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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

nah, probably had space $INSTALLDIR /*
could be, but a typo would have the same result, since $INSTALDIR would expand to nothing
I'm always a bit paranoid with scripts that have rm
a small mistake and you have a clear home dir (in the best case scenario)
Guys, how does opacity work? Does 0 opacity mean the window is transparent ?
0 is transparent, usually 1 is completely solid
someone here likes watching Vsauce?
welp, setting opacity didn't do a thing
depends on what you want transparent @Serg
@IanC worked on the newest firefox for me
is firefox -v Mozilla Firefox 49.0? Do you have the flash plugin? @Mateo
any of the flash are set to "never activate"
what should I do with my web server?
@IanC did you have anything else activated, that it might be trying to use, but might be buggy
ah, any javascript blocking on?
@Mateo I only have the Cisco Systems plugin, both you and @edwinksl have Widevine, maybe that's the missing plugin?
damn, I pinged edwinskl with no purpose lol
that just installed for netflix
although... let me try without
poof, I'm in front
could you check if about:preferences#content has "Play DRM content" enabled? @Mateo
after you try vimeo without widevine
yes, and I diabled it just now, that vid you linked still works
what hardware do you have
VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
would be weird if it was the graphics card though, youtube works fine, it's just vimeo and "vimeo like" embedded videos that are giving me a headache :p
ah, maybe try installing restricted extras
I think it needs h.264
try install gstreamer
I didn't find restricted extras on dpkg -l nor in apt-cache search, gstreamer1.0 is installed though
oh, sorry, I did find restricted extras
installed, I'll try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras
A: How to install the MPEG-4 AAC decoder and the H.264 decoder?

Peachyubuntu-restricted-extras package allows users to install ability to play popular non-free media formats, including DVD, MP3, Quicktime, and Windows Media formats. To install ubuntu-restricted-extras package: Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Run this command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu...

this one installed too? gstreamer1.0-libav
running sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, gstreamer1.0-libav isn't listed
gstreamer1.0-libav is already the newest version (1.8.2-1~ubuntu1).
on mine
isn't it recommended not to have flashplugin?
it's included in ubuntu-restricted-extras
that is one reason why it is "restricted"
it's working now, thanks @Mateo
not sure if it was the flashplugin or another of the tons of libs from restricted extras :p
what happens when you right click on the video
there are some options like view page source, inspect element
nothing apparently flash related
huh, intresting
well, I disabled flash, but I think later I'll purge restricted-extras and find the single plugin that was missing
don't like having tons of plugins I'm not even aware about, keeping it clean :p
So . . . apparently svg icons are better than others
because they scale up really nicely in indicators
I find SVGs look awesome at high-resolution but absolutely terrible at low resolutions,
Eh, ? How's this for an indicator menu item ?
nice, did you get the big icons working?
@Mateo sort of. Indicators for whatever reason hate png icons, but with Ubuntu Kylin theme, I have whole bunch of svg icons, and i kept trying Rhythmbox, but then tried a random one, and . . .well, you see it in the screenshot
oh, a common formating that might look better is: "Usage: 29.7%"
Also - any way you can fake tab alignment
What do you mean , tab alignment ?
kindof like this
Oh . . . . . Probably. . . .I'll try
I did it in a scope once, by adding spaces to the smaller ones, well actually it ignored multiple spaces...
ah, I remember - I used underscores on the scope
it might push the drive part too far over though...
Doesn't seem to work nicely
I cannot align them
oh well
@Serg I haven't forgotten about your indicator. I had to work overtime yesterday, it was crazy.
I will do my best to get to it tomorrow.
@NathanOsman it's alright, i'm sort of working on it, adding stuff. Take time with your tasks so far, it's not urgent.
@Serg does it push the text to a new row?
let me just show you
part = part + " "*(30 - len(part)) + i[0]
This is how i'm doing it
And . . how it looks like . . .comes in a second
ah, you just moved them all forward, move all but mountpoint by different amounts of space
It's supposed to be same amount
i am doing 30 - len( string )
in each of them
so the first one might just be a few spaces, the next one more spaces - because the word is shorter
forcing them to line up because each first word is a different length
I think the font isn't monospaced
just notice how small is the space the "i" character occupies
resort to guess and check ;)
Le sigh . . .
both will have 3 characters, resulting in the same amount of spaces, ending up in a unaligned tab anyways. Can you change the font @Serg?
I never changed fonts on Gtk but I think it's possible, then you just need a monospaced font and it will work (I guess :p)
nah, just use different sized spaces to make up for the smaller letters
didn't know about those, this would do too, but he would have to change the code if he decided to change the label name (no big deal though, since they are static)
Partition: DATA
Alias: DATA
Drive: DATA
MountPoint: DATA
Usage: DATA
man, I'm trying this chess learning website, I'm lucky there's no clock on each exercise play
ah, anyway might be to complicated - especially if different desktops us different sub-pixel rendering
@Serg, look for a ModifyFont method for the labels
then use maybe "ubuntu monospace" as the font instead
and see if it works
Tried with tabs. Same effect
i don't wanna mess with fonts, don't wanna brick anything on end user side
you can use the default monospace font
instead of "ubuntu monospace" just "Monospace"
Hmmm, I'm gonna try something once i come back from smoke
i wonder if it's just my string or the indicator menu
on the image you can see the chars have a different length, so you're calculating the number of spaces right, but it ends up unaligned because the word length depends on its chars
I think your string is fine, I mean, you're setting an offset of 30 and taking away the chars from the label name
In command line everything aligns nicely !
then adding the label value, I think it's just a font issue. You can try what Mateo suggested and use different size spaces, or try different numbers of spaces (which I think will result in a small offset anyways)
so it's the indicator
because command line uses monospaced fonts
@IanC seems like you're right
I changed system's font via unity tweak tool
i can't find a way to change it for my indicator though
nice! I found a reference for pyGtk, there's probably a method called ModifyFont for the wrapper you're using aswell
found a small gi.repository.gtk example here askubuntu.com/questions/181850/…
seems like you can get a font_description using pango, something like Pango.font_description_from_string('Monospace')
@IanC did that, no good
seems like everything depends on the system font
tried some other font name? just for testing
yeah, "Monospace Regular"
same as what UTT gives
" Just a note, modify_font is deprecated now in favor of override_font for Gtk. – RobotHumans Jul 11 '14 at 14:00 "
don't think it's the problem but just in case
Nope . . . that doesn't do it either
Actually . . . Lemme try something
extra spaces seem to be truncated
the font changed though?
I added spaces in original string, but padded with underscore
font doesn't change at all
I'd guess it's something about the font_description not being returned right, not sure why
man, have to go sleep, waking up in like 5 hours haha
keep poking around and you'll probably figure what's wrong with the font method
good night @Serg!
@IanC sleep well, thanks for all the help
sigh . . . single letter works perfect. But if I use whole words, it's all messed up
so I just searched through all 1300 of my twitter favorites. Didn't find what I was looking for, but I did find this:
user image
seriously though twitter, you desperately need a better way for me to search the stuff I've tweeted/favorited.
@Seth can i haz Gtk queshtun ?
So . . .I tried sort of align labels in my indicator. Only works properly if i change system font to monospace. So, is there a way to make font change just for that one indicator ?
I tried couple of ways, but all failed
I have no idea. But it seems to me you're asking the wrong question. How do you get your alignment to work fine with the default font?
I don't know, but it would be an on-topic question here or on Stack Overflow.
OK. I guess I'm about to set tons of bounties on tons of my questions
@IanC ^
Q: i'd like to write a file similar to history file in unix

murthii know we can do , by writing it into a local file, but there is a counter in history.txt , which gets updated every time , when we type something in the terminal. for ex : if we type $ ps -a then in history, it is something like, 1999 ps -a if we enter something like, $ du then history f...

Q: convert Dockerfile ADD to linux cp

Fred J.Reading this Dockerfile . line 9 I am trying to execute this command on the ubuntu terminal manually thus to understand the effect of each line. Does it translate to: #cp . /home/meteorapp/meteorapp or #cp . /home/meteorapp since the first does not exist.

@Seth @jokerdino: With the mods' blessing, I'd like to conduct a test with WolfBot in both the main room and Regulators. Ideally, I'd spawn an instance of the bot both here and in Regulators so each room can get a feel for it, and so that we can decide where it belongs. I'd hazard a guess that 48 hours is enough.
Would this be alright with everyone?
What is the bot doing actually?
right now, watching for Mint/Kali/Elementary posts, and serving bookmarks.
I'll probably add the EOL versions to the bot (not tags) before I bring the bot in.
I can't give my blessing.
George got kicked out for trying to be useful...
@NathanOsman Which is why I'm trying very hard to work with the mods, to avoid said issues.
@jokerdino Alright then. If there's anything I can do to change your mind about this, what would it be to make this work?
I'm sure it boils to something like this:
1. Bot must not post unsollicited messages
2. Bot must be able to shut-up on command of a mod
3. Bot must recognize when it is being triggered too often and discourage conversation
4. Bot must like bacon
While I like the idea of what you are doing, I don't want it to be a bot.
@jokerdino we've got part of that Twitter web app up and running - want an account?
I'm looking at reliable ways to shut him up now, but mods can just stop the bot until I get a better way implemented. Over-triggers I may need help with, because I don't know how to make expiring things.
@jokerdino do you have an email address I can send the username and password to?
Oh hang on.
yes, I have many.
You're on Hangouts.
I'll send it there.
@jokerdino Well, how else can we report the data here? Unless you want it to be something like a website you explicitly have to visit...
actually, I have been liking some Trello boards.
so... a bot to post to trello?
haven't quite thought that fair.
the thing that is kinda not making sense to me (sorry, but i just want to know) is what can I do to bring it up to an accepted point, like SmokeDetector?
if you can ID posts that requires community attention, that would be great.
well there's a platform to do that.
so it's just the question of delivering the bad posts to us
Question: are people going to be pissed if I trim down the descriptions in my indicator ? Like form "Partition" to "PART" ?
that seems ambiguous... part could be various things?
Sigh . . . Ubuntu Regular font hates padding in my indicator
Monospace fonts are alright but . . .
I can't change font within my indicator
The system font has to change
Or I need to shorted the descriptions
What about a tab?
Does that work for alignment?
Nope. Tried that as well. No good
I've tried tabs, underscore, dot, pipe, letters- nothing works with that font
Could you put the labels on a separate line above their values and then use spaces to indent the values?
I guess part is OK if it's sda1 or something, I can see it's a partition...
btw, people with eMMC storage like me have long partition labels. My root partition is /dev/mmcblk0p2
@NathanOsman you mean have sort of tabular form instead of a list ? like df output ?
No, I mean instead of:
LABEL: value
You do:
You can disable the menu item so that it can't be clicked (and won't be highlighted).
Meh, I don't know. It might be easier to just use a colon and not use spaces between the two.
Mmmm, I could try doing that. At this point I'm not quite sure how to approach this
This kind of works . . . but then description labels are useles
@Serg Where's the API documentation for indicators?
@KazWolfe This: lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/index.html#AppIndicator3-0.1 There's also a few examples online : wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators That however only does basic stuff. The menu items come from Gtk.MenuItem and there's a way to set labels with Gtk.Label class
yeah, i have some example code..
@Serg What happens if you use U+000B?
For padding ? Let's see
Not a lot happens:)
and @Serg, idea on your issue with toggles. The bluetooth indicator uses some sort of "attribute" that I can't seem to find in PyGTK.
But you can probably workaround with an image.
Two problems here: icons get set on the left side only AND of very small size
can't you just make this text monospace?
There are couple of methods to "override" font, but i've tried tons of variations, nothing worked. The only thing that works is changing system font to monospace
I guess there's not a lot I can do. The indicators in reality are nothing more than a simple text menu. That's all
yeah, the indicators seem to be really limited
unless you can write raw, it doesn't seem to be possible to add anything but simple stuff.
against DBUS imo
A few times I've seen a guy put bounty on how to write System Indicators, which is what Bluetooth and Sound menu seem to be
Hmmm, maybe that's the thing
yeah, i think you need to hook them pre-appindicator for what you want
also someone just serial-downvoted all the answers on my "what should bot do" question, but they didn't downvote or upvote the kill the bot post.
Hmmm, there's people who are, let's just say it, really lack patience
just kind of interesting.
but they didn't downvote the question, which is weird.
just got the answer I needed on Android Enthusiasts :D
should have RTFM... oh well :D
1 hour later…
Q: Trying installing .deb without sudo, "error creating directory `.': No such file or directory" happened

nonameI'm on Ubuntu 14.04 (x86_64) but not a sudoer on the server, and I got xserver-xorg-video-dummy_0.3.7-1build1_amd64.deb to get the dummy driver so file. The command was this: dpkg -i --force-not-root --root=$HOME/debs/ --instdir=$HOME/debs/output --admindir=$HOME/debs/dpkg --log=$HOME/debs/inst...

Q: convert Dockerfile to manual commands

Fred J.Reading this Dockerfile , I am trying to convert what it is doing to commands which I can type manually in the ubuntu docker container terminal. Please correct me. 5 /#mkdir /home/meteorapp 12 /#apt-get update -q 12 /#apt-get clean 15 /#apt-get install curl -y 18 /#curl https://install.meteor.co...

Oh no... I definitely have the flu or something, I feel awful this morning...
@ParanoidPanda I am re reading 'The Stand' Stephen King... hope your flu is not like that...
i need some professional answers , because i really need that askubuntu.com/questions/832178/…
so please before you devoted , be aware that really need that , not because i didnot ask the way you want it
@AhmedAl-attar Just cause 'someone desperately needs an answer' dosen't make a really broad question on topic. Have you read the relevant documentation?
@JourneymanGeek yeah but didnot understand to be frank with you
ngnix is probably preferred for speed - it and lighttpd are optimised for serving static files fast.
as for something like reprepro. Well, if there's a tool that could handle that sort of thing its always a good idea to use that. It also handles signed packages, which is awesome.
true , basically i do not understand how repository managements works. i need resources and references
essentially a repository is just a store of files and a manifest.
@Zanna that seems somewhat LOA
I suggested an edit, not approved yet
@edwinksl I suggested an edit, not approved yet...
@Zanna ah ok
i doubt this is related to ubuntu version askubuntu.com/questions/832161/…
I agree, I'm not voting on that...
i am going to remove the version tag and see if people want to fight me on that :p
@Serg link me the source, I can mess around with spacing if you want.
@Serg keep the nice looking labels and just do a space if the alignment thing doesn't work
Totally need to get some pull requests in for hacktoberfest ;)
heh cool that i can get some free stickers just for signing up :p
Did someone say free stickers??
But I think it's too much to ask them to send to UK even if they would
Just rewrote my escape sequence answer
Q: Shutdown when not in use during a certain time

notoriousI have a "media center" PC that sometimes I forget to shut down at night. Usually it's just running a movie via VLC and I have a setting not to suspend the PC so long as a video is playing. If I remember, I'll usually remote into my "media center" PC and shut it down, but most nights I forget to ...

Alec Baldwin's a Democrat?!
Oh dear, longswording has really done something to my knee...
I have to get it checked out at some point.
@serg cloned and successfully running - also let me know if any of your other projects need some misc work, going to do some stuff for a hactober fest t-shirt ;)
@Zacharee1 Um, yes.
never knew
He's a big activist in fact
What is this about?
@ParanoidPanda you have obsolete packages. When did you last run apt-get upgrade?
Uhm, well, I was running dist-upgrade at the time of that message popping up.
It was upgrading 300+ things.
let it continue
I agree
It's stuck on installing gcc-6.
are you on 16.04 or 16.10 or have you made other changes?
stuck or taking a while
gnome ppa?
It's the gnome3-staging PPA on 16.10.
My guess is that this is caused by the new gnome support policy and that you've ended up with mixed packages
Oh dear, how do I fix that?
@ParanoidPanda HAMMERS
Idk. Maybe a fresh install from the 16.10 beta 2 iso?
Well, at least Wayland is working reasonably well on the system.
My previous encounters with Wayland weren't very good.
Yep, this is the first time (and on similar Fedora systems) that wayland doesn't crash the machine
@chaskes: Previously the windows went mad when trying to switch between them and I was unable to shut down.
But so far the only problems I have noticed have been with the animations.
Which isn't too bad really, it functions, it doesn't always look as nice as X, but it functions without too much trouble.
The only placed I've successfully used it so far is Fedora 25 beta and gnome 3.22 on openSuse (now a dead install since the update to their version of NetworkManager killed wifi). But what I saw worked well.
@chaskes: The version I've got is the 3.20.2 version in my VM so I suspect that they fixed a lot in the 3.22 version which for some reason isn't in there yet.
Plus, I can't find the exact policy right now but (as above) I suspect it also has to do with the new-ish gnome policy change for long term vs short term support for versions. I suspect the ppa might not have all the implications worked out now.
@chaskes: What exactly did they change in the policy?
@Zacharee1 what reason should i pick
@ParanoidPanda I don't remember the full details and I can't find the announcement. But basically some versions will be lts for 3 yrs. Others will be short term. They're no longer supporting all versions. If you're writing a gnome specific app, they suggest targeting the lts. Otherwise, they don't promise to not break your app at any moment. 3.22 is the first version to implement this, so maybe it's not related to your problem. help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.22/developers.html.en
@edwinksl unclear; we don't know how they installed it
or if they even installed the official Ubuntu version
Wow my suggested edit on Android Enthusiasts is still waiting! Nobody is reviewing there...
They only have 24CVs
@Zanna they need you...
I am so basic in Android...
Do I really have to download a 350MB video just to see what's happening? Can you please revise your question and actually explain what's going on? Maybe also upload the video to YouTube so we can watch it? — Zacharee1 21 mins ago
yeah exactly aint nobody gonna do that
Q: Best way to clean after apt-get in dockerfile

AnthonyI am working on a Dockerfile that uses ubuntu as the base image. The docker file has multiple blocks of #block1 RUN \ apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ dep1 \ dep2 \ && run && some && other && commands #bock2 Run \ apt-get install -y \ dep3 \ dep4 \ && some && more && commands But ...

@JourneymanGeek ez +2
@edwinksl the display/res question?
I'm pretty sure there's a more elegant way to solve it
Also I miss that screen :(
but yeah, very similar problem :)
high fidelity copypasta... even the periods are missing like in the referenced answer
@Zacharee1 will OP ever accept your answer? ;p
@ParanoidPanda oh my
@Zacharee1 escape
oh idk
@edwinksl wut
at least it doesn't want to upgrade libc6 @ParanoidPanda
Mar 13 at 17:03, by Mateo
never manually upgrade libc6.
@edwinksl I'd complain to the original poster, but then he'd get mad at his past self... and well yanno how that ends...
she looks eerily like someone I used to know. — Journeyman Geek ♦ Sep 29 at 14:18
what a question though
Hello,i have a question about history.can someone tell me before exit a shell session,where are those command we use in the shell session?we can use arrow key for accessing them and they are not in ~/.bash_history
@edwinksl quite literally that looks like one of my old classmates
I can't figure out why my 3rd installation disappeared from grub. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that it is btrfs..
@Sinoosh try history in the terminal
@edwinksl.Yes i know i can see them with history but where are they ?they are in memory?
@Seth Shouldn't be. I've had btrfs installs show up fine in grub
@chaskes well it did work fine for ~6 months. And then something happened.
Are they all ubuntu?
I haven't needed to boot it in between that time, but now I want to...
@chaskes No. Windows, Ubuntu (main install), Kubuntu 16.10 on btrfs.
I guess I might just have to format it and start over..
I've had weird things with Debian and Fedora if I haven't booted them in 6 mos (can't explain) and with openSuse in grub; but Ku should be fine.
If it's 16.10, I would reinstall at the smallest problem.
well I haven't booted it so it couldn't have caused it itself.
@Sinoosh Yes, they're only in memory until they get written to your .bash_history file when you exit your Bash session or by running history -w.
@Serg there is an art to this:
@Seth Well, I'm out of ideas then. :) Unless you haven't tried reinstalling grub in Ubu.
I've run grub-update, but I haven't tried reinstalling it, no.
It might not help, though. Just a thought.
@ByteCommander thank you so much,when i use history -c it clear history only for its session ?
I need to learn more about how grub finds OS's. For example, grub in fedora will find and show other OS's, but can't boot them. @Seth
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