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@Videonauth servers are frying from all the heat
humans are getting fried too
goddamn hot
Last year it wasn't so hot
Global warming
Like I said, summer.exe is very buggy this year
True. For days we had endless rain, surrounded by extreme heat.
did you file a bug for that at LP yet, @Serg
@edwinksl I doubt mother nature checks its reports . . . at least not from humans
@SQuirel Hello! :)
Q: making 755 for folders work correctly

EmanI'm having an issue with folder permissions and need some guidance. on my production web server, my web host provider has 755 being the folder permission setup. on my local home dev server, 755 gives me permission errors and I need to set my folders to 777, which is a bit of an annoyance as I'd...

1 hour later…
Hii :D
Anybody have a new answer for this question ?
Q: Shareit software for Ubuntu 14.04

TusherI have share-it software in windows O/S and android phone both. Using this software I can easily transfer my file over Wi-Fi. Is there any software like share-it in Ubuntu 14.04, where I can transfer my file at android phone using wifi.

okay, 16.04 now :P
I got many tools, but all of them uses internet :(
@NathanOsman why dontcha post a mention of Nitroshare there ^
Lemme look.
Oh, it's for Android.
NitroShare isn't available for Android yet.
Ah, that's a pity
I know. It's planned.
Is it difficult developing for Android ?
Just saw a post on my friend's wechat, she's still using 2.6 kernel. O. o
@Serg It's Java. Take a gander
@Zacharee1 what's a gander and why should i take it ?
@Serg Or is it difficult developing shareit (similar app) for linux ?
@Serg a guess
@SeverusTux i wouldn't know, since I've never developed an app like that
I am only semi-modest at developing highly inefficient scripts or average user quality
very odd behavior, wall isn't showing message inside GUI
only in tty
Could someone please explain why http://askubuntu.com/questions/788011/openbox-changes-arent-taking-effect-at-all-on-ubuntu-16-04 has two close votes citing "unclear what you're asking"?

I answered that question and OP accepted it.
@DKBose leave a comment in bold saying that the question is clear and on topic
gotta restart my GUI, brb
@Serg, I think the first close vote was posted before I even saw the question. But the second one appeared later. That's the puzzling one. Maybe someone racing to earn a badge by performing so many tasks in a given time?
But I'll do as you suggest.
@DKBose don't, what's the point?
The question is answered, people will probably just leave it alone now
the votes will age away
Possible spam: askubuntu.com/questions/616650/…, anyone wants to see what's behind the shortened url?
@muru, ok. I'll leave it alone!
@DKBose so I suppose the flag's invalid - do you want to edit it to use the atcual URL?
@muru confirmed , I used unshorten.it to expand the actual link. Will edit in a minute
DK already posted a comment . . .
On a side thought, that's a poor answer . . .downgoat incoming
Added the link.
So apparently that's a thing.
@NathanOsman someone needs to start one for "irregardless"
That's not even a word :D
@NathanOsman very nice page for ads revenue collection
@Serg definitely
<.< oh the irony
The OED goes on to explain the word is primarily a North American colloquialism.[5]
which is used around the world nowadays
so that's not colloquialism anymore
L I T E R A L L Y used around the world
We should make a page for literally as well
anyways is another candidate
And as @ByteCommander would suggest, I should make a page for proper spelling of below , not bellow
I hereby make a motion to change the room name from "Ask Ubuntu General Room" to "Ask Ubuntu Spelling Room". Cast your vote now!
( the joke is that i always put two L there )
so lloll instead of lol?
Ask Ubuntu Spelling Room prohibits use of ubantu obonto , ubnutu and any other misspellings of the actual OS name
\ (o).(o) /
...or my personal favorite, ubunut.
If I had a dollar for every time a user has used that spelling in their question...
@NathanOsman SECONDED!
Motion carried!
ubunut.com redirects to ubuntu.com
Well, considering that 16.04 mascot is a squirrel, there has to be something about nuts
^good point
As expected my sergrep repository gets big chunk of visitors from AU , but . . . .
who are the 2 people googling me ? O.o
Nathan Osman has changed the room name to "Ask Ubuntu Spelling Room".
Maybe i should rewatch Blackhat . . . Tang Wei is just qt there @_@
Hmmm , 22k results of jobs for C++ , 26k for python , 49k for Java on linkedin
37k for Linux keyword
what about javascript
34.9 k , almost 35k
What about Visual Basic? :D
they couldn't add one more ?
anyone looking for COBOL devs?
920 results for COBOL
Surprisingly , there's one ATM dev job for a bank Oo
wtf 920, i lost faith in humanity
there's a pentester job , mainframe dev . . .
( all from the COBOL search by the way )
a lot of it mainframe testers/dev jobs
probably some insane legacy code
423 results for FORTRAN
i wonder who in AU knows fortran
Maybe some of the guys from the 80s generation ?
i wonder who still teaches fortran in school nowadays
OK , this is hillarious, read this requirements for "entry level" position

MS or PhD in engineering (Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, etc.)
Over three (3+) years of professional experience in wind or closely related industry
Superior knowledge and experience of controls theory, design, and analysis related to the following disciplines: aerodynamics, composite structures, static and dynamic loads, aeroelasticity, and acoustics
Control system design and modeling using Matlab & Simulink
Wind turbine computational modeling experience with industry tools such as FAST, BLADED, HAWC, FLEX, ADAMS, SAMCEF, etc.
what . . . the actual . . .turbine
"Control system design and modeling using Matlab & Simulink" though
rip open source
although to be fair, there still exists no open-source tool that comes close to simulink
That's not the worst part. How on earth entry level people are supposed too already know "industry tools"
someone with a phd could have picked up all those things
not expert level in everything
but probably knows something about everything in that list
that's not entry level at all though
that's like quite established controls engineer level
it's entry level phd position
just a matter of semantics lol
facepalms of semantics @edwinksl
Moving on to looking at what languages are in demand
that's from codingdojo
where did c/c++ go
@edwinksl it's bellow python and php
lmao i am blind
no bash/awk? :(
Probably bash/awk is implied when you look up Linux Sysadmin jobs
...because iOS is totally a programming language...
good catch Nathan
what did they actually mean though
> "I wrote this program in iOS."
> - Nobody ever
Yup , it's listed as 9. iOS/Swift
@edwinksl Either Swift or Objective-C.
@Zacharee1 will be thrilled to see PHP in the list
So will George.
meanwhile @NathanOsman be like "i know 3 on this list, pretty good"
4... but who's counting :D
Meanwhile , I am like "I'm a n00b in 2 of these."
which 4?
Python, C++, JavaScript, and PHP.
I know the basics of Java and SQL too.
I very rarely use them though.
@Serg You're our Java genius!
And where's Perl? ಠ_ಠ
O_O genius ? in Java ? where did that come from ?
Hmm... sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW) does not match the size of the struct I created in Go to mirror it... what have I done wrong...
uh . . . welcome back
it's been too long
so . . . considering the demand for languages we've been discussing here, maybe i should start learning SQL and javascript :/
@Serg Why not JQuery?
I am so thrilled:
A complete Win32 UI application.
Isn't JQuery same as javascript ?
@NathanOsman looks impressive
...written in Go.
@NathanOsman woah that's 99% of the things i see on windoze
Oh . . .
So Go now has GUI API for Windows ?
There are other ones out there. But mine is going to be awesome.
how popular is Rust currently? just curious
@edwinksl No idea.
As I understand it, Rust has a smaller community and fewer third-party packages.
12k jobs on linkedin that mention jquery by the way
go looks oddly c-like
It is designed as a replacement for C.
so @Serg better pick it up ;)
It differs from C, however, in that the language itself offers concurrency primitives.
Channels are awesome.
yeah, i probably should . . . .
Gaaah, the network speed is atrocious right now, i can't watch Blackhat
nathan. how are you... what is Go...
@KazWolfe remember that page you made for me? The one with the floating lines?
@NathanOsman Yes.
did it break?
The server-side of that was written in Go.
really? neato.
@KazWolfe Not the page, no.
good morning
how do people accidentally delete python? askubuntu.com/questions/789222/…
i am genuinely curious
@edwinksl typically that means "Well, I thought I don't need this package that i know nothing about, and i have no idea that some core components of the OS depend on it. SO LETS REMOVE IT"
like uh, rm -rf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3?
i thought ubuntu had core protection
like how you can't remove apt and other stuff
um . . . you can remove pretty much anything with rm command
@edwinksl nah, they just do it via apt
But apt can't remove itself ,at least i don't think so
i might be remembering it wrong
apt purge --f***-you-apt apt
^ that will generate a flag probably
@edwinksl always self censor yourself just incase mods accidentally drop ban hammer on your head
Obviously obvious
good call
time to self-censor
Meanwhile . . . it's 1AM in Denver . . . and I am watching cards against of humanity . . .
done with blackhat?
Nah, I closed it. Network speed was horrible
Why ? Because i was watching Blackhat on a Russian site
and it's probably like 10 am in Russia right now
Leehom Wang is in the movie too? lol
Yes he is :)
@NathanOsman lmao
top drawer stuff
@Sneetsher here ?
$ awk '{gsub(/s/,"th")}1'  <<< "This is Sparta!!!"
Thith ith Sparta!!!
@NathanOsman look , i can do that too !
except need to include caps
$ awk '{gsub(/[Ss]/,"th")}1'  <<< "This is Sparta!!!"
Thith ith thparta!!!
That's bettor
you should post it
i don't see awk yet
@SeverusTux yep
I'm not much of a golfer so i never considered joining that community
@Sneetsher Hi :D , I wanted to ask you sth about this ans : askubuntu.com/a/461831/497359
but sure
@SeverusTux ok
Q: How do I update Ubuntu when package system is broken?

Mahdi B.I have been trying to update Gallium OS (which is based on Ubuntu), however, I keep on getting error messages. Any help would be appreciated. Please see a screenshot of the error message below: I ran sudo apt-get -f install in terminal and received the following message: Reading package lists...

In 16.04 how to connect if its for the first time ?
how to provide ESSID and password
ans how to list all available networks ?
I know one method but it requires SU privileges , sudo su ; iwlist wlo1 scan | grep ESSID
I didn't verify much but the new way it to use nmcli c add
aaand posted
check with nmcli manpage guys
they have examples
@SeverusTux "nmcli d wifi list" or "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning"
Thats it :D
thanks :)
you are welcome
Wooo, 2 upgoats for that awk command
Are 'upgoats' a Russian thing? :)
They are a StackExchange thing
In soviet Russia Stackexchange upgoats you.
@Videonauth Hi :)
Or goats one-up you on StackExchange
STarting to feel a little weird now......
hello andrew
Elelction fun over soon?
Soon, yes.
Ta-da again.
OS X this time around.
So once again the Close Votes queue will start growing :)
@NathanOsman If you're doing GUI in Go, have you considered andlabs/ui?
@NathanOsman NSAlert *alert ? Is that code supposed to detect presence of NSA lol
@Serg Welcome to the weird naming conventions of Objective-C.
Apple == Illuminati confirmed , 100% , where's my mountain dew and doritos ?
Q: What does the NS prefix mean?

Martin08Many classes in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch have the NS prefix. What does it mean? Thanks

@BharadwajRaju I'll take a look.
@Serg passes pencil dew and doritios
thanks , i could use some of that right now
1 hour later…
Q: Display used by screen

BowParkThe X window system in a desktop Linux (where just one physical monitor is used) usually uses display 0, screen 0. The output of who in Ubuntu 14.04 is user1 :0 2016-06-15 14:25 (:0) where :0 is the abbreviation for :0.0 (:display.screen). Here I logged in only from the GUI. Then ...

I need a program that will go fullscreen and show a flat black color
what's the easiest thing that will get that done?
oh I'll go with impress
Full screen as in no window decorations either?
@terdon yes
I'd probably go for a browser and a simple html page with a black background
I managed to use my screensaver to burn green stripes into my LCD monitor
by actively setting the screen completely black they're fading fast though
google docs presentation :)
hi all
any one there ?
@badp convert -size 5000x5000 xc:#000000 blackbox.png and open that in something that allows it to go fullscreen without scrollbars.
impress was the easier thing, now I'm transitioning to the terminal with brighter and brighter bg colors so that I can actually USE the monitor
@Oli you're a python person, right? Is there an easy way to get the error message from a command? In Perl, I'd do try something or print "$!" where $! is whatever was returned as an error by "something". Any equivalent in python?
I'm trying to connect to a database and it's failing but I can't figure out if it's an authentication problem, a connection issue or what.
hi would this article still work on ubuntu 16? help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition
i have booted in from a USB stick using "try ubuntu" i have a SDD where i have windows and a working ubuntu. want to copy over the ubuntu to a new bigger partition. Was able to copy using gparted and give it a new UUID. but cant seem to get the Update grub and fstab
i was able to enable universe and get gksu
and make a user with a password
but when i give command
gksu gedit /media/d80eb702-73db-4482-baca-4e7da1f82d46/boot/grub/grub.cfg &
i get a blank file?
@terdon How are you trying? Inside a python script, if something like that failed, it would (normally) raise an exception. If you aren't try-excepting that, that will end execution and print out the stack track. If you are handling that with a try-except, you can use raise to temporarily see what the error is. Or print out something there if you need your application to keep running.
def mysqlConnection(dbHost=os.environ['MYSQL_SERVER'],dbUser=os.environ['MYSQL_USERNAME'],
        print("Couldn't connect to database with user=%s, db=%s, host=%s, pp %s" % (dbUser,dbDB,dbHost,dbPasswd),file=sys.stderr)
oh i missed Once you have booted to your original Ubuntu, mount the partition via gnome -> Places option
not sure what that means
log in with my old ubuntu - the one i want to get rid off?
@terdon Yeah that could be hiding anything. You could stick a raise in before the exit to get the raw exception.
@tgkprog I'm also not sure if that approach would work correctly with a GPT partition table. I suggest you post a question on the main site about it.
@Oli Ah! Sweet, I didn't know raise (been learning Python these past two weeks), looks like it's what I needed. Thanks.
Great, and of course the problem was that I was setting the variable name to one thing and calling it as another. Idiot.
okay thanks
@terdon that source question on U&L, could 1set be an alias or something?
@muru 1set?
Typo. Just set, and anyway it turned out to be fi
@muru well done! Great catch!
I added an explanation of why it works when executed.
@terdon I was writing one when my spike guard's fuse blew.
No problem. And very well spotted.
Sorry about that, network's still weird
Wow, this combined function stuff with JS is pretty nice
I forgot about passing vars
how do I find out what model my notebook touchpad is?
@ByteCommander how about xinput list | grep -i touchpad
@ByteCommander try lshw
⎜ ↳ SYN1B7F:00 06CB:7406 Touchpad id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
So that means it's a synaptics device, I guess...
@ByteCommander try xinput --list
mine is slightly more descriptive: AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad id=16 [slave pointer (2)]
Uh oh...
Bug in lshw.
It dumps core if not running as root.
Not sure if that's a bug, it's supposed to be run as root. Did you try xinput?
3 mins ago, by Byte Commander
⎜ ↳ SYN1B7F:00 06CB:7406 Touchpad id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
Yes, I did. @edwinksl already suggested that. ^
But lshw used to print a warning and run anyway instead of dumping core.
xinput --list gives a nicely formatted short list
i like that
It also opens the Ubuntu bug reporting window.
my lshw doesn't dump core when not running with sudo
something is up
Are you on 16.04?

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