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I posted a question here looking for bash template using zenity (or yad) to maintain a list of records using insert/edit/delete buttons. It didn't get any reactions in AU and I wonder should I have posted it on Stack Overflow or another SE site?: askubuntu.com/questions/894888/…
@AndroidDev Yes indeed.
@NathanOsman Okay, I have a question about your ChronoSnap code. Give me a sec to get a screenshot
@WinEunuuchs2Unix The only other one I would suggest is Unix & Linux SE.
@AndroidDev Okay.
Shoud I ask Seth to migrate it?
@AndroidDev Ah yes.
Or simply repost?
I don't think NotificationCompat does service category.
Feel free to remove that line.
It's not really important.
I think category was introduced in a much later API version.
@NathanOsman But how were you able to compile it with that line?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, zenity doesn't allow adding so many buttons. You'd need to write it in Gtk or Qt with python or something else. Although I could suggest zenity --forms thing
That is a good question :P
I can't remember.
I might post something later when i have time
( and when i say 'later when i have time' I mean 'later when i am not being freakin lazy bum')
@Serg Actually I have it working using yad which is a fork of zenity. I just need some short cuts for array handling and stuff.
@NathanOsman Also, I removed all the AppCompat stuff because I hate material design, dunno if that makes any difference...
Whatever is easiest for you.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well, you might want to post that into the question then.
@NathanOsman Now here's the other thing. If I remove the set category line, then the set color line suddenly gives errors too
@Serg I was planning on doing that. But the question is was it wasted in AU and should it be in U&L or SO?
I guess I'm asking as bash scripts start evolving into applications is AU the wrong place to post stuff?
really makes no big difference. It's pretty much on topic on AU as well. Up to you though
OMG, everyting lags here
Is the audience more appropriate in U&L or SO?
@AndroidDev Remember that there are differences between Notification.Builder and NotificationCompat.Builder.
That might be one of them.
I can't remember offhand.
Yup, setColor() is API level 21.
Hmm... it doesn't appear in NotificationCompat.Builder until API level 22...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix like i said, really makes no difference. U&L might be more suitable because after all it's specific to Linux. But U&L isn't programming site, it's more for system administration
I guess I'm just not sure :(
@NathanOsman - Mmkay, so I compiled it and tried on my N7 2013, but now it only takes one picture and then hangs... could I have actually wrecked it just by changing the theme and commenting out the four lines of API 22 code?
Can't believe it's Friday and spring break is almost over
and I've no homework done
@ByteCommander did you guys get anywhere to making controls for 7 segment display in digital class ?
get anywhere?
anywhere close*
Basically, asking what are you guys studying right meow
I could draw you a logic circuit for them, if that is your question.
right meow I'm in a work phase
not at university
Noice. We've been doing that in my Digital 3 class. 7-segment display , 4 bit input, gotta make k-maps and minimize expressons for each segment , then write verilog code
We . . . also gonna have exam . . . of which i almost forgot . . .sh!t
Goodnight! :)
@AndroidDev What do you mean by "hangs"?
@ByteCommander riiiight. sorry. forgot about that restriction
@NathanOsman It never takes a second picture. The UI isn't frozen, but it would appear that the picture taking service was
@Serg you know how AU supports the directive <Language Bash> for nifty color formatting? is there a directive for <Language Python3>?
And pushing the stop button did nothing
Hmm... that does sound like it's stuck.
@Seth THANKS! fascinating read wish I new that in August 2016 :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix i only know there is directive for "language python" and that's it
<! -- language: python -->
Based on Seth's link I used **<!-- language-all: lang-python -->
** My first python stuff :)... YEAH!!! hehe
@WinEunuuchs2Unix first python stuff ? Where ? Lemme see :p
OK but it's a 500 point bounty and it took me 5 minutes.... vs the 1 upvote I got on that yad insert/edit/delete scroll box that took me 3 hours: askubuntu.com/questions/893473/…
Actually every since posting that yad thing it's been a curse on points like < 100 all week.
^^^ Um that link is for python code, not the yad stuff.
Hmm, Ok. Just made a small edit to it. Since you're doing more and more scripting stuff, it's good thing you're starting to get into Python
I noticed you changed the UTF-8 line but don't know what changed.
Actually I've secretly been thinking about Python since I installed LibreOffice / Apache Open Office in 2014.
Yeah. That UTF-8 line isn't exactly necessary, unless you are dealing with UTF-8 characters in your code. I use it because I frequently deal with user's input
People prefer Python over Visual Basic which I've used.
Yeah, Visual Basic isn't quite popular on Linux. If you know shell scripting, Python, and Perl, you can survive on any Linux distro, basically
VB is my MS brainwashing leftovers... I'm slowly learning the new religion :p
BTW what did you think of that Arch Linux python for keyboard backlight control? I was impressed by the power and how short the code was.
d-bus is fascinating.
It's alright. It is explicit. I've written a function for dealing with dbus, which I've been using in my own code a lot. That one is more general. I will need to rewrite it a little bit though
I've so many thing planned. I want to improve whole bunch of my code
Now, the question of what should i do: go out to buy the light bulb replacement, or stay home ? and if I stay home, keep on sorting my papers or do some coding and answering on AU ?
Getting back to last nights question on "Electrical Engineering" I think "Software Engineering" is more up your alley, however a 2 year diploma course like I took on "Computer Systems Technology" which is business + accounting + programming gets you through faster.
Sorry I thought of that earlier today and should have posted sooner shrugs
@WinEunuuchs2Unix definitely, that gets you through faster. I regret that I've realized i like coding and IT stuff too late

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