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We're good now.
@A.B. hi man, whats up?
@Seth thanks man, remove that spammer
I can use 2> to redirect errors to a file right?
Thank you! Tried Google Translating what language it was speaking.
Google Detected English xD
@blade19899 he is writing hindi in english, how do you translated it :#
@edwardtorvalds yup!
@Seth how can I output date along with error ?
Not really usefull stiff there
@edwardtorvalds $DATE?
i am using 2> errorLogfile
@edwardtorvalds What exactly are you trying to do?
I am logging error of a script
@edwardtorvalds I don't think you're giving us all the details.. Do you expect this to be a long running process?
I am making a service script
I want to logs its errors
to a file and want to log the error after the time and date
(thats it)
@edwardtorvalds I think that question has been asked here on Ask Ubuntu, Stack Overflow, and Super User. If you are running on a Linux distro search on unix & linux, if Ubuntu search on Ask Ubuntu. Notice I said search, not ask. It's probably gonna be a dupe then.
@edwardtorvalds Sounds like you should log the errors from inside the script, not outside.
but I'm not sure if I know how I'd do that.
@blade19899 bye :)
Q: Log error of script to a file along with the date and time

edward torvaldsI can use 2> errorLogFile to log error of running script to a file right? my question is how to log the date and time of error along with error? for example: $ cat myScript 2> errorLogFile ..... # rest of the script this is how the error file should look like: $ cat errorLogFile 21 Nov 2015 ...

Is this question on-topic ? askubuntu.com/q/692928/338915
it looks like more of android than ubuntu, i guess its off topic
Seems on-topic to me.
This one's on topic too: askubuntu.com/questions/6317/…
@StefanoPalazzo Ok. Thanks.
@Ravan probably very late, but clear your cookies.
@ThomasW. would it be valid to answer this question by explaining the way drivers work on Ubuntu?
I don't think this person gets it
@Zacharee1 I think Pilot6 is correct, he needs codecs.
otherwise I'd say yes, throw an answer on it. Still can if you really want, but by the time you do it'll probably be mostly resolved.
@edwardtorvalds Hey guy =)
I made a Python script that generates all of the possible WPA/WPA2 PSK passphrases for a given length...
8 character passphrase file is so far over 2 gigs... and still going.
@HeatherBrown wow..
6.5 GB now...
I'm gonna have to find someway to compress this...
Why would you keep it?
Because I made it.
It's not like 7GB of text is able to opened
Keep the script not the output
What if I'm called to do a PenTest? Wouldn't this dictionary file be useful? :P
I'm not a security expert, so I doubt I'll ever be called to pentest...
@Zacharee1: Have you successfully upgraded the script?
Me? yeah
Because I'm having trouble... :(
How so?
Well I went to the page with the install button, but it doesn't actually do anything...
Nope, don't get anything... :(
Anything show up in the console?
And you have it installed?
restart your browser
leave and rejoin the chat
shift/ctrl f5
@Nathan: It says "Cross-orgin request blocked"...
From your URL.
@ParanoidPanda Can you copy and paste the exact error message?
The "possibles.txt" referenced in that script is just a text file listing all of the possible characters for a passphrase. You can make your own, or I can send you mine.
@HeatherBrown I imagine the output of that compresses well.
@NathanOsman 17:41:32.750 Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://sechat.quickmediasolutions.com/static/js/chatstatus.user.js. (Reason: CORS request failed).1 <unknown>
Yeah, it probably will in the end. It's just still going.
@NathanOsman Very cool script homepage!
@ByteCommander @Whaaaaaat made it.
It still only works in the room 201, right?
Still have a few minor things to fix before expanding it.
But the script gets also loaded in other SE rooms though. It just seems not to operate.
That's correct.
In order to expand it later, the UserScript needs to be able to run in other rooms.
@Nathan: Why am I getting that error and unable to install it?
But when it loads the actual script, it checks to see what room it's in and aborts if it's not 201.
Erm,... wut??? o.O
Hi "@ByteCommander" , Thank you for your reply. Before answering your questions. I need a small clarification i.e., PBIS(Power Broker Identification Services) is freeware or we need to buy that. If we need to buy what is the service suitable for me in order to join ubuntu machine into Windows A.D, also please tell me the prices. — Raghava 6 hours ago
@ParanoidPanda That's strange. You're using Greasemonkey, right?
@NathanOsman Does the script work on Ice Weasel?
@HeatherBrown does Greasemonkey work on Ice Weasel?
It should work on anything that can run UserScripts.
Yes. cool.
@Nathan: Ah! It's working! :D
There we go.
But I'm still getting that upgrade message...
Yeah, another user has been seeing that too. No idea why...
How do I get rid of it?
When you click the Greasemonkey icon in the toolbar, which scripts are loaded?
Can we close this (unclear) or is anybody able to tell me what to do with this guy?
Q: Running Windows applications in Ubuntu 14.04

RaghavaHow can I run Windows based applications(.exe) in Ubuntu 14.04, I have installed Wine but it seems that is not working so any suggestions ??

@Fabby: By the way, it turned out to be something else, the global variables are working fine! :D
Okay, you need to disable the "Ask Ubuntu" one.
Just click on it to do that.
Then reload the page.
@Nathan: Ok, that works, so should I just remove the old one now then? And shouldn't it be doing this automatically (removing the old one)?
No, it can't remove UserScripts for you :P
I'm not going to be having to do this every time am I?
Would you like a random page being able to remove your scripts?
@ParanoidPanda No, just this once.
Ok, is this because of the name change or something and the old one therefore becoming obsolete or something?
Yeah, the name change.
@Zacharee1 No, I don't think so. We need more info first. Looks like it's a codecs problem, not drivers.
So in this case no explaining how drivers work in an answer wouldn't be the answer
Erm, how is the <<< something command structure called again?
Like in this:
Nice answer, but could you avoid the pipe? Pretty please? <<<"!!" xsel -ibkos yesterday
Have to go...
ok @ThomasW.
hmm, dupe this or answer it?
Q: Ubuntu OS install in Android Mobile device using ubuntu-device-flash

Ram MurthyFor past few days I have been looking for a way to install Ubuntu Touch on my Moto-G(XT1033). So I tried some process and it failed with failed to enter recovery. root@ram:/home/ram/Downloads# ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --bootstrap --device=mako 2015/11/02...

@jrg you were around when we starting duping things to the canonical UT thing. Do you think that counts or are the questions different enough? --^
The canonical indirectly answers, kinda.
scratches his beard
ponders it, drinking from his beverage, slowly.
@Seth IDK. I would dupe it.
<--- installs Hyper-V
Hello Firefox, my old friend.
@Seth stole my answer ;p
@jrg the only problem I have with duping it is the questions aren't really the same and there's no direct answer. He's not asking what devices UT supports or even how to install it, but rather why the install doesn't work.
@Seth On a unsupported device, right?
@jrg yah
@Seth it isn't a duplicate, but that link is good for reference
They really should have done research before trying to install it
Looks like they tried..
I mean, they sorta got the official steps right.
Ok, here's my answer: I need to do more research on the subject. I do not have time to do so, so I can't chime in.
research? ok.. I'm not sure what, but ok ;)
In that case I'm not closing it since the canonical doesn't really address his issue IMO.
@Zacharee1 seems to agree.
@Seth well they could have checked to see whether or not it was supported
Instead of clicking on the instructions for the Nexus 4 and expecting it to work
on third thought, lets just close it. Seems to be what we did to all the others.
I have a feeling at this point he doesn't really know what he is asking.
who needed me
Hello Pi.
Still need OSx86 help?
This really is a great app! I'm so glad I found it! :D
A: Interactive Periodic table

Paranoid PandaGelemental is just the app for you! Install it with: sudo apt-get install gelemental It shows all the information you requested and so much more! Take Cadmium for instance:

@Whaaaaaat Not yet, I've still got to back up my system. I'll probably do it this weekend if possible
@Whaaaaaat @NathanOsman I SAW THAT.
Quake in fear, the Ruby programmer is here.
@jrg: I thought you said "Quake in fear, the Rugby program is here"! :D
@Fabby: What do you think of my latest Q&A? I'm really liking this, I think I'll do a few more of these! :)
uh oh.
Ruh roh?
@jrg please forgive me. falls to knees
@ParanoidPanda that's a pretty cool app!
paranoid is beating me to 10k?
Q: Top Linux Dockers as of today

Veliko KosevI want to ask you which are the top Linux Docker bars in your opinion as of today ? So far I have only heard of "Cairo Docker" which is Mac OS X kind of docker. I want to see more dockers and choose what to use.

one more to nuke
@ParanoidPanda I remember having coded a Periodic Table for my CASIO fx9750 GII in some strongly limited BASIC dialect once... ;)
I have one on my NSpire. So awesome.
@Whaaaaaat And I'm beating both of you! ;D (maybe, it's a head-to-head race with @ParanoidPanda)
Aaaand ... I'm not
But hey, I'm cool with that.
ugh. i gotta use ubuntu more. I'm getting dumb.
Windows has that effect on you.
Tips for getting more than 100 Mbps from an 802.11ac network?
@NathanOsman Get a better ISP
The ISP has nothing to do with transfer speed through an access point.
Oh, you're doing internal?
I can sometimes get up to 150 Mbps through 802.11ac and 50 Mbps through 802.11n.
The devices is literally inches from the access point in both cases.
And I can easily get gigabit speeds from wired connections on the same access point.
Hmmmm. How many clients are using it?
There are 10 connected but only two are actively using it.
One is the desktop that I'm typing this on.
The other is the machine I'm trying to copy the file to.
Oh, and the third one is the NAS I'm copying from.
But the NAS is idle otherwise.
And the NAS is capable of well over 500 Mbps.
@Seth I know! I only post about cool apps! ;)
@ByteCommander: You won't be beating me for long! >:D
@ParanoidPanda Who knows? I'm excited to find it out. :)
@NathanOsman Any devices/networks of your neighbours etc. on the same frequency band?
Not sure, but good question.
I don't think too many neighbors have AC-capable access points but that was a few months ago.
Q: It seems 15.10 has too many problems, is this natural or Canonical should resolve the bugs?

Star OSIt seems that Ubuntu 15.10 is bringing up a lot of questions here on AskUbuntu. Is this natural? (Noobs getting excited to actually test it out, they know nothing so a lot of problems/questions bring up, but then all of that passes.) or it is actually buggy? (Canonical doesn't know 2 + 2)

@ByteCommander: Do you place your gauntlet on the table and challenge me to a rep duel?
@ParanoidPanda Erm... no. Not really. If I did, you would come up with even more stupid questions to get points than you already do! ;)
It would take at least 20 wise men (according to @Fabby) to answer them all...
Oct 17 at 20:46, by Fabby
@ParanoidPanda You ask more questions then 10 wise men can answer...
meanwhile @A.B. is just sitting here answering god-knows-what
(I thought he has said 4...)
@Zacharee1 Close as off-topic because "This describes a problem that can't be reproduced that seemingly went away on its own or was only relevant to a very specific period of time. It's off-topic as it's unlikely to help future readers. "
@ByteCommander sure
I was more focused on the answer, but whatever
Do I have any mistakes here? askubuntu.com/a/692610/367990
@KGIII I figured out why you see the notification every time you load the page.
@NathanOsman New wrapper script?
Oh? (Just getting back in a little while ago. Will be slow.)
The old script and the new script have different identifiers so they both end up being installed at the same time.
All you need to do is remove the old one.
Hah. I'll take care of that, thanks.
Thanks for being patient :)
Yup, resolved. I should have noticed that.
On an unrelated note, if I open an elevated command prompt and launch a process, the process is still owned by me (the unprivileged user) but files created by the process are owned by the local Administrators group.
Welcome to Windows.
That is so confusing.
The process is owned by you so you have the capability to kill it. It runs within the Administrators group, saving all its files to be owned by said group.
Go Windows! :p
^--- very ironic (since this is related to "go")
Or that's how I think it works.
I have no idea, really.
oh haha
Windows is weird.
Though they do have nicer file permissions -- I can grant/revoke on a per-user basis, which is definitely nice.
I hate windows permissions.
I'm writing a Go package to do exactly that.
I don't think I like this script :P
yay seth!
i get to praise Seth when he's in the process of typing now!
@Seth what don't you like about it?
@NathanOsman This isn't hangouts ;)
People don't need to see when I'm typing or how far I've read IMO.
Sometimes I type and then don't send it. Sometimes I read but don't have time to really be here.
@ByteCommander indeed!
@ParanoidPanda reading
@Whaaaaaat -.-
It's well written though; as always Nathan :)
And it looks great.
aww he disabled it.
I just don't need the functionality myself.
fine. All hail @Seth, the keyboard warrior who is currently clickity-clacking! Let his wisdom reign!
@ParanoidPanda More Chemistry ones? :-) (Upgoated both Q and A)
@Whaaaaaat please..
I can't tell if you're begging to be kicked or something else.
what? kicked? no.
I get enough of that over in the Bridge.
Just being overly nice
I'll tone it down.
@Seth regarding Windows permissions - I understand your frustration with their complexity, but that's a double-edged sword. Although it can be confusing, it's a lot more powerful than what POSIX/Unix provides.
And if all you want is a chmod equivalent on Windows... well... I just finished writing one for Go :)
@NathanOsman This. Owning User/Owning Group/Everyone Else doesn't cut it sometimes.
Inheritance can be very powerful.
I have a birthday today! I've been on AU for a year today! (Well... I was answering aned editing anonymously already before that TBH)
@Fabby \o/ :D
@Seth o/
@NathanOsman I've never found the expanded Windows permission system to be any use for me. All it's ever done is prevent me from editing things I desperately needed to edit.
or delete or whatever.
It is so complex understanding exactly what is going on is extremely hard, unlike in *nix.
Permissions in Windows are based around the concept of Active Directory.
And as such are remarkably complex and amazing.
It is absolutely pouring down rain here.
@Seth fun
Where's "here?"
Where it's raining, obviously ;)
-_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_-
@Seth can you take a look at that linked answer/comment thing?
@Fabby: It's a cool tool though isn't it? :D
Also, I figured out my Java problems, I was adding the wrong width... I thought the ball's width was that of the bat... :D
WHOA. A @StefanoPalazzo APPEARED
@Zacharee1 I don't see anything relevant in any of those comments.
The answer more.
Answer looks fine. Could use some editing but he's probably right.
Eh, OK.
I just figured that saying to redownload the ISO is more of a comment
And suggesting to upgrade an old PC to SSD without knowing if it even has SATA is more of a comment
@ByteCommander that answer has awesome information!
@GeoMint Wait, just a third variant came to my mind! :D
@ByteCommander it is knowledge i admire :)
also it was very clear! i upvoted
@Whaaaaaat what do you mean?
@A.B. should've left out the "what"
Now the edit is done: askubuntu.com/a/692610/367990
It takes a while to scroll from one end of that answer to the other! :D
@GeoMint Thanks!
@Zacharee1 "your iso is corrupt. Redownload with a more reliable method" seems like an answer to me.
The SATA thing is kind of irrelevant from either view.
@Seth OK. I just feel that it's something that is suggested as a way to eliminate possible problems, not the definite solution.
5775 characters in 943 words... I guess it's one of my longest answers by now. Is there any statistic about answer length on SE?
@ByteCommander longer than some essays
Already 102 points today. It was a good day! :)
@ByteCommander great answer, already upvoted on the first day :|
I know! ;-)
@Zacharee1 yes :)
@Fabby happy birthday >:)
@A.B. o.O?
I thought that was in May?
Yay! Food is ordered. That took way too long.
@Fabby Birthday?
Yes, he said
> I have a birthday today! I've been on AU for a year today! (Well... I was answering aned editing anonymously already before that TBH)
Ah, that kind of birthday! :D
Yes ^_^
#define F H
Fabby Birthday :D
Well, that's as good a reason to celebrate as any, right @A.B.?
what are AU and TBH?
Ask Ubuntu and ... O_o
@KGIII indeed :D @Fabby party!!!!
TBH = To Be Honest, AFAIK.
ohh ok :P
Ah, great, @Fabby = Anonymous o_O >:) :D
i think i am into AU for two years but i don't really remember when i signed up
Remember remember the fifth of November
“Remember, remember the Fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot;
I know of no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.”
i am "Member for 1 year, 10 months"
it sais that on my profile
> Member for 4 years, 11 months
Time to do some celebrations or something... maybe.
you should do 5 celebrations in once i think!
do you know guys about the keyboard shortcuts of ask ubuntu?
go to profile settings > preferences > keyboard shortcuts
Well, before I've been here for a year I want at least to get to 10k! :D
i am still at 140 :P
I got to 500 in a month. :/
@KGIII that's a good start
Also, the attempt to install Arch via Twitch went (as expected) very bad. They pulled the plug. A number of people were making it install Gentoo.
its still an awesome idea
i know more about installing arch now :P
First rule, don't crowdsource it.
Actually, that hasn't entirely failed, has it?
I thought that was doing rather well.
Like, they managed to get a root password set.
That's more than I've ever done with Arch.
@KGIII Really? When I looked at the chat for a minute, most of the posts were downloading p0rn... :-/
Yeah, they got a bunch of IRC scripts running on proxies. Everyone thinks it was a botnet. It wasn't. It was just lulz @ByteCommander They pulled the plug and killed the lulz. y u no liek lulz? They said...
<--- Member for 9 months now. My AU birthday was on January 12.
@jrg I got Arch installed in a VM once. I followed the instructions pretty carefully so it took longer than it should.
And I'm heading straight to 10k. Another 122 points made today.
Only 1354 more to go... :P
Food is on the way up. Back in a bit.
On the way up? o.O Sounds like a case of anacatharsis?
What's the best website for linux manual pages?
@GeoMint Open terminal, type man and the command you want. Doesn't even need internet.
And do you want Ubuntu or Linux in general?
linux general at that point
i want to understand curl
and what is the difference with wget
i am going off for a while BRB
i stay logged in
Q: What is the difference between curl and wget?

snoopBoth of these curl and wget are use for downloading files, etc. Is there any reason to use one over the other?

@ByteCommander wow thanks
Just type in google/duckduckgo/... : site:askubuntu.com wget curl
Leaving for today, bye folks!
@ByteCommander o/
Well, goodnight folks! :)
Panda is off to his bamboo bed ?
@Serg: He's eaten half of it already... :P

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