOL
@TheX ...that's internal organ failure right there...
Justin Bieber? You must be kidding me.
Are we an item? @RolandTaylor quit playing
We're just friends, what are you saying
Say there's another and look right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time
And I was like...
Step 1) Open console. Step 2) Type $('.user-container.user-23989').html(""); Step 3) Eff Biebs!
Baby, baby, baby oooh
Like baby, baby, baby nooo
Like baby, baby, baby oooh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
I can't take it anymore!
For @RolandTaylor, @rlemon I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And I'm in pieces, baby fix me
And just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream
I'm going down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around
that was my own id :( epic fail
ok guys, we've all wished bieber a happy birthday in our own manner, now please, drop it?
@jrg yes sir.

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