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11:02 PM
I'm back!
@IanC o/
I think the beef I made expired 2 days ago
@ByteCommander Can you test this quick script then?

weather ()
mapfile -t WEATHERARRAY < <(lynx -dump "http://wxdata.weather.com/wxdata/weather/local/<german ZIP>:4:GM?cc=*&unit=f&dayf=1" | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "/weather/cc" -c "tmp" -n -c "flik" -n -c "t" -n) ;
echo -ne "Today:" ${WEATHERARRAY[2]} "-" ${WEATHERARRAY[0]}"º" "Feels Like:" ${WEATHERARRAY[1]}"º"

You need to install xmlstarlet
sudo apt install xmlstarlet
Oh, and it needs lynx as well
or use curl instead of lynx
bytecommander@BC-AlkaliMetal:~$ weather
Today: Clear - 62º Feels Like: 62ºbytecommander@BC-AlkaliMetal:~$
11:07 PM
It worked
curl works too. I need to suppress its output
Darn, I can't see how to suppress the headers from the curl
@ByteCommander answer posted, a little funky, but workable. I might edit it later, but depends on my schedule.
@Serg And what about 7-16?
> If it is before 7 , the brightness will be set to 25%. If it is 16 - 22 , the brightness will be 50%. If it is after 22, you will have 75% brightness.
Also, this looks wrong:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
@ByteCommander It's basically 7 - 16 will be 0.5
@ByteCommander that's protection from idiots who try to run python3 code with python3
@Serg but you said that for 16-22
@ByteCommander I got the sunrise and sunset thing to work. =)
11:19 PM
@ByteCommander typo
Well, post/correct your answers, I'll review and test them tomorrow.
i think that once i hit 31.5k, i'm going to put out three +500 bounties.
Correction "python2 code with python3"
sun ()
mapfile -t WEATHERARRAY < <(lynx -dump "http://wxdata.weather.com/wxdata/weather/local/<german ZIP>:4:GM?cc=*&unit=f&dayf=1" | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "/weather/loc" -n -c "sunr" -n -c "suns" -n) ;
echo -ne "Sunrise:" ${WEATHERARRAY[1]} "Sunset:" ${WEATHERARRAY[2]}

@ByteCommander the idea is that it checks value in config file <= current time
11:22 PM
@KazWolfe the internet will never forget you said this
@edwinksl then the internet will see
Q: Dell XPS 15 Microdia Webcam shows up eventually

mikewilliamsonI have a Dell XPS 15 L521X. Years ago I was running Ubuntu on it, and the Webcam worked. Then I upgraded and it stopped working, and I've never been able to get it working again. If I look at the output of lsusb, nothing is detected. mike@longshot ~⭐ lsusb Bus 002 Device 003: ID 8087:07dc Inte...

11:37 PM
so tired
need to study for test
test on what?
idk what the tests are like yet
history of what?
textbook or book books?
11:40 PM
you'll do fine
we don't go over anything in class though
what do you do in class?
our teacher loves to talk about random things and let us out 5+ minutes late, which is when the next class starts
on Thursdays I have to walk to the other end of a probably quarter mile campus after the class
ouch. sounds bad. but you're good at detail. if you've read the book, you'll do fine.
11:42 PM
we'll see..
Let's see: Brits lost, North won, Dewey lost, Vietnam. That covers it.
What did Benjamin Franklin do that was so important
Does that refer to him being a Founding Father?
@chaskes nice summary
almost time to get @MarkKirby to 10k
newspapers, women, went to England, moral voice of constitutional convention.
11:45 PM
@ByteCommander changed a few things , now the config file uses range
We're only up to mid 1700s
I think
@edwinksl Those comments on the gmail/firefox question were a pretty wild ride
@chaskes heh yeah
@Zacharee1 so scientific revolution and all that good stuff?
I'm so tired :(
I think I'm actually getting sick
I only ever get colds or headaches: none of the stuff that can keep me out of class
11:48 PM
Franklin is very important for hist of sci/tech in US
dammit, something broke
although I did manage to get out twice in the past two years because my cold lasted all week, leading to a 100F fever
@Serg snap
@Zacharee1 go play some MC then
the 1.11 snapshot just came out and there are some really cool new features :p
or, you know, fix people's AMDs here
or, even better, do your 20 in 10 minutes' time
11:50 PM
@Zacharee1 Every time someone uses imperial units, a kitten dies.
waiting on that
@ByteCommander Or I die from a 100F fever :p
@Serg unsnap
OK, i'm not touching the code until tomorrow probably
11:51 PM
@Serg can you take my test for me?
@Zacharee1 No, you don't. You'd die from 100C though.
@Zacharee1 in java ?
@ByteCommander you think?
@Serg History
do you know Java though?
@Zacharee1 That 100°C will kill you? Oh yes, I'm sure of that.
hm. mc 1.11 has some interesting features
11:52 PM
@ByteCommander sarcasm?
but i don't see anything that would be good server-side really.
@KazWolfe the insta-wires are nice
using the new Observer blocks
@Zacharee1 Sort of. I blazed through Java 1 without any text book, just watched a video on youtube and used my C knowledge, but Java 2 ( data structures, stacks, linked lists, etc. ) left me emotionally scarred mostly due to my professor. But yes, i know some Jabba
@KazWolfe? ^
11:54 PM
that worked, just added the webinterface of the snap store to the external sites section of next cloud ;)

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