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this guys account needs to be merged
A: How can I disable the sharing of one mouse between several X ServerLayouts?

michaelfranzlThere were additional X configuration files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d which interfered with the configuration in xorg.conf. I removed these files and commented out the interfering parts. It now works.

@brunopereira81 Is done.
@oli supersonic!
"1.5GB DVD Image by default" let's see... maybe not for the LTS, but that sounds more sane than throwing out stuff and optimizing icons to keep the CD size limit. :>
@htorque I don't think that means changing to DVD, but more about the size of the current DVD image
Yup, I'm listening in to that one too.
@ajmitch oh no, really? :-(
follow the session & find out
Or, you can go the apple way and make an new "UCD" which will be 1.5 GB.
@htorque they better do it for the LTS.
@Explorer !!!! :D
NO! Not DVD, please!
@JorgeCastro hey! Taking a break from UDS?
@Oxwivi yes, actually...
@RolandTaylor <3
They can keep a CD, but just make it a basic CD
@Explorer <9001
@ajmitch basically, whatever he did to make the lens be submittable, steal it. :)
Don't we already have an 'extended' DVD?
@JorgeCastro Yeah I'm not seeing anything beyond what was already done, did you have branches with packaging that I should be looking at?
@Oxwivi Well that is not the point. The point is to have the base version with all the tools and applications you want without restricting yourself to 700MB.
@Oxwivi yes. What we're saying is... what Octavian said :)
@JorgeCastro from recent submissions, 'submittable' is a fairly low bar, being in a state where it can be approved takes a bit more :)
What is the session IRC?
I am of the opinion we should restrict ourselves to 700MB. Already there are a lot of things we rarely use, I cannot imagine what kind of programs will be packed in a 'base' system of more than 700MB.
I'm in App developer tutorials growth now.
@Oxwivi lol?
@GeorgeEdison are you busy
@OctavianDamiean i'm in front of the tv now :P
couldn't understand a word in bonaire3
Yea. But Bonaire 6 is kinda interesting.
@AmithKK: What's up?
The truth is, restricting ourselves to 700MB is a big mistake. If you look at systems like Windows and OSX, they don't limit themselves to a CD (since forever), because it means they can pack more drivers, more documentation, and yes, more applications (such as the obscure regedit and msconfig stuff, Windows Movie Maker and Media Center, and for Mac - the iLife that Apple likes to install).
@GeorgeEdison Planning on Resurrection of flacky?
We don't need more applications.
Loads of old drivers has been culled in mainstream as well, so there's a space to recover there.
or we could compress the wallpapers even more to save some space! :D
@AmithKK What he needs is a rewrite :)
@GeorgeEdison Can you please come to #2buntu
what flackbot needs is a purpose. :P
@ajmitch yeah forgot to mention it, he's not quite ready yet, he says "a week or two"
but you'll know when, he's going to submit his lens
@Oxwivi that's what you say, but that's not what the users migrating from Windows/Mac/God knows what else will say.
For example, we've got LibreOffice (which is great), but we need to install restricted extras to get some of the features it supports - not cool.
We should just include what it needs by default.
@RolandTaylor you can download the DVD if you want!
@RolandTaylor So you want DVDs just to say 'hey look Ubuntu installs as big as Windows and Mac OS X too'?
where in the community does "community bickering" exist (to an extent that it needs a separate session)?
@JorgeCastro of course, I'm just suggesting that in the future we should make the DVD the main feature, and make the CD be the alternative for those who can't download the DVD.
@RolandTaylor we can't ship lots of popular codecs by default, that's why there's a checkbox in the installer
@RolandTaylor Restricted package has got nothing to do with image size, it's licensing issue.
@Oxwivi seriously now...
I don't even think DVD will replace CD, I'll bet it'll go CD->USB if anything
@JorgeCastro I'm not really referring to codecs, I know about that issue
really, when have you burned your last DVD? :P
@Oxwivi it pulls in the stuff required for other things (like some LibreOffice features) hence me mentioning it.
@JorgeCastro The CD will stick around for a while because ISO files are the easiest thing to use in VMs.
>_< I think I'm going to back out - 3 people directing questions/statements/etc feels like a press conference :P
no I mean the physical media
This time around I tried the mini-CD.
on VMs it won't matter I think
@JorgeCastro It will be Cloud -> CD. :)
@htorque My last DVD was more than a couple of years ago, I believe. Nothing to put in there, and can't really get them as easily as CDs.
@RolandTaylor What exactly are those?
@psusi yes you should just flag it as a double. and only flag the doubles!
@Alvar What are you talking about? If a question is a dupe and you know of which question it is a dupe then just cast a close vote if you are over 3k rep.
@OctavianDamiean true...
but it might be easier and faster to flag it as a dupe..
What is the command for disc management
@OctavianDamiean But we should not forget to comment, as to why.
@Oxwivi Why would you comment that you are closing it as a dupe since it 1) adds an automated comment and 2) links to the question it is a dupe of.
I think you guys mix up flagging and closing.
nope :P
@OctavianDamiean Didn't know it did that, sorry.
sudo rm -rfv ./*
what does that do
It recursively deletes all files in the current directory and does suppress the confirmation prompt.
amith@amith-desktop:/media/New Volume$ sudo rm -rfv ./*
[sudo] password for amith:
rm: cannot remove `./Arabic_Support/be_arabic.tgz': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./CHANGER.bat': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./CHANGER.dat': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./EncFiltLog.menc': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./FirmwareInstall/env/10inch': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./FirmwareInstall/env/ATF34167': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./FirmwareInstall/env/BLY706Fv1': Read-only file system
@RolandTaylor <+∞ (someone is going to kick us out)
how can i format the sd card?
Uhm not like that!
I know
@Explorer XD
how can I format it ?
I won't let that happen :D
Search on Ask Ubuntu and if there is no question with an answer then post a question.
@Oxwivi those...?
anyone home?
16 mins ago, by Roland Taylor
@Oxwivi it pulls in the stuff required for other things (like some LibreOffice features) hence me mentioning it.
@Mysterio Well, I'm at my home. Dunno about others though.
@Oxwivi oh, I mean Java
(I think there is something else but I forgot what it is)
@Oxwivi haha how are u my friend?
We can include java by default because of OpenJDK, but because of the CD restriction that doesn't happen.
@RolandTaylor It isn't too big to require a DVD, is it?
@RolandTaylor How big is it?
@Mysterio As lazy as usual. How do you do?
@Oxwivi how do u do? Please who am i chatting with?
@Mysterio Hello!
@Oxwivi big enough not to be included by default :)
I think it's 60+ MB?
something like that
@Mysterio I am not sure what you mean. 'How do you do' means the same as 'how are you'.
@AmithKK hello sir how are u?
@RolandTaylor Big. Let's remove Deja Dup! :P
@Oxwivi cultural shock over here ... when I was a little boy my teacher told me to respond to a 'how do u do' with a 'how do u do', I never understood it but hey he was the one with the cain
14:30 "Patent Wars" - sounds promising, in contrast to the 15 minute time limit :(
anyone got an idea as to why oneiric seems to be burning my laptop?
@Mysterio Sir? LOL, Im 13
Meh. App developer tutorials growth, they want to put a link at the bottom of every tutorial that links to Ask Ubuntu (Have a question on this tutorial?). I don't understand why they don't want to put the tutorials on Ask Ubuntu as well.
@AmithKK well u are still a SIR in my books lol
@Mysterio 11.04 did not do the same?
@Oxwivi not this hot. I fear my processor might just blow up
That won't happen. If it reaches a critical temperate level it just shuts down.
@OctavianDamiean is it the same with u?
It is just a standard security measure of every modern CPU. :)
@Mysterio As far as I know, since 11.04 there was a power regression.
Another regression specific to some Intel models made it's way to 11.10.
@OctavianDamiean so how do I solve this massive heating problem? I have tried all the tutorials on here and other trusted sources but none of them seems to be working
Maybe both of them are affecting your system.
@Oxwivi double trouble lol. Any idea when these things will be solved?
I have no idea. Tried to find a bug report for this problem on Launchpad?
Or it could simply that your fans got clogged up with dust.
@Oxwivi you see where it's going right? If we want to, let's say, add some nice documentation for 3 applications or features, we need to axe another application or feature to fit 700MB.
Not cool in 2011/12
@Oxwivi i don't think so as the system is very cool on Windows 7. Can u imagine that
@Mysterio Well, it won't be solved as long as you're using 11.10, I can guarantee you that. They don't change kernels in a release.
@Mysterio Maybe you should keep to 10.04 LTS until 12.04 LTS is released next year.
@AmithKK Well we ain't talking about removing the cooling mechanisms.
@OctavianDamiean so what are my options? Should i remove this version and wait for the LTS?
@Oxwivi it seems that is now my sole option. I can even rest my palms on the damm thing
@Mysterio Run 10.04 please!
Bounty offered: file:// protocol connected with wrong program http://askubuntu.com/questions/70126/file-protocol-connected-with-wrong-program #gnome
Q: Mount Partition on Startup Ubuntu:

ZéychinI have a 10 gigabyte partition which I use for files which I share between my Windows installation and my Oneiric Ocelet (Ubuntu) installation. My Eclipse workspaces exist on this partition. Eclipse loads up fine in Windows. In Ubuntu, however, if I have not mounted the partition manually, I rec...

@Explorer if you need me I'll be on gtalk - doing some writing :)
After being in the askubuntu UDS session, I'm thinking about moving my teams support/howtos/wiki to askubuntu.com, but I have a few questions. Currently our support is done via ubuntuforums, and there are a few topics that are not allowed. Would this be something that is doable in askubuntu? Right now we have to manually go in and delete these posts, but I'm envisioning something a little more automatic.
@tgm4883 Well, keep in mind that Ask Ubuntu is for specific questions with specific answers.
@RolandTaylor great, I'll join you there
Broad open-ended questions are generally not welcome.
@tgm4883 do you have any examples?
@tgm4883 I suggest you ask about this in more detail at meta.askubuntu.com citing specific examples.
Jorge, it's for Mythbuntu, which there are currently tags for (as well as mythtv) in askubuntu
right, so generally you would do questions about mythtv like "how do I set myth to do foo?"
whereas something like "Myth vs. XBMC" or anything that requires discussion wouldn't be
yea we wouldn't want that on here obviously
yeah so if that's in scope with what you wanna do, then by all means, grab the myth tag and start rocking it.
but for things like (how do I make X work)
X might be a certain tuner card
right, how to make X work would be on the site, but maybe with both a myth tag and a xorg tag
but yeah, that would be awesome dude
Jorge, my only concern is certain banned topics we don't allow talk of. Things that are for the most part illegal in nature
depending on locale
right, we have that policy here too
Well, we don't generally like those questions here either.
like, we couldn't have "How do I steal Dexter tonight?" or whatever
Right, but is there some sort of filtering done when posts are created for certain words?
not really, we catch them as they come in
specifically, we don't allow talk of softcams/sasc-ng
you can just flag it for moderation
@moderators: I'm wondering about this answer.
and they get removed
It's suspiciously like the one below it.
@StefanoPalazzo still no viable answer, and a bounty can now be offered: askubuntu.com/questions/74163/…
@JorgeCastro ok makes sense
@tgm4883 we can deal with that if it comes up, why don't we do this (since I'm at UDS and slammed)
just start using it, and then we'll work through if anything bad comes up
you might want to submit an edit to the myth tag to say that things like softcams/sasc-ng are offtopic here too
that might help tighten up the scope
@JorgeCastro I'm going to discuss it with my team tonight, 3 of us are here and we plan on having a meeting
For the record, the [mythtv] tag is here: askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mythtv
Thanks @JorgeCastro
you are here at UDS?
@JorgeCastro yea
@sadmicrowave thanks for the reminder. I'll be glad to put a bounty on that, I know these questions often don't get enough views and that it's probably a big pain in the arse for you not to see your inbox
I was in the askubuntu session you had
oh dude, just come find me and Marco
and we'll sort it out and Just Do It.
I put 200 on it, hope that helps
@StefanoPalazzo thank you greatly!!
will do
no problem
3 mins ago, by George Edison
@moderators: I'm wondering about this answer.
@GeorgeEdison I downvoted it
Yeah, but I'm wondering... if it's the same guy, we have some account merging to do.
the same as who?
tbh both those answers need to be purged
shrug, just downvote them then
@tgm4883 heya link me up to like your existing policy and stuff
@StefanoPalazzo The answer below it.
@GeorgeEdison all of the accounts on that page have a good number of posts and they are from different geolocations, looks fine
"...looks fine..." - well the answers aren't fine :P
@StefanoPalazzo for my sake, define "good number of posts"
more than three I'd say :)
as well, you cannot claim those answerers are "fine" for the quality of the posts
that's true, but I'm starting to think that "low quality posts" don't deserve to be deleted all the time
that a downvote is much more appropriate
yeah, just let them clog the bottom, who cares
it will leave a warning to the others. :)
90% of the "low quality post" flags should just be downloads really
people just keep flagging low quality posts because they don't want to downvote
which kind of sucks
aren't those auto-flagged?
@JorgeCastro there's help on the way. the people at SE are thinking about getting rid of the low-quality flag
I distinctly remember seeing an mso post about it at least
> 5 × low quality (auto)
I don't know, there aren't any flags on that page
I just invalid the flag and then downvote
"Patent Wars" in two minutes, group photo in 17!
patent wars started early
it's on now
oh noes
thanks! :-)
@JorgeCastro Minimally I want to use it for Howto's (see ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751719 ) as it's way too difficult to keep up with it by myself. We don't have a written policy on the banned topics, we basically use what upstream has dictated ( mythtv.org/wiki/IRC#Legally-Dubious_Content )
that looks like content gold
the first part
@tgm4883 Marco will know the legal stuff better than me, but I suspect enforcing that won't be a problem.
@JorgeCastro awesome, I'll see if I can hunt him down then
are you in the hallway or in the plenary room?
man, these tutorials are /awesome/
yea the tutorials are great, most written by our community. But it's not easy to keep that list updated and not easy to make sure they are all up to date
it would make maintenance easier
without the difficulty of a traditional wiki
maybe today we can all sit down and start doing it, that would be awesome
we have a underpublicized wiki as well
I'm trying to get rid of most of this stuff it takes too long to cultivate
s/get rid of/move to something better/
where's the wiki?
@JorgeCastro I'll have to check with superm1 and Daviey and see if we are planning on going to dinner tonight
I will certainly help you put stuff on AU, it will be fun
off topic, are we suppose to wear our shirts for the group photo?
oh come on... "Reducing Community Bickering" vs. "Further enhancements to the ability to customize Unity" vs. "Power Consumption" all interesting and at the same time :-(
Hi all :)
@Takkat hi! how are you doing?
I am totally off my time.
Time change and bank holiday yesterday confused me too much.
Now I think it's friday and I will enjoy a nice weekend tomorrow... :/
that's how i weak up every day
In fact we have so much work here that we almost can't afford weekends any more...
Every year the same before Xmas...
@htorque how do you "weak" up every day?
@Takkat you're working for scrooge? :D
@TheEvilOne wake up weak
crap, cannot edit anymore. :P
Feels like that but no - they work for me :P
@Takkat comes to office every day with a "Bah, humbug!"
you'll soon get visited by the three ghosts of christmas :P
Nothing beats reality!
Halloween melts over Chistmas right into Easter and Carnival...
Somewhere in between that 12.04...
christmas is the worst holi"day", though. sooo many people in the city.
christmas market already started here. :-o
few weeks ago we had sun and 25+°C :D
Beach time here too.
i'm getting old, i'm becoming one of those "time goes by so fast" sayers :D
This will become worse, promised!
More bad answers from the same user:
A: Upgrading xubuntu broke brazilian keyboard

pvjlieuthierMake the br keyboard layout default.

i got 36 downvotes left. come get some!
Lets see how far down it gets ;)
3548 up, 70 down - i need to work on that imbalance. ;-)
But you don't need to, do you?
that ratio leaves the impression that i'm a nice guy - I'M NOT! >:D
You could have always voted wrong answers up :P
@Takkat that would imply that he is incompatent
Which isn't the case, just not nice
Depends how obviously wrong the answers were (in fact he can't hide he is nice)
i'm a pro-actor :P
I'm really going to regret listening in on UDS sessions today
because I'm now running on next to no sleep
sleep is overrated.
right, but still so very useful
there's always: mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-p but "live" is cool :D
live is sort of required when you're trying to take part in the conversation
that failed right now due to the lack of people from the room in IRC :D
i should have doen ctrl+a → del in etherpad :P
What session is on now?
Hi guys, I just installed Microsoft Office 2007 ontop of playonlinux, but I can't type into any fields when I start the program. Any idea how to get this working?
@OctavianDamiean dunno, look at the schedule?
i'm at text free boot in bonaire8
starts at :15
o yeah! got rep on an answer of a dupe question! yeah!!! :D
what tool should I use to format my external hardrive? :D
I formatted it in windows but thought there must be a better way in linux.
@htorque For some reason I always read text-free book ... which obviously doesn't make any sense.
someone told me earlier but I forgot....
@OctavianDamiean playboy? :D ok, it has text. alibi-wise. so i've heard.
@Alvar gparted (gparted for EVERYTHING!)
hey guys, when I sudo apt-get remove evolution it gets removed but when I re-install evolution it maintains all my settings and account information. How can I remove all configurations and data/files/directories/etc.?
@htorque I guess it's kind of hard to order a pizza via gparted! so not everything?!
@sadmicrowave via the command purge
@sadmicrowave sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME
@Alvar it's not 'purge' ?
@sadmicrowave should be in ~/.config/evolution
I'll try to purge first
purge won't touch your HOME
@Takkat purge is the shit!
Can't touch this - nanana - can't touch this ...
haven't worked for my at anytime, but it might work ;)
@OctavianDamiean the cake is a lie
hammer time? i don't think so! :P
Oh fml! Juju Charm Growth and Ubuntu and Phones.
@Takkat so do I need to manually delete my ~/.config/evolution dir?
Bounty offered: Lost Evolution Inbox During 11.10 upgrade http://askubuntu.com/questions/74163/lost-evolution-inbox-during-11-10-upgrade #upgrade
@sadmicrowave I just tested it - it probably won't help - it's restored everytime you start Evolution
I'll go with Juju Charm Growth. I assume there will be way more visual coverage in the Ubuntu and Phones session.
so how do I get a 'fresh' install of evolution?
@sadmicrowave no idea really - I just purged it and removed the evolution folder in .config.
Still old settings there...
just hold on a minute - I am testings sth else.
there is also ~/.local/share/evolution and ~/.cache/evolution you may need to remove.
However when I do this it still has my IMAP account and loads it.
(from where I don't know - Evolution is somehow special)
@htorque stop();
@OctavianDamiean Charms Growth > Phones
made a ie killer page with a portal theme: The cake is a LIE (picture of cake) Part of javascript: onClick="lie()"
it creates unlimited amounts of tabs and kills the browser! :) ( while(1==1) )
Q: Large amount of incoming Mythbuntu Questions

Marco CeppiOver the next week we'll be importing a large amount of Mythbuntu questions form their FAQ. Due to this import we will have a lot of questions that require cleanup in both formatting and tagging. Also, some of the content was originally written for 9.10 - those running Mythbuntu, or willing to s...

I found the command for opening a new tab on microsfts website! :) ironic!
@MarcoCeppi so you need someone to purge the stuff ;P
@Alvar ohai
and by purge i mean flag as not worthy of askubuntu
@MarcoCeppi I think this should be a mod star
@Alvar i was reading a post...
and i noticed your comment
and it made me want to hit you
@TheEvilOne whooot where?
Q: Ubuntu friendly laptop equivalent to MacBook Pro

echo-flowI am in the market for a new high-end Ubuntu laptop, and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations. My requirements are: that it be crazy-fast (a quad-core i7 processor will do nicely) excellent battery life under real usage (over 7 hours) high-resolution screen (at least 1440x900) ...

well he wants the quality of a macbook pro and the stuff that's in it, why not buy it?!
thats not why i wanted to hit you
@TheEvilOne ?! then what?
"Part of the reason apples computers are so popular are that they are well built and have good components"
everything else is true and not an opinion...
that part
@TheEvilOne that's a fact...
you shall show me proof of this
@TheEvilOne why?!
because i've got an HP that has the same specs as a macbook
and has lasted over 10 months being ON 24/7 crunching numbers
@TheEvilOne what HP? and what macbook?
@TheEvilOne Did you have a macbook fail?
is it the old macbook white/black+
@Alvar for some reason i've elevated past wanting to hit you...
to wanting to throw sharp sticks at you >.>
@tgm4883 I'm hardcore anti-mac
@TheEvilOne this will be a fist fight! I will take you down!
pulls out a shotgun no, i think i will win ;p
@TheEvilOne a lot of stupid people are...
@Alvar are you calling me stupid?
if that's the case
i'll see you in Hell
@TheEvilOne I will own you in stile! I have a mac!
reports post
@TheEvilOne just saying...

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