I posted a question here looking for bash template using zenity (or yad) to maintain a list of records using insert/edit/delete buttons. It didn't get any reactions in AU and I wonder should I have posted it on Stack Overflow or another SE site?: askubuntu.com/questions/894888/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, zenity doesn't allow adding so many buttons. You'd need to write it in Gtk or Qt with python or something else. Although I could suggest zenity --forms thing
@WinEunuuchs2Unix like i said, really makes no difference. U&L might be more suitable because after all it's specific to Linux. But U&L isn't programming site, it's more for system administration
@NathanOsman - Mmkay, so I compiled it and tried on my N7 2013, but now it only takes one picture and then hangs... could I have actually wrecked it just by changing the theme and commenting out the four lines of API 22 code?
Noice. We've been doing that in my Digital 3 class. 7-segment display , 4 bit input, gotta make k-maps and minimize expressons for each segment , then write verilog code
We . . . also gonna have exam . . . of which i almost forgot . . .sh!t
OK but it's a 500 point bounty and it took me 5 minutes.... vs the 1 upvote I got on that yad insert/edit/delete scroll box that took me 3 hours: askubuntu.com/questions/893473/…
Actually every since posting that yad thing it's been a curse on points like < 100 all week.
^^^ Um that link is for python code, not the yad stuff.
Yeah. That UTF-8 line isn't exactly necessary, unless you are dealing with UTF-8 characters in your code. I use it because I frequently deal with user's input
It's alright. It is explicit. I've written a function for dealing with dbus, which I've been using in my own code a lot. That one is more general. I will need to rewrite it a little bit though
I've so many thing planned. I want to improve whole bunch of my code
Now, the question of what should i do: go out to buy the light bulb replacement, or stay home ? and if I stay home, keep on sorting my papers or do some coding and answering on AU ?
Getting back to last nights question on "Electrical Engineering" I think "Software Engineering" is more up your alley, however a 2 year diploma course like I took on "Computer Systems Technology" which is business + accounting + programming gets you through faster.
Sorry I thought of that earlier today and should have posted sooner shrugs