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?? weird. Should I flag that comment?
I dunno
how much weight does "retarded" carry here?
And if that's their reason for why my answer isn't really an answer, then I don't think they really know what they're talking about :p
(See? "they" ;) )
I can't even understand what it's supposed to mean
he's saying "if anyone manages to do what you say in that sentence, they don't qualify to use a computer and shouldn't be allowed to touch one"
lol nice, I was just writing 'he' myself because Dariush is an Iranian boy's name but you never know ^_^
darn it
gonna guess "he" though
who is this?
yeah but it still makes no sense (and yeah my guess would be he too)
who the dash is that
the person who downvoted @Zacharee1 's post and made a weird comment presumably
that was his profile pic
this guy:
he's saying to lose the hyperbole
but 6 other people like it
at least
I can sense what he means.
hey, I said it wouldn't really happen
someone who can manage to blow their computer or otherwise make their system unusable should not try to upgrade it. Should instead let the system upgrade itself on its own (like auto updates or whatever)
but that's the same thing :p
misunderstandings on all accounts.
I wasn't trying to say it could blow up because of the user interaction
Try simplifying your answer so it doesn't have to be read between the lines.
last sentence, the one in bold?
then maybe rearrange it. You see, not everyone reads everything in an answer.
or you can live with the downvote and a semi intelligible comment. meh
they should before they vote
I mean the second paragraph says the first is very unlikely, just that it's possible
> You could could upgrade
I would -1 that.
I saw that
oh dear dear
@jokerdino well I took that out. Does that mean a +1? :3
what good will it do if it's gonna get purged in 3 months time?
Is there any more helpful info I should add to the comment?
well to me it seems like a nice comment
Thanks, I'll leave it at that I think.
If we ignore that it's a 11.04 question, what information can we provide them?
I didn't understand what he was talking about. "No default UI"
oh..wait.. he may be in boot loader stage of syslinux
yeah, that's what I am thinking too
We used boot live command in these cases. I leave a comment there
The OT reason is OT imo in that question
I think my intention was to lead them to a proper path because whether they are installing 11.04 or 16.04, they probably would run into a similar problem.
That's why I wasn't sure whether further info was needed. Thanks for helping!
seems to be a very dangerous post askubuntu.com/review/late-answers/602074
probably... but we can't be sure imo. I see one release worked and another came with these weird problem
19 more delete votes needed :(
@AnwarShah I guess that's a reasonable stance. We should suggest them to try installing a supported release and we can proceed from there.
@jokerdino agreed. 11.04 is EOL anyway
@Zanna yikes
@Zanna I read the question title now.
Why is this closed as Off Topic? askubuntu.com/questions/524462/…
I was reviewing this one askubuntu.com/questions/809954/uninstall-ubuntu-16-04 which points to a question which was closed
@AnwarShah talking about putting OS back on
but we have one related with Windows
is that so? Might be because of popular demand.
@AnwarShah it's not a duplicate of that question. I don't think so.
i haven't vote as duplicate
and that windows post has a lot of upvotes... askubuntu.com/questions/133533/…
yeah. I was talking about that one
@AnwarShah "Pick up your OS dvd and install it" has nothing to do with UBuntu.
I agree. but it seems we same a windows counterpart of it
and the title phrased exactly same
close it too? >:-D
duped that 2nd one
OP solved the question and leaves the solution in a comment. I've made the comment a CW answer askubuntu.com/q/805592/61218
there cv'd that one too @zanna >:)
having lots of upvotes is no reason not to close it
lots of views also
haha OK I VTC it too... but many times i marked questions as dupe of that one!
Upvoted your CW @AnwarShah this one that I made in the same kind of situation could use an upvote too askubuntu.com/questions/783587/…
so this is weird
websites where you need the back button annoy me
check that one _O-
so I call them for an order...
THAT numbr on the page. I get the fish and chips -next- -door- and they put me through to the chinese takeway to order >:-D
that seems far too complicated _O-
thing is... their wantan soup is so great I accept it :-D
what's with the GIGANTIC font...
and that >:-)
I can handle the font. But click a button and you then must use the backbuttons is so early '90s LAST CENTURY
website creator is called "pc doctor"
that was to be expected :P
they promissed to deliver between 16:45 and 17:00
I am timing them :+D
an agency I work for got a new website and we all get a page on it... it has this hyperactive panel that maximises on mouseover and minimises otherwise... when maximised you have to scroll down to see all the options, but it's impossible to grab the tiny invisible (literally invisible... black on black maybe) scroller because the panel resizes when you put the pointer there. I emailed the agency and they passed me on to the devs, and they were like "I'll make the scollbar easier to see"
AKA: "We've done this work and have been paid for it now. We will do everything to ensure we do the least work possible from now on. Good day to you. I said Good day!"
at my work we sell software far too cheap.
I dont think we ever had a contract with set hours done with less hours than was agreed on
I probably shouldn't have replied and said 'could you not just have a button to minimise the panel?' Got no reply, suprisingly!
oh we once had a website trashed by the employees of the company.
But the document that was created was made by the company itself.
So it was all like 'talk to this guy at YOUR company and ask him why. --WE-- told him 10 times it would not work but he insisted"
he got fired ofcourse and we then made a new website. Got paid twice too.
happy days...
since the backend we made was reuseable we did not have to invest a lot of time D:
gimme my food :P
wantan soup \o/
bon appetite...
@Rinzwind Made with Serif WebPlus X8
It's HTML5 and everything.
@Zanna done
thanks:) one less unanswered question :)
ah, link it to the rev history when doing that.
and maybe even blockquote it
ah thanks! I wondered how to make it right... I'll fix it
@zanna, I got it done. Check through if I managed to miss something.
looks great, thanks a lot for fixing it and educating me on how to handle this situation :D
this revision is pointing to OP's answer in question I think askubuntu.com/revisions/783587/3
@AnwarShah yeah but adds and cuts make it more obvious where an answer was.
Hm, actually I meant to link to the entire history.
but i redirected to 1 revision. i see no adds and cuts!
that sounds good
My bad. Linked to rev 3. No escaping me this week.
see. it's ok now
Thanks for catching it.
sorry for not catching it >_<
catch the nO0bular noobs here :D
that's the revision link again
ooh I got a revival badge for the CW now it got upvoted ^_^ I didn't realise that you could get badges for CWs
the phrase
@AnwarShah lol saw it now
oh yeah :) I enjoyed that language of that post too
I also saw 'I'm noobtacular in Linux' which made me smile
@Zanna you seem quite aware of what to do with a lot of things. Almost like you were familiar with the procedure or is this your second account?
Q: What are the job opportunities in askubuntu

ranchoI am extremely interested in this forum and I would like to contribute seriously. But I also need to earn money to feed myself and the two cannot possibly go along. So I would like to know if there is any possibility of earning over here?

@AskUbuntuMeta O.o
I left a comment there
OMG, rinz you lurker.
@jokerdino really? :D no it's not my second account. I try to pay attention. But I'm not always successful >_<
@jokerdino waching judo
He now asking 'How to become SE employee?' :D
@Rinzwind oh man, reminds me of Gwon Han-na of London olympics.
hahaha that post is cracking me up
dutch girl lost :(
yeah, that was 4 years ago.
back when I was a kid.
she lost 0 - 101 >:-D
@AnwarShah lol should have expected that coming.
@Rinzwind you lot will win in cycling anyway, don't worry.
dont think so :)
men + women hockey though is going strong.
and our handball girls are up for it too
and we should have a guarenteed gold in BMX
oh yeah, forgot I should be cheering against you in hockey
and even handball. SKorea should prevail.
Go Hanna!
did you watch the waterpolo between AUS and HUN?
Nope, should I?
yay water fighting
Lol first group game is SK vs NED in Handball women
yes it is :=D
we will beat the CRAP OUT OF THEM
bbl :=)
@AskUbuntuMeta heh. everyone else contributes seriously and earns money elsewhere.
Ask Ubuntu is playtime
Hooray! My misbehaving Lucid Lynx server VM is now a slightly mischevious Precise Pangolin server, and should hopefully be a well-behaved Trusty Tahr soon. though I've definitely kicked off the upgrade process too close to home time!
hahaha I love the behavioural descriptions
There've been some interesting steps in the process.
No login prompt for a couple of old releases until I press Ctrl+Alt+F1. Then precise decided to start generating resolv.conf with in it every reboot, and ignore the nameservers in my interfaces file... but fingers crossed.
fingers crossed for you
fun fact: my keyboard doesn't work in recovery
Oooh, Laptop?
Is it possible to plug in an external, if you have one?
it's OK, I was only exploring, not trying to recover anything updates backups
Sometimes the scare is a good reminder.
I don't have one, but if I had one, it might work ^_^ still backing up
How forthright!
just out of curiosity, who actually has/uses IPv6?
Nah, too scary
because it's hard to remember, i guess?
In fairness, I like what I've seen of it, all of the information you can get just from the address. Just seems like another thing to add to the pile of things to learn!
you mean the companies using IPV6 ?
it's nice, but the address lengths are very annoying.
but that's an argument for using hostnames for everything
@KazWolfe @EVERYONE help
what happened
also why ping me specifically?
My sister abuse me life in danger help
call the police
we can't do anything from our terminals, unfortunately.
huh !
but because this is a real case... @NathanOsman @Seth @Oli @StefanoPalazzo
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Nope. You physically call somebody for help if you need it.
sorry for pinging you all, mods, but... read above.
i'm not sure what the procedure is, but as it's been placed here, it now involves SE, so... sorry.
She beat me in my head and said see will kill me!
Isn't that what siblings are for?
call your mom Lol
@HenryWHHackv2.0 If she's not an adult, then contact whoever is in charge of her about this.
If she's an adult, and you have a legitimate fear for your life/body, then call the police.
Hope you're still intact @HenryWHHackv2.0.
pretty sure he is
probably need some fixing after his sister broke him.
Laborious update process complete, I'm off!
@jokerdino sudo apt --reinstall install HenryWHHack2
I wouldn't do that.
does reinstalling clear out old configs?
probably not the best topic to joke about rn. We don't know if he is safe and secure.
point taken
but now i'm geniunely curious about that reinstall config thing
configs most often stays
i'll test with nginx on one of the retired prods later.
I don't have siblings so not sure what the procedure should be
AU General Chat: Devolving to The Bridge at a steady rate!
lol, my cat just found garden snake
but whilr i eas trying to find some stick , my mom chased it away
i wanted to grab that snake
so did danger noodle get away?
@grooveplex pls burnin8
somehow, i am not exactly scared of snakes. i am more afraid of bees and wasps and all that flying and buzzing shiz
@ByteCommander Danger Noodle. In this chat, we use the proper technical words and names.
@ByteCommander yes, my cat just found it in our backyard
look at that snake, so kawaii.
@KazWolfe How to name non-dangerous snakes in a technically correct manner then?
that picture is unBEARable
it BEARs so much meaning
@KazWolfe not much anyone can do other than calm the person down.
Oh wait.
SNEAKy Nathan appears in chat
Wrong person.
I already wondered...
Sorry @ByteCommander for the phantom ping.
I always get you two mixed up for some reason.
No problem, happens :)
However, our icons and names are pretty different, so why are you mixing us two up exactly?
Well, Kaz used to have a similar icon.
nobody wanna join in on animal pun thingy ?
both of you are wolves
hold on, i'll add more confusion
no, stop.
mkay , any minute now
Hi everybody ! :)
@Serg Hi ! :)
sigh . . . .why does my avatar not change in chat ?
I've changed it on AU , my nework profile, but chat is stuck
@Serg Did you save the profile properly ?
@cl-netbox yeah, i saved it all
Anyway, how do you like it guys ?
@Serg yes I see it on your AU profile
@Serg nice :)
@ByteCommander Boop-Noodle
because you can boop it on the head
@Serg Learn ALL the languages!!!
@KazWolfe i'm trying !!!
so far i only have chinese and engrish under , my belt
Accurate timekeeping.
why is NTP not enough?
NTP is orders of magnitude less reliable.
get a rackmount and then point NTP at it

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