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Am I still the only one to encounter this problem ? I can not use Chrome/Chromium anymore...
Q: Graphical artifact in Chrome and Chromium

hg8Since today I encounter weird graphical artifact when using Chromium (with make it unusable). It does not happen in Firefox or any other application. Here is a screenshot : (Not visible in the screenshot but this also happen to the menu/tab bar. Not only in the page content.) Out of curios...

@cl-netbox I reinstalled my graphic driver, no changes :(
@hg8 Which graphics card do you have ? sorry I forgot it ... ):
@cl-netbox Radeon HD 8570D
@ByteCommander see my edit
@hg8 Ah I remember now - so issues occur as well with fglrx as with radeon ?
@Ravan Did you succeed in downloading the python book ?
@cl-netbox yes...
@cl-netbox No
@Ravan I improved your grammar and wording a bit.
However, feel free to accept the answer. ;)
@hg8 ... what a strange problem ... to be honest : now I actually have no idea on how to get this solved - sorry ! ):
@cl-netbox hi
@cl-netbox dont mind but are you sure of what you are doing?
@cl-netbox No problem thanks for your help =)
@ByteCommander I added new scren shot to support your answer.
wait a minute ...
@cl-netbox It always showing error
i will try and tell you later :)
@edwardtorvalds me?
no cl-netbox
@Ravan Do you still need the book or are the other ones enough ?
@edwardtorvalds ok...by the way hello!...I'm ravan
@cl-netbox Not immediately!...but later
I am reading those documents!....
@Ravan I will think about a solution ... :)
@Rinzwind o/
@cl-netbox apt-get autoclean before apt-get clean is useless...
@Ravan ... got my reaction ? =)
@cl-netbox yes
@ByteCommander I know - but want to get sure ... :)
@ByteCommander I would like to know what is exact difference between those two commands?
Both delete locally cached downloaded .deb files used by aptget.
@cl-netbox don't mind I used your help here
autoclean does only delete those files that can't be downloaded any more, so those who are outdated and won't be used any more anyway
clean instead just cleans all cached .deb packages
@cl-netbox So it makes absolutely no sense to call both commands after each other to be honest... :p
autoclean is a subset of clean
@ByteCommander but I saw in many AU answers both one after other
@A.B morning
@Ravan o/
@A.B you still not answered my question....;P
@Ravan which question?
@Ravan ... so you should do ... what ? =)
Hi @A.B. =)
@hg8 \o :)
@A.B. Good Morning my friend ! :)
@cl-netbox I am going to place your name in answer...;P
@Ravan No idea :\
@Ravan Well, many people making the same mistake does not imply that it's not a mistake any more, does it? ;)
> select computer - press ctrl + h - type virtualbox in search field - delete results - empty trash
@Ravan NO
@cl-netbox You can do ^ also from the comamnd-line:
sudo find / -iname '*virtualbox*'
@Ravan I have no idea what you mean with
> Publishing has been disabled for this archive.
^ will list all files containing "virtualbox" in their filename (case-insensitive) below the file system root.
@A.B. ok..ignore, I saw it on launchpad on a PPA page
@ByteCommander obviously no,
After checking the output (better than blindly deleting too much), it can automatically delete all found files with:
@ByteCommander yes - thank you - but as I don't know how experienced a user is, I choose a most neat way for tutorials ... :)
sudo find / -iname '*virtualbox*' -delete
@ByteCommander are you a programmer ? don't mind
@cl-netbox Commands to type in terminal are pretty neat in my opinion - besides that, a 2.7k user can't really be a noob.
@Ravan Yes, as a hobby currently.
@Ravan When you are ready please report back - I will be away for some minutes - By the way, I was quite astonished about this - does it really seem to you that I am not aware of what I am doing ? - I try to help you getting rid of your problem ! - When I know nothing on something I never would offer my help !
@ByteCommander I know but some people prefer GUI ways ... =)
You've got most of the rest in the terminal anyway! ;-)
Even sudo reboot!
But don't mind. I just wanted to point the alternative out to you...
@cl-netbox sorry...I don't understand really!...please message me later ....
@cl-netbox I not really mean that!.....I want to give credit to you for that answer!
@ByteCommander I have an idea....can you suggest a way
@cl-netbox don't mind
@ByteCommander Thank you - I appreciate it ! :)
@Ravan please wait a little bit =)
@Ravan What do you mean?
@ByteCommander ... is really recommended in this case for loading virtual drivers properly - you can find it in many post ... :)
@ByteCommander I need a program that should open a link(we will provide inside the program) fixed number of times
@cl-netbox Maybe - but you just told me that you use the nautilus search instead of find because some people prefer the GUI. And then you reboot from the terminal! I just found that a bit funny... ;)
@ByteCommander open and close simultaneously
@Ravan What language? And by "open a link" do you mean opening a website in the default browser?
@ByteCommander is it possible?
@ByteCommander yes website link in browser!
@Ravan xdg-open <URL> will open a link in your browser.
Sure it's possible.
@ByteCommander I hear python can!..
Sure it can! ;-D
@ByteCommander Yes it somehow is funny - I do this 'mixed' way because of my experience with users I supported before ... :)
@Takkat program?....it seems a command
I've just read about it yesterday... Wait.
@Ravan xdg-open is a programm run from CLI (or called as subprocess from Python).
basically most "commands" are in fact programs.
@Takkat can we decide nuber of times that should open and close?
I am very new to python
it will open everytime you call it.
@Takkat no my intention is ....without my presence if once I executed it should open and close fixed number of times
Module webbrowser @Ravan
e.g. webbrowser.open("https://google.com")
You can add a parameter to set whether to open in current window, new window or new tab, if possible.
@ByteCommander in terminal or from python shell
@Ravan In Python of course! ;)
@ByteCommander amongst others on POSIX webbrowser will also use xdg-open (line 457 hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/webbrowser.py)
but it's really a nice and versatile tool for Python code to run in various environments.
@edwardtorvalds When you are ready please report back if it worked. - By the way, I was quite astonished about this - does it really seem to you that I am not aware of what I am doing ? - I try to help you getting rid of your problem ! - When I know nothing on something I never would offer my help !
@ByteCommander thank you!....so it can be done with python.I will ask after few days,mean while I need to learn!....if you have code please provide to me!...thank you
@cl-netbox I read!
I am very quick!
@Ravan okay now ?
@ByteCommander my comment correct??askubuntu.com/questions/679240/…
@Ravan Looks ok. I did not check his other question on SO though, but if there is one that says the same, your comment is valid.
@ByteCommander I need code to the program which I asked now!....link open and close
@Ravan You can't close the browser window with that.
@ByteCommander ok
@ByteCommander just curious on your opinion : was my reply chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24370485#24370485 on this chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24369732#24369732 reasonable or too emotional ?
@cl-netbox IMHO, it's fine! :)
Thank you ! :)
anyone here online ? :)
can anyone help me clarify how to create multiple VPS using a dedicated server ( like digital ocean is offering )?
welp, I'm doing "sudo service mongod start" but then "ps -C mongod" doesn't list it, although it does list it if I run it with simply "mongod"
So I'd like to run it as a service, but it seems not working
.@crl is there a service set up for it?
tried to check like this ps ax | grep mongod ?
@VitalikJimbei do runs KVM these days right?
not following , sorry
The 'magic' in vps providers is in the control panel.
how can i set it up ?
i've seen it done on a Windows server
not on systems like Ubuntu
do i need to set up a panel and host it on the dedicated server ?
If you want to sell it :p
@VitalikJimbei no nothing
@JourneymanGeek no
Else just install KVM and management stuff for it
Ip address setup would depend on your dedi provider.
so bottom line, i need to install KVM on dedicated server to get it started ?
You could also go with container
cant find a comprehensive instruction step by step
That's one option, yes.
I'm on my phone so googling stuff isn't an option :p
i'll keep on looking then. Thanks for the start provided :)
@cl-netbox nothing :\
@A.B. ?
your removed comment
@A.B. was for @Ravan
@A.B. happened the second time today - I ping someone and another one gets notified.
@Ravan are you still around ?
@cl-netbox hello
@Ravan did you check mails lately ?
@cl-netbox just now!
@cl-netbox yes
@Ravan and ?
@cl-netbox do you have any idea where can I get information about new releases for Ubuntu
I mean for e.g foxit reader released .....like that
@Ravan yes I have but first tell me if you received something from me :)
@Ravan omgubuntu and webupd8 are good sources
@cl-netbox yes I saw an attachment of python,correct? but didn't see,I will open later!
@fossfreedom thank you,
@Ravan Hope you like it - it is the book (together with some python examples) you wanted to have - just wanted to do you a favour ! - you have to extract the zip file.
@Cornelius can you please come here?
What was the first Eclipse release?
1.2 or less (obviously you don't start releases at 3.0)
In computer programming, Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE). It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages through the use of plugins, including: Ada, ABAP, C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript, Lasso, Lua, Natural, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, and Erlang. It can also be used to...
I'm not sure
@crl Windows did! ;D
@A.B. this is in French jmdoudoux.fr/java/dejae/chap001.htm but see, there was a 1.0
(There was e.g. Windows 1, but it never really got published because it was considered too bad...)
@ByteCommander lul
First popular Windows version was 3.1
I don't remember
@A.B are you here?
@Ravan I'm always here =)
@A.B Installing to: /usr/local/texlive/2015
./install-tl: mkdir(/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-var/) failed, goodbye: Permission denied
this is the error for
Äh, maybe sudo?
may be not
let me try
@Ravan and why not?
@A.B. sorry,.....but working!....simple one I missed...thank you
I will give you +1 after that was accepted..=)
@Ravan ? Where?
@A.B. If this answer accepted =)
Oha! Never mistype the Python programming language's website python.org and accidentally use a .com ending... WOT info: mywot.com/en/scorecard/python.com
That just came up as 12th search result in my duckduckgo query...
Luckily I listened to the red WOT circle and clicked that instead of the link.
@Ravan Freshly downloaded
@A.B. I too downloaded now!
ravan@ravan:~/Downloads/install-tl-20150926$ ls
index.html LICENSE.TL readme-txt.dir texmf-dist
install-tl README README.usergroups tlpkg
LICENSE.CTAN readme-html.dir release-texlive.txt
@hg8 latest version of cmake is 3.3.2??
@Ravan It seem so...
@Ravan That does not matter, it will change again anyway.
@A.B. ok...thank you!....
thats why I kept * inplace of number
@Ravan Yes, this works with bash and not with other shells
@edwardtorvalds It would be nice to get some feedback on vbox troubleshooting progress from you next time you come to chat room ... cc: @A.B.
And therefore confusing
@A.B. * ??
@Ravan In zsh:
% cd install-tl-*
cd: string not in pwd: install-tl-20150927
@A.B same steps for latest version?
why not?
@Ravan Test it ;)
@A.B I am asking about cmake
@A.B is this possible?
@cl-netbox o/
@Ravan Sure, with a script
@Ravan o/
@A.B he edited question
@A.B. may I ask why you deleted and now again undeleted your answer on my signing question?
@ByteCommander I have not deleted. o_O
I thought it has disappeared...
Check the revisions ... =)
Well - then it was most probably my fault and I just did not notice that it still was below muru's 2 metre essay... ;)
@A.B did you have screenshot?
@Ravan For what?
It taking too long to install,so I terminated!
A: How to install Texlive on Kubuntu 15.04 (tar.gz)

RavanIf you are reinstalling first run the commands, rm -rf /usr/local/texlive/2015 rm -rf ~/.texlive2015 then, Download the .tar.gz open terminal and run following commands, cd ~/Downloads wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz tar -xf install-tl-unx.tar.gz Cur...

@Ravan There is no GUI ore something
@A.B have you seen...
A: Install FoxitReader without using Wine

RavanSeptember 15, 2015,Foxit Reader is now available for Ubuntu , 1.Go to official site foxitsoftware.com/products/pdf-reader Click on download button and select Linux (either 32 or 64 bit) Now Open terminal and run the following commands: cd ~/Downloads ls tar -xzvf FoxitReader1.00.090...

@Ravan Sure, but I don't like licenses
Therefore, no way on my system
@A.B. ok..but see my answer,....in the middle I got one error.....I renamed then only it executed
Just arrived at the office :D
Q: Error while installing haskell

Ravi _SSi am installing haskell code is as follow git clone git://github.com/ghc/ghc.git && cd ghc && ./sync-all get cd ghc && ./sync-all get cd ghc && ./boot && ./configure && make && make install when i try with ./sync-all get i get following error: Cloning into 'ghc'... /bin/sh: 1: ./sync-all: not...

@Oli @Seth @fossfreedom I lost -10 here....that means someone who upvoted,now taken back their vote.But how it is possible without edit?
can any give solution please
@Ravan People can upvote and downvote whenever they feel like it.
@blade19899 that is in the case of question AFAIK...
not for answer
@Ravan Too the best of my knowledge, the Q and A you can down and up vote. That being said, I don't really downvote an answer, I try to improve it.
@blade19899 ok just a test...you upvote my answer and then un-upvote.....don't mind
@Ravan Seems to be working fine.
@blade19899 yes!....up and immediately un-up
There's a delay of maybe 3 or 5 minutes.
@blade19899 I think there is a logic.....with in 24 hours only chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24375119#24375119 is possible!
In this time span, you can undo your vote. After that only if anybody (or you) edited the post.
@Ravan It's a delay of minutes, not hours.
@terdon which comment? askubuntu.com/a/679273/367165
@Ravan I can feel with you ! I don't like downvoting at all ! ... ask @ByteCommander ... try to take it like I was told : Do not take it personally ! :)
@terdon sorry, understand
@cl-netbox It wasn't a downvote, but somebody upvoted, changed his mind and removed the upvote again.
@A.B. The one I deleted when I realized when your approach would be sueful :)
@terdon Is a awk verion faster? awk '!x[$0]++' infile.txt > outfile.txt
@ByteCommander I only wanted to say : It is as in real life - getting a negative reaction on trying to do something good for others hurts, even if it's just a game ... :)
@A.B. Probably about the same.
@cl-netbox Sure, but as you said you may not let yourself be hurt by small things. there are bigger problems in life worth worrying about...
@Ravan It's me. I un-voted when wanting to check the score of your question but I immediately voted back again ;)
@ByteCommander Completely agree with you ! :)
@Ravan it was a mistake
@Ravan It makes no sense to bother the moderators if something like this happens.
This seem to me like it would work: askubuntu.com/a/679323/36315
@blade19899 And? >:)
@A.B. I'm on a Windows Machine can't really test it. But, give me too test it in a VM
hi people
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline^M
Setting up krb5-locales (1.12.1+dfsg-18) ...^M
Setting up libsasl2-modules:ppc64el (2.1.26.dfsg1-13) ...^M
Setting up openssh-client (1:6.7p1-5ubuntu1.3) ...^M
Setting up rsync (3.1.1-3) ...^M
Setting up xauth (1:1.0.9-1ubuntu2) ...^M
Setting up git-man (1:2.1.4-2.1) ...^M
Setting up liberror-perl (0.17-1.1) ...^M
Setting up patch (2.7.5-1) ...^M
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.21-0ubuntu4) ...^M
Processing triggers for ca-certificates (20141019ubuntu0.15.04.1) ...^M
geting above error while apt-get install git
in ununtu 15.04
can any suggest alternative to install git
@Ravan you edited the answer 3 hours ago..
sorry which answer did i edited?
@Ravi_SS I was talking to someone else :)
ohh sorry
(if you click the little arrow on the left of the message you can see who)
ohk got it
@Ravi_SS Try again sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git. Maybe it just goes away. Size mismatch sometimes occurs because the data sent from the server was corrupt.
@A.B. ok
@A.B. but once fossfreedom said to me and @cl-netbox that without edit it is not possible...
@Ravan Did you check lately - You have 5 upvotes on this post ! :)
@cl-netbox Now ok...
@Seth It means one edit enough?..
@Seth ^
(user was unable to reproduce)
@Ravan yes! of course one edit is enough. You could have changed the entire post in one edit for all the system knows ;)
@ThomasW. danke
you know you've had too much internet when your brain thinks "lol" when you see something funny >.>
@Seth thank you!
@Serg Have you tried my question on login screen lock....?
@Seth no, thank you
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: Why Not Installing Norton Antivirus 18776982249 Tech Support Number by jone smith on askubuntu.com
^ that's spam
burn it
Q: How to develop an app that will work properly on desktop touchscreen in c#?

jack sparrowMy Ubuntu version is 14.04 I want to create an app in c#, there will be a touchscreen connected to PC and this app should work on this touchscreen. I have searched and I know I should use Mono for C# development in Ubuntu but I'm not sure whether my app developed with Mono could work on touchscre...

that needs some work.
Q: Mounting a shared drive from windows with cifs

Meph88What I'm trying to achieve is mounting some drives shared on my network (one a time capsule, 3 shared drives from a windows 10 machine) on a raspberry pi 2 running ubuntu 14.04 with read and write permissions. I have been able to get the drives to mount by using this: // /home/k...

All is possible
@A.B. can I make an alias like this? ls=ls -l
@edwardtorvalds alias ls='ls -l'
ok thanks
Hello @edwardtorvalds - what is the state of VB troubleshooting process ?
@cl-netbox not yet bro, i am at office :-/
maybe after couple of hour
@Seth Ouch! >.<
A friend of me killed our school server with that technique once...
Only difference was that he did not do it by accident.
hi guys I maybe in big trouble I ran sudo chown -R edward:edward ./* in my home directory by mistake, will I face any problem?
@edwardtorvalds Usually not.
It should be fine.
ok thanks :)
@edwardtorvalds I agree with @ByteCommander. You should be fine
Q: Default owners/permissions of files in user home directory

Byte CommanderI often see users that try to fix an issue and somewhere read or just try to recursively chown their home directory and sometimes even also reset permissions recursively to something like rwxr-xr-x or similar. Imagine such an owner/permission massacre - are there critical files/directories that ...

I can understand that everything is owned by edward, but it is sure that everything belongs to edward group and not to other?
@edwardtorvalds Yes, everything in your home folder would now be in the edward group.
I dont mean after running command but before
Close programming question: askubuntu.com/q/679383/367990
@edwardtorvalds It is probably good that you did that. Anything before might have been incorrect for your user. Say, if you run sudo ssh command it would change the ~/.ssh/known_hosts to be owned by root instead of you.
ok thanks
(IOW: do what you do best: nothing! :D)
@Seth: thanks for pointing this out. I will take more care in the future!
He @Fabby you old guy :P =)
@A.B. :-)
Going through 2 days of backlog of messages...
(from AU)
@Ravan Done! For the future: dual answers are allowed, but in the future, try to limit it to one and add titles. If it's really impossible (like when you need cross-links like I've just added) It's OK...
@cl-netbox @Serg veryfying
@Fabby I asked @Serg to have a look on this : askubuntu.com/questions/678719/… just to check whether there is a mistake in my answer and he pointed me to you. :)
@cl-netbox Done! (CC: @Serg)
P.S. Both Windows and Ubuntu are written with capitals...
Someone ping me please.
@Fabby Thank you very much @Fabby - I know ... my 'weak point' - @A.B. and I are joking often about my style (spaces etc.) - but have you seen a Capital when you open ubuntu.com ? =)
@ParanoidPanda How are you ?
Q: Is it possible to remove a flag?

DanielIs it possible to remove a flag? e.g. if I flag a question as "Unclear what you're asking", and the OP edits the question, is it possible to remove my flag from that question? Or if I flag accidentally or put the wrong flag or whatever, is there a way to unflag it?

@ParanoidPanda yes ?
@ParanoidPanda hey man, what's going on ? =)
@cl-netbox: Read the comments on this... :P
I was wanting you to ping me... :D
@ParanoidPanda and finally ... it did work ! :D

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