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meh! someone is not satisfied with the answers :)
@Anwar didn't know you posted ruby as well, see my edit ^_0
( upgoated by the way )
@Serg good
I'll delete mine :)
@Anwar keep it
It's a good solution as well
good evening
Hellow, good fellow
how are you all doing?
eh, alive. Got one of my script featured on webupd8 blog, and gained some rep, but had to drop classes, and still got no money
webupd8? what is this blog about?
I don't know what to do with Debian
They basically do review of software for Linux , in particular Ubuntu
Should I delete it? Do something about it?
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD Just write some kind of code for Debian
Like I do for Ubuntu - I write scripts for Unity desktop
alrighty then
@Zanna it did not work.
@Serg nice, what did your script do?
I'm thinking about doing a full disk LUKS, but I'll have to pick a distro. Don't think there's a way to dual boot with this set up
@IanC my script disables Super key from opening Unity Dash, if you are using any app that is in full screen. This is useful for gamers, who use Alt or Ctrl keys a lot, and accidentally press Super key - that makes them leave Super menu
bbl. night all
(though it's morning here)
man, gotta write some double link list algorithms for the book, but I'm a bit tired
@Serg i am still getting interwebz points lol
@IanC Get some rest today, or just do a tiny bit of coding. You've covered lots of ground already. Here is link to the article by the way webupd8.org/2016/08/how-to-prevent-super-key-from-opening.html
@edwinksl i think gamers can appreciate the script ;)
@Serg Nice man! Think you're getting really good with python :)
would you log on utox for a second?
@Serg here is something for you to write an answer for :P askubuntu.com/questions/814338/…
i am too lazy to write
@IanC sure, will be there in a minute
Aaand im back
Q: How to achieve native 1080p resolution with ubuntu 16.04 and Nvidia 980 ti graphics card

user2368261I've been trying since some time in February, but I haven't been able to get my 980 ti to recognize my monitor's native 1080p resolution. I can't remember when this started. I first tried fixing it after messing around with a crappy KVM that I ended up returning, but I've had the graphics card si...

I think this applies here most of the time:
user image
^says the main culprit :P
@Zacharee1 that's 4chan, any day of the week
No, 4chan isn't even comparable to this.
At least we can string together coherent English sentences.
Right. The smoker you get the player you drink.
@chaskes exactly right !
( even though i have no idea what is it all about )
Hmm, apparently I didn't remember it quite right.
Classic rock that's too old even for me to remember when it came out, though it was still played on the radio in my day.
watching macaroni and eating horror games . . . oh wait, my tired is too brain
@Zacharee1 around?
@serg I hadn't seen your super key script before. Very nice and congrats on the webud8 article. That's a resume item.
@chaskes Thank you ^_^ That's exactly what i planned on doing - put link to it into my linkedin profile. As for the script itself, I can give you a link,either to script or to the original askubuntu question , if you wanna see it
It's python
@NathanOsman why? Who wants to know?
Oh, I found the original question from the link in the webupd8 article. @Serg
Ah, ok. Great ^_^
@Zacharee1 I need your advice on DSLRs.
datte bayo. (What Naruto says in Japanese for Believe it!)
well idk much about them...
You seem to know a thing or two about photography.
I just have one :p
Well, which one?
The Canon EOS Rebel T5i
I like it
My roommate from last year is more experienced than I am and he says Nikon cameras are higher quality
just not as pretty
does Photography do recommendations?
My cousin does photography for a living and that corroborates somewhat with what he said.
Therefore you are not trying to trick me :D
@Zacharee1 I don't think so.
@chaskes at some point I'll pick up japanese too . . . Lately , I've started re-learning spanish. I got the duolingo app for my phone because my friend has it, so . . . yeah, peer pressure XD
@NathanOsman the help center looks exactly the same, so you could probably get away with asking something like "Is Canon or Nikon objectively better, and which would be better for <mycurrentsituation>?"
"better" is enough to trigger the low quality warning.
well, that's why you need to specify what you need
do they have a chatroom?
Yes and the last message was two days ago.
Not exactly "active".
just saw that
so much for asking there
Alternatively, I can get the T5 with a lens for less than that.
only $779 for the default lens!
oh wait lol
it's the whole camera bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/…
That looks like a good buy.
They throw in a telephoto lens.
This needs to be refreshed whenever it goes off screen
Le sigh.
@NathanOsman that's only a T5 though
@Zacharee1 your avatar needs to be refreshed, Mr. Gray Icon Man
I am not a millionaire (yet), so there's that.
@Serg it works in Chrome
yaay! I got one of the algorithms working, apparently at least :P
the automated test is saying it's working, so.. :)
@IanC which one ?
@Serg the bubble sort algorithm, now I need to get the merge sort done and compare it with the authors sourcecode
$900 for the 18-135mm lens!!??!
but I think I'll do it tomorrow, my sleep has been fractioned on the last 3 days and maybe I should just get some proper sleep now
@Zacharee1 Ouch.
@IanC congrats. Once you figure out those completely , try working on quicksort
I was aiming for the $500 range.
For everything.
well the normal lense is 18-55mm
Yeah, apparently that won't work very well for macro shots.
@Serg does it work on double linked lists? I'll check it out :)
I have a wide angle lense too, but I always like close-ups
@Zacharee1 would it be suitable for shooting, say, George's videos though?
He's usually a couple feet from the camera.
The normal one?
you're getting a DSLR for video? :p
Yeah, the 18-55mm one.
@IanC it should.
It's very fast and frequently used sorting algorithm
@NathanOsman idk, I don't really use the video funtion
@Zacharee1 Not necessarily. But I imagine the controls are a bit nicer than my phone's camera.
I think it'd work
Do those lenses provide an optical zoom of sorts?
Or do I need to switch lenses to affect the zoom?
as the range implies, it has zoom :p
The 75-300mm lens clearly states: "Closest Focusing Distance: 1.5 m". But nothing for the other lens.
and for proximity shots, I think it's more than enough
Lol, for my phone camera, I have had limited success at macro shots with a magnifying lens.
It can already focus at about 50-60mm.
@Serg have you ever looked into a big program source code? Was just wondering if you had any tips to understand a big project source code. I was thinking about maybe making flow charts, writing down lots of notes
@IanC I had to do that once when I joined a company that had a fairly large codebase.
The key is to begin with a very high-level introduction to how the project is organized by someone very familiar with it.
@IanC I looked into a few programs, such as the coreutils package ( you know, cat, df, grep, all the other programs) . There's not really any tips i personally can give, but usually I just grep recursively to find where functions are defined and stuff like that
In object oriented languages they use UML , which is like diagram flow-chart for relationship between classes. Maybe you could do that for functions.
Lightroom would be really useful for this
@NathanOsman, that would be the best way I think, but only possible if you know someone involved with the project. At least most opensource codes have some guidelines comments. Nothing compared to have someone to guide you through it though :/
@Serg I've read the idea of doing flow-charts somewhere, and it sounded like a great idea!
Whenever I write a large program / script / website / whatever-it-is, I try to do exactly this. I give a bird's eye view of the package, describing briefly what each part does and how they fit together. The source code contains comments for those who want to know more.
like, at first glance every big code will be a mystery, then by doing some flow-charts with some notes on how specific parts of the program works, maybe you could get somewhere
The best advice I can give for someone writing software is to make things as modular as possible and stick to loose-coupling.
yesterday, by Zacharee1
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD gimmeh
@NathanOsman, the examples of source codes I've seem follow those guidelines, they all seem to be really divided, with some independent modules merging together on the final program
loose-coupling is like hiding the internal variables right? making them available only through functions/methods?
Loose-coupling is making each component as independent as possible. It should be possible to completely remove a component without major changes to the application.
I think I get the idea, the result would be a much more organized code, and if some part of it needed to be fixed/updated the fact its all independent would make it much easier
personally, i just like going function by function. Figure out what one function does, then the other, and so on
Which is why you often will see my main function be somewhat simplistic, kind of read like english , but then each part is broken into functions
at least i hope to believe , that way makes code more readable
guys, I'll get some rest
See you later , Ian
have a good night you all! talk to you tomorrow :)
later @Serg!
i don't recall zach being up this late
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Facial Natual Skin Care Guide by frankramirez on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: What Possibilities You Have by daramckay on askubuntu.com
Q: deleted folder and files details on AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance

vikram jainI have AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance. I found some missing details like source code from application and some files. Now, i want to identify which user and when it's deleted from server. So, i need details of all file and folder details which are deleted by user in past 30 to 60 day's. May be server s...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body: An Awesome Muscle Building Exercise? by andrehurio on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: It is really worth looking at a number by user584342 on askubuntu.com
@Zanna woa! i got it. updated my kernel version
@Rinzwind n00b of the day candidate detected askubuntu.com/q/814435/295286
how are you all?
sounds good :)
welp . . . . in order to save me some muney, I'm gonna probably go nuke my droplet server
@jeremy great! I should have said it only works if kernel is 4.*
hmmm, error establishing connection to my wordpress . . . probably got nuked
I forgot about that... been on 4* for a long time now haha
evening @Serg ... that sounds unfun
Thanks @Anwar for pointing to a solution. But still I'm getting the same error. Please see my edits and suggest any solution if you can. Thanks — MYaseen208 9 mins ago
@Zanna evening. Not fun ,but probably doesn't matter now. I'm deleting my server anyway
RIP serg's server 2016-2016
and on the bright side...
PencilOS 30% made
being private until time is right :)
omg... noob of the day @Anwar (morning!)
@Zanna Who is thy noob of the day?
Besides I feel bad for calling bad posts "noob of the day"
no apparently I am the noob and didn't read properly
Can't we call them the user of the day that didn't do research?
@Zanna youre the last person I'd consider a noob lol
I goofed on the ping darn it
PencilOS is going to be a modified Android. :)
it still worked though, weirdly!
Instead the android bot is replaced with ME
oh funny
the partial ping got me with autoglob or something
I'm a Chalet OS user that moved to Ubuntu because Ubuntu only thing I can get working well with 2 in ones when it gets to tablet mode
Please: lets call noobs of the day > Users that didn't do research
I still have a chalet OS computer though. I'm moderator in the Chalet OS forums. Anyway I'm trying to get used to unity :)
@JamesTobin Funny that. I am a Outlook Staff
yup :)
I used to use outlook.com
now I made my own domain
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD users who don't do research are not always n00bs , and n00bs not always don't do research
n00bs LOL
my mail manager is zoho mail
Oh, lovely. I used to use zoho office sometime when i was in high school
PencilOS, probably coming Next Winter
zoho is pretty nice. It serves my websites as well as my mail. I wish that it had a mail block feature but other than that it's good
SergOS , probably never coming , because I'm too lazy and like using Ubuntu too much
@Serg When will you step outta your UBUNTU ZONE
and make modified android roms ?
lol @Serg if I make a distro it will be TobinBridgeOS because there is a bridge near me among the world's longest called the Tobin Bridge in Boston.
em . . . when I know anything about android roms . . . or just making android apps at least . . .
sounds great to you ?
You know what would be funny ? LondonBridge OS. Why ? Because it would be on devices that constantly fall down
( my sense of humor is non-existent XD)
@Serg haha
if you are a Bible reader ;)
Did you guys know that PonyOS exists ? personally , i don't care about MLP, but it exists
haha yeah
PencilOS: Coming to Ubuntu :D
OR debian. OR fedora hat
Oh great. Edge will now start paying you.
Time to switch Operating Systems
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD you talking about the new Microsoft rewards instead of bing rewards?
@JamesTobin NO its the browser
at least I still get credits from Bing search :)
Windows users: Time to switch to Ubuntu?
I still get Bing rewards and I am happy
when it switches to Microsoft rewards I will still get credis for bing searches on Linux
I am still a Outlook staff and I am happy
then I can get skype credits and make free voip calls
I get free skype credits for some reason
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD you sending peoples emails to the NSA lol
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD prob cuz u r shoutlook staff lol
erm no.
Sherlock no Sherlocking
Ok time to design PencilOS
@Zanna you think it's worth making a q/a on unix/linux se?
@jeremy yes, make a Q&A, I will upvote it
@Anwar have you got any candidates ? I don't remember seeing this question before
i am going to leave it there
whoo, 400 mb download
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in title: klereumcol.com/x-alpha-muscle/ by joseroach on askubuntu.com
second one is better
not sure. you decide
what do you think?
ugh no! not that face!
is politics allowed here?
not really , we have separate room for that
Kinda nice site, except for Trump's ugly face
well the point of the thing is funny anyway
I like Trump though, but it is not a politics site. IT is a computer site and the point is good
goddamit, my question on security se already got 7 upvotes, yet no one is answering !!! Come on people
my question on sudo -i & pkexec has like 13 upvotes now and still no answer
@Zanna I'll look into it tomorrow

Bo StenholsI am not sure if it was 15.04 or 15.10, when I had problems with WiFi connection every 5 minutes. Now we are there again with my Lenovo M30 and I hope I can send this question without a problem. Last time it took a long time before I had it fixed and and a lot of various scripts in the terminal w...

then Zanna will look into yours tomorrow ;) haha
nice title
haha yeah
I have no clue about @Serg 's security question
me neither
that's the project I'm actually involved in.
Ubuntu just using :)
looks lovely
ARGGGG why does askubuntu make you wait 3 minutes to write another answer? nothing but ANNOYING!
@Serg yes, it is very beautiful :) let me grab a picture of one of my desktops on that thing with the beautiful glass theme
Really strong Windows 7 or Vista with Aero vibes there. Hopefully runs much smoother ?
there are a lot of themes
it runs very smoothly. Actually faster than Ubuntu. UBuntu works better for tablet/laptop convertibles (2 in ones) that is why I am not using chalet lol
It is quite customizable
don't install win 10
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD why would I do that?
it will leech you into using Edge
I just found out a glitch
I will name it: The TextSilence glitch >:D
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD I don't think @JamesTobin is a windows user...
I sure am not!
Windows is pro abortion and spies on you and is the slowest os on earth
altough I still have my windows 3.1
I fancy Debian
It is 1992 model AST with dual 512 mb hard drives (MASSIVE for back then) 8 mb RAM (again massive for the day, this comp was extremely high end for it's day) and it has an intel 386 processor. Windows 3.1 runs on DOS 6.00
Q: accidentally deleted interfaces ubuntu

Web MasterI have accidentally deleted /etc/network/interfaces I have tried rebooting but the file is still blank. correction: file doesn't exist. creating file and rebooting now.

I am blissfully Windows free :)
Just Kidding
@Zanna believe it or not windows 3.1 is good. Windows can not make any good OS's but it does know how to make a really good GUI windows 3.1
it's very very fast
good for it's day
@JamesTobin ...because it is more lighter then cough cough 8.1
@Zanna try it in a VM
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD agreed
USE A LEGIT CERTIFICATE! I will be watching you
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD I can not stand the NT core and therefore can not stand windows 8.1 but If I had to chose betwenn 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 I would definitely do 8.1. I love windows 8.1 GUI and layout and start menu. But the NT core is so terrible
@Serg Your agreement has been agreed. Windows 8.1 eats 3 GB
@ƎpᴉʇʎXD my 3.1 is original
no, it eats 2 gb
and so does 7 and 10
@JamesTobin But lovely to start mass destruction by using a remove / command
believe it or not though windows vista sp 2 was actually stable, just the earlier releases gave everyone a sick impression and they reverted back to XP
I really have zero interest in using Windows, even if it is good, I'm one of those ideological Linuxers
But XP is dead now
@Zanna Your a full tux?
Vista is good with sp2 but sitll has that horrendous NT core
DOS is good though. For it's day
@JamesTobin have you heard of ReactOS?
Haha I use dosbox to play games, that's as close as I will get!
it crash crash crash
I tried it
also it is based on NT
It didn't work?
no way!
it BSOD and all I did was open start menu
Even on a real machine?
it was fresh install
ReactOS is still alpha I believe
@JamesTobin It's still in beta Alpha
It's alpha
If you see this message type in the chat AYE
I type very fast
me too
53 WPM baby
it really sucks. I'm serious, I type extremely fast
if I am really annoying in chat put this on chat:youtube.com/watch?v=EaK-F8YHPJk
I wonder what happens if i use Unity rather than GNOME in debian?
I dont think you can get unity in Debian
Haha is that a matter of taste on the part of Debian devs ? ;)
I wanna grab out unity for Fedora. there are a lot of laptops that have trouble with drivers esp wifi drivers on Ubuntu yet love unity
LOL there is a video saying " Debian is better than Ubuntu "
SUSE doesnt come with enough basic utilities
Debian doesnt even cmoe with add apt repository
WTH goanimate
I made a VM (OS: Windows 8.1) Guess* how fast it boots.
20 seconds
I'm back

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