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How can I be sure I am running the correct version of Flashplayer? http://askubuntu.com/questions/108635/how-can-i-be-sure-i-am-running-the-correct-version-of-flashplayer #firefox
Q: Oops! Something Bad Happened to my user profile!

FelixWhenever I want to access my profile, be it on SO or SE (but not on meta.SO, SU, apple.SE,...), I get greeted with this nice screen: Log out and in does not help. I can view other user profiles without problem. Have I been a bad kitty? Do others have the same problem with their profile page o...

Chrome is now borked. The last update is awful - Chrome crashes continually and freezes the rest of the time.
@RolandTaylor: I'm joining the ranks of the Firefox users for the next little while until Chrome gets fixed.
It is just plain messed up.
hey george edison! i messed up again,. after reinstalling ubuntu and stuff (like 3 days ago you helped me) i just did sudo chown -R carlos:carlos /
how do i get into root on live cd
to change it to root:root
open a terminal, then do sudo -i
so i can boot again
oh ok
says must e setuid root
im on live cd
@GeorgeEdison are you on?
Yup, I'm here.
I'm having some trouble with Chrome right now.
oh ok
but i changed some root files to my owner and now i cant boot cause its not root
is there a command to undo chown
No, no - that's fine.
or just change everything to root:root
and change home folder to carlos:carlos
@ccrama You will need to basically run chown -R root:root on '/'.
Oh wait - I misread your question.
no i want to do that but i cant get root on live cd
i tried sudo -s
Hmm... to be honest, I really don't use the LiveCD much.
oh hmm
But if you asked over on the site, I'm sure you'd get an excellent answer.
@ccrama try sudo passwd root to change the root user password on the live cd
oh ok thanks
t@CaptNemo it says must be setuid root
oh i think i changed that with chown again -_-
but it still gives me that error
ask a question on the site :)
well i found this
exact same prob
Q: How to get back sudo on Ubuntu?

CIRKI have done this: sudo chown -R myname /usr/ and now I can't use the sudo command because of this error: sudo: must be setuid root And as I read this means that the owner of this file /usr/bin/sudo is not the root. It's my user now because of the chown on the /usr folder. On many forums...

but no answer -_-
how do i boot into recovery mode with command line?
Everything is set to 1000-user #1000
Wait - if everything is set to user #1000, that's the default number for the first registered user.
Have you tried chrooting after mounting your partition with a live cd? It drops you with root privileges on your install.
well i did sudo chown carlos:carlos (my user) /
i thought i did it to /home
but forgot the home
how do i chroot @CaptNemo ?
with user ubuntu, run sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt, followed by sudo chroot /mnt
i cant do sudo
i set /usr to #1000 because i ran chown in /
(says must be setuid root)
you cant do sudo on a live cd ?
no cause of the chown
could i cd into the drive
and run the command there?
great... operation not permitted
I'm confused now...
Ok, i ran "Sudo chown -R carlos:carlos /" and it changed owner of root to carlos, my user. I forgot that it was / and restarted my computer, and since boot etc was set to carlos instead of root, it cant boot up
so im on a live cd and cant login to root because it changed owner from root to #1000
@GeorgeEdison , is there a way to login as #1000 from terminal
Probably not - the users on the LiveCD may not correspond with the users in your install.
oh ... can i cd into my hd then login as my user?
I'm not sure - I really don't know too much about this sort of thing.
hmm it sucks making the same mistake twice
have you been able to mount your disk?
it is mounted
it's probably easier to just reinstall over
@KyleBrandt if you can put your problem into a question I can ask someone from the ubuntu server team to have a look
@JorgeCastro If someone's reviewed a charm, and marked it as Icomplete, and I've made some changes...
...do I need merely leave a comment - or do I need to do something else?
is it tagged new-charm?
move it to "confirmed" and be like "can I get another review?"
I can do that for you if you link me up
@JorgeCastro how would i salvage some files ?
which files?
reinstalling won't remove your user's files
it'll just reinstall over the top of it
just double check you don't format
oh ok
well im copying some files to a secondary harddrive
fingers crossed
man dude, that's like the worst command you could have typed
@JorgeCastro Worse than rm -rf /*?
both require a reinstall
the second time ive done it -_-
well the first time a program did it ( i ran it in root)
there's like 0 reason to run things like that as root
lol someone should make a program that when you run a root command it will ask are you sure you want to do this
next time ask first on the site, if you find yourself in a spot where you want to do a command like that then there's probably some other major issue we can resolve ahead of time
we have one, it's when it asks you for a password.
what were you trying to fix before this happened?
a program couldent connect to mysql, well it connected but didt work
and a file it downloaded
wasnt for user
so i was trying to change /home
but forgot the home part
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that is prob you guys right now
and reinstall
im reinstalling
thaks :D
just plop the CD in
Can askubuntu questions be in a different language than english? Like spanish?
@JorgeCastro: Thanks! This was actually for my desktop. I didn't realize Raid 10 was part of the alternate installer, someone told me it was and that worked fine. So I am all set now
umm @JorgeCastro my install is stuck on restoring previously installed packages. Is that normal? its been like 20 min
Changed permissions of / to user http://askubuntu.com/questions/108702/changed-permissions-of-to-user #error
yay it works !
oh great so some of the files were missing so i replaced them from my external drive and when i rebooted, apache failed to load so it stopped the computer from loading (black screen with words and stuff) well im calling it a night. il try to fix it in the morning
? lol its a bad thing
i know
oh ok then ._.
1 hour later…
Hello all
Actually @jrg I want to shout at you..
(Has Experienced it :D)
1 hour later…
6 minutes for the raspi.
Can you answer this? Installation only recognizes 3 GB of memory after RAM upgrade http://askubuntu.com/questions/106934/installation-only-recognizes-3-gb-of-memory-after-ram-upgrade #upgrade
@Oli 1 more minute...
They're on sale
Waits for millions of videos on Youtube Of Unboxing and Reviews of RaspBerrry Pi
This only costs a bit more than my arduino+kit!
1125 Rs
Now Shipping?
@Raspberry_Pi Yes! The Raspberry Has been unleashed! Too bad I'm not allowed to buy one
Is it me or is farnell.com offline?
@AmithKK Yeah it died about 10 minutes ago.
in Electrical Engineering, 12 secs ago, by Amith KK
How much will it cost to ship to india
So we appear to have completely broken RS and Farnell's websites. Keep trying; that redirect should be moved *at some point*.
How much RAM does the B model have?
@GeorgeEdison 256 MiB
Infact both the models have the same ram
Only One more usb and ethernet port is present as an additional :D
That's it?
Remember that the Ethernet module costs :D
That's not a lot of RAM... you couldn't run anything higher than XP on it.
It can run XBMC on debian. NOT WINDOWS
You are not supposed to run Windows on it ...
You could - you could run a Linux distro.
Well of course - but I was referring to any Windows version higher than XP.
If I got one, I would probably try compiling a custom kernel to get the most performance out of it as possible.
If you guys want.. this would be the perfect time to register the domain didraspberrypicrashitsdistributors.com
@Raspberry_Pi Some sysadmin in the UK is screaming: "WHY ARE THE CABLES ACTUALLY MELTING!?!"
@bai_hao @Raspberry_Pi And the servers are all like :D http://t.co/hMe4gdOk
We believe Farnell has sold out already. Blimey.
I guess I'll have to wait for the next batch then.
I can't wait until someone creates an Ubuntu derivative specially designed for the Pi.
That's gonna be slightly complicated.
Yeah Ubuntu doesn't support this version of Arm anymore. The closest you can get is Debian.
Unless you want to build everything.
Like I said - custom kernel and go from there.
Let's buy 100 of them and create a "mini" server-farm!
@GeorgeEdison I'm fairly sure that's what RS have done to host their website.
Except they only used 4 of them :P
How do we handle questions that are dupes of questions on other SE site by the same user? There is an accepted answer in the other site..
I believe I have successfully pre-ordered my pie!
I'm not sure though.
I get 20 tweets per second on Justin Beiber and get only 30 in an hour for RaspBerry Pi? What is wrong with the internet?
I tell you what's wrong. People that follow Justin Bieber.
I dont follow him
The @raspberry_pi community & I over the last 120min caused a DDOS for 2 of the worlds biggest electronic components stores.
Can you answer this? Is my boot process normal? It takes 50 seconds boot http://askubuntu.com/questions/100753/is-my-boot-process-normal-it-takes-50-seconds-boot #boot
The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The foundation plans to release two versions, priced at USD $25 and $35 (GBP ~£16 and ~£22). The $35 model was released first on 29 Febuary 2012 The design is based around a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC, which includes an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz processor, VideoCore IV GPU, and 256 Megabytes of RAM. The design does not include a built-in hard disk or solid-state drive, instead relying on an SD card for booting and long-term storage. This board is intended to run Linux kernel based operating ...
Hey @Oli , you there?
Q: Is there a download manager for Ubuntu that really improves download speed?

cipricusI use JDownloader and know about it all I need, so please do not bother to answer me about that :-) I mean something light, java-free, and designed to be integrated as custom downloader in Firefox/FlashGot. The main feature that I am looking for is strictly related to increasing speed by downloa...

Duped a million times.
@jokerdino you can link that better in the regulators room as you know
where is it?
i want to do educated flaming >:D
@BrunoPereira Hmm, sorry. Just woke up from the afternoon nap. I will do as you say.
1 hour later…
Hello all
Can you answer this? Looking for a linux equivalent to Trans Lucy http://askubuntu.com/questions/83762/looking-for-a-linux-equivalent-to-trans-lucy #softwarerecommendation
@htorque poke
don't poke people - you never know how the answer looks like! >:D
Wait... Did SE's design change?
@AmithKK raspi?
@AmithKK Yes
@jokerdino sure
let me figure out how to do it....
@jrg Yep... they took down Farnell
@jrg Room> Message admin
7 messages moved to 2buntu
6 messages moved from 2buntu
@AmithKK enough playing... amith.
what are the programs that come installed with ubuntu server? i installed and clicked enter on accident so it didnt install any extra software. it was like ssh lamp...
ubuntu server? should have ssh server installed by default.
LAMP is a maybe, depends on if you toggled it or not
LAMP isn't a default for Server
OpenSSH should be
well i didnt toggle. instead of x i hit
so none installed
it was like 8 things
well all i really need are apache and mysql. i just dont want to miss out on those other things
@ccrama sudo tasksel
OpenSSH isn't default either
there are very little defaults on the Ubuntu Server install
@ccrama You can install LAMP using the following instructions:
Q: What's the easiest way to set up a LAMP stack?

jerhinesmithI set up a new VPS instance of Ubuntu and am wondering what the easiest way is to get up and running with a basic LAMP stack (i.e. which packages are required, which configuration options need to be tweaked, if any, etc.).

oh tasksel worked
but how do i select
oh lol im such a noob
you are not alone. a lot of users had problems accepting the EULA for ttf-mscorefonts-installer, because you need to press the tab key to select "OK".
Oh, we have so many duplicates of that question. :P
And Stefano guided them properly.
oh how do you mount an external drive on ubuntu server?
i need to get some files off
depends on the fs
aw i gtg il ask later'
Ask Ubuntu is a community driven Question and Answer website for the Ubuntu operating system. It is part of the Stack Exchange Network, running the same software as Stack Overflow. Members gain reputation based on the community's response (through voting) to their questions and answers. Reputation signifies trust for users in the answers they give. Privileges are given based on reputation levels, with users with the highest reputation having similar privileges to moderators. The site came out of Public Beta, launching alongside Ubuntu 10.10, on 10 October 2010. As of February 2012, As...
Comments please
Ask Ubuntu is a community driven Question and Answer website for the Ubuntu operating system. It is part of the Stack Exchange Network, running the same software as Stack Overflow. Members gain reputation based on the community's response (through voting) to their questions and answers. Reputation signifies trust for users in the answers they give. Privileges are given based on reputation levels, with users with the highest reputation having similar privileges to moderators. The site came out of Public Beta, launching alongside Ubuntu 10.10, on 10 October 2010. As of February 2012, Ask ...
Minor tweaks to the official page has been made in the sandbox. It would be nice if you can go through both of them.
@jokerdino I like it! Two small things though
I am hearing.
it says "Questions and Answers" with capital letters at the top,
> Canonical Ltd has helped the site, both in allowing the site to use their trademark as well as in helping to theme the site
and this says "helped in helping"
@StefanoPalazzo What do you propose?
let's see, I haven't edited WP in a while. The "Ubuntu 10.10" link is the second appearance of the phrase, not the first, too
Deletion This page has been listed for deletion under . Criteria A7 says [this] criterion does not apply to any article that makes any credible claim of significance or importance even if the claim is not supported by a reliable source or does not qualify on Wikipedia's notability guidelines. This article states very clearly in the second paragraph of the History section why the site is significant - I believe the speedy deletion should not take place. -- 08:12, 22 October 2010 (UTC) :As is stands this article relies almost entirely on references from websites associated with the subject...
It is no longer under Speedy deletion.
no, but haha
for a second I thought @fluteflute had proposed the deletion :D
When the page was first created, it looked pretty much like legitimate spam.
@StefanoPalazzo me too :D
@StefanoPalazzo So, what should I be doing?
err, I can't think of a good way to phrase that
Which one should be rephrased? First or the second?
@StefanoPalazzo o.O
Redo the whole page!
Break it up into two sentences probably. "Canonical Ltd has helped the site in allowing the use of the Ubuntu trademark. They have also supported the designers by helping to theme the site."
(Canonical employee designed the site)
> The site has received help from Canonical Ltd, which has allowed the site to use their trademark. Canonical Ltd has also helped in the designing of the site, ensuring that the site's theme follows the Ubuntu brand guidelines.
That is terrible.
I like that much better
it just says "the site" much too often
4 times.
the whole article does, a bit
better get your thesaurus :)
@jokerdino something wrong there?
Q: Where's the off-topic line?

CaesiumI've seen quite a few questions that ask how to do something with some software that happens to be able to run on Ubuntu, but could equally be answered on any Linux related stackoverflow site. They have nothing in particular to do with Ubuntu directly. When are such questions off-topic? When sho...

@jokerdino _My Chromium's version is 17.0.963.56 (Developer Build 121963 Linux) Built on Ubuntu 11.04, running on LinuxMint 11_

From the FAQ: **This is not the right place for: Linux Mint, Backtrack, and other Linux distributions (try our friends at Unix & Linux Stack Exchange).**
I see.
@BrunoPereira I skimmed through the question. Perhaps, add that significant part in the comment.
Attempting to install "32-bit PC (x86) Ubuntu 11.10 'Oneiric Ocelot' Minimal CD" from this site following their instructions however it keeps failing on network autoconfiguration. I doesn't want to connect to the DHCP server.
@rlemon Is the driver for your network card (wireless?) loaded?
not wireless.. and how can I tell?
Q: Can't download anything when Installing Ubuntu with Minimal?

Uri HerreraI'm Having this little Problem when trying to do an install from the Minimal CD, No matter which Mirror i pick, nothing downloads. What's worse is that I tried to install the Minimal CD in a VM and everything downloaded accordingly but the VM wouldn't boot but that's another problem, now that I'...

@jokerdino if you have issues with any closed post feel free to discuss them (on chat at first, move to meta if they are very extensive), just remember to ping the mod responsible for it ;)
I do that, always. :)
Just not the pinging part.
@stefano from 24 sites to 17 sites now.
@jokerdino Yeah, if I was net around you would be left with the impression that I was evul. I am, ofc, but not on that situation ;)
I only count 7
"the site"
I say go for it
@BrunoPereira well, i put it in the chat for discussion, and you have done enough to clear the air.
gnewsense.org isn't connected to anything anymore :-(
what's the successor?
well, looks like I have removed 5 "the sites"
I am moving my sandbox to the main article now.
@BrunoPereira when I lspci I see Ethernet Controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
@rlemon Use the full command on the answer to see which driver you are using
invalid option A
ok I am using that driver
Q: Strange adobe reader memory usage while selecting text or just holding the click

Sukhdeep SinghI have observed this increase in cpu usage since the ubuntu 8.10, when I started using acroread. I thought it gonna improve in the near future, but it still exists, and I am not able to find someone who has seen or reported this. Currently I am using Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit and adobe reader's versio...

@stefano, the ask ubuntu lens includes closed questions in unanswered questions section part.
mh.. maybe something about the search API has changed
I've sort of lost my overview of the source code. but I'll make sure to look at that before 12.04
@BrunoPereira I don't have /etc/modules I have /etc/modules.conf
@rlemon did you find out which driver you use for your network card?
well the funny thing is the driver that appears to be loaded is supposed to be compatible with my device.
I have: Realtek RTL8101L, and the driver loaded is 8139
when you are trying to install with the minimal cd that driver is also loaded automatically?
how do I tell Bruno?
Please bare with me.. I am not that old into the linux / ubuntu world.
/me never had to deal with the system side of life.
@rlemon During the minimal cd installation and before the system tries to load the network settings you need to make sure that the system has your network card module loaded, on the first screen of the installation look for a TTY that you can login to and type modprobe 8139
@rlemon was that clear enough? if you need a step by step guide I can do that with you but I need to get home before I can help you with that.
I'm trying right now.. i'm not sure where I can get a tty that is before that screen.
ok 'Expert Command Line Installer' -> Loaded -> before I choose a language and keyboard settings go into tty or after?
switch with ctrl+alt+f(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
right at the first screen should be good
ohh, I know how, wondering where
ok now i'm in busybox (ash) shell
> FATAL Module 8139 not found.
modprobe 8139too
@rlemon to see a list of possible modules for your card use modprobe --list | grep "8139"
ok i see 8139too and cp
modprobe 8139too then try to auto configure?
ok and if that fails try cp?
ok too failed
trying cp
both failed. :<
dont forget to remove the previous one with rmmod 8139too
hey bruno
did you see the charm contest?
@JorgeCastro Yus! thinking about going for the charm I told you about a few days ago, not that it will win but at least gives me the motivation to actually do it ;) (great idea btw)
which one was it?
@rlemon that is sad, open a question in the site!
i'm going to soon
trying one more time
oh nice
it's packaged too, should be straightforward
@JorgeCastro its not the most brilliant thing ever and I doubt the actual usefulness but I am really learning stuff atm :/
@rlemon if you try to manually configure the settings can you see any card listed as available?
Users that take time to edit and fix stuff in Ask Ubuntu are heroes!
@JorgeCastro do you have any low to medium level difficulty charms you would find more interesting to see created?
@htorque Nevah!
Great answer: Running programs in the background from terminal http://askubuntu.com/questions/106351/running-programs-in-the-background-from-terminal/106359#106359 #terminal
@BrunoPereira let me check the open ones
@OctavianDamiean hi mate
@BrunoPereira hah, big blue button would be brutal I am sure
a sexy one would be reviewboard, which people need, but it's just normal LAMP
we need something sexy in ruby
@JorgeCastro Big blue button sounds interesting enough, if I compete and dont win (I dont care really) can I get a Ubuntu pencil or pen as a reward for it? ;)
everyone will get a mug and a shirt if the charm goes into the store
so yeah, even if you don't win, you get stuff
yey \o/ :D

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