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The first revision of the Stack.PHP website is up: stackphp.quickmediasolutions.com
(I used my Tungsten MVC framework, of course :) )
@OctavianDamiean What do you think of Stack.PHP's new website?
Looks good but I think that the examples should be integrated into the site.
Other than that it looks good.
Hmm... well the examples are straight from the repository.
So that would be a bit of a challenge.
I could <iframe> them though.
Well maybe the navigation links could use a slightly darker color.
Or lighter, depends on what you prefer.
Would making the background darker work?
Yes but I'm not sure if that'd look good.
There, done.
Ah, better.
I know I'm a pain but I would also propose that you highlight the current page in the navigation. That is make the color of the current page in the navigation lighter.
Yes, Octavian, believe me, we know very well that your'e a pain. (I'm just joking)
if we have any juju experts in the house: askubuntu.com/questions/88576/…
Hey @Shazzner
is on the Ubuntu Community Design Team so giving website design feedback is totally something he likes
Q: Why am I unable to connect to my ec2 instance with Juju?

ShazznerI'm using juju to boostrap and then deploy a service. I was able to create an instance before and deploy it, but after a few creations and deletions I am now unable to connect, ie run juju status. Running juju -v status gets me this, any ideas?: juju -v status 2011-12-17 18:12:21,682 DEBUG Ini...

Octavian: As long as it's constructive critism.
Although I've used Juju a lot - I've never desployed to EC2.
How do you make stuff in italics?
@William Surround it in *.
You put them in * or _.
Example: * test * => test
do you know how to deploy juju on a local server?
i feel surrounded by *
@Shazzner Yes.
not this machine, but a local machine on the same subnet
@Shazzner Yes, there should be a nice example on the site.
Oh, I'm not sure about that.
Why does on the main site say that the last message was an hour ago?
Q: How do I configure juju for local usage?

Jorge CastroI'm too cheap to pay for EC2, and I don't have enough servers to set up my own openstack, how do I configure juju to use Linux Containers (LXC) on something like my laptop?

@William The chat stats are not live on the main site.
where do I put the server address in one the environment.yaml
Then what's the point of having them?
*in on
@William Letting users know that there is a chat which is active.
Okay, even though it's outdated.
It doesn't let people know it's active though, when it says an hour ago, I just joined and was surprised to see all this activity
Well one hour is not that bad.
Well... it depends on.
If you are using my Juju GUI, you can configure your environment a lot more easily :)
welp got to run
There are chat rooms that are not used for days.
link to juju gui? :)
It can't be too much work to make the main site live, but I guess that that's outside ask ubuntu's control.
Could someone please explain in simple terms what JuJu is at it's basicest (which is not a word) level?
It is, also the chat system is not that important that it'd need to have live stats on the main site.
youhavedownloaded.com is an interesting site
itsmellsfishy.com as well. :D
thats a broken link
It is a hidden message. :P
Well... I don't get it, sorry.
It means that I'm not gonna open that site because it sounds dangerous.
Okay. youhavedownloaded.com tells you what torrents you have downloaded. It's kinda creepy.
@William Doesn't find anything for me :)
Me niether.
In conclusion, that service is inaccurate
@MarcoCeppi Did you know that Ask Ubuntu has almost one entire page in the Official Ubuntu Book?
@OctavianDamiean what!?
Starting on page 221 to page 222.
Any chance you can snap a pic?
@MarcoCeppi You're here!
@MarcoCeppi Hop on Gtalk. :)
I thought you were away from the Internet :P
Not for long
I sign in at the morning and once at night
just for flags <3
What do you think of the test results page?
That's kinda neat.
@GeorgeEdison Cool, except some failed :)
I know.
Hey! It's stone-age-no-internet man!
One is a known bug and the other is because that server doesn't support in-memory SQLite databases.
Does anyone know what that one firefox extension is called that when you are logged on to a public wifi network it shows what the people around you are doing?
Oh yea, I forgot to mention. I'm in the Austrian Ubuntu LoCo council now. :)
My first task is to create our LoCo website.
Time to get some sleep.
Good night.
Well, am I all alone then? Hello? echo echo
@Icedrake I got it from chromium's inspector.
Oh! I'm not alone! The upvoters here!
You say that like it's a BAD thing.
grins sheepishly
You got my hopes up.
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && alert&
oops, wrong window.
compiz seems to be failing lately.
time to reset it.
I like wobbly windows
eh..... why?!
i find them annoying and a distraction. :P
beginning to regret upvoting anything by you, the wobbly window lover. ;)
@jrg Well, don't worry - they didn't count anyway. So don't feel too bad.
@William haha. :P
ok, so metacity works fine, compiz still fails.
i think i reported the bug as well.... /me looks for it
Your /me fails
can't find the bug.
guess i'll need to file it.
ok, i don't.
well its up to you
what the heck... there are like, a dozen bugs that are supposedly fixed, but they aren't fixed for me.
i know how you feel goodnight
might end up using unity 2d from now on.. at least i know how to fix that... :P
@William night!
I'm an idiot. That version of Unity hasn't been uploaded yet. :\
Hmm... I can select Unity 2D from the logon screen.
Can or can't?
Q: HTTPS everywhere bug?

LanceBaynesAfter I installed Firefox 3.6 with HTTPSEverywhere 1.2.1 Add-on on Ubuntu 10.04 a problem occurs. If I visit http://code.google.com/ then I will be redirected to https://encrypted.google.com/ I was thinking about the problem... if someone types (without https-everywhere) https://www.code.google....

Can you answer this? Wireless will not connect http://askubuntu.com/questions/22247/wireless-will-not-connect #wireless
1 hour later…
Hello all!
Wait.... Is harry potter the only student in hogwarts wearing glasses?
#RandomQuestions Why is Harry Potter the only student at Hogwarts who wears glasses?
Before any impulse purchase, I like to do a Windows update. By the time it's done, I've usually changed my mind.
2 hours later…
Great answer: Can I make Tab auto-completion case-insensitive in the terminal? http://askubuntu.com/questions/87061/can-i-make-tab-auto-completion-case-insensitive-in-the-terminal/87066#87066 #terminal
3 hours later…
Night all.
Problems setting up vpn on 11.10 http://askubuntu.com/questions/88612/problems-setting-up-vpn-on-11-10 #vpn
Dude! Sass is amazing!
good morning!
Hello all!
Hey @Tom
Anyone have a clue what has gone wrong for this guy? He can't install for some reason. askubuntu.com/questions/88423/…
@StefanoPalazzo how can i find the remainder in python?
2 hours later…
@AmithKK Using the modulo operator.
@OctavianDamiean I did it
Went to #python
Nice People
Oh didn't see the nvm.
gist: Divisibilty test, 2011-12-18 11:23:18Z
print "What is the number to compute?",
cno = int(raw_input(">"));

while i>0:
	i= cno%cfl

print cno,"is exactly divisible by",cfl

How can I determine which software repositories are in active use? http://askubuntu.com/questions/88640/how-can-i-determine-which-software-repositories-are-in-active-use #updatemanager
@AmithKK Make sure to use consistent whitespace usage.
That is between = operators and so on.
Or better, between operators in general.
@AmithKK Wow they must be feeling Christmassy then. Every time I've been to ##python they've said what I'm trying to do is wrong, that I should give up Python, move to a farm and (I'm paraphrasing heavily now) marry a horse.
@Oli lol
They were really helpful
Makes Moderators Supercharged
Most awesome comment:
Goku: First I'd thought I'd take a minute to teach you a thing or two about social networking , starting with the basics. This is a "myspace" and this, this is what is known as a social networking that has ascended past a "myspace", or you could just call this a facebook2... and this...IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!!!
king kai: goku dont you will crash the server knock it off!
(Powering up and deeper voice). This is what I call a social network 3 GOOGLE PLUS+
@OctavianDamiean Du använder Google Översätt?
As I promised two days ago, here is the question on askubuntu now:
Hello guys :) I've got a question :
Q: VLC media player plays but no video is seen

nitstormI have been having this problem after I accessed the Orca Screen Reader - VLC media player doesn't show itself anymore. Whenever I play a file, I can hear the file, the VLC media player icon shows up in the top panel next to the messagin-menu but there is no video, or the usual GUI at all. I have...

@nitstorm Hey!
@AmithKK hey. How's it going?
@nitstorm Fine
Good . Glad to hear :)
gist: Divisibilty test, 2011-12-18 11:23:18Z
print "What is the number to compute?",

while i>0:
	i= cno%cfl

print cno,"is exactly divisible by",cfl

My attempt at python programming for functionality
@AmithKK I have no idea what you said there.
@Oli That is a very helpful advice. :D
Q: Switching a newborn to the correct timezone

GrzenioWe live in London, but our new-born son (3 days old) seems to operate in the US west coast timezone, so he is mainly active during the night. What is the best way to switch him to the local timezone? We tried to wake him up during the day, but it doesn't seem to work at all.

I saw it on some site and I thought "Hey! SE!!"
That was a akward title
I'd probably suggest sshing to his brain and running time-admin ;)
Waking up a newborn is a bad bad idea.
@OctavianDamiean Agree
A: At what age should you start giving your children pocket money?

Jeffrey FaustWe are starting by using poker chips with our 4 year old. We reward him for doing well at preschool or finishing some homework. To watch TV, he has to pay 1 chip/half hour. He can also cash them on on a toy at the rate of $2/chip. 5 white chips get traded in for a red chip so this helps with ...

LOL commet
> $2 a chip? Can he spend 5 chips to buy a basic pokergame that gets him 200 chips?
morning everyone
lol @ the pocket money question
Oh crap ... I gotta finish a book review until tomorrow!
Im g oin 2 church 2 help out on tech team - see everyone later!
How come Ubuntu is slowed down even after all resource-hungry apps have exited http://askubuntu.com/questions/88655/how-come-ubuntu-is-slowed-down-even-after-all-resource-hungry-apps-have-exited #cpuload
Today is my 100 consecutive day at Ask Ubuntu! :)
So I was writing this essay last night, and I ended up scrapping the entire thing. Have to start all over again today, lol.
I'll get a SSD soon-ish.
@Oli What do you think about the OCZ Vertex 3?
@OctavianDamiean What's your price range and the size you want to get?
and there's my first gold badge :)
Hey guys
can anyone give me a single program that doesn't work correctly with OpenJDK?
@Icedrake no.
I love openJDK..
Just as an example
Doesn't have to be something you use
subsonic can have problems with the JRE but that's all I know..
@Icedrake google?
any google program in specific?
@Icedrake I'll get a 120 GB one.
@Icedrake I'm not entirely sure but the Android developer tools may not be that happy with the OpenJDK. I didn't try the newer versions but I know that a couple of months ago there were problems.
@Icedrake google it! google is your friend.
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, Vertex 3 is probably your best choice if you're going for performance.
@Alvar Found some things on Google.
Oh wait, my statement was contradictory, lol.
@OctavianDamiean Ignore the "if you're going for performance" section
long time @takkat
Why? It is quite a fast SSD.
Hi @Alvar
Times are so busy...
@Takkat today is my 100 consecutive! :)
@Takkat Absorbers?
I won't tell you mine.
I'm doing some web development... alvarberglind.se
I started form scratch yesterday..
@OctavianDamiean Absorber invasion all over the places
@OctavianDamiean Well SSD's are made for great performance and I said "if you're going for performance" which makes no sense.
> This site is under development!
@Takkat yeah it works now..
it has been worse..
Oh, well there are differences between the SSDs. :)
You need to fill it with fancy graphics
Absolute positioning, mhmm.
yeah :P
it's just for fun..
Ah, I see.
I read a lot about the short lifetime of a SSD...
But nobody complained about any one dying so far
Well Jeff did.
So it's true they die?
who jeff? :P
Jeff Atwood, one of the two SE founders.
You should read the entire article though!
That is some complaint we have here.
I like the backup plan thing at the end.
Hourly backups are not for me.
I've just decided to try it myself. Most of the really important stuff is on Ubuntu One anyway so even when it fails I won't be that affected.
It should also increase my battery lifetime.
But isn't having things in the cloud taking away all the speed you gain from a SSD?
It feels like either you're safe or you're fast. That makes sense in analogy to real life (motorbikes)
Well I'm talking about documents that are kinda automatically backed up because I save them on the cloud.
Yeah backups in the cloud make a lot of sense.
No, you are fast with a SSD regardless of where the files are but the files are on the computer anyway.
It is just that you don't have to actively back them up. They are backed up as you modify them.
This may be a naive approach because you can never be sure that the cloud service won't fail but it is less likely than a local hard disk failure.
There is one thing that scares me off cloud backups. That's when people report that their local disk is wiped because an automatic sync was done with empty files from the cloud...
You really really need to know what you do when with what data.
I have yet to run into this problem myself.
I don't really have documents on the computer anyway. I'm a Google services user.
I do believe that its definitely some stupidity of people when this happens. But then I also believe that I will be that stupid some day...
3 years ago I was faced with not having an internet connection for 6 long weeks.
Not to imagine what would have been if all my data were there but not here.
On the other hand - none of my data are that important to me or to the world...
The nice thing is that today it is almost impossible not to have an internet connection.
I thought so too until my provider told me they need 4 weeks to switch my account to my new address. It became 6 weeks.
You can get online with your cellphone or using your cellphone to get some really important documents.
Also, there are internet cafes as well.
Ah the cellphone! Unfortunately where I live we almost never have a connection in our appartment. To go online I would have to have my PC moved to the parking lot 200m away... But there of course is no power supply....
Those 6 weeks were sheer madness. I thought I was back to stone age.
However I agree that it is damn complicated without internet access.
Knowing that my provider only has to klick a button to get me online - I couldn't understand what took them 6 weeks.
My internet connection once died on a Friday and the service team came Monday morning. It would have been a tough weekend if it wasn't for my cellphone or mobile data connection stick. :P
Its even 2 hours that could drive you mad if you had to really do something important.
After that 6 weeks we upgraded our home equipment to make sure we can get online anytime.
Hello all!
Hi @AmithKK
@Takkat Hey!
At least by this we survived when our router died some half year ago.
My 5 year old 80GB WD Drive is working till now
And I have installed windows countless times
But thats luck too. I have seen more than one hard drive fail...
...they always fail when you need them most.
@Takkat My cousin asked the weirdest question a few days ago
That's what cousins are for.
@Takkat So you have @rlemons and my userscripts installed
Yeah... It is related to girls staring and weirdness
@Takkat I totally agree. I had a 1TB Seagate hard drive fail after a couple of months already.
@OctavianDamiean too bad when it was the bakup disk...
Nah it was the data disk in my system setup. I had a 150 GB Western Digital Velociraptor (a 10k RPM drive) and that 1TB drive.
@AmithKK no scripts here :/
I went for a second Velociraptor after the Seagate falied.
@OctavianDamiean The bad thing is that only sometimes the drive tells you before it dies.
Mostly they just crash.
The worse thing is that people's advice is to restore your backup :P
Of course the backup is weeks old.
At least mine would be here atm.
I was lucky because I experienced some weird system lockups when I accessed certain files on that disk so I ran a throughout check and found that the dive had 32 bad sectors.
Backup is for cowards
Yeah bad sectors is always luck if you find them in time.
Backed up all data that was possible, shredded it a couple of times and returned it.
Do you believe in evil people that spy on other people's broken harddisks for data?
You can imagine how long a throughout check would take on a 1 TB drive. Now imagine the time it'd take and multiply it by how many times you ran the shredder.
I don't shred any more... I believe all people are good.
Well I had data on it for which I signed two NDAs so I wanted to make sure.
Then it's different maybe.
I always read that even forensics can not restore anything on a modern disk if it was overwritten only once (not even random).
I'm aware that it isn't a 100% secure thing either but it will make the average Joe's life tougher to get the data back. :D
@OctavianDamiean What is a nda?
non disclosure
Well depends on how much you want to spend for the recovery.
Non Disclosure Agreement.
Interesting book, I need that in my shelf.
Wait what? It isn't a book?
If you need to proof you have done all to not diclose anything you might be safe to just overwrite your disk with a single iteration of random numers. Nobody would be able to tell you didn't do it 3 or more times...
@OctavianDamiean you can download the PDF
Oh - sorry you can't any more :(
I want the entire book though. :D
Yeah lets break those myths
@Takkat I'll call the mythbusters
Shredding can not be done on a SSD (I learned this when writing this answer)
hmmm, guys, quick question - when you run sudo apt-get upgrade the packages get downloaded one by one right? or is it the same as update manager and tries to download multiple packages simultaneously?
@nitstorm I guess its the same
@AmithKK oh...
@AmithKK Roger that! Thanks :)
@nitstorm As far as I know it is downloaded serially but I'm not 100% sure. You should ask a question on Ask Ubuntu.
@OctavianDamiean I thought so too.. there is actually a question asking how to download via update-manager one package at a time, and i thought of suggesting sudo apt-get upgrade but wanted to confirm. Here's the question
Q: Can the update manager download only a single file at a time?

SaultDonI need the update manager to only download a single file at a time and not try to download multiple files at once. My slow internet cannot handle multiple connections; slows the download to a crawl and some files will reset themselves halfway through when they time-out.

@nitstorm I've posted the answer
@AmithKK Nice :D Upvoted :D
@nitstorm Thanks alot!
Welcome :D
I wish all the Questions from Ubuntu Fourms get ported to au
@AmithKK That would indeed be awesome but painful! Think about all the super-long threads getting compressed to answers and comments. Definitely a nightmarish job!
Bounty offered: Unable to load live usb http://askubuntu.com/questions/63229/unable-to-load-live-usb #liveusb
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