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it disappears if you have an abnormal increase in the amount of rep you get, there's some kind of rate-limiter to weed out bot upvote rep increases
Hey guys
quick question
is localepurge okay to use in 11.10?
or is it out of date?
Q: Writing usb on FreeBSD to access on windows

hariHow can I write "stuff" into USB drive on FreeBSD such that, the "stuff" is accessible in Windows [yes my wife still uses that :( ] and Ubuntu?

Actually, scratch that question.
Finally made the announcement: launchpad.net/stackapplet/+announcement/9211
A: Desktop runs very slick, animations are all fast and flawless. Moving windows around, however, is very laggy. Why?

DoRI don't know why this happens, but the following worked for me: ... I've changed my mousepolling to "10" which has solved this problem. Instructions for anyone who would like to replicate my solution: sudo gedit /etc/modules Append the following: -r usbhid usbhid mousepoll=1...

Back for another question
I was installing the Gnome Tweak Tool to change my icon theme, and it seems to have also installed the entire Gnome Shell with it
Will the Gnome Shell automatically update to the latest version now that it's installed?
Wow... the long trek to the next 10k begins gain :)
my assumption is anything that is related to software center will be automatically updated
so if u installed gnome tweak tools from some ppa and that ppa updates gnome shell then yea it will be updated
I just installed it from the Software Center
@Icedrake yes.
One more question
Does the Faenza icon theme work with Gnome Shell, now that it was automatically installed?
yup I used it
I'm starting to like Gnome shell quite a bit
one more question
why is my battery icon in the top bar so tiny?
it looks extremely disproportionate compared to the rest of the icons in the bar
well that one I'm sure I can't answer :P
@Icedrake its because your system wants to annoy you
@ThomasWard runs away screaming, brings two baseball bats, starts smashing computer with two bats in both hands
anyways try icon set clarity if u like simple themes and everything kinda matching to environment
lol yea that resolves everything ALWAYS :D
@Icedrake there's a simpler solution....
I don't know about you guys, but Gnome Shell seems to be extremely snappy for me
faster than Unity which was so painfully laggy in the dash
pulls out Desert Eagle .50 and shoots @Icedrake's computer 7 times
@Icedrake it's a bug.
@ThomasWard Urban terror guns are not allowed here.
@RolandTaylor So I'm not the only one with the problem right?
pulls out the xael and blasts away randomly
@RolandTaylor orly?
@Icedrake no, you're not.
calls in missile strikes
@RolandTaylor Phew.
One more question
Does Faenza have an icon for FileZilla?
itches an intergalactic agency's leg
@Icedrake I believe not
but it probably (probably~!) does
pokes the commander of his intergalactic armada which is 500000000 ships strong
@RolandTaylor O.O
calls in Marco Ceppi. game over
@RolandTaylor you know you lost too right?
Calls in Chuck Norris. /game
yeah, but at least I got the last move in :D
calls in Oli. /game
recursively loops himself... point?
do this while 1==1
do echo /dev/urandom while 1==1
do anything while 1==1 is so evil :D
i know, right?
although there was this one time i saw someone using:
I used it at college to show people how you can make a CPU overheat :)
ofc, since it was my CPU, I stopped at a point :)
   < ... >
while *null* == *null*
and i was all.
"WTH DUDE>?!?!?!???!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!"
lol one of my friend actually changed professors testbench from if(push == 1) to if (0 == 1)
that is evil :D
to check
and submitted assignment cause he got happy its working :P
if(1/0 == true)...
well thats not allowed in hardware (verilog) so will give an error
Chromium has the filetype icons!
I just looked
@RolandTaylor while (1==1): echo (1==0); loop
and they are all there
@ThomasWard lol
That just made my night
okay guys - urban terror time!
if you haven't added me on G+ btw...
@RolandTaylor and also... i had a client complain that his computer screen kept filling with ascii art of d***s...
i found a script in their boot stuff...
that said "while (1==1) echo <art>"
a hacker put it there?
no a disgruntled employee
okay I'm out :D!
Urban terror calleth!
(and I'm taking a break from writing/helping/working)
@Icedrake just install ubuntu tweak. :P
@jrg YOU install ubuntu tweak :P
I did. :D
/me is bored, so he loads up memebase
@ThomasWard That's always a good site to go to. :)
RAGE COMICS!!!!!!!!!
@jrg You can change icons with Ubuntu Tweak? :O
on 11.10 yeah
and then will it work again when you're changing back to the default?
I've read of some people having issues where the icon theme wouldn't switch back to the default properly
don't want to be left with messed up icons
now that we know that works
how do I completely uninstall Gnome Shell?
@Icedrake you can't remove gnome shell and have gnome-tweak-tool installed
g-t-t has g-s as a dependency
and remove the gnome tweak tool with it
since I don't need that anymore
ah, ok
now that you said you can use Ubuntu Tweak to change the icons
thought you wanted to keep g-t-t around
well, i'm not 100% sure on that
the only reason I installed it was to change the icons
Oh lol
(not on my oneiric install right now)
@Icedrake I can't find a possible dupe on the main site...try asking there?
Either way, I'd like to completely uninstall Gnome Shell
How do I do that?
sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell
I just marked about 7 bugs as "fix released".
Now the bug list is more manageable.
check before you hit Y at the command prompt,
for what?
otherwise you might just remove something you want to keep.
Oh great
So removing gnome shell will screw over my computer? :S
@Icedrake just wait a minute, i can reboot and check for you. :)
i could be wrong about UT.
Awesome, thank you.
I really have no idea what goes with Gnome-Shell, so I really wouldn't know what to look for in the Terminal
You can run sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell --assume-no for a preview of what it will want to remove.
It won't actually remove anything, it'll just tell you what it will get rid of if you run it "for real".
did that
it says it will remove Gnome shell and gnome tweak tool
and only free up around 5 mbs o.O
There's no harm in just keeping it, is there?
which is weird since when I was installing GTT, it said that it would take up around 80 mbs of disk space
True, true.
@Icedrake Weird.
But it looks extremely ugly right now.
How does it look? Do you have a screenshot?
I could offer some tips, maybe
Hold on a sec
/me spends too much time on memebase ;P
image not found...
i lol
@ThomasWard It's because I'm so amazing that the computer can't take an image of me. o.O
Yeah...Ambiance isn't exactly 100% compatible with GNOME Shell right now
@Icedrake tell me that when your computer is on fire due to thermite
@WarriorIng64 Is there a theme that is compatible?
Have you tried the Adwaita theme?
No, what is that?
It's the "official" GNOME 3 theme
where do I find it?
Should be in the Software Center...
blinks again
Oh wait
GNOME 3?!?!?
Found it
Be right back
/me engages war upon @WarriorIng64
HOLY GOD... @GeorgeEdison why do you have to be so proactive on the bugs o.O
/me just got spammed by LP
@ThomasWard But why??? D:
@WarriorIng64 because your name has "War" in it
Don't tell me that doesn't look awesome
@ThomasWard I knew I should have picked "PeaceIng64"
@Icedrake you can safely remove them.
He may not want to now that I told him about Adwaita ;)
Oh holy jesus
This thing looks abominable
Especially on Chromium
shrugs Guess it's not for everybody...
Well it's good
There's a theme for Chrome...and Firefox and Thunderbird too, to match
just not on Chromium
on really?
Please give me the link to it :S
Lemme see if I can pull it up...
My eyes want to throw up at this Chromium right now
I believe this is what you want...
Found it
Oh man
That looks 500% better for sure.
My eyes feel much better.
Glad to hear. :)
And since Gnome-Shell is faster on my computer than Unity, I think I'll stick to using this
I agree that GNOME Shell feels lighter
Unity worked fast in 11.04, don't know what happened with 11.10. Everything is so sluggish on it now.
I use GNOME Shell on my desktop and Unity on my laptop...the latter's mainly just for the extra vertical screenspace
@Icedrake yeah, same here
i use 10.04 if i possibly can now. :P
Some more good news is that Chromium only works correctly in Gnome Shell
it displays the file type icons and the Downloads page doesn't look like a mess in Gnome Shell
...huh, just looked and it seems you can only switch between themes without having to re-download in Firefox
I guess Chrome/Chromium only keeps one installed at a time
Another question
Can I use the Faenza icon theme with this new Adwaita theme?
Should be able to, if you go into GNOME Tweak Tool and have Faenza installed
I believe you only need the icon folder in ~./icons (unless someone can correct me)
Another question
Is it possible to shut down my computer from the menu that appears when I click my name?
It's somewhat of a hassle to wait for the computer to log off before being able to shut down
Hold down Alt with the menu open, and watch the magic :)
I really don't get that design decision, myself. One stupid decision GNOME made in a sea of brilliance, IMO
There may be an extension that adds that back to the menu, but personally I don't mind since I leave this thing running all the time
And now
to try and re-install Software Center
Using Gnome Shell on Ubuntu actually feels more natural than using Unity
Everything seems to work better for some reason
For me, it's the hot corner in the upper left. Especially works great on a touchpad
To me, the less precision a user needs to work their interface, the better
Nothing more satisfying than swinging your pointer around like a madman and have the Activities view come up every time, just like you wanted. :)
More great news.
My annoying Aurora PPA being stuck in Software Center is now gone!
and Software Center works perfectly again
all it required was a reinstallation
Good to hear!
I think switching to Gnome Shell was a great decision
3 good things have come out of it today lol
@Icedrake I would agree, but since I'm using it I don't know how biased I would be
Now to try out the Faenza icon theme
I've been compiling the Shell from git using jhbuild ever since 10.04, and nothing made me happier about 11.10 than being able to install it without having to wait an hour or two first
Actually, all the time needed for compilation makes me wonder who could have the patience for a distro like Gentoo... :P
Is it just me, or is the search in gnome-shell way too slow?
@DoR I think it's faster than Unity's search, except now and then when it does get pretty slow for no good reason
@WarriorIng64 Nighttime is a good block of time in which compilation can happen.
@Portablejim Unless, of course, you're in a dorm with occasional power outage problems, or at your parents' house and they complain about the electricity :P
Bounty offered: Nautilus does not connect via FTP after upgrade to Oneric http://askubuntu.com/questions/77699/nautilus-does-not-connect-via-ftp-after-upgrade-to-oneric #nautilus
Faenza works perfectly.
I am loving Gnome-Shell!
Makes me think why I never switched sooner.
@WarriorIng64 not having that time would definitely make installing gentoo annoying.
Another question
You have a lot of questions, lol
But that's good, I hope you're learning useful things :)
Is it possible to get notifications in the Gnome Notification way, where it shows up at the bottom, for say, Banshee?
I most definitely am, all from you, lol. :D
I dunno about Banshee...I personally got fed up with it crashing constantly on me in 11.10 and switched to Rhythmbox
Plus, Rhythmbox as I noticed seems to have much better Shell integration
I'm planning to uninstall Banshee right now
How about Clementine?
I know Clementine has some fans, but I personally never tried it
That was my thinking, but if Rythmbox integrates well, then I might as well switch to that
I'm not much of a music guy...I just have a couple random songs offered as free (legal) downloads online, and some radio stations I liked from Rhythmbox
I'm pretty much an audiophile.
My entire collection is in FLAC
Then I guess I'm completely the wrong guy to ask :D
Stuff sounds terrible to me when I listen to anything non-FLAC lol
but this isn't about audio lol, it's about the player, which you know about :P
I just think Rhythmbox works out better for me...better Shell integration, I'm familiar with it, and I can listen to something for more than 10 or so minutes at a time without having to restart it
Installed Rythmbox
now to try it out
You are right
Everything in Rythmbox fits in with the Adaita theme
btw, that Banshee bug on Launchpad...apparently there's a fix available in oneiric-proposed, but I'm too lazy to try it out
so it looks like Rhythmbox is a part of Gnome-Shell
Someone who's affected should, though
@Icedrake I think Rhythmbox is actually a GNOME application. So, it should work well.
and now there's a problem
I'm getting import errors
saying they timed out
Hmm...unfortunately, wouldn't know anything about that
If nobody else knows, you could try asking a question or rummaging through Launchpad
Well they work when I import them separately
Might just be too much for it to handle at once
I try not to overwork my stuff unless I am in a bad mood, lol
...or bored. Either/or.
Well, I have to get some sleep.
Going to experiment with Gnome-Shell some more later.
See you later, and thanks for the great help! :D
No problem. Have fun with the Shell. :)
only 19 hours and 30 minutes (+/- 1 hour) until the meeting that decides my fate about being an member
/me is more nervous than he was a few hours ago
Q: Like in windows in " My Computer" can i access my files in Ubuntu?

avinthow could i see my files in Ubuntu? in windows i see my files in different partition, so in Ubuntu can i see files like windows ?

Nope. In Ubuntu, files "My Computer" ext4 system and boot. You cannot files.
@RolandTaylor trollish answers are trollish :P
I honestly am considering writing about using Nautilus... but I can't tell if the person means that they can't access their files from Ubuntu, or they can't access their Windows partition, or "My Computer", see files.
so write for both
as separate answers
don't plan on me not flagging one or both as failures
I haven't added screenshots - but will do
because in all likelihood i will mark one for moderator attention ;P
Q: I creates office files in "MS word, Powerpoint, Access" if i see my Office files in Ubuntu?

avinti creates many office files in MS word ? if i install Ubuntu can i see my MS word files?

or just new?
i call trolling
but i'm evilish so...
2 hours later…
Bounty offered: How do I add Eclipse Indigo to the launcher? http://askubuntu.com/questions/53001/how-do-i-add-eclipse-indigo-to-the-launcher #unity
@RolandTaylor "...into a room he literal takes command..."
just read part one. it's fantabulastic \o/
@roland here's another one from part 3: "like standing on a cliff, then doing it the waters around that surround them is like"
Hmm Hi. I am using my Internet and WiFi. Happy?
And it is way faster than the neighbour's!
that's great then :)
Yep. :)
hey guys is there a way to show full names of apps in gnome shell?
sometimes cause quite annoyance
for e.g. :
here I wanted to start covergloobus but typing cover leads me to this and its difficult to judge :-/
That would make a good question for the site
and an even better bug report, in my opinion :) it's really annoying sometimes...
We already have this question
@StefanoPalazzo Yes it would
Q: How do you get gnome-shell to show the full name?

DasonI've been using gnome-shell and I really like it. I was wondering though if it's possible to somehow get gnome-shell to display the full name of an application in the activities->applications browser if the name is too long. For an example of what I mean: I have two icons for Battle for Wesn...

ohh well then I'll see if there are answers
awesome thanls :)
thanks* as well :P
We have a whole load of useful questions and info in our site.
And your turn to help me with this. How do I connect to freenode.net using XChat
xchat should connect to freenode by default. uhm. no?
Looking up irc.freenode.net
* Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 0...
For ever.
I used to use xchat ohh is that correct port?
I only have xchat-gnome, so go find the server list wherever that is, probably "file → connect to server"
and then select "Ubuntu Servers" or something similar
Ok. I changed it to irc.freenode.net/8001
It seems to be working.
some of the people around here really like this:
looks like you need an invite though
Man I wish you could all read the excerpts from Roland's novel. It's such a lot of fun.
lol I'm trying to find clients instead of web services
@wisemonkey i think xchat will be the best one you'll find. it's pretty great, though I prefer the "xchat-gnome" flavour of it
Roland's novel?
> What fascinates them even more, is the presence of human engineered organisms among the natural flora and fauna
need I say more? :-)
@StefanoPalazzo: yup I use xchat only but I was saying for other services as well like pandora, twitter, identi.ca etc,
Twitter - Polly
Identi.ca - Hotot
Pandora who?
thanks got polly today trying pithos for pandora will check hotot
I wish there was more traffic on identi.ca
@ThomasWard: Spammed?
Oh, that was just me setting all of the "fix committed" bugs to "fix released".
Standard procedure.
@wisemonkey Hotot also supports Twitter
But, it doesn't look native, It is a GTK 2 client
k I'll see how does it work for me thanks :)
I am playing trivia on one of the servers
hey guys... lets talk~
Night all.
1 hour later…
Uninstall unbuntu 11.10 http://askubuntu.com/questions/80085/uninstall-unbuntu-11-10 #windows

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